The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 24, 2004, Image 2
2 Short term leases available Dec.- May or Dec.- Aug. Starting at H49, 2bdrm/lbth Redstone Apartments 696-1848 Very Few Remaining! TREEH0USE APARTNENTS I & 2 BR’S AVAILABLE $390 - $550 (979) 696-5707 Friday, September 24, 2004 THE BATH by Will Lloyd RooMindte Tip #41 A roommate will eventually get sick. However, only the special roommates will be dramatic about it... Trains Continued from page 35HOLP! ccwtagion' 4 Cook, Mtt, X i fl ths bio-imt to humor uev.&Ht ft't fhs common cok/! told him that no leti; sent to either College* or the University. “1 asked CIS (Coinpui; Information Services) fc out a Neo message toevei informing them so that would be surprised bythi of the train,” Sippial sat concern at that time w BY JOSH DARWIN I t>UNMO ( 60MeTXH INC? ABOUT "f'taH.e IMPedTAKlT PeoPte to slawdert amp uesTftoy.' people who were used toil going at a slower speed misjudge the faster speed, to cross in front of the trail Brymer said he will semi istored letter to Union Pacifj next few days, outliningtht in;- anc dinance and advising them §C ern speed limits will be enforce;E re “My feeling is that the limits we have here int""! 111 It all tof< larss HOWDY. AGS NOW OPEN IN COLLEGE STATION AG’S SPECIAL* Monday &. Tuesday 7:00pm - 1 1:00pm * buy 1 regular price ice cream or milkshake at regular price, get the 2nd one for only $1.00 Present your Student ID, Expires 1 1-01-04 Rock Prairie Center (Krogers) Rock Prairie at Longmire 3505F Longmire - 694-1100 College Station. TX 77845 MAGGIE MOO’S 3505F Longmire 694-1100 HURRY IN FOR A MOOVELOUS DEAL!! $ 1.00 OFF ANY ITEM of $2.99 Value of more Expires 11 -01-04 cane aeweu-a T«e MfiTROSeXUAL btj M,D. Walters | wfeueokifc tp Station are based on analysis, and they tended to achieve a safs for trains going throu. city that have crossings; [H- 5 motor vehicles pass them,” Brymer said. Bromley said the increP 1 "- 1 speed is necessary to itia railroad run more efficiem “We want to raise thespeJ because it helps us put mor:f on the railroads,” Bromleys Sippial will meet vuth'j on September 29 in am decide the train speed i< Custodians Continued from page rew 11 :mo’ Sir* MtiiHiXlADDim m is. nwm mg “Th I went to go talk to Thor today. I asked him to stay away from Chrys.... Oooh. how did that go? Well, he said that if I don't let it go, that he would make it a point to rip out my vocal chords. I got over Chrys pretty lickly after Not even Chrys is worth losing my ability to impersonate Louie Anderson. Agree It's Better to have loved and lost, right? nev< ustin Seal entG at dc Have you thought about the challenge of teaching? Safety Continued from page 1 Are you a junior, senior, or graduate student? The Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture offers a program that leads to SECONDARY TEACHER CERTIFICATION. For more information, plan to attend the Post-Baccalaureate Program information session: Saturday, September 25, 2004 105 Heaton Hall 4:00-5:00 PM If you cannot attend, you can email or view the program website at A preventative maintenance program is also being put together and will include the hiring of two additional maintenance work ers that will be on call until midnight, said Ron Sasse, director of Residence Life. Drolesky said she didn’t know what the University would do to ensure that lan guage barriers wouldn’t eet in the way of communicating, but officials at the confer ence provided residents with information sheets regarding gas monitors and other safety issues. Sasse said increases in rent would also be necessary as a result of all of the chang es that had to be made after the fire. “All of us have been impacted,” Prakash Krishnan, a resident of the University Apartments, said. “We have the right to be emotionally upset. We have the right to ask questions.” Faculty Continued from page 1 “I can’t believe they hired more staff for t buildings,” Hansen sail janitors work so hard, a deserve a break here and Felipe said custodians to help students learn in a em ironment, but there areR nC0UI students can alleviate their rl He; All 1 ask is that kidspuBgyh; trash where it belongs,” w “Te said. “Bending over at my Ast to pick up trash is hard, andSniquc little bit helps.” lilivii |ery h The uo in enwel between different candidates, whichcou/< to privacy concerns. Bresciani said the program would academic experience of students at A&Mb things like reducing the faculty to student “We must do all we can to strengthen the of teaching and our academic programs, the core of the intellectual pursuit." Fred Mi a former Board of Regents member, said Gig ( em! Now Delivering Until 3AM! 601 University Order Online! (Northgate) 846-3600 Open until 3 AM! 1100 Harvey Rd. 764-7272 Lobby Open until 10 PM 1740 Rock Prairie 680-0508 Lobby Open until 10 PM PARTY PACK 4 Large 1 Topping Pizza’s ONLY $27.99 Proud Sponsor Of Texas A&M Athletics and The 12 th Man Rewards Program! Look for us at your favorite Sporting, events! MONDAY MADNESS CONTINUES ON! 1 Large 1 Topping Pizza! ONLY $5.99 Monday Only! Pick-Up Only The Battalk Kendra kingslev I ditor in Chief . Late Night Special! 1 Large 1 Topping I Only $ 6.99 | Pick-up or Delivery 10PM - Midnight JL Northgate Lunch Special! Any Slice and A Drink! Only $2.99 Add an Additional Slice Only $1.50 THE BATTALION (ISSN #105W 726; daily Monday through Friday dumg tie» semesters and Monday through Ttiursdai summer session (except University hoWajs periods) at Texas A&M University Paid at College Station, TX 77840. P0SUW1 address changes to The Baltalim, TeiastSII 1111 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-tilt. N!H5 The Battalion news departrail t by students at Texas A&M University ii die Student Media. News offices are in 014 Reed Building. Newsroom phone; 979-845-3313 Fa 2647, E-mail:; Wet Advertisino Publication of advertising sponsorship or endorsement by The BalMm local, and national display advertising, cal9i For classified advertising, call 979-84541559. offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, andofee am lo 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fat I Subscriptions A part o( Ihe Student Servtesl each Texas A&M student to pick up a sngfc Battalion First copy free, additional capes subscriptions are $100 per school year. HOODED SWEAT SHIRTS t POLOS ACM DOMINOE! & A&M gifts for the whole family! Come see vrt people have been copy^i our design* for years! Sept. 30th - Oct | pll| ssm tjl* Thursday, September 30th - Saturday, October z Sunday, October 3rd loam - 6pm Corner of Southwest Pkwy. and Texas Av (In the Inch's, 4.0 & GO and Bourbon Street Bar & Grit 1 parhing tot) For more details call 979-680-8780 %. 1 I w;.v, .A...... | IQRHRRi i RW