The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1964, Image 1

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    Che Battalion JE
Volume 61
Number 23
Cotton King, Queen
To Reign Saturday
This local folk singing trio, the Trezettes, will perform at the Cotton Pageant.
Columbia Professor Speaks
To Engineering Department
A Columbia University profes
sor said it will become increasingly
difficult to continue to educate
leaders without discrimination in
view of the “tremendous popula
tion increase anticipated.”
Dr. Mario G. Salvadori, profes
sor of civil engineering and archi
tecture, said without discrimination
at the college level, the more capa
ble students will be burdened “with
a lot of useless materials.”
Gunfighter’ Singer
Set For Town Hall
Marty Robbins, the “Gunfighter
Balladeer,” will appear Friday at
8 p.m. in G. Rollie White Coliseum
as part of the regular Town Hall
Appearing with Robbins will be
Bobby Sikes, Don Winters and the
Robbins has produced seven rec
ords which sold more than a mil
lion copies each. Among these
hits are “A White Sport Coat,”
“El Paso,” “Don’t Worry,” “Big
Iron,” ‘Singing the Blues,” “Devil
Woman” and ‘Ruby Ann.”
In addition to these songs Rob
bins will present a selection of bal
lads, blues, country and western,
Hawaiian, Spanish and gospel num
Tickets for persons without activ
ity cards will be available in the
Memorial Student Center.
“Now a great problem also comes
in deciding what is university ma
terial,” the professor told the A&M
University engineering faculty
SALVADORI also said engineers
will be called on to serve in leader
ship roles for the technically
oriented society of the future.
But, he cautioned, “the greater
the number of students the less
evident is leadership.”
He said he favored more em
phasis on technical schools, al
though “I would hate to see anyone
denied the role of leaders.”
During a talk on the role of
technical education, he predicted
the population of the United States
will double in seven years.
THE SPEAKER said he escaped
from Italy “with $60 more than
20 years ago because I didn’t like
(Benito) Mussolini.”
Regarding the future classes,
Dr. Salvadori said the instruction
should be basic to provide a “cer
tain amount of usefulness.”
This would include a large
amount of mathematics,” he said,
“but the question is what kind of
mathematics. Perhaps we need to
teach them why math works the
way it does, provide a knowledge
of operational processes of math,
physics and chemistry.”
Wire Review
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The outlook
for General of the Army Douglas
MacArthur is “not good,” but
Army doctors still feel there is a
possibility he can recover from his
perhaps unprecedented series of or
deals, the commander of Walter
Reed Army hospital announced late
Replying to the question “Will
he recover?” Brig. Gen. Henry S.
Murphey said: “We hope so.”
★ ★ ★
WASHINGTON — President
Johnson will ask a $50-million
emergency earthquake appropria
tion and is creating a federal
Reconstruction and Development
Planning Commission for Alas
The White House announced
both decisions late Wednesday.
Johnson named Sen. Clinton P.
Faculty Members
To Meet In Dallas
Faculty members of the A&M
University Department of History
and Government will participate
Thursday through Friday in the
annual Southwestern Social Science
Association meeting in Dallas.
Dr. Stanley B. Botner will pre
sent a paper entitled “The Gover
nor as Legislator in Missouri.
Dr. W. E. Benton will partici
pate in a “Round Table Discussion
on Research in Texas Politics.”
Dr. J. M. Nance will chair a
session devoted to “American
Society Between the Two World
Anderson, D-N. M., to head the
Cabinet level body which will
recommend long-range plans to
restore the ruined Alaska econ
★ ★ ★
SEATTLE, Wash. — Five men
emerged happily Wednesday from
30 days of isolation in a sealed
chamber, where they proved life
can be supported at least a month
in space or on the moon.
Their water was reclaimed from
wastes after the first small supply
was used, food was dehydrated and
freeze-dried into small, light
weight packets, and the same air
was breathed over and over.
★ ★ ★
Mansfield of Montana, the major
ity leader, said Wednesday the
Senate may not vote on the civil
rights bill until fall.
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, D-
Minn., assistant majority lead
er, said it is conceivable a con
tinuing Southern filibuster a-
gainst the bill cannot be broken
for months, but said he is opti
mistic it can.
AUSTIN — The Texas High
way Commission tentatively ap
proved Wednesday the location of
a $33.4 million "freeway, Interstate
20, through the Fort Worth-Dallas
“The location was selected to
serve future traffic needs of the
metropolitan complex and to avoid
the possible overloading of exist
ing highway facilities,” the com
mission said.
He also said every student should
be taught to use the computer, “the
same as reading and writing.”
must compete on the “world stage.”
Salvadori mentioned specific pro
jects currently underway in the
United States where engineers and
architects from various countries
are working together.
“For the younger members of
any school, this challenge ought to
be fascinating,” Salvadori said.
The Columbia professor is on
the A&M campus for a three-day
conference on architectural com
munications, sponsored by the
School of Architecture.
The 30th annual Cotton
Pag-eant and Ball will be held
Saturday night on the A&M
University campus. The pag
eant will start at 7:30 in
Guion Hall, followed by the ball
at 9:30 in Sbisa Dining Hall.
The highlight of the evening will
be the naming of the 1964 Queen
of Cotton and her court of eight.
They will be selected from a field
of 150 young ladies. The contest
ants are entered by colleges, uni
versities, clubs and other organiza
tions. The selection will be made
by authorities in the fields of
fashion and art.
The 1964 King Cotton is Kindrid
P. Caskey of Weslaco. Caskey is a
senior majoring in plant and soil
sciences. He will be crowned by
State Senator George Moffett, a
1916 graduate of A&M, who is
known to the senate as “Mr. A&M.”
Ball is sponsored by the Student
Agronomy Society in honor of Tex
as’ number one cash crop. John
Gannaway of Haskell is president
of the society.
Reagan Brown has been named
master of ceremonies for the event.
Brown is a rural sociologist with
the Texas Agricultural Extension
Service. He made over 109 personal
appearances last year at various
banquets and civic club functions,
Gannaway said.
The entertainment for the event
will be two soloists and a trio.
The soloists are Mrs. Sally Wynn
and Mrs. Selma Clack, both of Bry
Mrs. Wynn sings popular songs
from musical comedies and has
appeared at many conferences and
ogy student at A&M, and is the
on television. She is a senior sociol--f
wife of John T. Wynn, assistant
MRS. CLACK is a folk singer
and accompanies herself on a bari
tone ukelele.
The trio, known as the Trezettes,
is composed of three young ladies
from A&M Consolidated High
School. The members are Miss Di
anna Weirus, 17; Miss Peggye
Breazeale, 17, and Miss Sherry
Holland, 18. They sing folk music
and play guitars. The three misses
have had television experience, and
have appeared in talent shows and
other programs throughout this
MSC Renovation
Nears Completion
Renovation of the Memorial Stu
dent Center nears completion, W.
B. Lancaster, MSC business man
ager and assistant director, re
ported Tuesday.
Repair work and repainting of
three large lounges and walkways
will be completed this week, Lan
caster said, and more than $25,000
worth of new furniture will be
moved into the student center later
this month.
The work is part of a project to
redecorate the center, which was
completed almost 14 years ago.
The MSC guest rooms and
recreational facilities were redeco
rated earlier, along with the ad
dition of new equipment, carpeting
and other furnishings.
Other revamping will be done in
the dining areas later this year,
Lancaster added, to offer more
efficient service.
Brazilian Civil War Rages
As President Is Overthrown
military leaders announced Wed
nesday the fall of leftist President
Joao Goulart before a massive anti
communist crusade to keep Brazil
from becoming another Cuba.
Goulart fled to Brasilia and an
aide said he would fight on with
army supporters and any volun
teers he can muster. Brasilia is
Teague Plays Host
To NASA Heads
In A&M Space Lab
Two NASA officials and two
Fort Hood officers toured the A&M
University space facilities Thurs
day with Olin E. Teague, Congress
man for the sixth district of Texas,
acting as host to the group.
The campus visitors were met
at Easterwood Airport by Teague
university officials, and Bryan and
College Station officials.
The day long
tour included ob
servation of the
activation analy
sis research labor
atory at the A&M
annex, and data
processing center,
and low tempera-
tuer laboratory in
the physics build
Those attend
ing the tour are
director of the Apollo Program at
NASA; George Low, department
director of the Manned Spacecraft
Center in Houston; Lt. Gen. Har
vey Fischer, commanding General
of the III corp at Fort Hood; and
Brigadere General R. H. Stafford,
assistant commander of the second
armored division at Fort Hood.
600 miles northwest of Rio de
THE REBEL chieftains immedi
ately ordered troops to move on
Brasilia to smash Goulart’s come
back threat.
One of Goulart’s first acts on
arriving in Brasilia was to sign
a decree nationalizing all gasoline
distributing firms. This evidently
was done to show that he consid
ered himself still president and in
full exercise of his authority.
Reports from Rio Grande do Sul,
Goulart’s home and headquarters
of the Third Army, indicated that
Goulart’s brother-in-law, Leonel
Brizola, had taken command of the
troops. The anti-Goulart governor,
lido Meneghetti, was said to have
There was no immediate esti
mate of the kind of fight that
Goulart could still put up.
HUGE VICTORY celebrations
had exploded in the streets of Rio,
and the big industrial metropolis
of Sao Paulo, on broadcast word
that the rebels had overthrown
Goulart in their proclaimed cru
sade to keep Brazil from becoming
another Cuba.
A War Ministry announcement
said Goulart had resigned and had
been replaced by Paschoal Ranieri
Mazzili, president of the Chamber
of Deputies and constitutionally in
line for the job.
The rebels claimed the Soviet
Dr. Joe Shea,
Today’s Thought
Sin has many tools, but a lie is the
handle which fits them all.
—Oliver Windell Holmes
Parcel Post Rate
Raised Wednesday
Postmaster Ernest Gregg an
nounced that the domestic parcel
post rate increase began Wednes
day. The new rates will aver
age about 13 percent higher
than the existing ones. Air par
cel post and international parcel
post rates are not affected.
The new rates, recently ap
proved by the Interstate Com
merce Commission, will provide
about $2.4 million in additional
revenue and will assist the Post
Office Department in its goal
of reducing the annual drain
on the Federal Treasury by $100
Union had suffered a debacle in
the Western Hemisphere.
on television in Brasilia and an
nounced that Goulart was there and
would resist the revolution with
elements of Brazil’s 3rd army.
When the climax came and he
fled Rio de Janeiro earlier in the
day two rebellious armies were
moving on Rio. At least eight
states were lined up against him.
Gov. Carlos Lacerda of Rio’s
state of Guanabara, a bitter foe
of Goulart and believed a master
mind of the revolt, declared in an
interview: “We conquered in this
immense territory of Brazil the
force of Russia, which suffers
thereby a defeat in the revolution
ary war.
First Woman
To Receive
MA Degree
A woman from halfway around
the world is the first of her sex to
complete the requirements for a
masters’ degree at A&M Universi
Mrs. Jamsheda Aslam of Kara
chi, Pakistan, has fulfilled all re
quirements for the Master of Arts
degree in English.
She will not be here in May
when the degree in conferred, as
the Aslam family will return to
West Pakistan early in April. Dr.
Mohammed Aslam, her husband,
was secretary to the Pakistani
government’s Cotton Committee
and is completing two years of
postdoctoral research at A&M.
MRS. ASLAM already has a
master’s degree from the Universi
ty of Punjab, but she decided while
in this country to take advantage
of the opportunity to learn some
thing of American literature.
She first took courses at Sam
Houston State Teachers College
but switched to A&M.
“It was good for me that A&M
started admitting coeds,” Mrs.
Aslam said.
“She’s an excellent student,” Dr.
C. D. Laverty, professor of Eng
lish and chairman of her graduate
committee, said. He described her
as hardworking, conscientious and
The final papers necessary for
her M.A. degree in English were
completed this week at the office
of Graduate Dean Wayne C. Hall.
She had passed a final oral exami
Mrs. Aslam said she “really en
joyed” her studies here and ap
preciated especially the opportuni
ty to learn something of American
literature “as back home we don’t
have studies in this literature.”
“I think that American writers
are more concerned about freedom
in every way. . .” she said.
FOR HER THESIS she studied
and wrote of “Hemingway’s At
titude Toward Women as Implied
in His Major Novels and Short
“There weren’t any essays or
books written about his women
characters, . . . although a great
deal has been written about his
heroes,” Mrs. Aslam said.
Hemingway is romantic but basi
cally cynical” in his treatment of
women characters, she decided.
Mrs. Aslam minored in education
in her studies at A&M.
English long has been a favorite
subject, although Mrs. Aslam
speaks Urdu as a native of West
Pakistan and also has learned
some Arabic and Persian.
Roundtable Set
By A&M Faculty
At Ramada Inn
A new social organization, Aca
demic Roundtable Associates, has
been formed by several faculty
members of A&M at the Ramada
The purpose of the Roundtable
will be to promote fellowship, pro
fessional, social and cultural under
standing and recreation among its
Dr. Ruble Langston, president of
the Board of Directors of the
organization, said that the idea
for such an organization resulted
from the need to entertain visitors
and staff from other colleges and
The Ramada Inn is leasing the
Roundtable Room facilities and
swimming pool privileges to the
non-profit organization which
hopes to play a unique role in
providing a satisfying and con
genial atmosphere to the people of
the area, according to a brochure
issued by the group.
The decor of the Roundtable
Room, which is on the second floor
of the Ramada Inn, is that of the
King Arthur era. Swords and
shields decorate the walls and the
large roundtable is similar to the
roundtable of the legendary King
Arthur and his knights.
A membership fee of $25 will be
charged each new member plus
monthly dues of $10. This will in
clude membership for each mem
ber’s immediate family and the
privilege of having guests at the
■ .. ' 1’ T
Air-Conditioned Dormitories
Construction of air-conditioned dorms for planned this summer. Students may begin
2,120 students is on schedule, and the major registering for the new rooms April 15, in
renovation of four older dormitories is the Housing Office.