:1 of the if: 1° 11 turn, | r ds like 'layers s^ ai Ten, writers-l' )us”l| FOOTBALL PREVIEW E BATTALION htinued from page 2B Both quarterbacks took advan- agt of McNeal’s absence dur- ng the spring to strengthen their ms to the backup role. The silver lining of Reggie playing was that Ty Bran- and Stephen McGee got t of playing time, and T.J. nders) as well,” Franchione . “Those were bonuses to those guys as far along as sible. It was a great oppor- ity for them, and they took chantage of it.” gie defflipranyon seized his oppor- h an inilHity and won over the crowd nksofi'fith an impressive performance 'edtoroajast year’s Maroon and White ae, scoring the game-winning touchdown with no time left on the clock. Franchione said the ision on who will head up the No 2 duties will be made closer “Peopii [tithe first game. 't stro s the oo mi sagflci® id abocm. ke thaliJVll ken.*iurphy t[lc Continued from page 4B eedsto:. l 31 instil,-,, chami-j dwekj after fol wnsti' )r dele;-] irllote ffhe tight end situation is another much improved posi- Jn for the Aggies. They are Bo-deep at both tight end po sitions. Redshirt freshman Joey Bomas is healthy after battling [shoulder and arm injuries and is Bathletic receiver that coaches Bn’t wait to use. Junior Boone Slutz and sophomore Quinlin Germany will also help solidify thi tight end position that is n page Slch an integral part of Fran- clione’s offense. ■“Joey is doing a good job \ rp rip it now,” Franchione said. Ijv “fhomas has improved physi- cllly and technically since his ss " re. shirt days. 1 think his con- ftdence level (increases) every gths. i»y as j ie g ets more rC p S . | think ls if 't had to start today it would blhim or Boone Stutz or Quin- i 1 ” lin Germany that would start. It’s a pretty close battle, and all ,,11C o them are going to have roles because you need tight ends in 1 yiur offense.” 5B DLine Continued from page 4B defensive scheme is already pay ing dividends for the Aggies. “Right now we’re play ing much faster,” Eggen said. “Knowing what they’re sup posed to do gives them the con fidence to cut it loose and not have to think as much.” Sophomore Bryce Reed leads the charge in the weight room with a bench press of 465 pounds, and senior Mar cus Jasmin weighed in with a squat of 670 pounds. Redshirt freshman Chris Harrington is the fastest of the group, clocking in at 4.76 sec onds in the 40-yard dash. Redshirt freshmen Jorrie Adams, high school teammate Joseph “Red” Bryant, Jack and Harrington have all been impressive in spring drills and are already pushing for playing time. Bryant and Jack are listed as starters on the depth chart, supplanting veterans Marcus Monday, August 30, 2004 Jasmin and David Ross. “All the redshirts have a real good spirit about them selves,” Eggen said. “They’re trying to make this unit the best they can.” “No positions are secure, and the players have accepted that/’ Eggen said. “Our philosophy is to be able to be flexible. We’re trying to put the best combina tion out there.” Eggen said he wants to have as many linemen in his rotation as possible, which is important with the number of teams in the Big 12 who rely heavily on passing the football. Aggie head coach Dennis Franchione said it’s imperative that the defense be able to throw fresh linemen into the mix to harass Big 12 quarterbacks. “If we can put 10 guys out there, we will. If we can play 12, we’d like to,” Franchione said. The line’s pride took a seri ous hit last season, and it’s de termined to live up to the prec edent set by generations before them. 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