The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 2004, Image 22
high class living for a high class university. coming august 2004 Persona! Pizzas .\ow Available! \U Day Every Pay Only S2. 1 ) 1 ) Better Ingredients! BETTER PIZZA! Dp u» < Toppintf* each' DuUvtry A^ibbk* fi* l«.« Storr 601 University Drive Hours Sun Wrd 11 AM IVur«<la> 11 AM-2 AM rn & s«t 11 AM-) AM 846-3600 I 100 Harvey Road 764-7272 1740 Rock Prairie 680-0508 Wc l ake Aggie Bucks. Cash. Checks awl Mosl Major Credo Cards Monday Madness Targe i Topping Pizza (Carry-out Only! 55.99 Late Night Special Targe l Topping Pizza (Alter 10 PM Cam-out or Delivery') 56.99 SCION SCREENING SERIES You Call It Specials! A vai/able Everyday! MF.DIUM S TOPPING PIZZA JW.99 Large 3 Topping ! > izza $10. 99 2 Medium 2 Toppings $12.99 2 Large l Topping Pizzas 515.99 AND MW I HI BMi PAH IV! 4 large 1 lopping l*i//as 524.99 Sophomore business major Cody Jones watches as his 1 998 Dodge Dakota is towed away after an acci* dent off Southwest Parkway Jones made a left turn onto Southwest Parkway heading in the southwest Sma*°n AiKHBACH.THEUrjj direction (toward Texas A,e„„,| h.str u cl.ononc„ m ,„ 9rori „ fc the truck to dtp lone, and hi, pos se L je l, without injury. Life sciences Li Continued from page 1 exciting future development of these programs.” Gates said no tuition or fees will be used to fund the construction of the new building, and it will be financed entirely through the Available University Fund, the revenue stream from the Permanent University Fund. The Available University Fund consists of earnings from the Permanent University Fund set aside by the state of Texas for use by A&M and the University of Texas, and is not related to the University’s annual state appropriations an either. Miller said. v chair Of the Campus Master PinSt^ Committee. Miller and others attempted to fc the area of campus that would bemraM' housing this new facility. ° ncof proposed location* fortkiS ences building is the lot north of SimpsofF F.eld and next to All Faith's Chapel Lx I on West Campus are also being conJ Miller said. I he most recent research building co; | cd on the A&M campus is the nearly coir:,! Chemical Engineering Building, which is ed west of the Zachry Building on the edge of campus. Two Nor rary, kx ently rah years old I Cameron d he chan iause it r drinkin; “By goir percept i li having bar," Sir ion for e Smith sa -and-up I th said I avoid the CHIPS AND SMALL DRINK WITH ANY SUB Q\nm oS - 110 College Main ® Northgate an 18-ai ‘We use 1th the mi ’t drink, |pped fol I nuts. 1 ji s over H—« peawnt cartAul* when cwdertm Ow cMtSkal* food pm pmnon. pm Hm good M«f any odw* oHm Good * piorOuptnt locoBoot only CiMANb «oM nors in, s Costa D changed hi; and said to whora f*oNb«od Good only on tha prmknn mdkatori Any othm ww fraud No codi rNua urdoM pm***mi by Uw. cm6 mkm n I/TO cd Do you The Battalion is hiring motivated writers photographers and graphics artists Start work this summer or fall! • Learn the ropes in a professional newsroom environment • Develop the skills you need to advance while managing Z SM a team with The Battalion’s /AMR new paid internships Continuous hiring for staff positions Pick up an application in 014 Reed McDonald or online at www.tliebaU.coin John D. Huntley Class ol‘19 313 B. South College^ College Station, TX ^ The Battalion Since 1912 When Bufstedler Texas A&l' I “1 read brother we sophomore “™ fl 3wers, th l shley Fm I Hut'sted March 31. and-a-half nint with ■ race Ash I “1 thou oie just would hav gft that w< I Despite e 'al proble Learn more about the new student-led organization on campus The Liberal Arts Advisory Council Meeting Information Wednesday, March 28th Koldus 111 • Network with former students • Event Planning 6pm Servce on Deans Committees For More Information The l epartme hing to niversit >ng up psm depa irector i tTexas With losure a ies are