The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 27, 2004, Image 6
Monday, September 27,21 To olace a classified ad: Business Hours Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building ■bkpress Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possess; for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. AUTO FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE 1995 MustangGT. Moving, must sell. Great condition, 5-speed. cold/AC, cruise. $5700 obo. 979-739-1759. 2000 Ford F150 Sport. Black w/gray inte rior. Great condition. $8000/080. 979-406-0221 Kenny. 3/2 2100 Southwood Dr. Walk in closets, ceiling fans, W/D provided, water paid. Quiet, convenient location, on shuttle. Privately owned/managed. 6,9,12 mo. leases. 774-5776. Free rent. Great floor plan, close to cam pus. 4bdrm/3ba, 4bdrm/2ba, 3bdrm/2ba. Ceiling fans, w/d connections, fenced, pets ok. 776-8984 Kitchen table with leaf, 4 chairs $50. House plants 10$ OBO. 691-8394 Mint Cond. Mt.Bike on Great Deal! specialized Stumpjumper Ebay. Item#7103078074. New York Sub needs Delivery Drivers &Cashiers M-F, 11-5. Call 846-8593 for info. 4/2 Snook 69,900; CS duplex, 90K Remax realtor 693-1851. Chevy truck, ‘96, diesel, 4-WD, fully loaded, extended cab, clean. 832-731-4807 3/2 duplex on Colgate, able in January. 214-557-3865 $900/mo. avail- Call Jason Great floorplan, 2bd/2ba 4plex, $525. BED AND BREAKFAST 3/2 duplex, w/d, ethernet. negotiable. 690-9466. No pets, rent Great floorplan, close to campus, 2bdrm/1.5bth, ceiling fans, w/d connec tions, shuttle bus, $575/mo. 776-6079, Sale! Cavitt Corner Used Books, Collecti bles, Furniture, Antiques, Gifts. 822-6633. Now hiring bar staff. Apply in person be tween 3-8pm, 2010 S.College Ave., Bryan. Fox Run Condos. Experience II* dom Of Owning Your Own G Condo- 1-mile to TAMU- 979-69$ Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,'70, 979-696-0091. 3/2 house on over 1/2acre. New tile Scar- pet. Grad students preferred. Pets OK. Call Greg at 224-0005. 3/2 Rock Hollow Duplex, like new 3 yrs old, well maintained, w/d, lawn care in cluded, no pets. $850/mo. 846-5722. Great locations. 2bdrm/1bth & 2bdrm/2bth fenced yard duplexes. Great floor plans, w/d connections, ceiling fans, shuttle bus, pets ok. 776-6079. Sony Compact Disc Player CDB CX236 200 CD count. Perfect condition, $50.00. Contact Tim at 775-6019. Part-time travel agents wanted.Free train ing. Excellent income. Call Margie. 936-662-8729. Hurry. ROOMMATES P/T house keeper to work in morning. For more information, call 979-255-1340. 1-Male roommate needed ASAP place, 10 min from campus, 1/4 free cable & internet. Call 823-6673 WAKEBOARDING LESSONS $60/hr for the boat. Call Hunter 979-676-2260 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Part-time travel agents wanted.Free train ing. Excellent income. Call Margie. 936-662-8729. Hurry. COMPUTERS 3bd/2ba new duplex & ment, available now 979-690-6735. 2bd/2ba apart- & December. Historic District- walk to campus, 300 West Dexter- Avail Now! 1200sf 2BR/LR/Study/1 Bath, $600/mo. 220-0900. Washer and Dryer $150 OBO. 254-227-2004. Call Jeff, PT Work. $10.25 Base/Appt. Flex around classes. All ages 18+. Sales/Svc., conditions apply. CALL NOW 695-1386. 1M/F in 2bd/1.5ba, S300/mo. mclus ble &high-speed internet, on bus near Rock Prairie. 979-324-5836 Washer& Dryer, $250. Craftsman riding 220-3665. Refrigerator, $200. mower, $1500. 3bdrm/2bth gorgeous condo. Bus route. Appliances, w/d, microwave, internet/ca ble. $995. 281-381-5283. Large 2bdrm/2ba. 1,100 sqft. fenced yard, pets ok, W/D connections, free rent. $660/mo. 693-1448. Wireless router brand new 54mbps, $60 negotiable. Call Kim (979)696-8907. RN for allergy office Competitive sal ary. Excellent benefits. Will train for aller gist’s duties. Limited weekly travel. NO nights or weekends. Fax resume to: (979)-776-4260 or apply in person at; 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan, TX, (979)-776-7895. 2-M/F needed ASAP! 3bdrm/2blli $267/mo. +1/3bills. 281-813-0586. 2F needed to share new 3W" house. $475/mo all bills paid. Fim r unfurnished, pets negotiable. Cal non (979)690-3608. Systems, parts, up grades & repairs. Internet prices, locally. 979-778-0173. 804 Concho 2bd/1ba washer/dryer shaded fenced yard. (979)690-4181 Avail able October 1st. New 3bdrm/3bth Foxrun Condominium. 776-6079, HELP WANTED FARM/RANCH Horse Boarding: 6 horses only, 12x12 stalls I2mi. to campus. 30acres, good grass, owners on premises, $200/mo. In cludes hay, 12% feed, feedings, &turnout. 776-7902 Almost new 2,3,4 bdrm Rent, fenced, pets, 776-8984 houses. ceiling Free fans. New 5bd/4ba house, 3-living areas, 2-din- ing. On 4.28acre lot. $2500. Available 10/1. Call 979-690-6735. Actresses Wanted: 3 Female lead roles. Improv comedy a plus. Tour guide haunted house. 936-894-1700. Brand new house. Half month free rent. 4bdrm/2bth, fenced yard, fireplace, &much more. Close to campus. $1250/mo. 680-0173. Now leasing 2bdrm/1.5bth and 2bdrm/1bth 4-plexes, close to campus, great location, nice floor plans, shuttle bus, 776-6079, Apply Now- PT Work. *$10.25 Base/Appt* Students welcome! Flex schedules, sales/svc., all ages 18+, condi tions apply. Call Mon-Wed, 696-7734. The Battalion Advertising office has openings for typesetters. Quark knowledge required, InDesign knowl edge a plus. Must be currently en rolled at A&M. Interested applicants apply at 015 Reed McDonald Bldg, ask forTrish or Sandl. 2roommates needed in larg Some pets OK. S300/mo. 979-574-6771. F-needed ASAP, lease $275/mo. 512-699-4173. Cute 2/1 duplex. +1 futilities. Horses pastured. Excellent grass. No feed necessary. Ride on 100-acres, along Brazos River. $65/mo. per head 979-846- 9229 Leave message. Bryan 2/1. W/D connections, new carpet, fenced backyard, behind Blinn, pets OK w/deposit $625/mo. Call 979-571-7652 or 281-428-2310. Now leasing 3bdrm/2bth houses & 2bdrm/1bth duplexes, fenced yards, close to campus Bartender trainees! No experience neces sary. Up to $250/shift. Flexible schedule. TABC included. Call now 1-800-714-4060 Youth Director. Part-time. Flexible hours. $1.000/mo. Ideal candidate will be youth oriented, spiritually mature, en ergetic. a team leader. 979-823-8073. Seeking roommates to share Abort $325/mo. +$325 deposit. 1 mile Iron available now. 713-203-8248. MISCELLANEOUS Spring roommate needed Abdr brand new, S430/mo. bills ires; 817-602-0796. FOR RENT $800 Cash Back! 2bdrm/1.5bth near Hil ton, Spacious, Quiet, Shuttle, $575/mo., 575-4816. Call Anytime. C.S Large 4/2 plus 18x16 bonus area. Available now. Updated, pets OK. 1115 Berkeley (off Dominik few blocks east of TAMU), reduced $995/mo. 979-731-8257, 979-820-3939. If no an swer please leave message. Price to rent! 3bdrm/2bth duplex, Rock Hollow Loop, pets ok, big yard, w/d con nections. 979-822-9818. Caregiver for disabled A&M student. Help w/dressing, bathing, etc. T/Th, 2-4. Eve nings, 10-11:30, weekends. $5.75/hr. Contact David, 764-6016 or vanzandtaggie @ Download your cellphone ringtones and Texas A&M logos at Ridgewood Village, large very quiet tree-shaded 1bdrm/1bth studio, no pets, $415/mo., $200 deposit, 1201-1209 Holik. 696-2998. Carpenters Needed. Flexible hours, must have own bags/ hand tools, $7.50/hr. 775-7126. G&Me gifts and antiques. 3219 South Texas Ave. Vintage clothing, hats, and accessories. All your gift needs. TIME FOR A CHANGE? 2 Christa- ior girls need one female rocr Great duplex, great location, SWPsi @ Dexter. S325/mo. plus shared i Please call Bethany at 820-1995 on 409-659-8760. 1-3/bedroom apartments, some near campus. 696-2038. Some with w/d, $175-$600/mo. Clean 3bd/2ba house in CS. Fenced yard w/deck, W/D included, $995/mo. Call Sarah, 574-0223. Sublease 2/1 duplex ASAP thru May. Brand new carpet and tile. $575/mo. ne gotiable, pets negotiable. 812 San Saba, C.S. 979-571-6474. Cleaning commercial buildings at night, M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. Linda's Typing Service 979-690-1518, Resumes, disserta tions, class thesis. SERVICES CSISD Kids Klub purchasing agent. 10-15 hrs/wk. Flexible hours. Must be an ag gressive shopper. 764-5430. MOTORCYCLE 1/1, 2/2, $450-$600, short-term lease available. Vaulted ceilings, fireplace, ce ramic tile, W/D. Broker owner 777-5477. Clean, individual, Ibdrm/lbth upstairs apartment, 303-E Villa Maria ©Cavitt, $400/mo., $400/deposit. 979-224-0675. 1/2month free rent! 2bd/1ba $375/mo. Ibd/lba $295/mo. C.S. Close TAMU. Call 979-680-0173. College Station, 2/1 duplex, fenced, W/D connections, appliances, shuttle, $500/mo. 979-693-4840 Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don't buy, rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 FOR SALE 1407 East 23rd. 2bdm/1ba, central heat/air, hardwood floors, appliances. $450/mo. $450/deposit 903-825-6967. 2&3bdrm duplexes Shouses 1 block from campus. Free Rent $500-$1100. Call MVM-Rents at 680-9300. First month rent $229! Ibdrm/lba studio, nice. 1mile TAMU, 2pools, 2hot-tubs, gym, shuttle, tennis, +more. $458/mo. free internet, water, &gas. 979-739-2364 Beautiful 5x8 rug, 6-mon. old. 1-yr old chocolate brown sofa. Excellent condition. Kirby vacuum cleaner. Full size sleeper sofa. Excellent condition. 979-694-1494 EVENING JOB. College Students with good communication skills needed to do telephone work for local marketing com pany. AVERAGE $10/HOUR! Work schedule consists of 2-4 evenings/week, 6pm-9pm. Gain marketing experience... apply today! Call 979-774-3890, 9am-9pm. 2001 Kawasaki ZRX 1200R. Great condi tion. Well maintained. 1 owner. Lots of ex tras. $5500, 979-823-2463. 2002 Honda 954rr, Low miles, Flawless condition, $6,500. 979-571-3938. 2002 Suzuki 979-324-9072 GZ250, black. $2800. AAA Texas Defensive Driving. It fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pr Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6p» &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:3i Former student serving you 20yrs. ces above Aggieland Kiva Inn, Stf (next door to Applebee's). Walk-ins come. $25/cash. Lowest price bj 104 Texas Ave. S. 846-6117. Sta 30/min. early. NEWS THE BAT' Journs Continued and encoura ists to start as undergrac “You don you have a 1 by a papers want good story, i of the writer in college,”! The Dean the Master o event, Dave the confereni “One of tl Makers and ference was understandin icumalists ai iclieve we’\ goal,” Parrot Budg< Continue had the opp' with him, ai tegnty. He’: to work witl A rest ing Brescia sity was pa without det The Sena Constituent'; Bill, which \ plify the Sen prove consti The Sena Forum Bill ing vote. T extend the ting time a meetings f speak to the Renfrew sented the S< tobeavoice “The bill directly enj representati 2003 Honda CBR drives well, 979-739-4594. 600RR. 2500mi. Runs well, $6000. 2/1.5, College Main Apartments, $503.14/mo., Call 979-777-6988 First Two Weeks Rent Free. $795/mo, 1100 sq.ft., 3bdrm/2ba duplex near Hilton. Equipped kitchen, W/D. Available now. 979-260-1255 2bd/1ba duplex. 3312 Bluestem, on bus route. $550/mo., fenced yard, fireplace, w/d connection, pets OK. 268-1096. 2bdrm/1.5ba Harvey Rd. $550/mo. Lease to August 2005. Move in anytime, BUT if lease signed by October 1st. 2004 no de posit &1/2 first months rent paid. Gas, water, cable paid, either net. 777-3151 For rent. 2bdrm/2ba. Cripple Creek Con dos, Unit-126. New carpet, new paint, W/D, $575/mo. $575/deposit. Available now, CIE Janette. 820-1325. Celtic Tapestries. Perfect beds, tables, curtains, etc. signs, sizes, colors for: walls, Many de- available. Fun, prestigious public ^ppaking position. $7/hr., evenings &Saturdays. Must have DL 4+years. No criminal records. We train. 693-3992. , 2003 Honda Shadow VLX (600), 3,100 miles garage kept, adult owner, $4.000/of fer. 979-574-0878. “The Library" ©Northgate is availab private parties 7 days a week- cor live pricing. Contact Ji 979-739-1967. Kerry Continued TICKETS Free Locator Service: Apartments, du plexes, 4-plexes, houses. Alpha-Omega Properties broker. 774-7820. s^SiudentCHmom rfr»« Ultimate* Student Travel fcM|>eric»nco SnoDaze, '05 Healthy women 18yrs+ not taking hormo nal preparations are invited to participate in behavioral research paying $10-20 for 1-2hrs of time, for further information, contact. Dr. Alexander: 979-458-4512, 2003 Suzuki GSXR 750. Runs great, drives better. $7000, 979-739-4594. 1 senior sports pass for Kansas game $40 OBO. 979-574-6401 MUSIC 1 Senior Sports Pass for rest of sesf Asking $140 OBO. 979-229-7591 Love working with kids? Hiring part-time, afternoons, Mon.-Fri., off weekends. Call 979-846-1762 or fax resume, 979-846-3387. Ace DJs offering the best music in kar aoke w/awesome lighting for the lowest price guaranteed! Call 1-888-GOACEDJ (1-888-462-2335) Graduate Student Sports Pass, $25C: j for rest of season. 214-676-4392 Junior sports pass for Kansas stale ji' $60 0 60. 512-577-2444 2bdrm/1ba apartment. Walk to campus. Very clean $450/mo. No pets 979-574-7464. 2bdrm/1ba Bryan, ter, free wireless. 936-524-0474 Shuttle route, free wa- Ideal for students call Free rent. Great floor plan, close to cam pus. 4bdrm/3ba, 4bdrm/2ba, 3bdrm/2ba. Ceiling fans, w/d connections, fenced, pets ok. 776-8984 Jan. Info 888-777-4642 Marketing- telemarketing part-time for busy construction company. Apply at United, 3501 South Texas Ave., Bryan. Audio Project DJ your A&M DJ Service. 3000-watt system, 18-inch subwoofers, light show. Call 979-571-7416. Need sports pass for Colorado andfa | Tech. Will trade sophomore and junir OU. Jake 713-206-9599. PETS Need sportspass for K-Slate. Wl,l f have the ide for Co/OU. Ramon 979-575-8229. [co Meg e.s k i k^eo m] 2bdrm/2ba at the Arbors available De- cember-May. $815/mo, contact 2bdrms/1ba, 2story, across street from TAMU, shuttle, W/D connections, $500/mo. 832-428-7204. 902 SanBenito: 3/2 $900+ deposit. 1000 SanBenito: 3/2 $900+ deposit. 2806 Leonard Rd: 4/2 on 1-acre, $1200+ de posit. No Pets, No Section 8. 979-822-3043. Crossword answers can be found online at GRI ll & TAVERN* Join us for lunch! 15 minutes or it’s FREE! Come in and try our signature Monte Cristo and Death by Chocolate May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty! Photographers Wanted. Will train, tact Photo System at 680-9400. Con- 17H olD e s t i ii a ti on sj; Book Early a[Receiv^ Free Meals Free Drinks Trcrve/ Free & Be VIP * , 1.888.Spring.Break [www.sludewtcily.coml $450 Group Fundraiser Scheduling Bonus 4 hours of your group’s time PLUS our free (yes, free) fundraising solutions EQUALS $l,000-$2,000 in earnings for your group. Call TODAY for a $450 bo nus when you schedule your non-sales fundraiser with CampusFundraiser. Con tact CampusFundraiser, (888)923-3238, or visit Baby ball python, $50. Baby Columbian Red Tail Boa $100. 4ft ball python $115. Cage plus accessories $60. 979-733-4873 Senior sports pass for K-State $100 OBO. 979-575-7989. Sophomore Sports Pass for Kara | State, Colorado, and Oklahoma, each game OBO. 979-661-1653. COOL KITTIES right off the farm! Yellow, tabbies, and blacks. Box trained. Five weeks, 272-1223. TRAVEL Some Rep port the ve back Sen. Jo than Glueck. velopment rr “1 think th for Kerry) n ly’s voting military voti said. “He vof reappropriati needs at this Man Kittens and cats for adoption I Visit us at Miniature Pinscher Puppies. CKC. Tails & dewclaws done. Taking deposits now. $275. 979-535-4052. #1 Spring Break Bahamas Celebrityl Cruise! 5 Days $299! Includes N Parties! Cancun, Acapulco, Nassai maica From $459! Panama City S tona $159! www.SpringBreakTrave 1 -800-678-6386. STUDIES IN PROGRESS Seven chocolate labs. Born on Aug. 13, AKC registered. $300, 979-694-1632 Newsday Crossword ACROSS 1 French hat 6 High cards 10 Make a trade 14 Painter’s pigment 15 Laotian neighbor 16 Domesticate 17 Sailor’s time off 19 On the summit of 20 Trig ratio 21 Antsy 23 The of Night (soap opera) 25 Cake layer 26 ’80s TV alien 29 He’ll put you to sleep 32 Hit the slopes 35 Common condiment 37 Former Italian coin 38 Henry Vlll’s royal house 40 Undeniable evidence 42 Rummy variety 43 Pollen bit 44 A former Mrs. Trump 45 Convene 47 Long-necked bird 48 Tabby or calico 49 Had an easy time 52 Wind dir. 53 More than impressed 55 Irritated state 57 Having the best manners 61 Rules of conduct 65 Mail-chute 9 Afternoon nap opening 10 No longer 66 Use a fresh Web browser 11 Dilutes 68 Subway rider’s 12 “Famous” hope 69 Elitist 70 Wear away 71 Stage award 72 __ spumante 73 Extend a subscription DOWN 1 Pear variety 2 Resound 3 Greek letters 4 Spooky 5 Current fashions 6 Consumed 7 Bum somewhat 8 Roof overhang 36 Freight weight AT THE BEACH by Shirley Soloway Edited by Stanley Newman 39 Postal Service alternative 41 Gem surface 46 Group principle 50 Ukrainian seaport 51 Flustered state 54 Verbally clever 56 In that spot 57 “Hey, you!" 58 Table spread 59 Centers of solar systems 60 Moderate gait 62 Let _ (tell about) 63 Formally surrender 64 Slow-cooked meal 67 Most Wanted List org. Athlete’s Foot Study Volunteers ages 10 and older are needed to participate in a 6-week clinical research study with an investigational topical medication for athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will receive at no cost: Summer Work in MODELING Swimwear/Beauty/Glamour Call (979)268-1379. THE NATIONS MOST POPULAR LEGE SKI WEEK. Pat Green, Cross nadian Ragweed, Kevin Fowler many more. bigskitripi or call 1-888-754-8 1 cookie guy 13 Enlivens, with “up” 18 Within the law 22 Colors slightly 24 Puzzle or riddle 26 Savory jelly 27 Young insect 28 Raise funds, perhaps 30 Helps with the dishes 31 Impressionist works 33 Islamic sacred text 34 Actress Dunne • Study related medication Study related medical examinations relating to their athletes foot Compensation up to $ 100 for time and effort 'J'^LOWICK apartments Call for more information. Fever Blister/Cold Sore Study Volunteers, ages 18-80 years of age who have at least 3 outbreaks a year, are needed to participate in a clinical research study of an investigational topical medication for the treatment of fever blisters Eligible volunteers will receive at no cost: • Study related examination of your cold sore • Study medication • Compensation up to $320 for time and effort Call for more information. Are You Allergic To Metal? Volunteers, ages 18 to 55 are needed to participate in a one-month long clinical research study to evaluate the clinical response of an investigational topical study drug on patients whose skin show an allergic reaction to nickel. You may qualify for this study if your skin reacts to: • Jewelry • Zippers, Belt Buckles, or Snaps • Coins or other metal objects Volunteers will need to make 12 visits to the office for blood draws and skin evaluations, 5 of these visits will last up to 8 hours. Volunteers who qualify for entry into the study will be compensated up to $1050 for their time and effort. Call for more information. Efficiency, One or Two Bedroom Spacious FloorPlans Ask Us About Our Semester Leases! 693-1325 Travel agents needed. Sign-up to wholesale travel credentials now. for as little as $25/day. Free Ira Hurry. Call Margie. 936-662-8729 book your own travel. College Ski & Bo era Week BMmm Ski 20 Mountains a, 5 Hasans lor the Price at 1 Breck, Bail; Beavercreek, Arapalioe Basin a Keystone *179 U.Ski MO-SKl-MD read the fine print. SIX DAYS. NO NIGHTS. (you can sleep when you die) J&S Studies, Inc. The Physician Centre • 979-774-5933 3201 University Dr. E., Suite 475, Bryan, Texas 77802 THE BATTA110 CLASSIFIEDS CALL 845-0569 TO PLACE YOUR AD HOUSTO [school senii | community c | lege and are ! Records a | lege System cry College Spring Break 2005- Travel with: America’s #1 Student Tour Opera!:' , , Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco, Baf? StaQUated St and Florida. Now hiring on-campus: Call for group disc* Information/Reservations 1-800-649' or are taking hi “It’s sinfi up at a con they’ll have they should Gene Bottor A Gradual yearboo 027. Th yearboo To mak< Go to S< Registra Or sche see the