The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 04, 2004, Image 10
THE BATTALION To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day x 21) Tuesday, May 4,2004 M Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made If your ad is cancelled early. pre-le 2bd/1- pets tc tie & 3M/2t to be 8/01/0 $1100, cleane netteS AUTO FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT 1997 Maroon Ford Taurus, perfect A/C, fully automatic, very good condition, $2650/060 negotiable 979-574-8561. 2001 Ford Expedition XLT Sport, towing package, 4x4, 5.4liters, ranch hand bump er, silver, excellent condition, $18000, 979-220-0606 2001 Haundi Sonata, custom only 30,000mi, 1-owner, loaded, sunroof, all extras, 979-823-0662. Immaculate 2003 Volkswagen Jetta GLS, black, 6,000-miles, 5/60,000 warranty, 5- speed, Monsoon Sound System, $17,000. 979-690-9724. BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,70, 979- 696-0091 FARM/RANCH ATTENTION HORSEMEN! GIANT SAD DLE & TACK AUCTION Wed., May 12th - 7:30pm, Ramada Inn -Aggieland, 1502 Texas Ave., College Station. Western Suppliers is returning to your area with two big trailer loads! Get in gear for up coming trail rides, shows & events. Over 100 saddles by: Billy Cook, Longhorn, Circle T & More! Bits, bridles, halters, spurs, ropes, leads, collars, wormer, buck ets, blankets, cinchs, tote bags, work & show gear, assorted tools, decorative items & more! We ll treat you right & save you big bucks! 'Bring your used saddles for trade-in credit. For Info: (800)656- 3133. Auctioneer Rodney Kankey TX*13763. Horse Boarding: 6 stalls 12mi. to campus 30acres. good grass, owners on premises, $160/mo. Includes hay. feedings. &turn- out. 776-7902 FOR RENT $495/mo. starts Large 2/2 condo. W/D, carport, walk/ bike to TAMU Unbeatable price. 979-694-2323 $780/mo.. 3/2 duplex, off SpringLoop. w/d. bus route, fenced backyard &patk). new paint/ appliances. Discount summer rate $600/mo Shelley. 281-728-0344. •** 3bd/3ba duplex in C.S.. 1300+sq ft.. steps from shuttle, all appliances. W/D, gas. extra large living area, available July/August. $999/mo. 324-1138. 1-3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$600/mo. 696- 2038 101 Sulphur Springs, Near Chicken Oil, 3bd or 4bd/2ba. 2000sqf1 CH/A, hardwood floors, new paint, new roof, $ 1200/mo 979-224-0675. Ibd/lba 809 Yegua, Bryan. W/D. Refriger ator included. Balcony, quiet neighbor hood, bus route $495/mo. Call David (936)545-5200 or (936)636-7923. 1bd/1ba country cottage, acreage and stall available, 20min. to TAMU, $375/mo., all bills paid, 979-218-4712 1bdrm/1bth summer sublease. Longmire House Apts, bus route, $400/mo., 214- 783-1450. 2/2 @1100 Autumn Circle. W/D, water paid, $550-$600. 224-0005, 696-0616. Ibrm/bth 4-plex, w/d, refridgerator, lawn care, water/ sewer included. Covered deck, quiet neighborhood, bus route, no pets. $495/mo., available now, &preleas- ing June &Aug. David Perry, 936-545- 5200/ 936-636-7923. 2,3&4 bedroom houses w/yards. Great lo cations for students. Pets welcome. 575- 7461. 2/1 duplex summer lease. $450/mo. OBO W/D connections, fenced yard. 832-794- 3810. 2/2, 3/2 duplexes, pre-lease now for May & August. Fenced yard, pets ok, 979-268-7400, owner/ agent, limited time summer 3/2 lease specials. 2/2-condo, carpet, appliances. W/D, wa ter/gas paid. Bus route Doubletree Con dos, 1901 W.Holleman. Available now, 713-862-2010. 203 Pronghorn 4/2/2. Luxurious 4/22 available August, Pets ok. huge backyard. Shuttle, must see to believe! 979-574- 8425. 2bd/1ba duplex, in Bryan. W/D connec tions. fireplace, fenced yard, $580/mo 979-774-5776. 2bd/1ba HOUSE in NORTHGATE Sum- mer lease W/D. $550/mo ^utilities. 268- 1316. 2bd/2ba apartment, close to campus, w/d, $325/bdrm, free internet. Free Dell com puter w/rental Call (408)315-4107 2bd/2ba Duplex 1000sqft W/D connec tions lawn-care, large yard, available 5/18/04 $800 979-690-2439 2bdrnV1ba duplexes available July 1st. August 1st W/D. brand new refrigerator new carpet, small fenced back yard, on the shuttle in CS $520/mo. Cat! 777-7151. 2bdrm/2ba duplex off Navarro/ Welbom. W/D, $850/mo., new condition. 214-316- 6598 3-2 CS duplexes, on shuttle. Very nice, tile, fireplace, ethemet. w/d. fenced, lawn service, pets okay Available May/Aug 979-574-6291, 979-676-1391. 979-255- 0424 3/2 duplex 1618 Rock Hollow Available 08/05/04. w/d, shuttle, lawn care. $900/mo . 979-739-2560 3/2 duplex 2901 Brittain. Available 05/16/04, w/d, shuttle, lawn care included $950/mo., 979-739-2560 3/2 duplex. 2302 Pronghorn. Available 08/03/04. w/d. shuttle, lawn care included. $975/mo.. 979-739-2560. 3/2 duplex. 2yrs new, brick, tile, applian ces. ceiling fans, w/d connections. $875/mo, available now. 979-587-0824 3/2 duplex, like new 3 yrs old. well main tained. w/d. lawn care included, no pets. $900/mo 846-5722. 3/2 duplex, w/d. ethemet. No pets, rent negotiable. 690-9466. 3/2 duplex- 1201A/B Webhollow- Avail. Aug. $850. 268-5844 or 3/2 duplexes. Pre-leasing August. Main tained like new. W/D. Lawn care. No pets. Owner managed and maintained. $900-$925/mo. 691-0304.571-6020. 3bdrm/1.5ba house is available now. 979- 690-6735. Answer to previous puzzle ronwn AHC L A R A HFJHElEin □ □ DQUBIS (IBHDiui mnraranQmHQB □nnna dcdqq □□□□ □□ l A l T »s 5/4/04 Tuesday, May 4, I0 p.m.-I a.m. Drink & Appetizer specials Newsday Crossword FREE SAMPLES by Sally R. Stein Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Watch’s face 5 an egg (flopped) 9 Manufactures 14 Exxon, formerly 15 Gymnast Korbut 16 Suspect’s excuse 17 Singer Sedaka 18 Molecule unit 19 Laugh-In cohost 20 Walrus relative 21 At no cost 23 Fruity summer treat 25 Itinerary word 26 Knocked, as on a door 29 Stove chamber 31 Actress Gardner 34 Swashbuckler Flynn 35 Practice boxing 36 Spill the beans 37 At no cost 40 Iowa city 41 Competes on a track 42 Erie and Superior 43 Skillet 44 Uses a shovel 45 Family room appliances 46 boom bah 47 Important periods 48 At no cost 53 Not imaginary 57 Clark’s co-explorer 58 Trade org. 59 Off from work 60 Stingless bee 61 Obey 62 Zilch 63 ’50s Ford 64 Coffeemakers 65 FBI agent DOWN 1 Homes for bears 2 Phrase of understanding 3 Siberia's continent 4 Candies on a stick 5 Lounged around 6 Female voices 7 Composer Stravinsky 8 Rhett’s last word 9 Laugh-In cohost 10 51 Down greeting 11 New Zealand bird 12 Abba of Israel 13 Perform carols 22 Out in the open 24 DNA locale 26 Summary 27 Pleasant smell 28 Press-release writers, for short 29 Bets first 30 Movers’ vehicles 31 Share and share 32 Gentleman’s gentleman 33 Bottomless pit 35 Overconfident 36 Carousel rider’s prize 38 From Dublin 39 Thomas Edison 44 Truck engine 45 General drifts 46 Partner of rise 47 German city 48 Ye _ Tea Shoppe 49 Bookworm, perhaps 50 ‘Terrible” age stage 51 Hawaiian island 52 Consumer 54 Dutch cheese 55 M*A*S*H star 56 Low-fat CREATORS SYNOCATEC 2004 STANLEY NEWMAN STANXWOROSWAOL.COM 5/4/04 3/2 Townhouses, 1250sqft. Very Spa cious, Ethernet, Large Kitchen, Walk-in Food Pantry, Walk-In Closets, Extra Stor age, Great Amenities, On Bus Route. Now Pre-leasing, Excellent Specials. 694-0320 office @ 3/2/2 Avail now at 2501 Rustling Oaks. Across the street from Blinn. F/P, back yard, w/d and refrigerator included. $1175. 268-5844 or 3/2/2 house for rent mid August, deck, fenced yard, w/d, on shuttle, CS. $1200/mo 979-571-7392. 3/3 Canyon Creek Townhouse. W/D, all appliances, some furniture, shuttle route. Summer- $900/mo. +util., fall/ spring- $ 1300/mo 4-util., 512-296-7745 3/3 duplex, College Station, available July, w/d. security system, lawncare. 1400sqft. $ 1050/mo. 979-690-0857. 3/d duplex. Harvey Mitchell/ Villa Maria, August 1st. $1000/mo 281-467-1427, 3/3 duplex- 3707 Oldenburg Avail Now $1095 268-5844 or 3bd/2ba and 4bd/3ba duplexes for sum mer; fenced. 2-porches, lawn care, shuttle route, 5-min. from campus. $299/mo/per- son. Must see 979-696-2222. 3bd/2ba home available in August, near University. $975/mo , owner/agent 693- 8898 3bd/3ba duplex, near new. off Graham Rd. C S Available May. W/D. security system, lawn-care. 1400sqft.. $900/mo (979)739-5553 3bd/3ba duplex, near new. off Graham road. CS. available August. W/D. security system, lawn care, 1400sqft. $990/mo 739-5553 3bdrm sublease summer 04. 3/2. shuttle, w/d. $330/mo +1/3utilities. Kristin 936- 559-3184. 3bdrm/1.5bth, cozy 2-story, bike distance to school, fenced backyard, w/d. $720/mo 979-777-7151. 3bdrm/1bth. 2-car garage Huge backyard pets ok. Close to campus $ 1050/mo. 832-788-9100 3bdrm/2ba duplex ORockhollow Loop Priced to Lease! Call Jeff leave mes sage 979-219-3677 3bdrm/2ba duplex on Rock Hollow Loop W/D connections. $900/mo 775-8271, Phil. 3bdrm/2ba. one year old. W/D. in the country about 7 miles from the University, very peaceful. $1100/mo Call 777-7151. 3bdrm/2bth apartment, CS. $279/mo.,ea 4-bills. Bus route, pets okay. 903-521- 9993. TREEHOUSE APARTMENTS I & 2 BR’S AVAILABLE $420 - $595 (979) 696-5707 Summer Break Employment The Texas Transportation Institute is look ing for students from the following cities to collect data on seat belt use: Abilene. Amarillo, Brownsville, Beaumont, El Paso, Houston, Laredo, Lubbock, Midland. San Angelo, San Antonio, Tyler and Waco. Hours vary, depending on location, to tie done between May 17 & June 25. $8/hr„ $50 minimum. Call 458- 1229 between 8am & 5pm for interview or more information. 3bdrm/2bth brick, near campus, $900 +$600 deposit. Call 979-690-0085. 3bdrm/2bth Duplex. Excellent Location and parking! Dexter at SW Pkwy, shuttle, full-size w/d. $995/mo 846-7454 3bdrm/2bth Rock Hollow duplex $825/mo., w/d connections Call for de tails, 979-690-7929, cell 979-739-1450 3bdrm/3bth new duplexes, great floor plan, internet access, tile floors, w/d, now leasing 4/2, 4/3 houses available May or Aug, owner/ agent. 979-268-7400 4/3, 3/3 &3/2 Townhouses, Duplexes AFourplexes, 1250-1700sqft. Very Spa cious, Ethernet, Large Kitchen. Extra Stor age, Great Amenities, On Bus Route. Now Pre-leasing, Excellent Specials 694-0320 office Oluxormanagement com 4/3/2 Avail 5/20- 1405 Broadmoor Close to everything $1500. 268-5844 or 4/3/2 Avail 5/20- 3903 Kelli- Excellent Bryan location $1300 268-5844 or 4bdrm/4ba near A&M &Blinn campuses $350/mo. neg. Good neighborhood 979 777-8947. 4bdrm/4bth condominium. University Place, all appliances, ceiling fans. $375/bdrm (281)444-9612 AFFORDABLE almost new 3bd/2ba Rock Hollow duplex. 5-mtn to campus $895/mo, $600 deposit Yard care. W/D. security system, each available at small extra charge Cali for details 979-774- 1270. Attention Studentst Why Pay Rent? Buy a home, rent out the other rooms, and live for free! 979-693-7653 or AndrewSmithTeam com Broker. RE/MAX B-CS Available May. 4bdrm/2bth house. 2-car garage, fenced, pets ok. 3104 Longleaf. S105Q/mo. 979-693-1448 Available summer storage, great rates' 219 Manuel Dr CS 979-693 0551 Big House For Rent! 3bdrm/2 5ba w/study. game room, deck, &2car garage. 2200sq ft. huge closets. 4min TAMU. $1350/mo. 219-2097 Bike or Walk to TAMU large yards 2&3bdrm Great price, great neighbor hood Please call 696-1444 Brand New 4bdrnV3bth. 1600sqft. Ready to move-in. $375/rm/mo Fenced yard, 5- mins, to campus, bus route. 409-789- 2670. Bryan 3bd/2t>a house. 1900sq ft. 5mm TAMU. appliances included, pets okay, fenced. 575-0024 Bryan 4bdrm/2bth house. $1100/mo.. Au gust 15. 2-blocks from A&M. 832-541- 6450 Bryan- Delee. 2/1 condo, w/d included, fireplace. 2car garage, screened porch. $700 www Broker. 774-7820. Bryan: 2/1 fourplex, ext storage, some fenced Call TCP 979-775-2291 Med Tech/Lab Tech for full-time, two doctor office. Excellent benefits. Great experience for student applying to medical or nursing school. Degree and one year commitment required. Please fax resume to (979)776-4260 or apply in person at: 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan, TX. Bryan- Elaine Drive, 2/2 duplex, w/d conn, fenced yard, 990sq.ft., brick, pets, May or August, $700 www Broker, 774-7820 Bryan- Labrisa, Cute 2/15 house, fenced yard, deck, w/d conn., June pre-lease, $750. www bcsrental com Broker. 774- 7820. Bryan- Navidad, townhome. 2/2 loft, cute, $750, carport, www, Brok er. 774-7820 Bryan- Toro. Nice 2/1 fourplex. avail now. $450. www bcsrental com Broker. 774- 7820 Bryan- Western. 2/2 duplex, w/d conn., fenced yard. 890sqft., bnck, pets. May. $550 www bcsrental com Broker 774- 7820 Bryan 1/1 & 2/1 apartment homes, cov ered parking, POOL, walking distance to Blinn and St Joseph www twmertyproper • ties com or 979-775-2291. Bryan 1/1 duplex. WOOD FLOORS. AN TIOUE BATHTUB, w/d conn, fenced Call TCP 979-775-2291. Bryan: 1/1 house w/study. w/d conn. GA RAGE. fenced, www twincitypropedies com or 979-775- 9921 Bryan: 2/1 & 2/1.5 duplexes, w/d conn. I/p, fenced w/lawn care Call TCP 979-775- 2291 Bryan 3/1.5 house, w/d conn, fenced yard, www twincitypropedies com or 979- 775- 2291 Bryan 4/2 duplex, over 1600sqft. w/d conn. 2 LIVING AREAS, extra fridge, t/p, balcony, ext storage, lawn care Call TCP 979-775-2291 C S 2bd/1ba duplex. W/D-conn fenced yard, shuttle, available May or August Summer lease accepted $550/mo 979- 218-2995 C S 2bdrrrV2bth updated, pets ok. fenced, fans, w/d included. S560-S610. 575-0024. Available June-1st. C S duplexes 2/1. yard service, pets OK. fenced. W/D connect Available May or August Owner/Agent 695-2025 nitahckOtca net C S pre-leasing 2.3.4bdrms. Pets OK. fenced, fans aggielandrealestate com 979-776-8984 C S . 3/2 duplex, 1920 Hdleman. shuttle route, all major appliances, fenced yard, pets ok. available May. $995/mo 979- 694-7930 • Campus Lodge Ibd/lba. BRAND NEW, fully furnished, summer sublease, renew, available. $399/mo. negotiable call 979- 575-7399 CANYON CREEK APTS.: SUMMER SUB- LEASE CALL 979-696-1734 Casa Blanca Apadments 2-bedroom 2- person $395/mo. Shuttle bus. laundry, pool. 1/2mile from campus. Nodh Gate area 4110 College Main, 979-846-1413. Casa Blanca Apadmenls. 2-bedroom. 2- person units available now. Summer rate $325/mo lease ending August 12. Shuttle bus, laundry, pool. 1/2mi from campus. Nodh Gate area, 4110 College Main 979- 846-1413. Chadwick on Cader Creek, large 3/2 5/2 luxury townhomes w/many extras. 979- 822-1616. Cheap! Ibd/lba furnished duplex. W/D May 15- July31. Make offer 361-648-3536. Christian Private Dorm. Free cable, inter net, phone, laundry and utilities DTS Movie Theatre. Luxury bathrooms. Pool Room. Rooms stad at $325. Call 739- 9403. College Hills, Large secluded home. CA/CH, rent adjusts for number of ten ants. 512-477-8925. College Station, 2407 Bosque, 2/1 four plex, w/d included, patio, $500. Broker, 774-7820. College Station- 2403 Bosque, 2/1 four plex, patio, $450. Broker, 774-7820. College Station- Blanco, 2/1 fourplex, Cute, Split Floor Plan, Close to Park, $485. Broker, 774- 7820. College Station- Cornell, Aug. prelease, Large 2/1 duplex, 910sq.ft., fenced yard, w/d conn. $625. Broker, 774-7820. College Station- Lisa Circle, 2/1 fourplex, Cute, Close to Campus, $450, ask about move-in special, Broker, 774-7820. College Station- Navarro, May Available, 2/1 duplex, fenced yard, w/d conn., $565, pets neg. Broker, 774-7820. College Station- Oakdale, 2/1 fourplex, August prelease, w/d included. Broker, 774-7820. College Station: 3bdrm/2bth, 1897sqft brick home, 2-car garage, all appliances, near TAMU, wooded country setting on 2.31 acres. Available May 1. Call 979- 268-3007. $1400p/m. CS 3bd/2ba house, fenced yard, major ap pliances, $1000/mo +deposit. Available 7/11. No pets. (979)680-9783, (979)676- 0240. CS 4/2/2 available August, updated, fenced, pets ok, 1208 Hawk Tree (be tween Southwood &Rio Grande off FM2818), $ 1495/mo. (979)731-8257 or (979)820-3939, if no answer please leave message. CS 4/2/2 available August, updated, fenced, pets ok, 1118 Berkeley (off Domi- nik just a few blocks east of TAMU), $1495/mo. (979)731-8257 or (979)820- 3939, if no answer please leave message. CS Condo, 2bd/2ba, W/D, available 5/15/04 $800 +deposit 979-828-5694. CS large 4/2 +bonus area, available Aug., updated, pets okay, 1115 Berkeley (off Dominik a few blocks east of TAMU), $ 1495/mo. 979-731-8257, 979-820-3939, if no answer please leave message. CS monthly rental, new home, $300/mo per room, 936-582-4452. STUDY IN PROGRESS FACIAL ACNE RESEARCH STUDY Volunteers ages 12 and older, with facial acne are needed to participate in a 12-week clinical research study with an investigational topical medication. All eligible volun teers will receive at no cost: • Study related acne evaluations by a dermatologist • Study related medication • Reimbursement for their time and effort Gill for more information. J&S Studies, Inc. The Physician Centre • 979-774-5933 3201 University Dr. E., Suite 475 Bryan, Texas 77802 Houston Summer Jobs! Miller Swim Academy Now hiring swimming instructors, lifeguards, and pool managers. Excellent Pay! Locations throughout Houston. 713*777* 7946 FOR RENT CS Pre-leasing 2/2 Cripple Creek Condo W/D, appliances, $650/mo. 776-0202» 324-1343. $200 off 1 si month rent. Pre-le: Terrac Drive. jbdrir 1930. CS: 2/1 fourplex, w/d conn, biking A tance to TAMU www or 979-77$ 2291. CS: 2/1 house, w/d conn, large comerb, GARAGE, fenced, biking distance to U MU Call TCP 979-775-2291. CS: 3/1. 3/2. & 4/2 houses, w/d com fenced, close to Post Oak Mall. Call TCP 979-775-2291. Duplex, no deposit. 2/1. W/D-conn.Irt place, fence, pets. $599/mo. 450-0098 764 5969 For lease 5/12/04-8/14/04. NewFoxfkr condo. 3bdrm/3bth, unfumsrieo S 1300/mo ♦utilities. 210-698-0765 FREE LOCATOR SERVICE wwwbcsrr tal com 774-7820, Broker Furnished 3bd/2ba five minutes from car: pus Available for both summer sesswts $50Q/mo.. 210-771-5140. 830-6060674 Good Deal. 3bd/2ba or 4bd£ba no house, close Blinn, S850/mo Cal 979 680-0173. Great Deal! CS 3/2 duplex, large lencec yard, all tile floors, available late kb) $850/mo Summer discount avakabc 713-819 7393 Half-off Juna rant 3/2 4-plexes. WDpc- vtded. water pax), walk-in closets, cairg Ians, large kitchen, security lighting, on shuttle, some fenced yards, great tocatm S849-S879 www 7745776. Heart Rock Duplexes. SbdTba W/D con nections. 4yrs old May/ Augusl leases available. $900/mo 979-324-7729. Heritage Townhomes 3bd3ba torr house for lease. Available 4/15 or sooner Call now 693-7835. Holleman Townhomes- Luxurious 15 townhomes walking distance to TAMU- shuttle bus. raised ceilings, cozy fireplace privacy fenced yard and deck. 268-564! or Large IbdmVIba apt $445/mo, free ca bfe ðemet, covered parking Available Apnl- Aug 15. 979-820-1330. Large 2bd/lba brick duplex, txkng dis tance to A&M. ideal for graduate student, available to lease now or prelease tot tall, no pets. $400/mo. +bil48, 693-8534 M/F-1 bdrm In 3bdrm duplex, private furnished. W/D, $315/mo., June-Aug,979- 571-4764 May & August Preleasing. Duplexes Large 3/2, well maintained, fenced yard local owners, $775- $995 Also 2/1.5 on Manuel Dr. Fenced yard, w/d-incl., $525 $575. Cathy or Mark. 979-268-1074 May lease specials! 2bdrnV2ba Broker/owner 777-5477. May rent free with 12mo. lease. Want Free Cable? You got it! Anderson Place Apts, have a great 2/1 fioorplan, w/d con nections, for only $499. Large open kitefi- en. Close to Gold's and shopping. Cal 693-2347. May rent free with 12mo. lease. Are You On A Tight Budget? Well, we have trie answer for you. Ibdrm below $400. 2bdrm for $465. Close to shopping, cam pus. Laundry facilities, pool. Must See 1 Longmire House. 693-7741. Ask about our specials! MILL CREEK CONDOS. Lim. time special contemp. style 2/1 (loft bdr), w/d, & free in ternet. Start at $540- call 979-846-2976, view at Move-in special: New 3/2 duplex, W/D, lawn-care, available Augusl. Call 1-800- 779-7119; (512)627-2422. Multiple 4/2 large houses, nice yard & neighborhood. Avail. May/Aug. $1200 $1400 nego. 979-696-8975. Need 4 friends, Condo available 8/15, to nished. 4bd/4ba, pool, spa, $340/ea. 504- 669-2264 New duplex 3bd/2ba available in May and August. 979-690-6735. New luxury townhomes 2bd/2.5ba, W/D, shuttle route, $850/mo. 224-0005,696 0616. NEW! 3/3 DUPLEX: 3bd/3ba, higri deif ings, crown molding, tile floors, security system, backyard, ethernet, all new appli ances, includes W/D. May or August Call 979-690-1913, 979-229-6936 (nts/wknds). Nice duplex in CS, 3/2/1, w/d conn., large living room and kitchen, very close to shuttle, $800/mo. 254-722-2107. Northgate location: Brand new 2bdffla. 3bd/2ba. Walk to campus. Call 846 4076. Now leasing 2bdrm/1.5bth and 1bdrm/1bth 4-plexes, close to campus, great location, nice floor plans, shuttle bus, 776-6079, Now leasing 3bdrm/2bth houses, fenced yards, close to campus. One, two, or all three rooms available in a 3bd/2ba house in C.S. located off Lincoin and Tarrow $283ea +1/3utilities available Junel thru AugustlS. Call 979-255-6166. Parkway Apts. 1600 Sw-Pkwy CS. 1,2,3- Bdrm Avail, Pre-leasing specials. 693 6540. Perfect for 5th-year seniors. 4/2/3 in Bry an. 2806 Leonard Road. $1200/mo. nego. 979-822-3043. Pre-lease for May or August. 2bdrmlour- plex at price of one. 2brdm/1ba, wld conn., water paid. 609 Turner. $395/mo 693-1448. Pre-lease for May or August. Universal Oaks Duplexes. Large 2bdrm/2ba, w/d conn., fenced yard, great location $680/mo. 693-1448. Sublease 1bdrm/1ba in a 2bdrm/2ba & Aggie Station, $455/mo 409-656-9709. Classifieds continued on Pg. 3b Pre-lei duplex 3-loca duplex Univei Preiea 4-plex $400/i Preiea campt $575/i leasmi Preiea yardc plans, xww. Preiea 9S, 3b carpet tonne WWWJ Pretea mge. ceram pet. it campi Pretty Plum. rgT rtntalr Augu: owner Wge ixes c 979-6' rice: 2996. ^ege Sreat rets Poem 5375 565-0 SAN es Li we ran), xm v nrw. Jare 4futi 5450-' spao * 'd i 5575; SPRli aots: call li 3569, Studn Pus $425 Suble montl cable Suble 5330, gust 3972 Suble ether *1/21 Suble male gotia: SUBi W/D, mg ( lease 7525 Subii 2bdn July Sum Nortl 4076 SUM SQU cam| view Sum negc Sum May. 649- Sum horn shut car OK. Sum 1/roi wort 956- Sun lem: $27! Iririn, bacl Spri not l Sun clou +bill Horn Sun yam Sun 15tl plex bail $30 281 Sur 2bc S7E Sur got clui 511 Sui 4b( nis