The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 02, 2004, Image 4
To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day .B IS! @3 Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. AUTO 1990 Pontiac Firebird, 5LV8, 5spd, 167kmiles, midnight blue, T-tops, CD, AC, $1900. Jason, 979-229-1589. 1990 Toyota pick-up. Manual, 4-wheel drive, a/c, mp3/cd, toolbox, great condition. Asking blue-book value only, need cash for school. 694-0189. 2001 Toyota Corolla, 45,600mi, automatic transmission AM/FM $7750neg. 979-823- 0092. ‘94 Ford Ranger ext cab, 4-cylinder, standard, AC, excellent condition, $3800obo. ‘85 GMC Jimmy, 4x4 v-6, standard, new motor with warranty, $2800obo. 979-324-8509. ‘99 Ford Expedition, Eddie Bauer Edition, very clean, must see, $13,500. 979-268- 1218. ______ BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For information/ reservations call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,’70, 979-696-0091. FOR RENT $1,100/mo Upscale 3/2++ condo on bus- route. High ceilings, security system, appliances, washer/dryer, microwave, ceiling fans, internet/cable in all rooms. Very nice. (281)381-5283; $445, Colony Apts, 1bdrm/1bth, 12/mnth lease, $489 9/mnth lease, 1101 Southwest Parkway. 979-693-0804. $475 unfurnished, $535 furnished, walk to TAMU, 2bdrm/1bth fourplex, 12 month lease. 979-846-4242. 1-3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$600/mo. 696- 2038. 1/2-mi. to Campus on Welsh. House w/3Bdrm, 2.5baths, large rooms, can accommodate 4-roommates. Fenced yard, storage shed. Call 512-748-2643. 1/2month free rent! 2bd/1ba $375/mo. 1 bd/1 ba $295/mo. C.S. Close TAMU. Call 979-680-0173. 1407 East 23rd. 2bdm/1ba, central heat/air, hardwood floors, appliances. $450/mo. $450/deposit 903-825-6967. 1bdrm/1.5bth, 2bdrm/2bths &3bdrm/3bths, like new, w/d, lawn maintenance, $495- $895/mo. Discounts for good grades. Lisa Jones, REMAX B-CS, 979-764-6000. Ibdrm/lbth, $445, 2bdrm studios available unfurnished, convenient location, shuttle route, 1101 Southwest Parkway. 979-693-0804. 1bdrm/1bth, July Special only $445, 12- month lease, Colony Apts, 1101 Southwest Parkway. 979-693-0804. 2,3&4 bedroom houses w/yards. Great locations for students. Pets welcome. 575-7461. 2/1.5 C.S., Manuel Drive, upstairs, w/d included, $525/mo. Available August, only two left. Cathy 268-1074. 2bd/1ba duplex, available now, fenced yard, on shuttle, pets ok, great location. 979-324-3807. 2bdr/1.5ba Pepper Tree Apt. Longmire, College Station, $460/mo, call 512-751- 5792. 2bdrm w/office, w/d, fenced yard. 3604 Fourth St., Bryan, less than 1-mile to campus. 822-5848. 2bdrm/1bth C.S. duplex. W/D, lawncare, fenced, pets ok. 808 Llano, $550/mo. 268- 5844. 2bdrm/1bth duplex, LaBrisa area, w/d connections, $500/mo. 823-3944. 2bdrm/1bth fourplex. Remodeled, all new appliances, Northgate, $450/mo. Call 979-775-6160. Answer to previous puzzle eHfTaIrIcIeBoIlIgIaI □□□□□ □Hnml I BHQ SBB mofiaca □□□□□ UrTs 1 E'MiClElE' qoq ann Baal > fciQHoraaa naaraHra braQHmnBranaaQQHB □boh nonao Hraan Inaaa nanan qaan FOR RENT 2bdrm/1bth Married Student Housing, $475 unfurnished 12-mnth lease, $535 furnished, adjacent to TAMU Married Student Housing. 979-846-4242. 2brdm/2bth-condo. Carpet, appliances, w/d, water/gas paid, bus route. Doubletree Condos, 1901 W.Holleman. 713-862-2010. 3- 2 CS duplexes, on shuttle. Very nice, tile, fireplace, ethernet, w/d, fenced, lawn service, pets ok $895/mo. 979-574-6291, 979-255-0424. 3/2 brick duplex (2002) in Bryan, available now, $850, privacy fence, ceiling fans, walk-in closets, tile kitchen/bath. 979-587- 0824. 3/2 C.S. Duplexes. Local owner. Very large- 1365sqft, fenced yard, like new, Treehouse Trails, $995/mo. Also, 2519, 2526 Cypress, C.S. Large living room, new paint, carpet, $895/mo. Cathy 268- 1074. 3/2 country house on Wellborn Rd. Horse &pets ok. $1200. 324-9875. 3/2 duplex, like new 3 yrs old, well maintained, w/d, lawn care included, no pets. $850/mo. 846-5722. 3/2 duplex, w/d, ethernet. No pets, rent negotiable. 690-9466. 3/3 duplex, Harvey Mitchell/ Villa Maria, August 1st, $1000/mo. 281-467-1427. 3bd/2ba duplex, very nice, 5-min to campus. Floor plan faxed by request. Price Negotiable. 979-774-1270. 3bdrm/1bth house in country, fenced yard, utility room, w/d connections, prefer student couple, $550/mo. 776-5556. 3bdrm/2bth brick, near campus, no pets. $900 +$600 deposit. Call 979-690-0085. 3bdrm/2bth duplexes. Maintained like new, w/d, lawncare. Owner managed. Five minutes to campus. Available August. $850/mo. 691-0304,571-6020. 3bdrm/3bth duplex. One year old, w/d included. South CS off Graham Road. Call Andy, owner/agent, 979-220-6663. 4- plex for rent. 2bd near shuttle $580/mo and water paid. 979-777-6865. 4bd new houses, great locations for students from $1275. 979-575-7461. 4bd/4ba furnished Condo, pool, w/d, shuttle, first month discount $300/ea. 504- 669-2264. Beautiful duplex, 2bdrm/1bth, w/d connections, 1506 Hillside Drive, C.S. 979-696-5800. Just behind Wal-Mart, near Post Office. Big 2-story house. 4/2/2, $1400/mo. Jacob, 979-324-1313. Brazosland Realtor. Big 2/2 apartments, w/d, water paid, $550- $600. 224-0005, 696-0616. Bryan: 1-1 fourplex, air & heat, NEW CARPET & countertops, $375/mo., 1014 E. 23rd. Call TCP 979-775-2291. Bryan: 2/1 & 2/1.5 duplexes, w/d conn, F/P, fenced, pets ok. TWINCITYPROPERTIES.COM or 979- 775-2291. Bryan: 2/1, w/d conn, fenced, detached GARAGE. Call TCP 979-775-2291. Bryan: 3/1.5 House, w/d conn, fenced, 2- CAR GARAGE, or call 979-775-2291. Bryan: 3/2 House, w/d conn, formal dining, CARPORT, ext storage, fenced. or 979-775-2291. Bryan: 4/2 duplex, over 1600sqft, w/d conn, 2 LIVING AREAS, xtra fridge, f/p, balcony, ext. storage, lawn care. Call TCP 979-775-2291. Bryan: 1/1 & 2/1 apartment homes, covered parking, POOL, WALKING DISTANCE TO BLINN AND ST. JOSEPH. TCP 979-775-2291. Great floorplan, 2bd/ba 4plex, $525 GRILL&TAVERN* join us for lunch! 15 minutes or it’s FREE! Come in and try our signature Monte Cristo and Death by Chocolate May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty! FOR RENT Bryan: 3/1.5 house, w/d conn, fenced. Pets ok, available Aug. TWINCITYPROPERTIES.COM or 979- 775-2291. C.S. 4/2/2, available August, updated, w/d, pets ok, 1302 Merry Oaks (off Dominik a few blocks east of TAMU), REDUCED $1195/mo. 979-731- 8257/979-820-3939. If no answer, please leave message. C.S. Large 4brdm/2bth plus 18x16 bonus area, available July, updated, pets ok, 1115 Berkley (off Dominik a few blocks east of TAMU), $1195/mo. 979-731-8257/ 979-820-3939. If no answer, please leave message. C.S. pre-leasing 2,3,4bdrms, pets OK, fenced, fans. 979-776-8984. C.S. Three blocks from campus. Cool, comfortable 3bdrm/2bth house, 1303 Timm, available August 1, $999. 693- 5695, 777-0888. C.S., 2bdrm/1bth duplex, w/d conn., fenced yard, shuttle, available mid-August, $500/mo, 1/2 off 1st month's rent. 979- 218-2995. Christian Private Dorm. Free cable, internet, phone, laundry and utilities. DTS Movie Theatre. Luxury bathrooms. Pool Room. Rooms start at $325. Call 739- 9403. Clean, individual, 1bdrm/1bth upstairs apartment, 303-E. Villa Maria @Cavitt, $400/mo., $400/deposit. 979-224-0675. College Station 3bdrm/2bth home. Car port, laundry room, partly furnished. Off Texas Avenue, across from A&M. Available 8/15. No pets, $1000/mo. 210- 696-2841. College Station, 2bdrm/1bth, fenced, w/d connections, appliances, shuttle, $525/mo. 979-693-4840. College Station: 1/1 w/STUDY, w/d conn, fenced, ext storage, BIKING TO TAMU. or 979-775-2291. College Station: 3/1 House, GARAGE, w/d conn, fenced yard w/lawn care, close to shuttle. Contact us at or 979-775- 2291. CS available now Spacious 3/2 huge closets, well maintained great location, on shuttle, save $$ on first months rent. 774- 5776. CS great house. 3bdrms for rent, $500/mo/rm. All bills paid, no large pets, 979-571-7373. CS: 2/1 fourplex, w/d conn, biking distance to TAMU. or call 979-775-2291. Duplexes. 1709 Rockhollow Loop; 3/2, $790/mo., available 8/3. 3702 Oldenburg; 3/3, $975/mo., available 8/7. Re-Max BCS, 979-820-1325. Fourplex 2bdrm/1bth married student housing adjacent to TAMU married student housing. Pool, volleyball, basketball court. $475 unfurnished, $535 furnished, 12/mo lease. 846-4242. FREE RENT! Apartment sub-lease. Crossing Place. New 4bdrm, furnished, private bedroom, in-room W/D, pool, weight room. Share with 3-male students. First month FREE. $415/mo. 9-month lease starting 8/25/04. 281 -772-6155. From $495/mo. Private Residency Hall includes 19-wkly meals and more. 979- 846-4242. Good Deal, 3bd/2ba nice house, CS close to TAMU, W/D, $750/mo. Call 979-680- 0173. Multiple 3/2 and 4/2 large houses, nice yard &neighborhood. Avail. Now/Aug. $1100-$1300 nego. 979-696-8975. TREEHOUSE APARTMENTS I & 2 BR’S AVAILABLE $405 - $595 (979) 696-5707 New 4/3 home in Edelweiss Gartens (Graham & Wellborn) for lease. Available 8-7-04. Includes W/D, Refrigerator, Sprinkler, Blinds, Tile Floors. $1400/month. Coventry Glen Realty Call Mike (979)777-5446 FOR RENT Great floorplan, close to campus, 2bdrm/1.5bth, ceiling fans, w/d connections, shuttle bus, $575/mo. 776- 6079, Great locations. 2bdrm/1 bth & 2bdrm/2bth fenced yard duplexes. Great floor plans, w/d connections, ceiling fans, shuttle bus, pets ok. 776-6079. Large house Sapartment, 9-rooms &3baths, fenced yard, room for 5 or 6- students, walking distance Blinn, available 8/15, $1500/mo.+deposit. Call 778-2893. M-CS Nice 4/2/2 no-smoking, W/D, shuttle, available now. 972-437-2902 New 5bd/4ba house, 3-living areas, 2- dining. On 4.28acre lot. Available now. Rent $2500/mo. Call 979-690-6735. Nice 1bdrm garage apartment, near Blinn. Hardwoods, w/d, all bills, $600/mo, 979- 279-5118, 979-823-4610. Nice 2brdm/1bth duplex. 1st month discount, fenced. 817-975-0802, trentonO11 Northgate location: 2bd/2ba. Walk to campus. Very nice. Call 846-4076. Now leasing 2bdrm/1.5bth and 2bdrm/1bth 4-plexes, close to campus, great location, nice floor plans, shuttle bus, 776-6079, Now leasing 3bdrm/2bth houses & duplexes, fenced yards, close to campus. One Month Free Rent 4bd/2ba homes. 2-car garage, great locations close to campus, fenced backyard, fireplace, and much more, $1250/mo. 979-680-0173. Parkway Apartments, one month free rent! Zero deposit! 3bd/2ba $800/mo internet included 979-693-6540. Prelease for 8/5, 2bdrm/1,5bth, 2-story house. Great location off University Drive. Fenced yard, pets ok, w/d conn. 400 Macarthur, $725/mo. 693-1448. Prelease for 8/5, 3bdrm/2bth house. New carpet, vinyl, kitchen cabinets. Great location, fenced yard, pet ok. 1801 Langford, $1050/mo. 693-1448. Prelease for August 3bdrm/2bth house, large fenced yard, pets ok, newer carpet, vinyl and cabinets. 1801-Langford, $1100/mo. 693-1448. Prelease for August, 2bdrm/1bth fourplex. Water paid. New carpet. 609-Turner, $400/mo. 693-1448. Prelease for August, 2bdrm/1bth duplex. New carpet, fenced yard, pets ok, w/d conn, 1406 Bermuda Ct, $525/mo. 693- 1448. Prelease for August, 2bdrm/1bth duplex, off Southwest Pkwy. New carpet, fenced yard w/lawn care, pets ok, w/d conn. 204 and 206 Bucknell. 693-1448. Prelease for August, 2bdrm/1bth duplex, off Southwest Pkwy. New carpet, fenced yard, pets ok, w/d conn. 803 Concho, $525/mo. 693-1448. Prelease for August, large 2bdrm/2bth. Great location, fenced yard, w/d conn, University Oaks Duplexes, $680/mo. 693- 1448. Prelease for August, University Oaks Duplexes, 2bdrm/2bth, new carpet. Large fenced yards, pets ok. Great location. $680/mo. 693-1448. Prelease for July or August, 2bdrm/1.5bth 2-story house. Very cute on inside. Near campus. 400-Macarthur, $725/mo. 693- 1448. PRICE REDUCED! 3/2 duplex, 1003 A&B Autumn Circle, excellent condition, owner- managed, energy efficient, equipped kitchen, washer/dryer, 9 or 12 month lease, pets ok, fenced patio/yard. Lawn service, pest control provided. Call 979- 777-4755. Quiet country atmosphere, fireplace, very large, Ibdrm brick duplex, available now. $395/mo +bills, no pets, 693-8534. Ridgewood Village 2bd/1ba 2-story, balconies on each level, lots of trees, no pets. 979-696-2998, 1212-1218 Hollik. Ridgewood Village efficiency with loft. Nice useful floor plan. No pets. 979-696- 2998, 1211-1213 Hollik. Ridgewood Village, 1bd/1ba studios. Great floor-plan, lots of trees, quiet, no pets. 979-696-2998 1201-1209 Hollik. Rock Hollow duplex, 3bdrm/2bth, w/d connections. Brian, 775-8271. Room for rent in a 3bdr condo on Fraternity Row. All bills included except phone. $400/mo. for 2-semester rental or $500 for 1-semester rental. Prefer female upper classman or graduate student, but will consider any serious student. 713- 540-4747. Summer Work in MODELING Swimwear/Beauty/Glamour Call (979)268-1379. Newsday Crossword BEDDY-BYE by Gail Grabowski Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Clean, as a floor spill 6 Marsh bird 11 Ashen 14 Oklahoma city 15 Linen fabric 16 Whitney or Wallach 17 Low-growing shrubbery 19 RN’s specialty 20 Breathing room 21 Letterman nickname 22 Stinging insect 23 See 50 Across 25 “To conclude . . ." 27 Disaster signal 30 Scottish garment 32 Scarlett's home 33 In one piece 35 Currency in Spain 37 Penny- poker 40 Data, for short 41 Measuring stick 42 Saturday Night Live feature 43 Small children 44 “Take from me!” 45 Luster 46 Roadway rig 48 Lima’s locale 50 With 23 Across, singing syllables 51 Mattress part 53 Pork cut 55 Knight’s title 56 Sgts., e.g. 58 Big-billed bird 61 Diamonds Forever 62 Baker’s utensil 65 Hot drink 66 Soothed 67 Dug for gold 68 Wind up 69 Cooks slowly 70 Waist-length jackets DOWN 1 Office conference: Abbr. 2 Yours and mine 3 Raindrop sound 4 Run-of-the-mill 5 Flapjack 6 And so forth: Abbr. 7 Well-behaved 8 Opponent 9 Skyscraper need 10 Singer Brewer 11 Party pooper 12 Bowling lane 13 Pleasant 18 Supermarket section 24 Alaskan native 26 Landfill input 27 Loretta of M'A'S'H 28 Words of dismay 29 Tub 31 Cup-shaped flower 34 Defeated one 36 Force back 38 Stadium level 39 Sicilian peak 41 Waterproof garment 45 “I’m agreeable to that!” 47 Chops, as garlic 49 Thorny flower 51 Warning signal 52 Swan relative 54 Like a perfect game 55 Fully satisfy 57 Distort 59 Gambling mecca 60 Quick-witted 63 Psyche parts 64 NFL scores margarine, for example CREATORS SYNDICATE O 2004 STANLEY NEWMAN STANXWORDSOAOL.COM 8/2/04 STUDIES IN PROGRESS Are You Allergic To Metal? Volunteers, ages 18-55, are needed to participate in a one-month long clinical research study to evaluate the clinical response of an investigational topical study drug on patients whose skin show an allergic reaction to nickel. You may qualify for this study if your skin reacts to: • Jewelry • Zippers, Belt Buckles or Snaps • Coins or other metal objects Volunteers will need to make 12 visits to the office for blood draws and skin evaluations, 5 of these visits will last up to 8 hours. Volunteers who qualify for entry into the study will be compensated up to S I050 for their time and effort. Call for more information. Facial Acne Research Study Volunteers, ages 12 and older, with facial acne are needed to participate in a 12 week clinical research study with an investigational topical medication. All eligible volunteers will receive at no cost: • Study related acne evaluations by a dermatologist • Study related medication • Reimbursement for their time and effort Cali for more information. Athlete’s Foot Study Volunteers ages 10 and older are needed to participate in a 6-week clinical research study with an investigational topical medication for athlete’s foot. Eligible volunteers will receive at no cost: • Study related medication • Study related medical examinations relating to their athlete’s foot • Compensation up to $100 for time and effort Call for more information. J&S Studies, Inc. The Physician Centre • 979-774-5933 3201 University Dr. E., Suite 475 Bryan, Texas 77802 FOR RENT HELP WANTED Share new house with two M/F-students. Mature, responsible male I All utilities, cable, and internet, bus route counselors for private school, S.iJ $450/mo. Casey, 979-696-7357 or +meals, approximately 15 dayl Richard, 214-641-0077. month. 979-777-9590. Small trailer for rent, private country setting. 20min. from A&M. Option for horse boarding, $275/mo. 279-2833. Sub-lease 2bdrm/2ba. W/D included. Arbors at Wolf Pen. $799/mo. August and September rent paid. 696-6515. Sublease 1bdr/1ba from 8/15-5/15. $425/mo. Close to campus. 492-3014. Sublease 2bd/2ba, furnished, great location, The Exchange, $450/mo/bdrm, bills paid, bus-route. 281-935-9938. Sublease 2bdrm/2bth thru 12/31/04. W/D included, The Enclave, $619/mo., August rent paid. 210-834-6384. Very nice 3bd/2ba home, fenced backyard w/deck. Appliances included, W/D. Shenandoah Estates, $925/mo. No pets. Call after 5pm,M-F 361-241-3938 or 361-442-5343. Available 8/1. Call anytime during weekend. Very nice and new 3/2 duplex. Available 8/1. W/D, lawn service. $930/mo. 281- 876-9621 or 713-854-2211. Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don't buy, rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 FOR SALE 16x70 mh, Oakwood mhc. 2bdrm/2bth, excellent condition, security system, storage shed. 979-822-8262. 2000 Mobile Home in Oak Forest. 3bdrm/2ba, all appliances, W/D conn., 29,900. 220-7215. 2000 Palm Harbor 28x56, 3bdrm/2bth, in nice park close to campus, excellent condition, asking $60,000. 979-696-6078. 2001 28’x65’ Manufactured home, 3bd/2ba, w/fireplace, excellent for students, very large rooms, $60,000. Call 979-229-8644. 2bdrm/2ba 2002 Fleetwood mobile home. 16x68’. Excellent condition, covered deck. Security system, two storage units, and all major appliances included. Close to TAMU on shaded lot in Oak Forest. Available 8/20. $29,900. 696-9554. 3bdrm/2bth Rolling Ridge Trailer for sale. Price negotiable. Call Jenny at (325)277- 6123. 3bdrm/2bth Silver Creek home in new Bryan community. 979-778-8848, 512- 925-0644. Computer desk with storage and shelves, $50, good condition. 361-798-0117. Desktop Computer. 2yrs old. Windows XP, internet, CD-burner, includes 15" monitor and speakers. $225 call Andrea at 210-445-9136 or 979-696-3888. DVD Player $52.98 Best Prices Anywhere! All Kinds of Electronics & Accessories. New Items Added Daily. For Sale: Washers/ Dryers $250, Ice Boxes $100-$500. 220-3665. Furniture for sale: twin bed, matching dresser, matching desk, 3yr-old twin mattress and box spring. Call Liz 979- 218-6630. Gorgeous 3/2 M.H., Bryan, exc condition, new kitchen appl, garden tub, wood siding, lots of extras. Must Seel Call 800- 570-2836, House for sale 220 Pronghorn Loop 3/2/2 with study. 979-680-9986. Nmfa's is now accepting applicaij servers and host positions. Aj O /lr,m -I person between 2-4pm, Mon’: 1102 Harvey Rd. Need to be; immediately. Part-time receptionist wanted. N; someone who can work MWf 3:00pm, TR 10:00-2:00pm. Pleas resume to general@systekct.como: 979-774-9863. May hire two posft these hours. Partners hiring for summer/fall. Gcq flexible hours. Apply at 113 W; Promotional Model/ Specialist nee® i major beer brand company. $20ti' 224-0340. 1 Service company, light conslti* travel, ok w/heights, wages guai expenses paid. Available imi 800-888-0165. SUMMER/FALL WORK!! Grads/Students $Great Starting Flexible Schedule. Intervii Customer Sales/Service. Conditions apply. 979-695-1386. ‘ The Canyon, Post Oak Mall. Hiring^] positions, 696-3031. WOMEN'S FAST PITCH PUl WANTED! College Station is a'] forming a women's fast pitch league I can register as an individual or p.l team Call 764-3424 or 764-6386. 1 Work in a fun environment. Hie': hiring COOKS Part time day cused of night shifts available. No appl. teR-n, A ra l Wed.-Fri.. 1:00-4:00pm. 815 Harve,- MUSIC etrly 20 began al region o This 1 than 50,( and mon eir hon Yet, tli le to e rl, who alien for i lie Janj; Adorable rescued kittens lor atj ley tied Fee includes S/N, shots, testiigl cou | t j n The Si Party Block Mobile DJ- Pelei professional/ experienced. Speda Weddings, TAMU functions, lights Mobile to anywhere. Book early 1 6294. PETS worm and earmite treatments. Th Cradle 979-820-0599 Jack Russell puppies for sale, rea: Aug. 6. $250. Call 693-1902. to sepan Ifhe Su fernied oi said Sud Kmgsnakes for sale. One p breeding pair, black phase, hw \ phases $50-$250. Call for tnmiBfa Ism 764-1514. I , lad arre WE ARE SIAMESE IF YOU PlEi ;aders , Free kittens, mom seal point, dad , l with Siamese coloring, one blackT 1223. Yet a i/atch St REAL ESTATE | onnec Goven 2-Houses for sale: 1000 H| 1a t t u Groesbeck. 2bdrm/1bth, $6i*.,. 3bdrm/2bth, $75,000. Both coq*l 1(lln g remodeled. 979-224-0675. pie pro tuses Furnished student 4bdrm/4bth condc sale. Live for free, assume loan other 3bdrms. 504-669-2264. House for sale. 3bdrm/2bth, backyard w/patio, near campus, $i Call 676-0810. New Country Cottage, 2bdrm/1bth,2 decks, 10-wooded acres, Carlos w e of road privacy, $85,000. 979-2M5& ROOMMATES Tor bandc ;hawa action' ional: iven ii Oversized couch and loveseat, $300, Black entertainment center $100, wood/ black metal coffee and end tables $60. Prices Negotiable. 713-446-6350. Personalized sterling rings, dog-tag I.D.s, and more, Platinum 3-stone princess cut diamond engagement ring. Colorless/flawless. Purchased for $1,180. Asking $800/obo. ,49tcw. Size-3.75. Call 764-1514 for more info. Two maroon couches for $200, o.b.o. Must sell, good condition. 979-575-2731. Washer, refrigerator. 2 years old. $150 each O.B.O. 979-229-3284. HELP WANTED Ag owned, College Station Pawn is seeking PT and FT help. Apply at 2305 Texas Ave. CS. ATTN: STUDENTS $12 BASE/APPT. Customer Sales/Service. Apply now, Immediate Openings. Fun atmosphere. All ages 18+. Conditions apply. 979-695- 1386. Aug ‘04 Business Grads: Gain valuable experience in a fast paced business environment. Sharpen sales, customer relations, and management skills while earning top dollar. For appointment, call Jack at Allen Honda 979-696-2424 ext#107. Cleaning commercial buildings at night, M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. Computer trainers. Windows, MSOffice, internet. Classroom experience a must. Part-time weekday mornings. Copy Corner. Delivery Driver needed P/T position. M-F 8-12pm or 9-1 pm. Must have excellet driver record and be customer oriented. Apply in person. The Copy Corner Center, 2307B Texas Avenue South. Experienced babysitter wanted for Fall, MWF 11:15a.m.-1:30p.m. for 5yr-old. $8.00/hr. Call 979-693-8636. Experienced babysitter wanted Tues., Wed., Thurs., 10-2pm for two small children, $85/wk. Fax, 979-693-7839. FLAG FOOTBALL PLAYERS WANTED! College Station is currently forming an 8 on 8 league. You can register as an individual or your own team. Call 764- 3424 or 764-6386. Fox & Hound now accepting applications for all positions. Apply in person 2-4pm. Fun, prestigious public speaking position. $7/hr., evenings &Saturdays. Must have DL 4+years. No criminal records. We train. 693-3992. Healthy women 18yrs+ not taking hormonal preparations are invited to participate in behavioral research paying $10-20 for 1-2hrs of time, for further information, contact. Dr. Alexander: 979- 458-4512, infinity Pro Sports, a leading online solutions provider in the sports industry is seeking interns, P/T and F/T for customer relations and programmers. Please Email resume Koppe Bridge Bar and Grill. Part-time cooks and counter help needed. Harvey Road location, 776-2833. Wellborn location, 764-2933. Part-time shelter tech positions open. The Cat’s Cradle. 820-0599. 1 non-smoking female roommate». for 3bdrm/3.5bth new towel $400/mo. +1/3 utilities. Rachel 254- SI 34. 1 non-smoking, female roommate ne« for 3bdrm/2.5bth new townk furnished, except bedroom. $3?i +bills, available August 1st. Amber, 648-9493. D< 1-F needed, $400/mo. +1i 2bdrm/2.5bth condo, must like is Contact Lindsey 832-444-8189 or 6135. 1-F roommate, 2/1.5 duplex. $325 +1/2bills. Great location, w/d. 220-3777. ing i 1-F, The Zone, $325/mo, includes & DSL, W/D, bathroom. 693-7112 1-F/M needed, awesome 3/2 to- Great location. $400/mo. +1/3util. Christina 764-4337 or 817-235-3564. 1-M needed for fall/spring. 41xli house. Close to campus, $325/mo. 9753. 1-M needed. Brand new house in $350/mo. +1 futilities. 615-633-1638. 1-M Roommate, 3bdrm/2bth house gameroom, $350 +1/3utilities, led close to A&M and Blinn.' Call 979-i 9985. 1-M/F needed for room in $283/mo. Horse stables. 778-5713. r 1-M/F needed. 15min from 3bd/2ba, barn and 11 acres. +1/3utilities, hunting and fishing. 6108. 1 -Male roommate needed 2bdrm/2.5bth Woodbrook C« fall/spring, $375/mo. +1/2bills, w/d,c internet, shuttle. Daryl 281-932-2551, U-WI1 omitant ilmmaki illingm Moore ie ethic; mass 'bjectivi nowled. lark’s p ampaigi Well, isdain t nainstre, Even e age. Al ponse d or our ti arrying This c iars to jore has osponsil s accoui ush’s Not to 979-/ “g 1-roommate needed for 3bdrm3 waterfront duplex, 1/2mile to cafif $341.60/mo +1/3utilities. Call Melissa 979-694-1722. 1 bdrm available, $375/mo, $200/deposit. Fully furnished etf bedroom. Call Camille 979-777-2297 issa T 1F roommate, fall/spring. 2bdrm/1.S condo, $500/mo, all bills included,'- furnished, w/d, on shuttle. Carina, !i 0288. 2-F roommates needed, falV 3bdrm/2bth house off Rock P®* $500/mo. all bills paid, furnished unfurnished, pets negotiable. • Shannon 214-801-2006. 2-M roommates needed. Brand i* house in Edelweiss. No sm# $400/mo. 281-543-2155. (U-V to begi N.Y, h Stew making ImClor the day stocks higher Stevs 2-Rooms, new CS 3/2 house, $550/room bills included. 979-690#- 4bdrm/2bth house, Shena# subdivision, $325/mo. +1/4bills. CallS' 775-6160. All bills paid. M/F roommate need Townhouse on Navarro, still ^ $300/mo. Call Andy 281-787-2481. Available now, non-smoking room® 3 for 4/3 new home, 904 Bougainvillea,‘ $375/mo. +1 futilities. Call Jacob ah 690-7781 or 512-557-7576. C.S., Southwood Valley, need roommate in nice 3/2 house. $425' +1/3bills. Avail. 8/1. Call 979-693-# Classifieds continued on Pg. 6 month: fine, th Distric Stewar had “s though Sine Task F. been ct has led of thee asked t sure to How with li