The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 29, 2004, Image 10
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COLLEGE 846-3343 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY '.75 Mixed Drink 1.50 Longnecks 1.50 You Call - It Drinks Everyone 21 & Up FREE All Night All Ladies FREE All Night TRACY LAWRENCE LIVE w/ Jody Booth $ 1.50 Mixed Drinks $ 1.50 Longnecks V s + CD Advance tickets available at Traditions Bookstores & Cavender’s Boot City $ .75 Mixed Drinks i £ M .50 Longnecks \ 3 $ 1.50 You Coll- It Drinks Guys 21 & Up FREE Til 10 All Ladies FREE Til 11 1 Tuesday, May 4 ,h - The Bonfire Benefit Party, Featuring: lay 1 Cooder Graw, Dub Miller, Macon Grayson & Peter Dawson * Live Friday, May 7“’ • Phil Pritchett w/ MacGee Payne Check out our website at! IN YOUR LIFE Develop confidence and new perspective on your world with a grounded, practical education at South Texas College of Law. Deadline for Spring 2005 enrollment is OCTOBER 1,2004 The spring semester begins on IN YOUR COMMUNITY While attending South Texas College of Law students may represent clients with real-life legal problems through the school’s award winning civil clinics or perform community service through any of the school’s 26 student organizations. IN YOUR FUTURE A law degree from South Texas College of Law could be your road to a reward ing career and friendships with some of South Texas College of Law’s 10,000 alumni in the Houston area JANUARY 18, 2005 SOUTH TEXAS ; COLLEGE OF LAW [ EDUCATING TOMORROW’S LEADERS TODAY R For more information, call the ■ Admissions Office at ^ 713-646-1810 or visit the South Texas T; % College of Law website at g y Photography by Beryl Striewski OA Thursday, April 29, 2004 Carbon nio no\i kills three te e I in cave alo By Patrick Howe THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ST. PAUL. Minn. — A labyrinth of caves left by 1800s sandstone miners along the Mississippi River has long been a forbidden and sometimes deadly thrill for teenagers, who ignore the keep-out signs and thwart the city’s best efforts to seal off the passages. On Tuesday, the caves again proved lethal: Three teens died, apparently of carbon monoxide poisoning, perhaps from a tire smoldering inside the caverns. Killed were Nicholas Lee Larson, Natalie Lorraine Vanvorst and Patrick Gerard Dague. all 17. A 17-year-old boy was rescued, and his condition was upgraded Wednesday from critical to serious. A fourth boy escaped and alerted authorities. Fire Chief Douglas Holton said the teens entered through a small opening, about 3 by 5 feet. Once inside, they could stand up. he said. The dead were found about 6(X) feet in. At least five other people have died in the caves in the past two decades. The passages stretch for miles along the river and are known as the Wabasha Street caves. A brewers once dug some of the caverns to create earthen warehouses, and a mushroom- growing operation flourished in the moist, dark caves for Dea «ly city ca,| 10 Wah SealM “ 5 C0rr >Plexl b o ShaStf N Car bon monoxids I poistft M| NN. ^ Tuesfe St - p aul ^'Hneapoi,; S,a,G Cap^ StP W ! SW M ^endota lights f^-Thecwn,] C,"'f hlc l"b in Ihe hio tle Rt >yal.andi . V Um e entertainers»s 10 sequent the spot , . ^ Ver toe years, • u ,0 peopleouil| Warning signl ‘ ,v " ln gs with plywoodi p san d in the entmu aum P'ng thousands oft 7" s,r uction debris I , Ulld,n gs in the "'em up. ^ ut people shimm: ' L "Petongsorchipa s °h sandstone at t Softball Continued from page 7A Put up any runs. ® lex as had three hits hut was unable to In the bottom of the fifth inning, Aggie iun or James hit a walk-off, three-run home run to punL' more than eight runs after five innings and ended the run rule. ^ "We got ii done,” James said. * W e had ist Mi (University of) Nebraska got beat, we were up^| aiKSMl needed one more run. We haven’t beaten Texa^ soitwsi to come out with the win." A&M head coach Jo Evans said Janies relishes beiwt position. "(James) is great in the clutch, (noconuM ners on base." f However Evans said she is really pleased with how girls hit the hall all the way through the order. "There’swi hero on this team: they’re all heroes,” Evans said The action continues this weekend as the Assies Lincoln. Neb., to face The University of Nebraska Hot and Ready Large Pepperoni Pizza s 5 EVERYDAY +tax Alina Walke isjwearing 1 little 696-01! carry out only 2501 Texas: art o is le: borin cations ur inhi lling a jarrying t [e bar. W right fihe line cessorie: Just lik< an outfit c; |?w with j m accessc v Cry same toe airplan ebbs of 5 IHE PARITY 1 ! IN THE Ag I F EST 111tAL SATURDAYS ixiaaixi- 4 PM DIMLY APRIL E3-25 I APRIL 30-IVIAY 2 PRESERVATION PARK 6 DAYS 3 STAGES 46 BANDS Texas Stage Crawfish Stage Club Zydeco Stage RANDY MARSHALL t/THE LAW POSSE ZYDECO JOE </ h-town PLAYERS BAYOU ROUX MYRNA SANDERS BAND TRACY CONOVER THE RACHELS GUPPIES F.O.S. COLLIN HERRING MAX STALLING AARON WATSON ZYDECO DOTS TEXAS SQUEEZE BRIAN JACK TONY VEGA BRAD ARCHER DAVIN JAMES JESSE DAYTON COLGATE COUNTRY SHOWDOWN BON TON MICKEY ONE LIGHT TOWN THE STONE COYOTES MACON GREYSON PHIL PRITCHETT OWEN TEMPLE BROKEN SPOKE CEOFFSPAHR JOHN EVANS DREW WOMACK LEEROY THOMAS OUTBOARD JOHNSON THEMCCLANAHANS the fab s ELVIS CONTEST HAMILTON too: The FDR UUFf] — l-ann-OLd-TOWIXI fpxascrav