The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 09, 2004, Image 10
Applying to Pharmacy School for 2005 Entrance? T3 XV June 8 th , Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. Sept. 13 th , Monday, 3:00 p.m. June 14 th , Monday, 10:00 a.m. Oct. 12 th , Tuesday, 3:00 p.m. July 14 th , Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. Nov. 11 th , Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Nov. 15 th , Monday, 2:00 p.m. Let us be your partner throughout the application process. Contact the Office of Professional School Advising at 847-8938 or come by the office, Academic 205, to sign up for a Pharmacy School Application Workshop. Come for 3 spirrt-fille4 time of song 3h4 story, featuring the origins I music of Presbyterisn Music Artist Jennifer Klein. Free Dinner and Concert!! Thursday, September 9th 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Northgate, 315 Tauber Street Sponsored by United Campus Ministry in Aggieland ❖Eine Kleine Worship Music*3616 Far West Blvd, Ste. 117-242, Austin, TX^^^ THE BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING •EASY •AFFORDABLE •EFFECTIVE CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION 845-0569 fcnvs I0A Thursday, September 9, 2004 WORy IE B THE BAT TALI! ii i «T * People react during a meeting with President of North Ossetia Alexander Dzasokhov who spoke from a balcony of a regional administration headquarters Auxandir ZfMLiANicHfNKO •THE ASSOCIATED m Vladikavkaz the region's capital. Wednesdayj Dzasokhov is the leader of the Russian regions more than 350 people were killed in a school: Russia offers $ 1 DM reward for information on Chechen rebels By Steve Gutterman THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MOSCOW — A wounded Russia threatened Wednesday to strike against terrorists “in any region of the world,” offered a $10 million reward for infor mation leading to the killing or capture of Chechnya’s top rebel leaders, and criticized the United States for its willingness to hold talks with Chechen separatists. The announcements marked a show of resolve aimed at Rus sia’s stunned citizens, as well as Western countries President Vladimir Putin accuses of hin dering its fight against terror, in the wake of three attacks that killed more than 400 people in the past two weeks. In a nationally televised meet ing, Prosecutor-General Vladi mir Ustinov also briefed Putin on the investigation into the taking of more than 1,200 hostages in a school last week in the southern town of Beslan. *•* ; His was the. first official ac- knowledgmenrthat the number of hostages had been so high; the government initially said about 350 people were seized. A regional official later said the number had been 1,181. Col.-Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky, chief of the general staff of Russia’s armed forces, asserted Russia’s right to strike terrorists beyond its borders. “As for carrying out pre ventive strikes against terror ist bases ... we will take all measures to liquidate terror ist bases in any region of the world,” he told reporters. European Union officials re acted cautiously to Baluyevsky’s statements, with spokeswoman Emma Udwin saying she could not be sure whether they rep resented government policy. Udwin said the 25-nation EU is against “extra-judicial killings” in form of pre-emptive strikes. We will take all measures to liqui date terrorist bases in any region of the world. two days and said he wouli low suit if he could not ft'" protesters demands toriinii pendent inquiry the firi of officials being puni failing to prevent the attacB Russia’s Federal Security! \ ice offered a rewur lion its biggest bounty e for information that couk "neutralize” Chechen rebe ers Shamil Basayev and Maskhadov, whom of have accused of mastermi last week’s hostage crisis. The agency said and Maskhadov have sponsible for “inhum ist acts on the territc Owen L ■ternoc Grou IAUSTI Russian Fedt — Col.-Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky Russian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Anger over the school attack simmered in North Ossetia, the southern Russian region bor dering Chechnya mourning the deaths of hundreds of children, parents and teachers. Regional President Alexander Dzasokhov promised a furious crowd of 1,000 that the local gov ernment would step down within Maskhadov, the formerj dent of Chechnya, had d any involvement in the s standoff, according to t There has been no word Basayev, a longtime rebel lord who had claimed inv ment in bloody raids and tage-takings in the past. Basayev is believed hiding in Chechnya; R officials have sometim ported that Maskhadov the country. Ustinov said 326 hostage killed and 727 wounded in school attack, which ended Fi in a wave of explosions and lire. North Ossetian Deputy Minister Teimuraz Reva said 329 were confirmed P lves ‘ ■tes are Miat Tex flould le I On W< of Educa u/ov I Now Delivering Until SAM! 601 University (Northgate) 846-3600 Open until 3 AMI Order Online! 1100 Harvey Rd. 764-7272 Lobby Open until 10 PM 1740 Rock Prairie 680-0508 Lobby Open until 10 PM I PARTY PACK 4 Large 1 Topping Pizza’s I ONLY $27.99 Proud Sponsor Of T exas A&M Athletics and J The 12' h Man Rewards Program!! Look for us at your favorite Sportinu events! _ MONDAY MADNESS CONTINUES ONJ1 1 Large 1 Topping Pizza! ONLY $5.99 Monday Only! Pick-Up Only | Late Night Special! L Large 1 Topping Only $ 6.99 Pick-up or Delivery j 10PM - Midnight n ± .Sortfixate Lunch Spec'd | Any Slice and A Drink! Only $2.99 Add an Additional Slice Only $1.50 : 1