The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1943, Image 1

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All-Service Dance Will
Be Held After SMU Game
Del Valle Band, Now Bergstrom Field
Orchestra, Will Play For Occasion
Saturday night after the SMU-A. & M. football game
there will be another All-Service Dance in Sbisa Dining Hall,
it was announced today through the Student Activities Of
fice. The dance will be from 8:30 until 11:30 p.m. and ad
mission will be $1 either with or
without a date.
The Del Valle Band, now known
as the Bergstrom Field Orchestra,
from near Austin has been en
gaged to play for the occasion.
This change in name is because of
a change in name of the airfield.
As many can remember, this same
orchestra played for the Fish
Ball and the Final Ball of last
semester. Since that time, however,
it has undergone a reorganization
and more players have been add
Stf. Sgt. Jack Ream is the band
leader, and many new novelty
numbers have been arranged for
entertainment. Those who have
heard this band will agree that
the Bergstrom Field Orchestra
furnishes solid, top-notch music.
This dance will be a great suc
cess only with the cooperation of
Aggies and Servicemen stationed
on the campus.
Oldsters Urged to
Play Volleyball
Volleyball for the men of the
college staff has been made possi
ble by the Physical Education de
partment, according to W. R. Hors
ley. Tomorrow night at 6:45 has
been set as the first meeting, but
a definite time will be decided upon
at that time. Any man who is a
member of the teaching staff, ex
periment station, extension service,
military personnel, or connected to
teh college in any other way is
urged to be at the gym at the time
The Physical Education depart
ment has made it possible for this
group to obtain all equipment that
will be needed to play volleyball
twice a week, Horsley stated. It is
urged that you find the gym at
6:45 on Wednesday night, No
vember 3, and join the fun with
the others who are looking for
that much needed exercise and re
laxation. Horsley also stated that
these men are to be at the gym
ready to play.
Thirteen Aggies!
Thirteen Points!
Thirteen Aggies thirteen
points! There may be something
superstitious about the number
“13,” but that number proved to
be victorious at the Arkansas
game last Saturday.
Thirteen Aggies made the trip
to Arkansas, and for each point
scored there was an Aggie. It’s
too bad that 26 Aggies didn’t at
tend the game.
Meeting of Radio
Club To Be Held
Wednesday Night
Plans Being Made For
Reorganization And
Increased Membership
In an effort to discover radio
writing, production, and acting ta
lent here on the campus, the A. &
M. Radio Club will have a reorga
nization meeting Wednesday night
at 8 o’clock in the new WTAW stu
dios on the fourth floor of the
Administration building, Richard
Gottlieb, WTAW staff announcer,
said late yesterday.
Although ther has been a Radio
Club on the campus for some time,
it has had no really definite -pro
gram and members of the club
have called this meeting so that
new members can be secured, mak
ing possible the establishment of
a really active organization.
Beginning as soon as possible
after the club’s organization, a new
series of plays and skits will be
presented by the club each Sun
day afternoon from 2:30 until 3:00.
“Anybody interested in writing,
producing, or acting for radio is
urged to be present Wednesday
night, whether he be an Aggies or
a serviceman,” Gottlieb said. “We
would especially like to have some
girls in the chib, as most of the
plays written for radio have female
Hunter To Address
TSCW Students At
Symposium Today
“A. & M.’s Contribution
To War Effort” Will
Be Theme of Discussion
Sumner Hunter, president of the
junior class, will speak on a sym
posium of Texas colleges being
held in TSCW today for the pur
pose of discussing the place of the
college community in the war ef
fort. The topic of Sumner’s speech
will be “A. & M.’s Contribution to
the War Effort.”
Since A. & M. is recognized as
the greatest war college in the
South, this talk from our repre
sentative will be a high point on
the program. Of major importance
is his outline of the four-point
service program that is being car
ried on here. This includes the
training of Navy and Marine per
sonnel, the Army Specialized
Training Detachment, and the Spe
cialized Training Army Reserve.
Included also in this discussion
will be an explanation of the
method that our faculty, staff and
Aggie Corps has used in orient'
ing and absorbing these trainees
into the regular curricula at A. &
Hunter will also mention the
fact that we have approximately
10.000 Aggie-exes serving in the
United States Armed Forces and
that from this group more than
9.000 are commissioned officers
This last figure is more than the
United States Military Academy
at West Point can boast.
Also included in the ^discussion
will be the college’s contribution
to the scrap and bond drives. Prac
tically every college in the state
of Texas will be represented at
this round-table discussion.
Side-stepping only gets you far
ther away from where you hope
you are going.
Dr. W. F. Howard
"A "A "A -
Secretary of BSU
To Talk at Retreat
Dr. W. F. Howard, Secretary of
the Baptist Student Union of Tex
as, will take part on the B. S. U.
Retreat program at the First Bap
tist Church this weekend. He was
formerly Education Director of the
Seventh and James Baptist Church
of Waco and a professor at Baylor
The retreat program consists of
a supper, a series of speeches, and
other activities, all of which go to
make up an entertaining and edu
cational evening it is reported. Ser
vicemen and Aggies on the campus
are especially invited to attend.
Aggie-Ex Now At
San Francisco
Jack S. Simmons, Second Lieu
tenant Quartemaster Corps, for
merly of Haskell, Texas has re
ported for duty at the California
Quartemaster Depot, Oakland,
Lieutenant Simmons is a grad
uate of Haskell High School, Tex
as, where he played football and
was a member of the band. He re
ceived his B. S. degree from Texas
A. & M. College, where he was a
member of the marketing and fi
nance club.
A&M Federal Credit
Union Elects Hale
As New Treasurer
F. R. Hale Replace
Dulan in Sec.-Treas.
Position on Nov. 1
The Board of Directors of the
Texas A. & M. College Federal
Credit Union announces the election
of Mr. Ford R. Hale as Secretary-
Treasurer to take the place of Mr.
H. A. Dulan, who has resigned,
effective November 1, 1943. Mr.
Dulan has served in this capacity
for two and one-half years and has
made a great contribution to the
work of this organization.
The Federal Credit Union is a
cooperative organization for the
employees of the Texts A. & M.
College, and is designed to furnish
a ready means of credit in the lo
cal community. It likewise furnish
es a means of saving to employees.
A great many Federal Credit
Unions are succesfully operated
both in educational and industrial
organizations throughout the Uni
ted States. All Federal Credit
Unions are chartered and super
vised by the F. D. I. C.
Those serving as officers of the
Texas A. & M. College FCU at the
present are as follows: Board of
Directors: Ide P. Trotter, presi
dent, G. W. Schlesseumann, Dan
Russell, Ford Hale. Supervisory
Committee: George Potter, F. C.
Bolton, R. M. Pinkerton. Credit
Committee: L. G. Jones, R. L.
Hunt, Harry Boyer.
Mr. Hale, the new treasurer, is
an instructor in the Department of
Accounting and Statistics.
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Wool Becomes Regulation
For Corps On Wednesday
Khaki Shirts To Be Worn Only With Blouse;
Campaign Hats for Drill or Bad Weather
Wednesday afternoon, November 3, at retreat, the en
tire corps of ROTC cadets receiving training in A. & M. will
go into their winter O. D. uniforms.
Uniforms were issued by the Exchange Store from 9
o’clock inthe morning until 6:00
A. I. Ch. E. Meets
Tomorrow Night
The A. & M. Chapter of the
American Institute of Chemical
Engineers will hold their monthly
meeting in the Geology Lecture
room of the Petroleum building
Wednesday night at 8 o’clock, it
was announced today. Dr. Fred
Jensen will speak on “Qualitative
and Quantitative Titrations in the
High-Frequency Field.”
Freshmen and Sophomores are
urged to attend this important
meeting tomorrow night at the
time set.
Anne L. Landau
★ ★ ★
Program of Hillel
Club Sunday at 7
The Hillel Club will feature Sun
day evening, November 7th, at 7
p. m., at the Lounge Room of Sbi
sa Hall, a musical program of high
quality with Miss Anne L. Landau,
Ph D., internationally famous au
thority on music, wit ha program
of recorded music entitled “Jewish
Composers on Broadway.”
“The World’s greatest artery of
popular music—Broadway,” says
Miss Landau, “is musically bound
ed on the north by Carnegie Hall
and on the south by the Metropoli
tan Opera . . and for the past
two decades these poles have exert
ed a magnetic influence on all the
music produced there.” Miss Lan
dau excitingly develops the two
trends _ today leading away from
purely popular music . . . one to
wards the symphonic platform, the
other toward the operatic stage.
Miss Landau has been acclaimed
in capitals throughout Enrope. She
was professor of Music at the
University of Berlin and Heidel
berg until the advent of Hitlerism,
a distinctive achievement in Ger
many at any time for a member
of the Jewish faith.
Since her arrivel in this country,
Miss Landau has made an out
standing name for herself in the
American music world. She is
broadcasting over W E V D, New
York, a lecturer at Carnegie Hall,
and is the author of various music
publications among which “The
Jewish Contributions To The Mu
sic Of The Modern World,” which
Maintenance Fees
Due November 1-6
Maintenance fees for the co
ming month are due now and
are payable to the Fiscal'Office
until November 6th. The amount
for this, the second installment, is
$33.65. Included in thfe amount
are the following items: Room
rent, $5.30; Board, $26.05; and
Laundry, $2.30.
The Fiscal Office is prepared
to handle the number of students
paying their fees throughout the
week and will not follow the pre
cedent of remaining open all of
Saturday afternoon, but will close
at 2 p. m., it was reported.
Camera Club Will
Meet Wednesday
A meeting of the A. & M. Cam
era Club will be held Wednesday
evening in the tower of the Pe
troleum Building, beginning at
7:30 o’clock it was announced to
day by Claude Stone, president of
the organization.
Everyone interested in camera
technique and photography as well
as the regular members of the or
ganization are urged to attend this
meeting, Stone pointed out. Dur
ing the course of the meeting a
short business session will be held
after which the group will partici
pate in a discussion of various
technical phases of amateur pho
tography. At the conclusion of the
meeting, the club will work in its
dark room.
will be discussed at this lecture.
The meeting is free and open to
the public and is presented as a
courtesy from the Hillel Club to the
music loving people of College Sta
tion and Bryan.
Aggies May Get Permission To Hold Annual
BonfireBeforeTurkeyDayGame onCampus
Road to Bryan Is
Opened This Week
The new four-lane highway
linking College Station with Bry
an has been opened for traffic
this week with the highway de
partment workers finishing the
curbings on each side of the con
crete pavement.
The new highway leaves the
road running east and west along
the north side of the campus at
the circle immediately north of
the Administration building and
joins the pavement of south Col
lege road at Midway.
This beautiful and modern
stretch of road will shorten the
distance between Bryan and Col
lege and will be of great conven
ience to workers at the school who
live in Bryan, it was pointed out.
The construction of the section of
road was begun last summer at
the same time the paving of the
road connecting the north side of
the campus with Highway 6 was
started. Due to several delays
caused by rain and other types of
inclement weather, the road was
opened several weeks behind sched
ule, it was stated.
Fires of Other
Years Recalled;
Rules Suggested
By David Seligman
Although no definite plans have
been made to stage the annual pre-
Thanksgiving Game bonfire on the
campus of A. & M., plans for such
an affair have been suggested to
the cadets. It has been a time-
honored custom for many years
for the cadets of this school to
hold this bonfire on the drill field
just south of Law and Puryear
Last year the bonfire was held in
connectiion with the filming of the
Aggie film, “We’ve Never Been
Licked” and action scenes of the
fire were featured in the picture.
No announcement or official sanc
tion has yet been granted to the
corp for this year’s activity in this
connection, however, it is expected
that the commandant’s office will
approve this time-honored tradi
In years past the Freshmen stu
dents have gathered wood and
other inflammable material from
all ports of the vicinity for the fire,
using only materials that are use
less or that the owners have grant
ed permission to use. For several
days prior to bonfire ceremony the
pile is continuously growing. Stu
dents are detailed to stand guard
during the day and night to pro
tect the mountain of material,
which sometimes has been known
to reach the height of fifty feet
or more. This guard is posted, it
was stated to prevent students
from Texas University, ancient ri
val of the Aggies, from setting fire
t othe pile prior to the ceremonies
before the Thanksgiving game. It
was noted that if the cadets are
permitted to have the annual bon
fire this year, special caution will
necessarily have to be exercised
inasmuch as the game will be play
ed on Kyle Field and hundreds of
University students will be coming
to the campus who will attempt to
fire the pile before the yell prac
In years past this guarding was
performed by freshmen appointed
by company commanders, these
student leaders having decided
★ ★
which organization would be as
signed certain times during the
day and night to take the responsi
bility of the guard.
It was pointed out that in the
years gone by none of the students
participating in this traditional
activity were permitted to destroy
valuable property in building the
pile. Such inflammable material
as was used in the construction has
been either waste material, or was
placed in the pile by permission
of the owner.
Last year the student were at
first denied the privilege of build-
★ ★ ★
BONFIRE—Pictured above is one of the tremendous piles of in
flammable material gathered for the Annual Bonfire ceremony just
prior to the Texas A. & M.-Texas University football game. Students
can be seen piling up the pyre that is emblematic of the University’s
hopes for a football victory.
Commandant To Be
Asked For Official
Sanction Of Fire
ing a bonfire pile, inasmuch as
this area at that time considered
part of a dim-out area. Yet, in
view of the fact that lighted foot
ball fields all up and down the
coast were used each week in the
dim-out areas, it was decided that
a bonfire a hundred and fifty miles
from the gulf would not be a viola
tion of the dim out rules.
If a bonfire is to be held this
year in the traditional Aggie man
ner, it is suggested that the com
plete approval of college and the
commandant be secured and that
whatever rulings they lay down,
must be followed to the letter.
Generations of Aggies have wit
nessed and enjoyed the annual bon
fire prior to the Thanksgiving Day
game with Texas University and it
is one of the most impressive cere
monies of the school year. The en
tire corps turns out for the occa
sion along with the hundreds of
visitors on the campus, and through
the years the residents of College
Station and Bryan have learned to
look forward to the occasion and
visit the campus at that time. The
band is always on hand and the
corp sings the beloved songs of
Aggieland as well as participates
in the wholehearted yell practice.
This year’s bonfire, if the stu
dents are permitted to stage it, will
be particularly impressive since
the hundreds of servicemen on the
campus will have an opportunity
to* participate and join in the tra
ditionalism of the world-famed Ag
gie spirit.
o’clock Monday afternoon after the
summer khakis had been turned in
last Friday. Only sickness or un
avoidable detention will allow stu
dents to check out their uniforms
before Wednesday afternoon. Spec
ial permission can only be granted
by tactical officers from dorms
14, 15, 16 and 17 to freshmen.
Sophomores and other upperclass
men taking sophomore military
science must obtain permission
from Sergeant Seeger of the Stu
dent Records Office, Room 19, Ross
Only those students who are elig
ible to receive uniforms will be
allowed to turn the khaki and
check the wools. No agents will be
permitted to handle another cadet’s
Unless otherwise prescribed, the
following uniform will normally be
worn: cap, shirt, khaki tie, trous
ers. The cap may be either the
Service or Garrison Cap, according
to the choice of the student and
current orders of this post. Wear
ing of the coat blouse is also op
tional. Cotton, khaki shirts and
black ties may be worn with the
coat. Coats may be removed while
indoors at work in offices or bar
The wearing of the woolen shirt
without the coat is optional; how
ever, the wearing of the cotton
shirt without the woolen coat is
not authorized, shoulder loops are
not authorized for enlisted men.
The cotton khaki shirt is consid
ered “non-reg” when worn with
the field jacket.
The use of campaign hats,' rid
ing breeches and boots, and field
jackets is limited. The campaign
hat will be worn only during in
clement weather or while perform
ing mounted duty. The only time
that breeches and boots may be
worn is while a cadet is actually
going to, coming from, or engaged
in mounted instruction. The use of
the field jacket is restricted to this
post, the vicinity of College Sta
This change from the summer to
the winter uniform is enacted in
collaboration with a similiar change
that is taking place throughout this
locality. Enlisted members of this
command went into O. D.’s on
Monday of this week.
Dean Kyle Voices
Approval of the
Services Support
Speaks in Behalf of
Council, Others To
Thank Servicemen
Dean E. J. Kyle, Dean of Agri
culture and Chairman of the Col
lege Athletic Council, has ex
pressed his thanks to the men in
the armed services on the campus
for their support of the athletic
program. In voicing his apprecia
tion to the armed units, Dean
Kyle made the following state
“Attention Air Corps, Marines,
Navy, ASTP, and others: On be
half of the Athletic Council, the
football team, and the Cadet
Corps, I wish to thank you for the
fine support you have given our
athletic program.
“You have attended the games
in large numbers and given en
thusiastic support to the team.”
Hundreds of servicemen have
been present at the home games
and joined in with the Aggies in
the yells. It is noted that this atti
tude has met with great approval
among the students and exes.
Many students have mentioned
their appreciation of the loyalty
of the armed forces to the Aggie
A neighbor’s bees are perhi
his most secure property.