The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 13, 1950, Image 1

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Four TimmMt+klj
Thrmirhout th» Hammer
•»* ■ -
Nation's Top
Ssfrty Sootlon
i's 1949 ( oatrot
I TXT At* count
■ i I w
Number 23 Volume 50
Prkt: Flee Ct»
Weatherman Fails IE
To Hall CS Picnic
T • t«"»— f-r
L Li v >4; *■• 1 p,
* * •• ' V.
0,< L!? s t.t W ~? ,rr •» n< '
—PMWWW f>»r4>y •ml 4 a vieUtrv uv»-r the Tl
•pptoitmateiy I M p. m.
k<*tMtu uf tKc tii^W
• .
* i* #
i ™■ - m - -- — l vtrUrv tworr the Tijm in nine
wkM m«e.t Un»l nt.^nb <> .mfh. pt,,. l„ U* *!*♦
i wy #1 :imH bud the i*. rates da^tied tbe
nontlie-r at li-a«t. tu pu. .(.lunta, » 4, and Ula VapktM stne^d
• damper <m Jir » ptanaad, a |.t«* nUtv to .-df. Uw- Cdka. l»-»l.
fct ‘ 1 O. Patraaatta 8M
kit true to faahian. U»# Tha psupnim put warm«d up
ralltH ti ^thoi an<l «v»r Mto of a4*»gt tl ua Katrandia S|al* at tka
thaw umiad <mt to ftartirtpata in
th«* fi»ui tint uno half hi*ur pr*>
fiam nriio*iula*l i.y thr ( l.lle•|r^• Hta
tnm Rwn atiart Counaii ptetua iimi-
Tho maft'a a<ifU*all wars-
not avtn hamfiaroil hy the- noon
'hh«or« llio inan of the su tt*trn
*<>fth«H liair'M* tiattle<{ it out «*ft
On Vital Korean River
By Aaaaaialad Prana
I ariama th« vita! Kuin. bat natural ( army forraa in Karea Tka lattrr
A4M < onadi.latMl HcHool aa Aataa
•orr paaaaef mt by Dan Lfcvia and
tna aeunatant Jo* (ampiall
Virfed «ka ahtnat "oM man” on
abaala for the nidit «m* W T.
Ha va. Haya. shop fora man fur tha
AAM Preaa, a as top controller for
the honors of the nipht bmauat
of his nitnbWm***. i}UM-ltne** ami
the diamond Bcnmi* ftom -^t TVr the earn- which he plideMt aeroM the
ma* K»»i -< «pal Chunh with the 9* ment abb (on the stiata* and alao
firat pitchea rnwatntr the plate at > ohile taluop oreasional fallal.
Hia reward for tha atcvnaHoh-
meeit **• a i*ott4r of 11namedt and
a bo* -d candy
McCarthy Hits
In New Charge
Wanhington. July 13 —
SiMtutor McCprthy iK IAim pathorod around Ika ponrtote iaurt
Part of the traiainp offered fireraen allandini
Ihe IIat txHual Pireasen's Trainiaif Srimol on
the eaaapua thta week ta rontrdHnp a aaaoHne
»p«(1 Hre Tab tap their tara pi aahdulM the
raanar flame are. left la ripht. H. J. MirnfVa «f
Needs Hie; C\ J, Style* and T. A. Barber hath af
1 aanpaat Skater
Winner of th* ' you ripest peraon
on shatea' at tfce prente w«« little
thraw-year-old Imrelle Bn>*n She bats, A lltast*if*ia I* it*wt
•a the .Uaphter of Mr. ami Mr* ■ Irll
Rnlney O Brown of SW4 Koater
St neat Her re%ard am* also a in**
of randy.
At 0 to the featnr* event *»f the
eveoinp war in onhsr, aa everyone
Te«as ('My; and C. C <>arcia af San IHepo.
Nobe I71> firemen and inatmrtnrs from eight
•tale* amd the Pbtriet af (afekhia are altenbap
Ihe aahaal aponaared hv (he Indwatnal Katen
»i«a Nershre
T a , . m , | harrier in South Korea Alitod command waa ahdltahad /
T oky . tl, .^*i y \* W T 7 * Unk warplane* pouadad tianaport and Wifiigr rommaaded the
isolated l S do^hhoya dup in to- ,aou» north of the nrer anaaaad ^Ohoot Oadpa" af
day on the Bum Ifiaer*. math hank thnMl|r ho* the da> (borg* Patt.m a Third A.
for a new defenaa ngaadlt North General MacArthur announced Europe He waa cited by
Korea* Rod horde. TV> ^*da ^ pppufftUnent last mtfhipht af and praiaed by the V. 8 war
iT" rriV** W,lk * r ,k ** f of ^ Army ijpBrtgWt (now the IbjmrtlMnl of
/ W u.’ t ** k Dfhter „ Jap.,, conwaandei of pround the Army) for hia eoordinaUffc af
1L foiroa in Koran infantry and anaared —
quiet Tha Fight- Army ha* art up att Walker made a :
lornane advancod command p«mt in Korea Koie^ fiphUng Sniurday.
a " d Uk "! OV " ^ » “< V S MacArthur'd,d^notm» ,fwS?r V]
Gall National Guard*
Asks Texas Senator
ytwterday pnalurtti paiiers
which Hhowrtl hr sakf that
govwmnicnt were ntrip-
)»ed in l ft If * of ml material defn-
ratuf\ to Stole Ihpnrtnvnt cm
Mc< nr thy iDait
file hIri|.|mu' ir
to Presiii* ni Tianian
With llie Icttci h«- sent four Sev»-r»l vcicra’i
rtalem. -4 who ) he «m»l 1ia<| liecn kaiol t*
t am* ( wrrrsauwdent
if ua rler master
What -toe* moonlight
AtlantH’ < Wan, I'eautHul
to spread their iuncheu and eat
the awaited picnic sup|«#tH
( old drinks s. rr s*4d at five rent*
each while an ample supply of
cold water Wa» posaed out free of
The activities for the evpnlfig
the • h.itu'i of pot underway apain when les*
ix pice letter Thompson calle,! his firkllers (on
feconlI for square danamp rml«ic.
allert were on
•ffbr instruction* f>*r the >rh | muaK add up to
**fi*ed hy men h|....i to throw awsr -Teva* Star" -San Antonio H..*e“
all discredititur ihs-uments and other popular lanceu
The 1*4let t.i \1( liuman and h.ddie, t .mSeausI
fihot^rapm. .iqm - of th. «iate n tames l sNiaaua
menu We»w math puMir at a neW*
nwjerener younpsters a ho made their way for’,u)ut 24
Mi« arthy told reportrs ihnt the into the pymnaaium t» see several
alleped filc-strippmp was -lone eomedic* and cartoons shown hv
shortly la-fore President Trumati'n Othel ( hafir*
biyalty prupram *tartf.) m |pi7, < urfes hour came at 10 as Burst
“Why would th* State Iw-oort of the crowd wa* finishing thew
mpht find it nec-eaaary to stnp the "nii-bU|*p' on the leftovers from
file* uale»s th« inf-usnwtjo**. when th* met in supper
placed hef ."e Uwral'x Inwids s.mld TV airnic committee has already
whedufed th«- third and laat sum
« - i outinp for Thujadajr, August
Virginia Peach Plays Host
To Touring Quartermaster
Virginia Hear h
Thi* lathe place where 375 (Juar
termaatcr ROT( cadets wes-ken«led
....... . over the July 4 holiday* Out of
Not tir V forgrdten were th* th| , AaM cuM « TO unt
I respite all the gripes aUrut the
Anny, the local populu- was more
than kind lh> aitivated Camp Pen
'i«Ve c iiuaed th- removal of th«s
ndixnluaU *” He a.kwd Mr Tru-
"The Stivprin^ wa* successful to
'he evtent that this natiton w:t*
And ie V np b«trw>td”
1 hdn M Carthy caul
'Somes.oe ir the Slat-- I>e|iart-
-lea* orticml the file* »tn|fpe-!
Mho wa* he* He must he found.
Mr Prearlent ” (
turn o
Southern Deni s ajr
Stick Together
dWtoii wa* Iipene*! f.rf the men that none of Uir men will rule with
Food wa* furnished am tradapor him so they *ay
tation wa* availahle for all men Some of Ihp hiphhghta of the
who wanted to go past week,in addition to weekend
But Virginia Bee-h wa* not the .activities, igclhded a tour of the
only place the Aggies went over Richmond Quartermaster Depot
Ihe holidays B-4s, Jagka. Kapen. Hare the n|p|| saw the machines
Jack el, ( T Neal and a few others they studied in book* operate
took off for the capital ami took and get a healthy respect for
a four -lay vacation iti the law the emamutf af the operation
making center Back -tappub ouraelves a IH-
Kvew f New Ku*i.*d ! W # , *“ tl, ^r f !r ^ * T*
Battalion* *»Hei they come in the
Frank Simmen, Millard Rchu- mail, juat a* though they were
hard. K-diert Schubert Jack Ba-k hewela. And kfler looking them
er aad a few other* tm-k * short over for a while, they take them
tunr of the New England “col to some of their frmnds from
ami centered then atten other colleges and say, “N’alr this
on Mew York Tuy Fma* the Is a real - Maapagag.”
they tell, the "boy* ftmm The 4er-#« got ftseir first taate
Teaa* made h hit in the Vg, ritv of the M l last week and as an
The front was relativelj
Presumably the North
were regrouping for an
would return to Korea
<J#n J Mahon Colli)
( hief of Staff, ami Gen
denherg. Air Fore# Chigf
conferred here With Ma-Arthur
and. presumably svith M»iker. V
Adm Arthur W. Batlford. Coat*
mantler m t’hief far the Navy in
the Pacific, waa fifing from Peart
Washington July 18 • tdh—8aa- lougress reflected p rowing mace in Harbor to Tokyo ts» confer wiAh V
•tor Lyndon Johaaon demanded in lover the situation in Korea and MacArthur . * / \
the Senate yesterday that all Na what it may mean for the future ; MacArthur’* communique said
tional Gaardamsa and paid miti . .... the llth and Ffflh Morth Korean
tary reserves be calhid up immed-1 . divialon* have started a drive jfca/
lately to provide R32.0(to more men Senator MrCarran (D-Nev) de- the southwest “in • wide enveloge-
Thr Trias Democrat, who is • manded that the l'ait««i State* itn-1 ment heading far Ha me hang." 48
member of the Senate Armed Rer mediately brsmk -iff diplomatic re miles northeast of Taejon and on
vice# Committee, alao urged Con- lation* with Russia and Her aatei* 1 a tine that would take them p> the
press to enact emergency legists- htes Thi* would not he a step Ihisan-Taejon railroad if they wef*
tion *uthoming President Tru- toward uamld war, he sanl, hut -uccewsful.
man to invoke full industrial mob would l»e a mow "to quarantine . m __ .
dilation thoee who *re courting war.” 8 •
^ Declaring theae are among “min-j In • aensle speec h, McCsrranf Aaaariatad Prsa* ---rrespondent
imum” »tep* viUl to l’ S de .ailed the S<»viet J»hs regimes “aa Tf, "« I*mbert reported from the
fenae, Johnson told the senate unholy t>apd of ma-l maurauder* " j that the drive began- when
, , j On the niher ode of the Capitol, ^ ^ the Han Rhmr gt
U. K " tK * V""* the House warmly applauded a Bbnmt * ■ 4W “
Sutes been in **ch grave peril fc y R Bentwn (D-Teil [f**— HurngK a«d pant
that President Truman warn the I*' 0 " w ’ th * ,,,n ”7 *o«t k
as H is at this moment
Legislators in both House* of Com mum* invaders either to with-
draw fr->ia South Korea or sUonic
homh* would he diop;ied on North
Korean rifles. *
Bentsen, * World w*r II vete
ran, said he offered the proposal
a- a move to end the Korean fight
ing and pn-vent a new world war
“Another Bataan”
Ih* iantig that the Korean situs-
Berlin Reports
New Shippings
Berlin, July 12- (AFi-
Heportji multiptidd in Berlin
today that* detach menu of ’J*" ro !i l l ' irv,,rtp ' nl *
Vumt r _i;_. . Bataan Bentsen told the House
Eaat (^rman pol»^ trooper. ^ ^ wr r . n
m new field gray uniform* are u , thil war now «
bring shipped to myatertous des- Senator Johnson said American*
MRlttuaa. - j t fighting |n Koran are serious) v
A seswer Urnted SUIee usteBi- -ml nun-bared and tOese arilstai >
genre officer saW he wa* incflh- ! equipment is inadequate and not
ed to apree with one theory, that the right kind The fighting ha*
Hr, Innaict'r To kill FEW
Speaks to Uas*s
Bu, with the weekend* ov*. the over..! rule, they out-shot most 7 theTnYts aw ^ng sen. Z ^ ~
Zrt'Zi^fZZlZ"!*: ^ nn “ f,rt,,r ( * f Cvramay their mission t,, 1 “TongX* did I
the foretTound A Tt H O^Iuhi Pit. ' ~ [CUTVI sJTT ^ TSi**** h ?*? the R.ri armor which h
Tw.. umi. i.. aa. *j . I ,n •outheast Europe such a* the with one arm tied Vhiml their i ,w^
13 -
I for
This little, mild-sounding place In a«lditio* W> the M I encounter
is where Quartermaster me* will the (odet* h*j to take a tum
Yugoslav loirder
back * yet that is wrhat is hap-
iion of
«d the HtnaaU-n hotly <lia|-ute«l propoasl to set up
ff*N. j* Pair Em(i!-iymetit Practices ('mu*
«t*r matenal Then they will with gravel
the 1 ram-upage and operate the units
Traslmg ( adets
KftSS Washington July
(API— The Senate
Incendiary and arson loMew can FEp(’ yeaterday.
McCarthy mso t.-e«l <>ff on Sen- -hr minimised with the reopwration | _ __ .. '
a*or Tyd-ng* (|i-M ii, who head* ^ f ,r * invvstigatoi* and insurance i Pfuapect remamti
-he committee investigating Mr- adjusters ac-«>idi:ip to Alrui Graei revival this M
CarihvV -he-ge* that Commaniats chief investigator
an- in (he N»a»e Department Fire Marsha!’-- Of
I a*! w.-i*k Mc< aithy «aid Ty-l- Greer spokv yesterday to s large mission u. pswwnt nw i*l or reli-
mg» ma le s "studious’y false as- f U*» ri five msishals attending giou# diarr-mination in th* hiring.
-ertton" whrr h« said the KH| had th*- 21*t Annual Firemeh’s Tram- firing and advancement of workers
• \amine<i State liettattmrnt fBea mg >ch-iol on the - ampua Twwnty seven Ih-mociats most
* -* f mini 1 hi--n compete and in- "Theie is s motj'e -wlyud every of them from the south, and *u
U-t Ca»e of arson and this mwtIUe mu«t Kepublican* delivered the death
" k'hM i* n->t the truth," Met ar- be a*«-ertain«>il before ao anvestigs- blow
thy said "Mr 1-lying* must al#-- ti-.n can i-e made " Greet told the Together, their Tl votes repre
ha ve known It” group ' ErwnomK gain, peison-l tentvd more than -ore-third of the m ^ mr
M-< nrihy ir-lule-l a -<>p> of a *at.-faction, and ronce^liavnt fur total membership of (to senator*. I || Vaack Ik it I I w- It |p|H
b-t'er, ilatetl July Hi, Hh'dl. frpm ether ctimi-Ai acts am rummon ami under the enrumatance* this kJvC ■\vllv 1 aVltl
The Ameruan-trained South Ko- k
rean Kighth Division wka driven
-mt of Tanyang, Mb. Artihur said,
and ->thgr S-mth Korean troopa
'were pusbed (mck to a poaiGaii
about ten miles southeast of
Chungju "
Iamhert plarad the active Rad |
front on a M* mil# arc from < hoehi-
won, 20 milea north of Taejoa,
northward and nastwani of Tan-
He said Red pressure toward the
east doe* not endanger Americana
at the moment
"But a rapid Red drive south
from the ( hochiama-Tanyang air
coaid them agala." Lam
l-eri wnipc ' “Militarv maps ahow
there arc fair fold* sonth from
a--- ommodate
ha* tpear-
I heade«i -m <s-s*fully the Comnw*
nist drive soiithwanl of about IBB,
sectors in thi* two-
week-dd war '
spend two week* doing prortiral the “pits” ftynging UrgeU and rty^^however 'tk^T^the^itoU^are U,W »K^N S ^ n * t ^ ^ ,n '° ,m '
ditn-n* Her# the men will tahe -»ut Ia>uis Corrlef kroi 1 oaing his most -ri^. o» r i 11 ,
l c , i r , i , I m- nerlm snti • emmunist rres* rerominerttletT
bakery unit*, laundry amts, repair eloquent lungupge for themen who - ^ , . "
. i .a ‘ * , , , TT, , .. ,T "** oe*-n reiKirting recently that t As tie- - s-ar\ -in-tat--* the
uait*. and other common Quarter- aimed low bril -prayed the pit* i- , _ •. / , j J ,, 7 .. ; . ,
.a. -a-. i -rw... _;ti _..v i Herman police would be u*«d dering of all unpaid reservist* to p Une* hit Red columns in “Qi-
heing ac'ive diijlv thus a.ldinp an estt-1 f .tr,•ilgth’ , MesInemhQJa
i Korea. ( mated l, In,000 men Far Eastern air farces caiagMMBWl
M’arplsnen Hit Reds
Ainej u an and Australian aar
in "irtr'rnationsl hrigad*-*
Cadets will be m full <>|>eratlol-
of all vehicles Sherman Hiftik, *
curly haired la-1 front Hogaton.
wa- one of the men choaen a* a
jevp driver The
Hi. Ihdi Berrr made for mterwntmn in
oaite a hit f#r himwlf while on . n j.. . r,_i-A: .i. - v - . - - — — -r-w—
th- heach He pen. on . party with stwd.M^ ..d Zk^ lb « v J u ^ , r " ,y * n ! Th " ** ^
• * . . Staotolatt said tank, artHb-nr, rad* r -ree and Marine to organise all an< j damag-ri three other*
cou Pi
lo be eiart there
President and Dean
wa* only -sna couple and three
-tag* B--rry ladled out hi* guitar
md <tart«<l (u blay a few number*
only trouble is Thi* wa- at * p m
A few mittMlk* later people start-
ed to *t«»p agd listen After a while
J Mear Ho«>ver. head of the FBI.
In ihi^ ^tper Hooxcr »aid in part
"Thd h (-ihrnl Ruieai of Investi
gation ha- maria no -uch evamiaa*
tiion ami the ref mw i* Sot in a posi
tion to make any statement can-
r rniag the complete ness >r mcpm-
plet-neas of the Rtate Department with butane and gasoline
motives f.»r committing Arao) ,” he was an absolute Mock against con-
«* 'l slderation of the
(to wbcdule for the vtmtiag fire- arivm-aQ* would have had to tally
cu n last night was a areai-m ill- 1.4 vote* two thinis af the entire , k *«’ rt hy
••tratmp mettouls of handling fire membership - to win. They pot
situation* Held in Collgga View. mUy 55 snd thus fell nine short
four oil pit* werv burned, along The result wa* discontinued
rabbet nma, and wooden ■Bari
mrses ** •*■ <a 1110v k sen ,
bill The KEPC |> D* M T Harnngtmi president
have bad tu tally 1 ’hr college and Walter Pep-
lean of men. Will leave at
4 p m today for .'4an Aitom-
where they will visit the Kelly Air
Force Base at the invitatidin of
the ba*e 1 cpn-msn-ling officer
TSr same opportua ity i» be
lieved to have been eslended other
cellepe official* who have «tq«kcnt»
enn»lle«l in th«- ROTC camp there
this summer
Dr Hamnirtor «*id that hg wa-
gla-l the opportunity U- visit the
Air Force Camp hsd Men attend
ed sad hg ws* sniious to *qc the
training ted instructioq the gadet*
are re«eivint
He and Dean Penberthy w|H re
turn Sstgrday morning.
Th*- Alh«-d fighters and bombers
have pretty well choked up the
loads l-ehind Red line* with the
-leliris of Red tank* and ofher te- .
A senior officer at advanced
American hemiquarters said
going to he a joh for the Red* to
clear their way through it"
But front line doughboys knew
nainfully that Red tank* and In*
handler! themselves
week* in advance Democratic
leader Luca* who called for ihe
vote, had not shown any hope at
all of winning It was the admin
Miration'* seeoroI defeat on the is
sue The .-Mint on the preceding
roll call May IV was 57 to 12
Laica* at *hat time promised a sec
ond vote m vie* af the number of
absentee- ami he got it today,
strictly for the re>-ord.
Today*. vote, like the one in
May, came an s move to cut <*ff
d<-hate on a motion to bring FFPT
before the senate for ewnsideratioa
Only this time, there hadn't been
gvea a minute of -iehate
I'nder aaany eireamstanres. it
WAild appear somewhat prema-
**•«. to order % man -hut up before
he had opened his mouth But Lima*
• nd the other EEPT barber* had
ample season to believe from past
. xpertem-e* that the southerners,
unhampered hv anv debate limit,
, wonM try to kill the hill hy talk
ing on and pe and on, for week*
If ner«wa«ry That is called filibua-
So fhe FF.FC men resorted to the
clean re rule, which rails for an
end ta debate if two-th-rd* of the
fall senate membership support
sack a move
They lined up 22 Demi'cr-ata and
SI RepuMi • avia on their side
lieep m aaodMatma with • fetWw afficer la the 1
•artmeot's roMrthutiaa la aMdera warfare. Dr.
Vi soda, aealed with peoril ta hand amd pipe la a
istalracier af the Hudwy af IIHaaia ta wasaapsettag fr
rurreoily (Brecftsi Korea* aelivitin from Mb desk al Fort
By., where he la “ varaliaaiap" for the aumaier aa •• Armored
Cavalry reserve officer
io and ma(> making specialists aie unit* on a combat ba*l«
among the personnel involved „ .
The American high commission
new-paper. Neva Eeitung sai-l Jahnsodfs call for a sper-dup in
some rommunist peeplc's police are mohilmng the nation'* fighting
nos being trained a- parachute -trength fame shortly after Sec-
trooper- by Rassian officer* at retsry of fttate Arbe-on told nsw»-
he started iBaking m»uests When 7/maen, in Bramlenhurg men tha^ the Dnited Stafc* will
the crowd finely let him go home. | Several F,a*t German policemen welcome Aid from other ruantne-
t wa* 1 s m, . have deserted to the West ryeent- , Achesnrt said offer* of ground
TV only tBing Bob would *ay ly, saying thry had Iwen informer! troop* frpip Amenca'* allies in
alxnit th* afftm i* "If I knew what they would he «ervt to Korea or the I'nittd Nation* would he most
was pomp tk lappen I woulda left fearer! they would he ordered to helpful ip the fight b» save South fantrv have
my guitar Ri Feia* " go there Korea from the Rerl* - apahlv.
Slarlight, Starhri^ht . . .
Astronomy Course to he Taught Here
In Fall; Physics Department Sponsor
Lawyer Speak*
Once too Often
Have ymf dver wondered what paper An the ratio of the maaaes
the univcrsq t| marie of, what ita of the two member* of a distant
-hat** **. hgw- big it i» or where d-mbl. -tar
it is pomp Ainil OMrerr stnoes ,
Have you dver had tV desire ^ <V celeetlal --enery, a* we are
to knr>w shat the astronomer sees Thl * »ummer Kent will visit tmlay, and by its mystery which
when he laoM through hi* Mg • *•••" pniiripal -dwena ent«iwd into their religion* and
teleM-opes? Hkvr yon ever woe- u * r1 '** •" 'b# nortbeastern «tate« mythologies
.|irnr! «ome time apam at Early esiltivatina of astrrmomy
*tker celestial Malies , wida fdsad publir interest in aa*
PeofM* -)f ancient time* wen- *t- tronomy, Kent said, and by (Re
tentive WMtcVr* of the »kie* They genr-rou* financial M|>port which
were attracted by the splendor of i has promoted the construction and
effective operation of glfat telp-
-crqie* in rapidly i0rrea*inp nuW-
deied if psgpfc lived on Mars, or „ . . _
, if there might not be *<>me dis Yerke* ohswrvatory measuring Wa wa4 i hIso inspired hy its practical
:RMUa t%(lt |4 ar ^t rwfolvmg around some T^****" wMt* of another doe- , )M .fulneaa in relation to ordinary
planet yerriving
1 emote star >>ur s »*n b,r * Ur 4a'ly pursuit* TV daily mUtion
which had ppoMe living on it? Astronomy- the “wiene* of the 1 of the heaven* provided a perfect
And if pj4* do live on *uch a deemed not men-'v mean* of teRtap Uma.
Ra ^ w.^dsf^ri IV stars, according to Kent. Thg < yde of the moon's phases
what they UeAld look like* bat with all the falsafial hadies and the westward marrh of the
Chir spa- -'.Vn “Ito
vho I SI*’” «hoote»l Lowyef An
drew tsavir He was having a lit
He irouhk- at a police Hat mg yes
terday getting information he
wanted for a client Off! -er Wi|. NfWet
lian- OTennor’s ear* pricked -in (
“('•me to think of H I dat” re
•pgnBed (Vrennor “Yog rw Akdrww 1 y. . man* otber -lueatioas pl*«ri* »nd their aatellite*. with ' end*- purpose* TV pole of tV
a^rrwM far,£? nXLlZrZ ^ oTil^Z star- Mai^in tVamtha^L. which
• H * Physic* limmrtmeot'* latest un the interstellar material, with the Dipper* wheel, and whose place
n't^^rtrm ‘•rtritltoT htTie. 114, Aurv.y of the syatem of the .. now marked roughly by tV po*
mg him with md ap^arijg m . - - ^ ^ ,.i/ mrm A Nilkv Wav and the other systems rtien of the star at th# end of
which He beyond the MHhy Way the Little IHpper’s handle serve a*
In the Survey of Astronomy, you a mside to the traveler on land and
Fall l oarse Bel
whirh together c-mynse the kaowr --onstellaAlon* with the changing
physical universe It daai* with, season* were convenient for cal
a eah driver th.t l^one hadn't paid *" |W semester
At the Grove
I p. m. free open-air movie
“Belle Starr’s Daughter” (Metro
GaMwyt)-Mayer), starring (ieae
Tlaraay. Bkadent- muat present
aludeat actinty fee rtipa for ad-
•« M50 laW MU
I eon# Was released after pasting
a $60 bend
Mibb Fori* t« Sneak
At PFeiw dub Mett
Bv syerirt InriU.ion. ^ tolrr" how "m
ek T. Kept ;of the Mathematics wmti ^ mt
will present this
B i Fwn* aasi
oHeg*. wBl
sasisuat e*
of Ok la
th# Prof—m»aal Pres* HabTl the
Ftamingw asnit Tueaday nigM
TV# iwretire will Mfia at 1
g- » . herarihnp to Daw a id D
MMaMto rtth Bamkarf.
the work)'*
JP ■Ji Mtrw
carrying out nvaaRgations
rvaalted la U» puBBratian
star* v**u see at
to call them hr a
as yau do
Department will present
pT™* "nii. ^ 7 ^*iP®0 r friends. Kent said You mill
Physic. IVgaHmert lest koo ^ . new Mm of ^ and Ume
many r»or. M en . .Udeni of ae- aM ^ rrltU * m kij m
tmoomy. legtn nng frvuurrriy over
tV 1 idi- sad »-« service rluh* and oidevt af Aeleaces
ta the ABM Aptronamy ( Mb The maat compre he naive af the
arteneva, astronomy is also segard-
•d aa the oldast It can, without
J^AMHaktay CMh
t •# ltd*
--bservatary, where
with mate ot
naggeration, he eaM that aar
astronomer*, thing about ear owr earth which
which! the astroaonwr cat Mara can he
•f a used ia scale way la Me study of
and ia the air today.
Mankind * I tons re
Hut the value of astronomy must
not he measured ia term* of eco
nomic application* Kent ttid. A»*
krsaamy ie -onreraad pnmariiv
with ar ••piratMa ef mankind,
which ia fully aa impetlinp as the
qw*»t for survival aad material
welfare namely, the desire la
knew about the universe around
a* aad < >r relation M it
The importance of this service
la clearly demonstrated hy the
Nowhere in the college rurriral#
can tV value of learning fur (ta
qwn sake V more fully appreciated
than in ar introductory < curse in
F/tplains Belattonahlps
It is the purpose of aetreaomy,
said Kent to learnU and gipUm
the relationships between the var-
iou* parts of the physiqal univrrae
At present the picture (p iscom-
idete In fart, it ia a rich field
fur work by thus# who may pa Y
so interusted Kent added.* j
Dmibtleas the pirtnrv may
maia incomplete always, he MM, '
but future yenra of eiptoaaciom
aad study will Wing additional
grandeur aad aigaificanee to our
view uf the oatUkMh.
Tha only
new course are
er their cqur
at night and
pending oa the
parution af thorn
Hm fht
lit Slid MM.
-akthra and
mis) ‘worV
ajarta, Ba
>* /to