The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 2004, Image 18
Wednesday, Aprils. To place a classified ad: Business Hours Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Private Party Want Ads $lO for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price mist appear m ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal po» for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn'tsel advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify fortlitS additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early AUTO FOR RENT 1984 Jeep CJ-7 excellent condition, Lots of new parts $6000/offer 979-575-6123. 1993 Honda Accord, $1600. 575-2486 1997 Maroon Ford Taurus, perfect A/C, fully automatic, very good condition, $2900/080 negotiable 979-574-8561. 2000 Honda Civic EX, 4-door, automatic, V-Tec engine, a/c, cruise control, power tinted windows, sun/ moon roof. AM/FM- CD, ABS, frt-air bags, spoiler, XLNT mpg, and outstanding condition. $11500, 936- 697-1468. 2001 Ford Expedition XLT Sport, towing package, 4x4, 5.4liters, ranch hand bump er, silver, excellent condition, $18000, 979-220-0606 2001 Ford Mustang. V6. PW/PL, 4IK. mint condition, assume note, $9800. 979- 224-4444 2001 Haundi Sonata, custom only 30,000mi, 1-owner, loaded, sunroof, all extras, 979-823-0662. 2bd/1ba duplex, tions, fireplace. 979-774-5776 '93 Toyota Corolla, $1800, 146,000mi. good condition. Call Krista 696-4776 Immaculate 2003 Volkswagen Jetta GLS, black, 6,000-miles, 5/60,000 warranty, 5- speed, Monsoon Sound System, $17,000 979-690-9724 2bd/2ba apartment, close to campus, w/d. $325/bdrm, free internet Free Dell com puter w/rental. Call (408)315-4107 Volkswagen Jetta 1996 GL $2800. good condition, automatic 979-571-7122. 2bd/2ba apt available now Call 979-690- 6735 BED AND BREAKFAST Brauzos Bottom Plantation Home available ♦or A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis.’70. 979- 696-0091. 2bd/2ba Duplex 1000sqft W/D connec tions lawn-care, large yard, available 5/18/04 $800 979-690-2439 2bd/2ba duplex, W/D. bus route, covered parking. BBQ grill, pnvacy fence. $600/mo 979-575-8266 new appliances lOOOsqft FOR RENT 2bdrm/1ba duplexes available July 1st. August 1st. W/D. brand new refngerator new carpet, small fenced back yard, on the shuttle in CS. $520/mo. Call 777-7151. $780/mo., 3/2 duplex, off SpringLoop, w/d, bus route, fenced backyard &patk>. new paint/ appliances. Discount summer rate $600/mo Shelley, 281-728-0344 *** 3bd/3ba duplex In C.S.. 1300+sq ft, steps from shuttle, all appliances. W/D, gas. extra large living area, available July/August $999/mo 324-1138 2bdrm/2bth, 5-yrs new Includes w/d. 3- min from vet school & A&M campus Near bus stop Outet residential street Local owner takes care of landscaping 805 Ye- gua. available 5/21, summer rates-nego 1-yr lease Average $565/mo., 979-220- 5735. 1-3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$600/mo 696- 2038. 3-2 CS duplexes, on shuttle Very nice, tile, fireplace, ethernet. w/d. fenced, lawn service, pets okay. Available May/Aug 979-574-6291. 979-676-1391, 979-255- 0424 1/2month free rentl 2bd/1ba $375/mo Ibd/lba $350/mo. C.S. Close TAMU. Call 979-680-0173. 3/2 duplex. 2yrs new. brick, tile, applian ces. ceiling fans, w/d connections. $875/mo. available now, 979-587-0824 101 Sulphur Springs, Near Chicken Oil, 3bd or 4bd/2ba, 2000sqft CH/A, hardwood floors, new paint, new roof, $ 1200/mo 979-224-0675. 3/2 duplex, like new 3 yrs old. well main tained. w/d. lawn care included, no pets $900/mo. 846-5722. 1bd/1ba 809 Yegua, Bryan. W/D, Refriger ator included. Balcony, quiet neighbor hood, bus route. $495/mo. Call David (936)545-5200 or (936)636-7923. 3/2 duplex, w/d, ethernet negotiable. 690-9466 No pets, rent 3/2 duplex- 1201A/B Webhollow- Aug $850 268-5844 or Avail. Ibdrm/lba condos in CS across from so rority row. HUGE closets, well main tained. $495-$520. 979-229-RENT. 3/2 duplex. $800/mo., on shuttle, W/D. available in June, 979-575-1010. 2-rooms $250/mo-ea. Shuttle, rooms. Call 979-696-9641. large 2/1 duplex summer lease. $450/mo. OBO. W/D connections, fenced yard. 832-794- 3810. 3/2 duplexes for lease. Trip to Vegas w/2year signed lease. Legacy In. off Hol- leman. Call for move-in specials. 764- 7788 3bdrm/1.5ba house is available now 690-6735. 979- Answer to previous puzzle a C,R e AJR1AIR1AIT anacDa DHaa QCDQCDn □QUID MUUUUUUULJUJ IIWI2JLJ □BEJnOBQ mr.n il □□□□ UUEJLUHEinU aum hhhh man nnnuQ □□HOB □□□ QBDHd uululjej ana ejulucj HHEO nmra nraa UlUHOtll □□□□□□ □a □□□ D ■ r E O b]e Y N OR E 1 F N eH u BHHL3 I9BBBQ □□□U 4/28/04 GRILL&TAVERN* join us for lunch! 15 minutes or it’s FREE! Come in and try our signature Monte Cristo and Death by Chocolate May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty! Newsday Crossword THE INN CROWD by Fred Piscop Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 64 Moreover 8 Door opener 40 Santa 1 Hangs 65 Gazetteer 9 British winds loosely stat meat pie 41 Said further 5 Polio vaccine 66 Stop on 10 Hams it up 42 “Where did discoverer 67 Chimney dirt 11 24-karat wrong?” 9 Add zip to 68 Practice with 12 Internet 47 Best cases 14 Poet Pound a pug patron 49 Add spice to 15 Not “fer” 69 Actor Romero 13 According to 52 Aquatic 16 Make chuckle 70 Cacklers 21 “ mind?’’ frolicker 17 Felt sorrow 71 Film locations 22 Prepare 54 Pretzel over to bathe shapes 18 Casino city 19 More achy 20 Livelihood 23 Six-yr. term holder 24 Windsor’s prov. 25 “Science Guy” of PBS 26 Low island 28 -Pei (dog breed) 31 Like Aesop’s grapes 35 Lake vessel 37 Numero 38 Muscle-car letters 39 Circus pair 43 Former fort 44 Squid’s defense 45 Narrowly defeats 46 Mexican coin 48 Highlands gin 50 “i” completer 51 Luau fare 53 out a living 55 FDR successor 58 Oscar- winning song of ’48 63 Promotion basis DOWN 1 Belgrade natives 2 Sky color 3 Aliens’ documents 4 Thompson of Family 5 Clear wrap 6 Bond and Smart 7 Swedish soprano 27 Author Beattie 29 Big pieces 30 Moreover 32 Georgia’s founder 33 Beehive State natives 34 Judge Bean 35 Be concerned 36 Actor Estevez 39 Jazz form 56 Hard work, so to speak 57 Autocrats of yore 58 Eliot title character 59 The Haj novelist 60 ‘Talcum/ walcum" poet 61 gin fizz 62 Low voice 63 Bub 4 2 3 4 14 17 23 FOR RENT 2-Year New Duplex, 3bdrm/3bth, Irg-yard, overlooking greenbelt. Approximately 1400sqft. Pets acceptable, $1.000/mo, (summer month's $nego). 979-220-5735. FOR RENT 3/2 duplexes Pre-leasin g August Mij.n. tained like new W/D. tawn care No pets. Owner managed a nd ma.nta.n e H $900-$925/mo. 691-0304 571-6020 2/2 @1100 Autumn Circle. W/D, water paid, $550-$600. 224-0005, 696-0616. 2/2, 3/2 duplexes, pre-lease now for May & August. Fenced yard, pets ok, 979-268-7400, owner/ agent, limited time summer 3/2 lease specials. 3/2 house, Ig deck. 12^,0 Ioa&m Blmn, 5765/mo 979-575-2486 Available August 3/2 Townhouses. 1250sqft Very Sp a cious. Ethernet, Large Kitchen, Walk - 2/2-condo, carpet, appliances. W/D, wa ter/gas paid Bus route. Doubletree Con dos, 1901 W.Holleman. Available now, 713-862-2010. Food Pantry, Walk-in Closets, Extra Stor age, Great Amenities. On 0us Route. N 0 w Pre-leasing. Excellent Specials 694-03P0 office @ luxormanagement com 203 Pronghorn 4/2/2 Luxurious 4/22 available August, Pets ok, huge backyard. Shuttle, must see to believe! 979-574- 8425. 3/2/2 Avail now at 2501 Rustling Oai^ Across the street from Bunn p/p, back yard. w/d and refrigerator included $1175 268-5844 of 4bdrm/4ba near A&M &BImn campuses $350/mo neg Good neighborhood 979- 777-8947 in Bryan. W/D connec- fenced yard, $580/mo 3/2/2 house for rent miq August, deck" fenced yard. w/d. on shuttle. Cs 4bdrm/4bth Place, all $375/bdrm $ 1200/mo 979-571 -7392 2bd/1ba with W/D. appliances 604 Mes quite Bryan. $550/mo pets free 602- 788-1797 3/2/2 house. CS, shuttle routeTbuilt 2007 $ 1200/mo 979-575-0779 3/3 duplex. College Station, available JuiT w/d. security system, lawncare. I400sqh $ 1050/mo. 979-690-0857 3/3 duplex- 3707 Oldenburg Avail $1095 268-5844 Now 3bcV2ba duplex, 2407 Brittain Ct Avail^ ble June 1st Best location in town! Cul- de-sac, all appliances, w/d. pnvacy fence &i a wn maintenance $9So/mo 936-825. 2670. 936-825-5222 3bd/2bo home available m August, riejir University. S975- , mo owner,agent 693- 8898 3bd/3ba duplex, near new. off Graham Rd C.S. Available May. W/D. security system, lawn-care. 1400sq ft . $900/mo (979)739-5553 3bd/3ba duplex, near new. off Graham road. CS. available August. W/D, security sysiem. lawn care. MOOsqtt. S990/mo 739-5553 Available summer storage, great 219 Manuel Dr CS 979 693 0551 rates! Beautiful 5bd/2ba. sound proof room for musician, outdoor spa. fenced yard, walk to TAMU. $1500/mo . 979-739-5836 3bdrm sublease summer 04. 3/2. shuttle, w/d, $330/mo +1/futilities. Kristin 936 559-318 4 3bdrm/1 5bth. cozy 2-story, bike distance to school, fenced backyard, w/d, $720/mo 979-777-7151 Big House For Rent 1 3bdrrrv2 5ba w/study. game room. deck. &2car garage. 2200sq ft. huge closets. 4min TAMU, $1350/mo 219-2097 3bdrm/1bth, 2-car garage Huge backyard pots ok. Close lo campus $1050/1110 . 832-788-9100 Bike or Walk to TAMU large yards 2&3bdrm Great price, great neighbor hood. Please call 696-1444 3bdrm/2ba duplex Priced to Lease! sage 979-219-3677 @Rockhollow Loop Call Jeff leave mes- Brand New 4bdrm/3bth. 1 ftOOsqft Ready lo move-in. S375/rm/mo Fenced yard. 5- mins. to campus, bus route. 409-789- 2670 3bdrm/2ba. one year old. W/D. in the country about 7 miles from the University, very peaceful. $1100/mo Call 777-7151 Brand new homes for rent two blocks from campus. Behind CS HEB 4bdrm/2bth, fenced yard. Spacious 1600+sqft. S400/room. Call 979-823- 0092. 3bdrm/2bth brick, near campus, $900 ♦$600 deposit Call 979-690-0085 3bdrm/2bth Duplex. Excellent Location and parking! Dexter at SW Pkwy. shuttle, full-size w/d. $995/mo. 846-7454. Brazos Rural 3/1.5/1. lencod, 3/4acre, $850/mo., $600 deposit Available 5/19/04 696-1670 Bryan 3bd/2ba house. 1900sq ft . 5min TAMU, appliances included, pets okay, fenced 575-0024 3bdrm/2bth Rock Hollow duplex. $825/mo., w/d connections. Call for de tails, 979-690-7929, cell 979-739-1450. Bryan 4bdrm/2bth house. $1100/mo.. Au gust 15. 2-blocks from A&M 832-541- 6450 3bdrm/3bth new duplexes, great floor plan, Internet access, tile floors, w/d, now leasing www.aggielandleasing.corn 4/2, 4/3 houses available May or Aug, owner/ agent, 979-268-7400 Bryan: 1/1 & 2/1 apartment homes, cov ered parking, POOL, walking distance lo Blmn and St. Joseph www twincityproper- or 979-775-2291. Bryan: 2/1 fourplex, exf. storage, fenced. Call TCP 979-775-2291 Bryan: 1/1 duplex, WOOD FLOORS, AN TIQUE BATHTUB, w/d conn, fenced. Call TCP 979-775-2291 Summer Break Employment The Texas Transportation Institute is look ing for students from the following cities to collect data on seat hell use: Abilene, Amarillo, Brownsville, Beaumqnt. lit Paso, Houston, Laredo, Lubbock, Midland, San Angelo. San Antonio, Tyler and Waco. Hours vary, depending on location, to be done between May 17 & June 25. $X/hr., $50 minimum. Call 45X- 1229 between Sam & 5pm for interview or more infonnation. Med Tech/Lab Tech for full-time, two doctor office. Excellent benefits. Great experience for student applying to medical or nursing school. Degree and one year commitment required. Please lax resume to (979)776-4260 or apply in person at: 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan, TX. JOIN TEAM PINK Victoria’s Secret is looking for one outgoing, enthusias tic, and well organized college student to join Team Pink. Team Pink members will be responsible for planning events and promotions to spread the word about Pink, the latest line from Victoria’s Secret. Apply for Team Pink by logging onto: STUDY IN PROGRESS FACIAL ACNE RESEARCH STUDY Volunteers ages 12 and older, with facial acne are needed to participate in a 12-week clinical research study with an investigational topical medication. All eligible volun teers will receive at no cost: Study related acne evaluations by a dermatologist Study related medication Reimbursement for their time and effort Call for more information. CREATORS SYNDICATE C 2004 STANLEY NEWMAN STANXWORDSSAOL.COM 4/28/04 J&S Studies, Inc. The Physician Centre • 979-774-5933 3201 University Dr. E., Suite 475 Bryan, Texas 77802 FOR RENT 4/3, 3/3 &3/2 Townhouses, Duplexes &Fourpi exeS , 12$o-i7oOsq»t Very Spa cious. Ethernet, Large tdfehen. Extra Stor age. Great Amenities, t?n Bus Route, Now Pre-leasmg. Excellent Specials 694-0320 office @ luxormanagement com 4/3/2 Avail 5/20- 1405 Broadmoor Close lo everything $1500 268-5844 or 4/3/2 Avail 5/207~39q3 KeTlT Excellent Bryan location $13<}0 268-5844 or condominium. University appliances, ceiling tans (281)444-9612. 5bdrrrV2ba house, Bryan. Fenced back yard pool attached garage. 2 5 miles from campus Pets allowed Available 5/15/04 979-575-3640 AFFORDABLE almost new Sbd/Zba Rock Hollow duplex 5-rmn to campus $895/mo, $600 deposit Yard care. WT), security system, each available at small extra charge Call for details 979-774- 1270 Attention Students! Why Pay Rent? Buy a home, rent out the other rooms, and live tor tree' 979-693-7653 or AndrewSmilhTeam com Broker. RE^MAX B-CS Available May. 4hdrm/2bth house. 2-car garage, fenced, pets ok. 3104 Longteal. SI 050/mo 979-693-1448 Available Now! 4bdrrrV2ba 809 Avenue-A C S. behind Best Buy Call 492-3033 or 775-7770. College Station 3bdmV2b1h. I897sqft brick home. 2-car garage, all appliances, near TAMU. wooded country setting on 2 31 acres Available May f Call 979- 268-3007 $!400p/m CS Ibdrm/lbth. sublease. $395/mo Avail able 5/3- 8/15, w/d. bus route. 832-656- 4333 CS 2bd/1 5bth house available 5/24. 1 lOOsqft fenced yard, tree lawncare. pets allowed, storage building, carport, near mall, w/d connections, tireplace, on shut tle. can bike to school. Free satellite, phone. &DSL lor 3-months $705/mo con tact 979-694-2985 CS 2bdrm/1bth. 1502 Pine Ridge Great area, w/d connection. 979-412-3698 CS 3/2/2 house Pnvacy lence. new appli ances $l000/mo. Available 06/01 pets ok Call 979-220-2540 CS 3bd/2ba house, fenced yard, major ap pliances. S1000/mo ♦deposit Available 7/11. No pets (979)680-9783. (979)676- 0240 CS 4/2/2 available August, updated, tenced. pels ok. 1208 Hawk Tree (be tween Southwood &Rio Grande off FM2818). $ 1495/mo (979)731-8257 or (979)820-3939. if no answer please leave message. CS 4/2/2 available August, updated fenced, pets ok. 1118 Berkeley (off Domi nik just a few blocks east of TAMU) S 1495/mo. (979)731-8257 or (979)820 3939. if no answer please leave message CS Condo. 2bd/2ba, W/D, available 5/15/04 $800 +deposit 979-828-5694. CS large 4/2 ♦bonus area, available Aug., updated, pels okay. 1115 Berkeley (off Dominik a few blocks east of TAMU), $ 1495/mo. 979-731-8257, 979-820-3939, if no answer please leave message. CS monthly rental, new home. $300/mo per room, 936-582-4452. CS Pre-leasing 2/2 Cripple Creek Condo. W/D. appliances, $650/mo. 776-0202 or 324-1343. $200 off 1st month rent. CS: 2/1 fourplex. w/d conn, biking dis tance to TAMU. or 979-775- 2291. May lease specials! Broker/owner 777-5477. 2bdrm/2ba. TREEHOUSE APARTMENTS & 2 BR’S AVAILABLE $420 - $595 (979) 696-5707 Petiec ■. 28( 979-h:' FOR RENT s; Bryan 1/1 house w/study, w/d conn, GA RAGE, fenced, www twincityproperties com or 979-775- 9921. CS: 2/1 house, w/d conn, GARAGE, fenced MU Call TCP 979-775-2291 Bryan. 2/1 & 2/1.5 duplexes, w/d conn, f/p, fenced w/lawn care Call TCP 979-775- 2291. CS: 3/1, 3/2, & 4/2 houses, i fenced, close to Post Oak Mil 979-775-2291. Bryan: 3/15 house, w/d conn, fenced yard, www twincityproperties com or 979- 775-2291. Duplex, no deposit, 2/1, V® place, fence, pets, $599/!ra 764-5969. Bryan 4/2 duplex, over 1600sqft, w/d conn, 2 LIVING AREAS, extra tndge. t/p, balcony, ext storage, lawn care. Call TCP 979-775-2291. For lease 5/12/04-8/14/04. condo, S 1300/mo. +utilities, C S 2bdrnV2bth updated, pets ok. tenced. tans w/d included. S56O S610 575-0024 Available June-1 st Furnished 3bd/2ba five miniite pus Available (or both suime 1 $500/mo, 210-771-5140, C.S duplexes 2/1. yard service, pets OK, tenced. W/D conned Available May or August Owner/Agent 695-2025 nitanckOtca net 3bdrm/3b!h, urf/L -alPre l<‘. Good Deal. 3bd/2ba or 4x>| house, close Blinn, $850m /I 680-0173. C S pre-leasing 2.3.4bdrms. Pets OK. tenced. tans aggielandrealestate com 979 776 8984 CS. 3/2 duplex. 1920 HoHeman. shuttle route, all major appliances, tenced yard, pels ok. available May. $995/mo 979- 694-7930 Half-off June rent. 3/2 4-pieiesi' vided, water paid, walk-mcteJ fans, large kitchen, security; shuttle, some fenced yards, jnti^ftane S849-S879 ■tie 9 www allweathennvestmentscor p^T| f , 7745776 Terrnc Casa Blanca Apartments 2-bedroom 2- person $395/mo Shuttle bus. laundry, pool !/2mile from campus North Gate area 4110 College Mam. 979-846-1413. Heart Rock Duplexes. 3M2bi*:l D,l ' /e nections, 4yrs. old. May/tk^js A drr1 available. S900mo. 979-324-ra 1930 Casa Blanca Apartments 2-bedroom. 2- person units available now Summer rate $325/mo lease ending August 12 Shuttle bus. laundry, pool 1/2m! from campus. North Gate area. 4110 College Mam 979- 846-1413. Heritage Townhomes 3M3<| house lor tease Available LiSiJ Call now 693-7835. Chadwick on Carter Creek, large 3/2 5/2 luxury townhomes w/marry extras. 979- 822-1616 Hollemen Townhome* Lord townhomes walking dstanacj shuttle bus. raised cetimgs.cffl'i pnvacy fenced yard and ded S or Christian Private Dorm Free cable, inter net. phone, laundry and utilities DTS Movie Theatre Luxury bathrooms. Pool Room Rooms start at $325 Call 739- 9403 Large Ibdrmflba apt S445'n:i ble & ethernet, covered putty Ik April- Aug 15,979-820-1330 Large 2txl/16a brick duplex. lance to A&M. deal tor gradui'f available to tease now or preteii no pels. $400/mo +Mls,693ffii May & August Preleasmg Large 3/2. well maintained, teracl local owners, $775- $995 Also i f Manuel Dr. Fenced yard, | S575 Cathy or Mark, 979-2M May rent free with ITmo.lwB Free Cable? You got it! tWrarff Apts, have a great 2/1 hoorplaM nections, for only $499. Uigewl ra en Close to Gold’s andsi!otc:| deiarr 693 234TH May rent free with On A Tight Budget? Well, ws if'Netty answer for you. tbdmi Woilpum 2bdrm lor $465. Close lo shocc/j in g 9 pus Laundry facilities, pod. Longmire House, 693-7741. *>| er ho our specials! IL m , Multiple 4/2 large houses nttj 2-car Aneighborhood. Avail. May/Au}!| pets 7S jfental Beautiful Largs M A U 9 U; $1400 nego. 979-696-8975 Must See W/D, carport, next lo TAMU Unity price start at $247ea/mo. (97S&| Need 4 friends, Condo avail#k 1 l nished. 4bd/4ba, pool, spa, SK/I 669-2264 New 5bd/4ba house, 3-living aret ing. On 4.28acre lot. Avaiai Rent $3000/mo. Call 690-673! New duplex 3bd/2ba availableiiUtl August. 979-690-6735. New luxury townhomes 2MMi I shuttle route, $850/mo. 224-1® i 0616. Newly remodeled 4bd/2ba, Ds®| location, fenced yard, $125W | 739-5836 Nice duplex in CS, 3/2/1, w/dwr i living room and kitchen, veiy shuttle, $800/mo. 254-722-21(17. I Northgate location: Brand ns# # 3bd/2ba. Walk to campus. &l| 4076. Now leasing 2bdmV1.5i J 1bdrm/1bth 4-plexes, close lo8| great location, nice floor plans 'I bus, TSi Now leasing 3bdrm/2bth hous yards, close to campus. One, two, or all three roomsavild 3bd/2ba house in C.S. located^ and Tarrow $283ea +1/3utiiesi i Junel thru August 15 call 979-255f 1| | Parkway Apts. 1600 Sw-Pkwyft Bdrm Avail, Pre-leasing sped# 6540. Classifieds continued onPp Houston Summer Jobs Miller Swim Acadeni Now hiring swimming instructors, lifeguards, and pool managers. »UB |v/D, Excellent Pay! Locations throughout Houston. 713 * 777 • 7946 Burr