The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 29, 2004, Image 9
,, . , ■awHnaNHHBMMHHKMHHBi nation THE BATTALION ^1 ■' 9A Thursday, April 29, 2004 Kerry ends bus tour by promoting Jfnew technology in the Rust Belt By Nedra Pickier HE ASSOCIATED PRESS OLEDO, Ohio — John ry, on the final leg of his bus tour of industrial states, on Wednesday called for new (technology investments to revi- tal ze the Rust Belt and create “a i economy that is based on people and products not perks and privilege.” HSpeaking at a United Auto Workers union hall, the De nocratic presidential candi date said President Bush has a responsibility to help people out of vork, even if he's not entirely tonlame for some job losses. ■ “I’m not going to tell you that ■hevery job lost is his fault,” Kerry sal 1. “I'm not going to say that eTto you. But you know what, at leap come out and look the peo ple in the eye who've lost their job and say we’re going to give yo the job training, we’re going topive you the health care.” ^[Kerry’s bus tour took him by mines of West Virginia, the steel communities of Pennsylvania and Ohio and the auto plants of Michigan. All four states have lost manufactur ing jobs under Bush, and all four are up for grabs in the presiden tial race. Kerry prom ises voters that if he is elected, he would create 10 million jobs dur ing his first term. “I want an economy that is based on people and products not perks and privi lege for the wealthy and the connected Kerry said. Since Bush took office in January 2001, some 1.8 million jobs have been lost, according to government figures. In March, the economy added 308,000 jobs. Among the initiatives Kerry was proposing Wednesday is a guarantee program that would help small- and medium-sized manufacturers get credit to invest in new technology. He also said he would increase fund ing for military research and direct the Defense Dept, to invest in broadband, biotechnology, nan otechnology and energy independ ence. To prepare the work force, Kerry pledged to improve math and science education and enhance job training. ‘‘The bottom line: I believe that the best days of the Rust Belt aren’t behind us, they’re ahead of us,” Kerry said in text prepared for delivery Wednesday afternoon at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, Mich. I want an economy that is based on people and products not perks and privilege for the wealthy and the connected., — John Kerry Democratic presidential candidate NEWS IN BRIEF d|t0 Je :.! Third party candidates hope keep ads out of campaign 'ASHINGTON (AP) — Two Texans in a pitched bat tle for the same U.S. House seat are sending letters tojhundreds of third-party groups, telling them their “[■rertisements are not wanted in the 32nd congres- skr al race. ■jBemocratic Rep. Martin Frost and Republican Pete “JjBsions, both of Dallas and up for re-election in . ilvember, signed an agreement to bar unapproved th|d-party advertising from the contest. They pledged to dthe letter to local, state and national organizations, he two incumbents ended up vying for the same seat because Texas' Legislature redrew congres sional district boundaries last year, carving up Hsfs former District 24 so that a Republican ‘“uld be heavily favored. he candidates pledged to “publicly disavow” any ertisement of any sort that has not been author ed by one of the campaigns. They also asked third parties already advertising to cease the ads. “It is very unsocial. I've never heard of anything like it before,” said Quin Monson, assistant director for the Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy at Brigham Young University. Enron agrees to pay $35 million to settle trading allegations Now the bankrupt company is emulating its former imitators in agreeing to pay millions of dollars to set tle allegations of market manipulation. However, the $35 million Enron has agreed to pay the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will go to the back of the line behind thousands of other cred itors — meaning the agency won’t pocket any cash. If U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Arthur Gonzalez approves the proposed settlement as expected, Enron will join more than a dozen energy companies and their part ners or subsidiaries that have settled CFTC allega tions of false price reporting, attempted manipulation or both. SecurCare Self Storage Storage the Student can Trust! Commercial & Residential Fenced, Controlled Access 7 Days a Week Security Lighting Military Discounts Temperature Controlled Storage 5 x 5 - 10 x 30 Boat & RV Storage Convenient Office Hours Moving Supplies Convenient Locations in Bryan/College Station 2306 S. College Ave., Bryan 4014 S. Texas Ave., C.S. 1218 Baker St., Bryan 825 Graham, C.S 775-5738 690-6777 Longmire Self Storage Discover Visa Mastercard 3400 Longmire Dr., C.S. 3007 Longmire Dr., C.S. Call for directions to store NEW SHIPMENT OF LOOSE DIAMONDS! ROUND DIAMONDS PRINCESS CUT DIAMONDS 1.44 1.357 1.27 1.06 1.04 1.03 1.002 1.00 .95 .92 .92 .90 .88 .86 .83 .80 .73 .73 .70 .62 .60 .57 .55 .54 .51 K D G F M H J H I G H I G I H F F H H H K G E D F VVS 2 SI | S'2 SI3 vvs 2 vs 2 vs 2 Sl| vs, s, i V S, SI7 SI SI, Sl 3 SI, vs 2 SI, SI 2 vs 2 SI, vs 2 SI, SI, vs 2 3950 00 7250 00 EGL Cert. 4900°° EGL Cert. 2900°° EGL Cert. 2475 00 EGL Cert. 4 5 7 5 00 2900°° EGL Cert. 43 5 0 00 EGL Cert. 3450“° EGL Cert. 4327 00 IDEAL CUT EGL Cert. 3875 00 EGL Cert. 2500°° EGL Cert. 2700 00 EGL Cert. 2250°° EGL Cert. | 8OO 00 EGL Cert. 2700 00 EGL Cert. 2450 00 PCS Cert 21 50°° EGL CerL I 785 00 PCS Cert. I 350°° EGL Cert. 775 00 EGL Cert, I 455°° EGL Cert. I 5 25 00 EGL Cert. I 5 75 00 EGL Cert. 1685 00 2.23 1.56 1.00 .91 .90 .90 .87 .82 .73 .71 .70 .66 .60 .591 .56 .54 .51 .51 .50 .92 .64 .45 H I G E G I F F E H H E H G E D D D E H v s, vs, vs, Sl 2 VS 2 S'2 si I VS 2 VS 2 VS 2 VS 2 SI I vs, vs, vvs, si 2 vs 2 SI, VVSt 14500 6900 5460; 3400 3450 2500 3100 3075 2920 2270 2100 1625' 1400 1500 1 1600' 1250' 1350‘ 1275 1 I500< EGL Cert 1 EGL Cert. 1 EGL Cert. ) ’ EGL Cert. 1 EGL Cert. ’ EGL Cert. ’ EGL Cert. ' EGL Cert. ' EGL Cert. 1 GIA Cert. 1 EGL Cert. 1 GIA Cert. ' EGL Cert. 1 GIA Cert. PEAR CUT SI, SI, vs. 2945 00 I 250 a0 EGL Cert. 560 00 ASHER DIAMONDS (SQUARE EMERALD CUT) 1.07 H VS 2 4 1 00 00 GIA Cert. 1.01 F vs 2 4930 00 GIA Cert. ANTIQUE CUT DIAMONDS 1.98 l SI, 7500 00 Cushion Cut 1.88 J SI 2 4950°o 1.72 1, 3950°° 1.71 J Sl 3 4500 00 Cushion Cut 1.12 l SI, 26 00 00 1.03 l Sl 2 2950°° Cushion Cut .74 J S'2 950 00 , RADIANT CUT 1.06 D SI, 4600 00 gia .51 E VS 1 I525 00 EGL Cert. EMERALD CUT DIAMONDS 1.52 1 vvs | 6490 00 EGL Cert. 1.12 E S, 3 295oo° .58 1 SI, 1 150 00 OLD EUROPEAN CUT 1.18 H s, 3 3300 00 1.03 1 si 3 24 00 00 .91 1 l| I850 00 .60 1 VS, 1 I70 00 EGL Cert. .46 H SI, 675“° OVAL DIAMONDS .84 E vs 2 3 ISO 00 EGL Cert. .83 D VS, 3375 00 EGL Cert .81 E vs 2 3040 00 EGL Cert. .72 1 si 2 I595 00 EGL Cert. .54 H SI 2 950 00 .32 H S'l 550 00 MARQUISE DIAMONDS 6.76 G 1, 27 5 00 00 1.37 1 S '3 3150 00 1.21 K Sl 3 3450 00 1.14’ 1 vs 2 3675 00 EGL Cert. .89 D vs 2 3 4 70 00 .48 H S', 875 00 .31 K VS, 395 00 John D. Huntley, Inc. J Class of '79 ^ “Very Personal Investments" Rare Coins, Loose Diamonds, Precious Metal, Fine Jewelry, Watches, Tennis Bracelets, Cocktail Rings & Colored Gemstones 313B South College Ave. (Next to Harry's) • 846-8916 COLLEGE STATION UTILITIES AND THE COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PRESENT THE SATURDAY. APRIL 17 JERRY JEFF WALKER with Django Walker SATURDAY, April 24 Bruce Robison and kelly Willis with Gary Starkey Sunday, April 25 Brazos Valley Symphony orchestra featuring Ruthie Foster Saturday, May 1 Billy Joe Shaver with Diamondback Texas Music Series 'P©' i|©u. toe qreofcptos Saturday, May 8 COWBOY MOUTEl Saturday, may 15 Michael Martin MURPHEY with Yancey Stevens Saturday, May 22 Strutter with Terry Trice Saturday, June 5 HANNA'S REEF Saturday, June BIG OTIS 12 Saturday, June 19 Doyle Bram hall with The Full House Blues Band Saturday, June 26 EDDY RAVEN with Johnny Lyon SATURDAY, JULY 10 Dave Matthews Cover band with Texas Twisters FREE ADMISSION TO ALL EVENTS! Bring your own coolers & picnic baskets. - No pets, please! BY0B. No glass containers. - Soft drinks and snacks available to buy. GATES OPEN AT 6:30PM WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER, COLLEGE STATION For more information, call (979) 764-3486 or visit m m College Station Utilities TKXAS • aHINTKY 101.9 / be \alteij 694-2186 \ IE \ f* P* o < > Ft 5 F* Ft P I