The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 18, 1942, Image 1

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, 4-5444 t
I -'
122 AD
Painted Stripes
To Mark Senior
Section in Guion
——, L r-f..—^■,. l i—
MORNING, JUNE 18, 1942
Fish Required
To Have Dates Foe
All Summer Dances
• At a iTfrular m?*ting of
Senior clgM !•«* nigkt action
taken conreraifg regulations
wearing the uritform on and
the campas.
The class unanimously passed
the motion |kat» all (reshm<fi.
V sophomores and juniors should
wear the uniform within*a radips
of 16 miles of {he college campds.
The uniform atthin this distaa^e
of the campus Is tlte same as thpt
went on the cafcipas at all timed.
Other action taken by the claas
on the uniform was deciding whpt
should be regtkstion while
hiking. The motion presenn-d
pasaed was that the khaki uniform
should *be proper for hitch- hiking.
Also a motion carried that
freshmen should not attend rotp«
dances without dates, and that
4! they should hare dates when they
1 go to public night spots.
All seniors trill cooperate in efi-
. forcing the
To Stay Out of
‘ Between Rowg 12 and 27
IjDah R. “Rocky* 4 Sutherland,
president of the Senior Class, an
nounced yesterday that the senior
fficfkin in Guien Hall will be strict
ly enforced. The section will be
marked off, and the officer of the
d^y will.see that only seniors sit
ip this section.
! The senior section consists of
tjw twelfth to the twenty-eeyentn
Iflprt in the center section down
sfsir* and the first three rows in
tfe balcony. These sections will be
J irked pff with white or silver
int. All persons who are found
dating these sections will be
subject to disciplinary action
Penberthy Lists
Safety Rules For
Summer Bathers
• Twelve vital! safety rules
bathers' were lasted today by
L. Penberthy,>|ntranlu^al Director,
of A. A M. College, as part of:H
national effort to lower, last veal’s
heavy toll of la^e and ocean trage
“Six thousand person^ died by
drowning in th^ Unltod States in
1941, n Mr. Poafcurfoy dodarad
“Three of thesd accidents oCcurr*^>
in Braxos County, Most of them
could have bpen avoided. Now,
with our countr^ at War, and every
(Ban, Woman and child needed to
aha re in the war effort, waste pf
life seems double tragic Howevpr,-
the drowning toll will not dec reape
unless people pay more heed to
common-sense precaution*.”
Hero are hia warnings and hi*
tips: l. After the winter lay off.
take your swinpning In easy dose*.
You may not pe as good as ypu
used to be. 2. Don’t take foolish
chances Many fatal accidents ne
suit from horseplay In deep watgr.
S. Walk out pnd swim in. That
way you’ll newer get beyond ypu
depth. 4. Don't swim 'alone. Al
ways have a Water-buddy, prefer
ably a swimmer stronger than ypu
aiu. 1 *
6. Swim onl^r at a supervised
.beach or pool. i6. Don’t go in the
water soon afUr a meal. 7. Dop't
dive Until youVe sure how deep
the water is^ Tie other fellow mpy
not need as much as you. 8. It’s
not brave to give or tpke a dare
It's downright I silly, either wajv
9. Stay out ol canoes and nrp-
• boats if you can't swim. If a bopt
turns over while you Ye in it. digg
to R for supp<i-t.
10. Learn artificial respirmti<n.
It may mean jthe difference he
'tween saving ajlife and losing pas
11. If you can; reach s person in
trouble with p pole.-fcelt or towel,
do po. It's «pnre Sensible th|n
jumping in. 12^ In making a npi-
. cue, use a bodt if possible. It’s
less spectacular, but safer th^n
.swimming. -
hit+ Howell Becomes
SlEt Col in Tank •
Destroyers at Hood
• la Secretary of School;
* Doing Work Similar To
That Of Registrar %
E. J. Howell, registrar of A. A
M liow on leave, was promoted
from the rank of Major to that uf
Lieutenant Colonel, according to
Band Wagon Hopeful* Play Corps Dance
Corps Dance Is Saturday
IGirls WiB Wear Street
Dresses; [Cadets, Number 2
Aggieland Band Will Furnish Music
• Featuring: Norma Jean Jahn, Sweet Swing:
The new editiop of the Aggieland Orchestra wtU open
the summer social season wil the first official corps dance
of the semester Saturday; night from 9 ’til 12, The dance is
to be held in the mpin section of Sbisa Hall and the script
is $1.10. Featured by t^e orchestra will be the voice of
Norma Jean Jahn.
Social secretary, Bobby Stephens, stated that this is to
be an informal dance, the girls wearing summer dresses,
and proper dress for cadets being the^number 2 khaki uni
form. He also urged that everyone bring a date to the dance.
Music offered by the Aggiplapdf ■
Featuring music to make the dancers happy
and in keeping with th4 thermometer, members
of the new Aggie land hreheutra are shown
above. Seated from left to right are Weims.
Btckley, J. McGregor. English. A. McGregor.
lallet. Standing: Anstiiv Anderson, Scott.
tj, Brient. Murphy, Webb, and Nelaoa.
renditions for the band are handled by
Jean Jahn, sweetheart of the Eighth
Area. ' j *
rep rts received by the registrar’s
office yesterday, LL Col. Howell
in now stationed at Camp Hood,
near Temple, as secretary of the
tpnk destroy *r school there,
Howell left A. A M. June 30,
1$41, with a reserve commission
as Major. At that time he went to
Washington and served in the
newly-organized morale division.
>$hen th« tank destroyer division
mas established several months
ago at Camp Hood, Howell
transferred to that post.
|As secretary of the entire tank
dhltroyer school, Howell does work
spnilar to that he did at A. A M.
tfe is in charge of arranging the
cprncidutn and the couraea for the
naen stationed at the school.
Council Selects ^
Committees For
Improving City
Propppe Changing Name
Of Houston Street To
Fairview If Approved
(College Station's City Council
met June 11 for its regular bi
weekly meeting. with Mayor
Ernest Langford presiding. Pres
ent at the session were council men
J. A. Orr. G. B. Wilcox, ?. W.
Burns, W. D. Lloyd, and Lloyd
Administrative boards and com
mittees for the City during the
coming year were appointed. Each
committee will consist of a chair
man and several other citizen*.
The utility committee, zoning com
mission, city planning committee,
city park board, the equalization
board, and street repairs. Letters
have been sent out to the various
members selected to serve but
sind replies have not as yet been
received by the city office, the
composition of these committee* is
not yet definite. The committee or
ganization will be* complete with
the appointed members’ acceptance
of their poaitions.
Among other topics which came
up for discussion was a proposed
changing of the name of Houston
Street to Fairview. The mayor was
requested to meet with the Bryan
w ** City Manager and .Business Mana
ger of the College in regard to this
langford was chosen a member
of the Brasos County Health unit,
and the council voted to increase
the annual contribution to the
County Health unit to 9BOO.
Politicians Beware!
Jenkins Promises New
Competition Saturday
Aero Conference
Here Leads Way
To Greater Skill
“JLadet gapers” wjll g<
cal” this coming Saturday
7:00 o’clock in the Ak*eml
Richard Jenkins, director
det Kapefs". annofnee^
Jerkin.- did not diseftose
-hoa would he hand|rd
but he did *a)^ that? it
run on an cntireh nfu i<ftw.
Also this week t^ere j will be
more of those ternfta cont|-*ts and
the lesson for this Meek jin Love
Making 331 will
Immediate Flij
Training Ai
For Navy U,
u just !*U
in Waahir
• II
Humor and Classics Combined
li L, ii ' ^. s .
In to En joyable Even ing by Scott
nt« Meet \
Tonight f!
There will b< a meeting of the
Institute of A« ronautkal Science*
tonight at 7 o'' lock in the Cheiji-
istry lecture ra im. The election of
officers will |e completed, aid
plans for studei it assistance at the
Texas Aviation conference will be
* dfoeussed. AH' prospective meif
bars should bH kg their dues, i 1
AH Acronai Meal Engineering
students are ufged to attend
which will be over
me • ■ .•
pie time./or
their class
A fflm <
•nd the
in am-
juniors to att. n
ing et 8:15.
Itreamlining” will
By Bill Japhet
l Ha vmg before a near capacity
t ienoe, Henry Scott opened the
’43 Town Hall series Tuesday
njght at Guion <Hall. The program
wai- c.aiposed of both classical and
t polai Sections.
Kxhibitirig talent and humor,
Sc<>tt presented a* program that
was v«ry entertaining and enjoy-
•iVo '’"mbining great skill with
Vine satire. Scott presented a pro-
gram made up of impression* of
fomous impresarios of the piano
ions of the masters. Oth-
various styles into-an al-
hfr* arranged by the artist.
Instead of arranging his pro-
fM*m into groups according to the
type or htyle, he skillfully com
bined' the various styles into a al
most continuous program.
' Dividing the program into two
portions. Scott opened the program
with a group of impressions in the
styles of Vincent Lopes. Eddie Du-
chm aak Faddy Wilson. After get
ting the program started in fine
Style ha! aoatinudd the program
with the Juba Dance by Nathaniel
Qett and List’s Second Hungarian
Then, leaving the realm of seri
ous music. Scott continued the pro
gram in a satiricg) and humorou*
mood, interspaced here and there
with selection* in • more serious
The program was refreshing,
colorful and entertainirw When
the program was over the apdience
insisted that the artist return and
play a number of encores.
There has been a md
in the Civilian
courses that have
this school according
low, head of the
Aeronautical Knginsgring
sor Barlow has just
a conference
Army, Nary and CPT
The Navy has complculy
the program and iar,
range merit* so that
and Navy V-l men Mk>
deferred to complete, thei
ing, or because of lalk
facilities, may *
Hight training undt^ C.
has been done as a reful
to make use of any ayd
training facilities in f he
Barlow would lika n*et with
aay interested Navy V-6 or V-l
men tonight at 7:00 U’ckM k in the
Petroleum Enginee^ng lecture
room. Also any other r en who
have already turned In anf applies
tion for Civilian 1’iM Tn ining of
any grade are reqMjted |o be at
linden* in Southwest
**11 n* Aircraft Producl ion To
y Hall,
f “Ka- Participate in Program
today. Southwest aviation history will
w the bt* mad? next week, when for the
week, j first time the region's airplane
t*' j contractor*, Subcontractors and
training exp<rts get together for
a three-day fer |e * °f conference*,
at A. A M.
The confen-nces. highlight o<
Texas Aviat.on Week June 22-27,
are designed to bring together the
component pyrts * of the South
west's looming aircraft industry,
that they may exchange notes, ob
tain a larger perspective of South
west aviation: as a whole, and go
1 \Bome better-equipped to meet pro-
1 auction problems.
* yr. Upward W. Barlow, head at
the fast-groping department of
aeronautical pnginaering, is gen
eral chgirmap of the conference
which will wind up with a model
airplane contest open to all South-
list enthusiasts.
“Our purpojih is to bring togeth
er all people: ia this region who
Still be of the smooth sweet varie
ty. It is the new policy of the
orchestra to play music, that is hot
loo hot or fast for the average
dancer and his date—pet hot and
fast enough to keep even the most
fanatic jitterbugs happy.
Instead of being held in the *n-
hex of Sbisa Hall, the «orps dance
will be held in the main djning
room. This is for the comfort of
the Aggies and their jdates. The
main dining room is (-x posed on
three sides and is much cooler
than the annex.
Aggies present at Kadet Kapcr*
last Saturday saw the new Aggie-
land make its debut .for the sum
mer. All seemed to agdee thgt the
present Aggieland is one of the
best editions of the on^iestrd ever
to come out. |
At the dose of last* SaturdayV
Kadet Kapers, Richard Jerkin*
announced the beginning of a drive
to get the new Aggielpnd ofebe
tra on the Fitch Supimer -Band
Wagon. If the band i^ to g^t on
the Band Wagon, it up ti> the
cadet corps, he statedi
aceompiiahA^ by wrrti
and more (otters to
Fitch Band Waco*
720 North Michixayi* Aye.
Chicago. III.
The boys in the archr*trh |how
ed us last Saturday thju they had
really put out a top-hotel ,band
It’s up to us to see thht they gel
the credit that they d^serya^ Jen
kins revealed.
this meeting. All
quinement* will be
thit time.
igibAity. re-
liac ssed at
CPT Applicants To
Hold Meeting: Tonig:ht
A meeting of all C.P,T. appli
cants will be held in the Petro
leum Engineering Lecture room
tonight at 7:00 o’clock for the pur
pose at discussing, elegibility re
quirements. All Who have
made application or intend to make
application are urged to he pres
All Navy V-6 and Navy V-l men
interested in gaihing early flight
experience are alao urged to at
tend, emphasizes H. W. Barlow,
head of the Aeronautical Engineer
ing department.
Merit System Te^ts
Will Begin on’Ju y 11
Daniel Russel, hemfof i te Rural
Sociology depart meat a mounced
yesterday that' the -Text s Merit
System test 'will Inly 11
Any students interested 11 taking
the tost may see Bussell.
These tests will bq syllable to
operators for
qualifying in
coutract* and
army, will be given theii
upon their discharge Wi
thar test ’ k . <
dications i
804 Tribune Building, AuMin, Tex
are interested in airplane produc
tion and training/,’ Dr. Barlow
*aid. “If we can do this success
fully, we wii feel that the col
lege's aero department has made
a real contribution toxford the
progress of Southwest aviation."
The entire program, ophniug
Thursday morning, June 25, qnd
show date of» receipt, from whom
received, on what account, foi
what period, ;and amount. Entries
for individual expenditures shodld
closing Saturday, is sponsored
A. A M. ih ca-operatum with
Southern Flight, leading aviation
(See AERO, Page 4)
Ag Engineers Hold
Annual Picnic To
Welcome Freshmen
At the first regular’
the American Society of
tural Engineers held U<
day night, definite f
made with regard to 4
all agricultural engint
dents. Each year, a pi
kind is given, the pri
tive being to offer a pneana; of a
closer contact between'the faculty
and old students and t$c incoming
. This year, as in the past, vgrieus
form* of entertainmeift and rec
kon have been planted, agd re-
ihments in true picnic style
■■■' T if
Thh group will gather in Jfront
of thes Agricultural j Engineering
building >gt 6 o’clock t$i* evening
Organization Funds to Be
In Accordance with Army Pr
The commandant's office today
authorized the collection of com
pany funds, pfowever, a uniform
system of beokkerpmg is to be
krpt, by all orgHiiitations on the
campus. Funds collected will be
deposited with the Student Activ
ities office apd each organization
will appoint A custodian who will
Math Department
to Employs Two Profs
sistanto. clerks and office machine Arrival of j two new} freshmen
j 0 **! S * nior * mathamatics tjeachers has beei an-
•tote ^ob*. Seniors
the tact, d ho ho1,1 Bounced by the mathematicc de-
are gqing pinto the partroent. William 0. Mafgiitk,
ir|>oaitions who comes frpm a Houston acnior
t for- high school and Albert Dcimoy,
formerly of Lamar High Schaol of
All applications m^t k t turned Bryan will pprtially fill tht va
in before June 20 These applies cancies made} by the sb*. nee of
tkma may be obtained by writing I« former math teachers. Eight of
to the Supervisor cf tl t MArh these mew h*ve gone into thg arm-
System. Joseph U. • Ym borough, ed forces of t$e United St a tea and
the remaining eight are tedching
the naval uni^ stationed bean.
Drive for Scrap
Rubber Now Being
Conducted at A&M
Filling Stations Paying
Penny a Pound for Old
Tires and Other Rubber'
An all-out drive for the collec
tion of scrap rubber is under way
and will continue until midnight
June 30. In cooperation with this
drive, Aggies, faculty members
and *11 inhabitants of College Sto- j
tion have be^ji asked to partici
pate. j .
At the request of the President,
the campaign will be conducted
under the general direction of the
War Production Board’* Bureau of [ •.
Industrial Conservation. The na- j
tion’* oil industry is being called t
upon to play a major role in the j
drive in cooperation with all oth
ers who are wil mt to participate.
T>ie*o*i industry will function tb^i j
the organization of the Petroleum
Coordinator for War.
The oil industry has agreed to t.
make available gl) of its person
nel and facilitie*. including its
filling stations and. bulk plants,
which will be used as collection
depots. Following is a list of the
scrap rubber that can be left af'
any service station throughout the
nation: tires, inner tubes, solid |
rubber tires, crepe rubber soles,
boots and overshoes, hot arm ter
bottles, tennis shoes, rubber belt- |
ing. rubber gloves, rubber sheet
ing, pads and matting, raincoats,
rubber heels, bathing caps, jar
rings, plumber's suction caps, sam
ple tire sections and rubber ash
tray a. ( a
In turning 4n rubber goods, the w
filling stations or bulk plants will
pay a penny a pound. Each fa- j
toblidhment buying the rubber’at
a penny a pound will reaell to the
Rubber Reserve company, a sub
sidiary of the Reconstruction Fi
nance Corporation, at a price of
$25 a ton. Any and all profit made
on the sale of the rubber goods
will be divided evenly among the
Army Relief, the USO, the Navy
Relief, and the American Red
Local oil agencies are to publish
complete information as to exact
ly th« kind of scrap' rubber that
can be reclaimed and where the
scrap rubber can be turned in in
each locality. ,
This special rubber drive is ex
clusively a scrap rubber campaign.
tionii and
keep record* of all
I 1 Funds will be
once each semester and
collections will be mode
special authorisation f
commandant's office. .All
tions will be voluntary'an4'h
lection shoot showing (hf^aBsount
paid and bearing the signature of
the contributor will be made as a
voucher to the company fug.4
time a collection" is mide. *
The custodian af the company
fund will balance the books on the
fund at the end of each gionth
and place tha balance sheet qn tKc
company bulletin board.' Withdraw
als may be made from the .Student
Activities office on tht presenta
tion of a signed voucher from the
company custodian.
No funds will bo paid out pf the
company fund to any individual
without the presentation of a re
ceipted, itemized statement to the
custodian of the company funds.
(Boo FUNDS. Page 4)!
A H Seniors Mav
O’ ^
Have Scholarship
Offering of a scholarship by the
Union Stockyard A Transit Com
pany was announced by D. W.
illiams, head of the Animal Hus-
dopartmeUt, yoatarfoty. The
ip is open for tenters who '
are ah|e to meet the requirements.
The scholarship provide* for two i
weeks cOprae in live stock mar- I
keting in Chicago Similar scholar-i
ships have Wen received by stu-‘
dents here for the past three
year*. The person receiving the
award must have Scholastic stand
ing such a* to
schools for the two\ weeks
the course requires. The student
must also meet hia own\expenses
for the trip.
Thoae wishing to apply
Mr. William* in the Animal
triae build mg. ..[ .