The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 24, 2004, Image 5
ACrGItjl THE BATH I ndf^ SIDELINES nstead on adc e character o( eatest sources haracter borde: Sports The Battalion Road trip! Page 5 Page by: Nikki Knight St Jordan Meserole es to reach ate side of Mt. Sti ics ripped fror] fectly displays kill at beinga he worst pan es to convey it looks as if Taco Bell a /olta phones sympathetic :d to empatk; ind the assas not enough ev When the The Texas Rangers come Im behind in the bottom of ninth inning to beat the he can't breal /ision-leading Oakland Ath- idience memlxjlejcs, 5-4. o break out i BRIEFLY rable aspects actors whop Iwellers. Agn n-Stamos(U;.| Olympic cycling gold med- credibly sexy;Ijst Tyler Hamilton will be al- ving in the sltlwed to keep his gold medal ic constipated I ter the International Olym- I c Committee dropped its vestigation of alleged blood Punisher" is temple tampering, here is a reas: . body wouldst n a black trencs >ke. I) is a prequel of Garth Hn-.lirates 6-3. rated the here f here is the us.. ! more than Greg Maddux reached 15 ■ins for a record 17 consecu- ti e seasons as the Chicago ubs defeated the Pittsburgh The New York Yankees ■inched their 10th consecu- -packed docesI ve playoff berth trumping the he film: "Keet! and "V\ iturettes focus:: ■s. "Drawing B Tim Bradstree of the comic the theatrical entary by the: ampa Bay Devil Rays 7-3. ON THIS DATE 1998 - The NBA. through :s 86th day of the lockout, gh. and a couinnounces the cancellation er for the upcc f 24 exhibition games and in- i truly stupid: lefinite postponement of the r a once proir tartof training camps. Soccer heads north to take on Texas opponents Baylor and Tech By Jordan Meserole THE BATTALION The No. 14 Texas A&M soc cer team will play two games this weekend against Baylor Univer sity and Texas Tech University, but the Aggies might just as well be playing one team. Baylor and Texas Tech are so similar in appearance that it’s almost like something out of the Twilight Zone. "Both of these teams are real similar,” said A&M head coach G. Guerrieri. “They’re both re ally gritty, and they’ve got a lot of fight in them.” The Aggies (5-3, 1-0 Big 12) w ill make their first stop in Waco on Friday to take on the Bears (3-3-1). Baylor has won two of its last three games, including a come-from-behind, 2-1 win against UC-lrvine on Saturday. Baylor is led by two young players: sophomore forward Anna Schuch, who has three goals along with four assists, and freshman midfielder Mar garet Kaderli, who also has three goals. “We’re a very young team, so we play like freshmen some times,” said Baylor head coach George Van Linder. “But we also have some young leaders too that really help drive this team. You just have to see what team shows up and hope it’s the one that’s going to win.” After completion of the night game in Waco, the Aggies will load their bus and head farther north to Lubbock for a Sunday afternoon game against the Red Raiders (3-5). Texas Tech is on a bit of a slide, having lost its last three games. The Red Raid ers are led by freshman forward Priscilla Esquivel who has six goals, which puts her in a tie for second in the Big 12. “You always like to see young kids scoring goals like that,” said Texas Tech head coach Felix Os- kam. “We hope that as we enter the Big 12 part of our schedule, she’ll continue to do the same.” So what are the similarities? Both BaylorandTexasTechhave scored 14 goals; the Bears have accumulated 40 total points, the Red Raiders have 36; and Baylor has allowed 16 goals with Texas Tech allowing 17. Both of the teams’ leading scorers are fresh men, and both draw on average 400-500 fans, while setting near attendance records the last time they played A&M at their home field. And the kicker — both have to face No. 20 University of Texas this weekend. “Isn’t that something? But that’s how the Big 12 is,” Os- kam said. “There’s a lot of qual ity teams in this conference, and we have two of the best coming in the same weekend.” Van Linder, who was 350 miles away from Lubbock, almost echoed Oskam’s statements. “It’s without a question the most difficult weekend of the year for us,” Van Linder said. “To my knowledge, only two teams have beat A&M and Tex as in the same weekend. We cer tainly have our hands full.” The weekend series marks the beginning of a long stretch of Big 12 games for the Aggies, with only two non-conference games remaining. While the Aggies have played many for midable opponents this far, in cluding a narrow 1-0 loss to No. 12 UCLA on Sunday, A&M has See Soccer on page 7 NU hosts Aggie volleyball in Lincoln By Shawn C. Millender THE BATTALION The Texas Aggie volleyball team will travel to Lincoln, Neb. Friday, hoping to shake off the ef fects of an uncharacteristically sloppy performance after being swept in three matches by Kansas State Wednesday night in Manhattan, Kan. The Aggies were outblocked for the first time this season 7-6 by KSU. They allowed the Wildcats a .387 hitting percentage (a season high for Aggie opponents) while mustering only .147 themselves. The road will only get tougher for the Aggies, who face a talented 7th-ranked Comhuskcr team coming off an impressive showing in sweeping the 25th-ranked Colorado Buffaloes. See Volleyball on page 7 SHARON AESCHBACH - The Battalion Junior midfielder Laura Probst steals the ball from University of California-Los Angeles sophomore Jessica Harris on Sunday after noon. The Aggies lost to UCLA, 1'0- The Texas A&M SI lent stati agencies tudy icultural Expf ists are woiifl’ th federal effectiveness i I onservation iitfl 2002 Farm B; Effects Asses ; nes conservatr the nation. lti«I assessment 5 ?s the benefits' rams in select?I ncludingtheLeJ in Texas. “This; I benefits," said! I if the Texas I Blackland Center in ffj and justify U ervation progn ustaiqg and erf quality." The is receiving )00 annually i| rticipation in will be taker d used for a ugas said. For ;news.tamii.ed | .GPR/Sep230A Corps of Cadets Are you an out-of-state or international student? Aditi Gupta ’07 Outfit: Company V-l Major: Computer Engineering From: New Deli, India Distinguished Student, Outfit Outstanding Freshman Jonathan Kulak ’05 Corps Staff, Recruiting Officer Major: Political Science From: Boston, Massachusetts Distinguished Student Air Force Officer Candidate “I received a Corps sholarship which allowed me to pay in-state tuition. It saves me $8,000 each year.” -Jonathan Kulak ’05 You can save up to $30, fiTiTil “Being a Keeper of the Spirit is a great responsibility. However, it is not a bur den, but a matter of great respect.” -Aditi Gupta ’07 over 4 years Most Corps scholarships qualify non-Texas residents for in-state tuition, Call today and see if you qualify for a Corps scholarship. Being a member of the Corps requires no military obligation. It is not too late, join the Corps today! For information on how you can join the Corps of Cadets contact: Roger R. Martinez ’85 Assistant Director, Corps Recruiting [800] TAMU AGS E-Mail: piled from f\%'