The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 01, 2004, Image 9
NEWS •ALIOS SEWS [the battalion ;a-. ’arents Weekend date changed |m| Due to a convergence of fac- llors, a decision has been made to Hjlhange the dates of Parents' Week- ■ end for Spring 2005. This decision vas made after much thought and ;onsultation from both University ind community constituencies. The fates for Parents’ Weekend 2005 are low set for April 8-10. Planners in he Department of Student Activities say they recognize that individuals and organizations who have made arrangements around the previous fates (April 22-24) will now have to change them. They apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause and appreciate any assistance n notifying others of the new dates. Direct any questions to Kevin Jack- >on, director of the Department of Stu- fent Activities at kevin@stuact.tamu. adu or Sharra Durham, adviser to the brents' Weekend Committee. Both nay be reached at 97^845-1133. I Scholarship Recognition Program on Sunday I Texas A&M's 2004 academic Scholarship recognition ceremony Is set for 1 p.m. Sunday at Rudder ■ heater. The event is intended for Incoming freshman receiving aca- jiemic scholarships through the Of fice of Honors Programs and Aca- pemic Scholarships. I “This year, we expect about 650 ^ incoming freshmen who hold one Jir more of these prestigious aca- ■emic awards," said Myra Gonza les, associate director of the Office |f Honors Programs and Academic ^Scholarships. I For more information, contact , ikonzalez at (979) 458-1572 or visit /Ihe honors Web site at http://hon- "^ I Campus briefs are com- il( y " piled by the office of Univer- 1 at Ifity Relations. 9 A Wednesday, September 1, 2004 Picture perfect Freshman education majors Lynsey Owens (left), Fountain. MSC Town Hall, Film Society and the Ashley Wieringa (center), and Amanda Ozbolt Visual and Arts Committee sponser the event flip through racks at the poster sale next to Fudder every year. Posters will be on sale until Friday. Ags Deserve the Most Experienced Physical Therapy in the Brazos Valley! • Sports & Orthopedic Injuries • Motor Vehicle & Occupational Injuries • Spine and Joint Physical Therapy Sports Back Clinic 2011 A. Villa Maria • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 776-2225 in FREE cash scholarships [ITE t ?st it ffice er) Who will be the new College Poker Champion for 2005? Play for t ,370 cash scholarships worth $100,000 and 10 Spring Break vacations in Cancun, Mexico. % NO ENTRY FS t NO COST * NO GAMBLING visit To become a Campus Student Rep, register online. HAMPIONSHIP FRIDAY September 3, 2004 8pm - Midnight Memorial Student Center ft FREE ft BOIVI//VG ft L p OOL MOO OiV/ C’RNTTS p 4 979.845.1515 /t F° r special needs, please contact us CX three days prior to the event at 845-1515. am,