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liesday. Creager was presentea with A&M football and basketball jerseys.
^annie Mae’s finances questioned
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
Cat Stevens’
brother says he is
not a terrorist
Singer Cat Stevens, taken off a
London-to-Washington flight be
cause his name showed up on a
government “no-fly” list, has no ties
to suspected terrorists, his brother
said Wednesday.
Stevens, who converted to Islam
and changed his name to Yusuf Is
lam more than a quarter-century
ago, recently made the watch list
after U.S. authorities received in
formation from multiple sources in
dicating he may have associations
with potential terrorists, a govern
ment official said.
United Airlines Flight 919 was
diverted to Bangor, Maine, on Tues
day afternoon after U.S. officials
who checked the passenger list
learned that the singer was aboard.
Federal agents met the plane and
interviewed Islam.
Islam's brother and business
manager, David Gordon, said in a
telephone interview that he could
guarantee that Islam does not as
sociate with possible terrorists.
“It's not true," Gordon said. “His
only work, his only mind-set, is hu
manitarian causes. He just wants
to be an ambassador for peace.”
Gordon said his brother was in
eood humor.
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Regulators have found serious
’so Wee
t filing.
d iclosed Wednesday. It
|opped nearly 7 percent.
In at least one instance, the
Igulators said, it appeared
â– at the government-sponsored
Impany put off some account-
I she has been Ig for expenses to a future re-
i/londay'scourtlortjng p er j(xi j n order to meet
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ems. fonuses for executives.
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The Fannie Mae board has
named a special committee of
outside directors to respond to
the allegations by the Office
of Federal Housing Enterprise
Oversight. Fannie Mae is the
second-largest U.S. financial in
stitution behind Citigroup Inc.
The developments surprised
financial experts and Wall Street.
A little more than a year ago,
Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae’s sis
ter agency and competitor in the
multitrillion-dollar home mort
gage market, disclosed that it
had understated profits by some
$4.5 billion for 2000-2002 in an
effort to smooth earnings.
Fannie Mae’s accounting then
came under close government scru
tiny, though its leaders insisted that
it had no problems of that type.
“It is a ‘wow’ situation,” said
Arvind Sachdeva, an analyst for
Victory Capital Management
who follows the company. But,
he added, “These are opinions.”
Rep. Richard Baker, R-La., a
longtime critic of Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac, called it “a sad
and disturbing day for investors,
homebuyers and taxpayers alike.
... Investors have been fooled,
home buyers have been cheated
and taxpayers are at risk.”
The regulators at OFHEO
submitted a report to its board
that found earnings manipula
tion, lax internal controls and in
accurate financial disclosures.
Join the Celebration at the Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center
Eickets distributed throughout the day, beginning at 7:15 a.m.
You must have a numbered ticket to get your Aggie Ring.
Festivities begin at 2:30 p.m.
Ring distribution starts at 3 p.m. and ends at 6 p.m.
We encourage you to utilize the “Aggie Ring Shuttle”, which will run from 2:00-6:00
to transport guests to and from PA 100 lots E and F (Tom Chandler Dr., South of
Reed Arena) and The Association.
You must bring your receipt and drivers license
to pick up your Aggie Ring. If you do not have your receipt,
please bring your student ID and drivers license.
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