The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 19, 1951, Image 2

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    Page 2
So He Says
0'Daniel For
feiday, October is, 1951 He Announces
Battalion Answers ‘Campus Revolt'—
Biased Anti-Demo Propaganda
Douglas Report
Battalion Editorialist
particularly because he slaps at Huie proceeds to inform us that the Soviet leanings of Roosevelt
FDR but because he is obvious- the majority of intelligent men in he gives the impression that the
US’s Stand
In World
TCU and Sportsmanship
good feeling between our two schools.
In a letter to Grady Smallwood, president of the Student
Senate, they have invited our representatives, the Student
Senators, to be their guests at the game.
ly so biased that he almost gives this country recognized the Soviet
The editorial by William Huie the impression that if he can’t regime’s nature as early as 1932
which will appear in The American find something bad to say about but fails to mention that there
Mercury has' many good points the individual, he won’t say any-
Of course FDR made mistakes.
Dallas, Oct. 19—(•#>)—All games
of chance were closed on the mid
way of the State Fair of Texas
yesterday. [
Meanwhile the fair celebrated b u t in inspecting the information thin
W/HILE WE have been in our little ivory towers trying to but the gambl f ng clamp down ap- not^^revamug^throughouT what How could he do anything else
” preach the good in sportsmanship; we were beat to the parently had no connection. could have been an informing and and still be human? But the worth
punch. TCU has made the first step in trying to boost the Wr lymniefout wo T rthwh ! ] 1 - e ai S cle - , °^ uch statements as “A"condition
|. 01 mer &en -' w • F 66 u L ' anl ®i > out In reading the article it almost of his marriage was that his wife s Vi
lum a way he thinks new^Demo- bo jj s down, with the exception of estate should bear half the ex- article is where Huie states, “We
^ a few paragraphs, to a very biased pense of the household—a condi- regard power as suspect and bu-
anti-Democratic piece of propa- tion which should interest the psy- reaucracy as evil. We believe that
ganda. chiatrist who considers either w hen free men neglect to police
The first paragraphs consist of Eleanor or Elliott.” and change their governments,
a nostalgic history of Huie’s days Such comments are faintly re- they soon lose the freedom to
as an undergraduate student at miniscent of the type information police and change. We are aware
were quite a few, both Democratic
and Republican, so called intelli
gent people who hopped on the
“What Wonderful People the Russ-
kys Are” bandwagon during the
last global conflict.
One of the brighter spots in the
AP News Analyst
The report of the Douglas Sen-
cratic party can be set up to beat
“Happy Harry.” O’Daniel said he
was willing to run for president.
The games- were closed by Dal
las police and county officers.
„.. . . ... i P The decision to close them was
This is not the only thing, as you will notice from the ma d e earlier in the diav bv the TC Tt • r vv “ .;r v< TmC“M 7/ *777 “V.Y •” c civvaic
J J cauiei. m ine ua,y uy uie tbe University of Alabama with that former editor of The Mercury, 0 f the dilemmas of our time; we
board, i hev de- more than a little petty mud sling- H. L Mencken, was prone to spew willing to compromise and, in
ing at FDR for. embellishment. forth. Perhaps those little pet- a few limited cases, to use govern-
This is the first instance, where ty comments have a place but only ment as a means to a desirable end.
you began to doubt the worth of if it is something other than muck- But our primary concern remains
letter in the adjoining column. They have gone to a great Fau 3 executive boaid. They de
. , „ , , . cided the games constituted gamb-
deal of trouble to look after our needs while m Fort Worth. i ng .
Closed were 44 concessions. A
Kisking personal mconvience they have invited our men to
., . m i * • i ii • -j. i 45th in which you throw baseballs
stay m their dormitories. The Aggies have also been invited to drop a Negro into a tank of
to their dances on Friday and Saturday night—and for those water was permitted to continue,
who would prefer night clubs they are working on a special bingo, age and weight guessers
some of the things he says. Not raking.
All of this adds up to traits of being a good host—or a
good sportsman. Now the ball is ours. We will have two days
to either make a goal or to make A&M look bad.
It is a time to thank TCU for their consideration. Thanks
from A&M.
and mouse-in-the-hole game.
O’Daniel told the WCTU. That
there was just one curse greater
than the curse of drink—“the New
Deal curse.” He added: in most
cases when a person gets drunk
they get over dt. On the company,
he said, when a person goes New
Deal they seldom if ever get over
Labor Violence Threatens
East, West Coast Docks
By Associated Press
Rumblings of possible labor vio
lence spread along waterfronts
in New York and along the West
Cpast Thursday.
Elsewhere on the labor front,
pickets appeared at plants of the
four major breweries in St. Louis
and a strike of CIO Electrical
Workers closed down the Erie Reg
ister Corp. plant in Erie, Pa.
The fourth straight day of a
union opposed dock strike in New fice workers.
York saw the stoppage leap-frog
to more docks in Brooklyn and
virtually halt operations in the
entire Hudson River waterfront
on Manhattan’s west side. Violence
The dispute, sparked by unrest
over a newly ratified contract,
crippled defense and commercial
shipping alike.
Frisco Waterfront Threat
of the Hyde Park Brewers Asso- A dispute which a company
ciation, the Griesedieck Brothers spokesman said stemmed from
Brewery Co., and three plants of work standards closed down the
Ford assembly plant in Kansas
City and some 1,200 employes
the Falstaff Brewing Corp.
Brewry Halts Production
A dispute invovling CIO unions
halted all production Wednesday
at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery
in St. Louis, idling 6,000 workers.
An AFL union spokesman said
earlier the Teamsters Union is
seeking to organize non-union of-
In the Erie Register strike, the
CIO International Union of Electri
cal Workers accused the company
of “hedging tactics” in negotiat
ing a contract.
In Detroit, 200 idle CIO 1 workers
at the Hammond Standish Co.,
packing plant, agreed to return to
work for two weeks without pay
so the firm could get back on its
feet financially. The plant shut
down Aug. 14, blaming govern-
The San Francisco waterfront ment controls. Company officials
was threatened with its biggest
battle since the bloody dock strike
of 1934.
New York’s Joseph P. Ryan,
president of the AFL Internation
al Longshoremen’s Association
(ILA) has announced the open
ing of a drive to wrest control
of the Pacific Coast stevedores
from Harry L. Bridges, head of
the International Longshoremen’s
and Warehousemen’s Union.
Pickets affiliated with the Ware
house and Distribution Workers
Local 688 of the AFL Teamsters
Union in St. Louis picketed plants
also agreed to work without pay.
withdrew. The spokesman said the
original dispute involved six opera
Striking CIO' United Auto Work
ers voted to return at Wright Aero
nautical Corp. Plants in Wood
ridge and Garfield, N. J., on a “re
cess basis.”
Some 10,000 workers are affect
ed. The 23 day strike idled pro
duction on jet engines and spare
A union spokesman said the re
turn to work was a recess in the
strike pending further negotiations
oyer wages.
And at Indiana Harbor, Ind.,
18,000 workers of the Inland Steel
Company have been idled with the
walkout of 96 men. The strike
started Monday over a dispute in
incentive pay rates on a new line
put into operation six months ago.
our traditional freedom, and we
prefer to err on the side of the
individual responsibility which
freedom demands.”
A major portion of the article
is devoted to saying that Ache-
son is a modern Benedict Arnold.
Huie tells of Acheson’s pre-White
House days when he was, as Huie
says, “Supporting Roosevelt in the
hope of seducing young men with
a spurious “security” and deliv
ering them to a chain gang.”
Throughout the editorial there
only reason that, as he says, Ache-
son and Hiss were able to per
suade Roosevelt to “deliver Eu-
raria” to Stalin was Roosevelt ^
was aging and tiring. The two con- a ^ e Committee on ethics and moral
cepts don’t seem to follow each standards m government brings m-
0 j- ber to focus a situation affecting not
In the last paragraphs of the ed- on '/ a , domestic operation, but the
itorial, we again come upon a na 4 ian s entire standing m the
bright spot when Huie calls for w< 7, . . , . , ,, ,
Americans to once again become . Washington is constantly appeal,
indididuals with the guts to fight ! n S country for unity in lac,
for what they want rather than problems. Yet by their ac
he wards of the government. J lon ? 9 u ^j lc 7 ia s a T e . co ? s .^ ant ^
With the good information that tearing down the pobhc faith on
is placed in spots throughout the which unity must be based,
editorial, it is too bad that Huie President Truman twice this
had to engage in the type of at- week has taken issue with the cri-
tack that characterizes such peo- tics. In his Wake Forest College
pie as Bilbo, Rankin, and Robert address he inveighed against those
McCormick. It seems to be little who say “that there is no honor
more, for that reason, than a piece or loyalty left in the land.”
of political propaganda which Nevertheless, callous political
gives you some palatable and ac- trickery for personal profit, and
ceptable truths in an effort to get sometimes worse, has been brought
you to swallow, unthinkingly, the to light in practically every de
swill along with it. partment of the government, fed-
Huie is right in that it is time era! and local,
for a revolt on the political scene, The Douglas Committee pointed
but the revolt should be one out that the public and Congress
against not only machine politics condones this and the business men
but yellow-dog Democratism and who get involved with public fig-
Republicanism. ures in such deals are just as
It is time the American people much to blame,
started voting for and electing Religious and civic leaders have
been just as alarmed about per-
individuals and not parties re
gardless of whether the parties are sonal morality. The Jessee Jones
are several inconsistancies which Texas Regulars, Democrats, Re- and Forrestal diaries bear testi-
are apparent. One of the more publicans, States-Righters, or the mony to political shenanigans in
glaring is when after talking of WCTU. deciding the gravest affairs.
Truman For Proxy?
Maybe Yes, Maybe No
Everywhere you go you'll see more and more Dr. Pepper vendors
these days. There, waiting for you is a real “lift for life"—a stimulat
ing, thirst-quenching Dr. Pepper to give you both pep and pleasure
faster! Frosty cold, sparkling, delicious... Dr. Pepper "lifts" your
energy within 2 to 8 minutes. Peps you up when you’re low. No
wonder everyone loves it. Look for Dr. Pepper and this handsome
green vendor when you want a real lift for life!
Internal Revenue Agents
Caught Not Paying Taxes
Suez Canal
Washington, Oct. 19—(A 3 )—One
internal revenue agent was sus
pended last night for refusing to
tell about his Jour bank accounts,
while another affluent tax man
blithly explained he had hit the
daily double twice.
The suspended man is Mordecai
Miller, New York agent, who was
and $600 TV set because he hit
the daily double at Belmont Park
for $6,616 in 1950 and 1951.
He also volunteered the infor
mation that he failed to report
about $2,000 in horse race winnings
on his income tax returns between
1946 and 1949 because he was
afraid it would “jeopardize my
Washington, Oct. 19—(A 5 )—Pres
ident Truman said today his de
cision whether to seek, reflection
will be made public when he deems
it politically expedient. He indi
cated this would not be before
In a fast and good-natured ex
change. with reporters at a news
conference, Mr. Truman reiterat
ed he had made up his mind but
he would, choose his own time to
announce his intentions.
Discussing other
President said:
matters, the
accused by one witness of asking pension.”
money to settle the witness’s tax It was a full day of develop-
troubles. ments for the committee, prob-
Internal Revenue Commissioner ing deeper into the activities of
John B. Dunlap cracked down on federal tax collectors in Boston
Miller after he balked at answer- and New York,
ing questions before a House Ways A Massachusetts lawyer testi-
-and Means subcommittee investi- f iec } that Denis Delaney, while col-
gating widespread scandals in the i ector 0 f internal revenue at Bos-
tax-gathering service. _ ton, picked up $3,000 on the side
Dunlap said he had promised the hy making introductions to influ-
bodies of two Eg’ypticin soldiers House group the full cooperation of gntiul people in Washington,
were found early today on the his bureau and “I intend to see
Suex-Ismailia highway, 10 miles that this promise is fulfilled.”
south of Ismailia. A British Army Another New York agent, Ralph
spokesman said no incident had P. Demayo, told the investigators
been reported Thursday night or he was able to buy a $3,000 car
Friday in the area where the bod-
(Continued from Page 1)
on, apparently with an automatic
wespon, between Ismailia and Tel-
El-Kebir. No damage was report
Egyptian authorities in Ismailia
announced that the bullet-riddled
• He is concerned over the fate
of the tax increase bill and hopes
Congress will pass an adequate
measure because it has a, tremend
ous effect on the budget.
• A statement made by Gen.
Douglas MacArthur yesterday in
Miami was not based on fact and
the general knew it. MacArthur
had had a “secret plan” to permit
Formosa to fall to the Chinese
Reds and give Red China a seat in
the United Nations. The general
said he had “wrecked” this plan.
He had no comment today on the
President’s rejoinder.
® He (the President) is stand
ing by his statement that a Rus
sian agreenient is not worth the
paper it is written on. A previous
remark to that effect had been
cited by Soviet Foreign Minister
Vishinsky in an effort to show
the United States is not really
seeking peace.
® He did not want William M.
Boyle Jr. to quit and no matter
what is being said about Boyle it
is his health that caused him to
resign as chairman of the Demo
cratic National Committee. Asked
if Gov. Sidney McMath of Arkan
sas was under consideration for
Boyle’s job, the Px-esident said he
said some leaders in this country had not had time to think about
a successor’.
ies were found.
In Alexandria 16 demonstrators
were wounded in the legs when po
lice fired to break up a student
Britain barred Egyptian troops
from the Suez Canal area yester-
advance notice. A spokesman said
Curry Chosen President
Of Bell County Club
Another witness refused to talk.
Daniel Friedman, a New York in
surance agent accused of splitting
fees with Delaney, pleaded any
thing he said might tend to in
criminate him.
Notes From
Grad School
The first thing determined about
Bob Curry, senior from Belton,
was elected president of the Bell
County A&M Club at a meeting
Wednesday night in the MSC.
Other officers elected were:
Newcomers Club
Party Successful
® That he is against sin too.
This, was his tart rejoinder to an
outline of 1952 issues given by Sen.
Taft when the Ohioan threw his
hat into the ring for the GOP
presidential nomination last Tues
day. Taft had said the main issues
would be greater freedom as op
posed to increases in federal pow-
a graduate student’s application er and spending, honesty and in-
and his undergraduate college rec- tegrity in government, and “mis-
ord is that he has a Bachelor’s de- takes” of judgment by the admin-
gree from a standard institution istration in conducting foreign
arid was in good standing there. If policy,
the record shows he was dismissed
the action was necessary because James Matush, Temple, vice pres-
Egypt has an arms division in the jdent; John McCoy, Temple, sec
Sinai Peninsula, East of the Canal.
(In London Britain tartly warn
ed Egypt she would hold the Cairo
government responsible for riot
damage to British property in the
Suez Canal and elsewhere in
from and previous school, that
school must assure us that his
record has been cleared arid, he
would be recommended by them
for continued training.
The application for admission
must be accompanied by complete
transcripts of each school the in-
ple, sergeant at arms and George Van Tassel, Canasta; and Alyce dividual has attended. Students
TTnnvov TomrUn rcirKnrnonfur’iyn Palmer and Dot Eldvirlfre. first, and Horn schools other than A&M lUUot
Good Night, Sweet Prince
High score winners at the New
comers Club bridge and canasta
retary; Granville Edwards, Rog-Tparty yesterday in the YMCA
ers, treasurer; Mike Moore, Tern- South Solarium were Mrs. Paul
By A1 Capp
Thursday of each month.
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
"Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman"
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all
news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news
of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter
herein are also reserved.
Joel Austin Managing Editor
Bill Streich News Editor
Frank Davis City Editor
Allen Pengelly Assistant News Editor
Bob Selleck Sports News Editor
William Dickens Feature Editor
T. H. Baker, E. R. Briggs, A1 Bruton, Norman Campbell,
Mickey Cannon. Monte Curry, Dan Dawson, Bob Fagley,
Benny Holub, Howard Hough, Jon Kinslow, Bryan Spencer,
Ide Trotter, John Robards, Carol Vance, Edgar Watkins,
Berthold Weller, Jerry Wizig, Raymond York News and Feature Writers
Bob Cullen, Jack Brandt Cartoonists
Frank Scott Quarterback Club Director
Jim Jenson Photographer
Pat LeBlanc, Hugh Phillips, F. T. Scott, Chuck Neighbors,
Gus Becker, Joe Blanchette, Ed Holder.... Sports News Writers
John Lancaster ‘.Chief Photo Engraver
Hoover, Temple, parliamentarian. Palmer and Dot Eldridge, first and , . , -
Club members voted to hold second high bridge scorers. present two such transcripts from
meetings the second and fourth Audrey Watson, hostess, poured eac ^ scho01 - 0. ae , oi: becomes
- - - " - coffee, and was assisted in enter- a pu-manent file m the Registrar s
taining by Ruth Davis, Inez Hall % [tlc F The other remains m the
and Juanita Thompson. The coffee Graduate School olfree.
was served with little cakes at a These transcripts are used to
table decorated with orange and compute to student’s grade point
black appointments in a Halloween ratio.
motif. The student’s major department
A business meeting before the is then asked to calculate his grade
game hour was presided over by point average in his major field
the club president, Louise Rotsch.
She announced that the member
ship drive will be continued
through Oct. 27, since many new
comers to the A&M campus still
wish to join.
Newcomers may contact Mrs.
Rotsch, Mrs. J. B. Page, or Mrs.
Wm. H. LeRoy, to pay dues and
have their names included in the
club year book. The roster is now
being compiled by Mrs. Page, for
the annual.
Announcement was made con
cerning the evening party for New
comers, their husbands and guests,
at the MSC, Nov. 7. The Singing
Cadets will present a program be
fore the social hour.
and the directly supporting fields.
In the case of students from
other institutions-or students , who
seek to change their major, the
applications and transcripts are
then sent to the Dean of the ap
propriate undergraduate school. In
that office the student’s courses
are checked against the curriculum
required here for an undergraduate
degree in the field the student now
wishes to major in at the graduate
level. Courses required in the un
dergraduate program here not
showing on the transcript present
ed are listed as annapent defficien-
Russel Hagens . Advertising Manager be made by Nov/5, by calling any
Robert Haynle. Advertising Representative of the club officers.
It is then possible to tell the
Reservations for the party must student about how much under
graduate prerequisite work he will
be expected to trike.