The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 20, 2004, Image 19

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N^Jyan: 3br/2ba house, w/study, WOOD
^J_OORS and carpet, w/d conn., fenced
yard, 2-car carport. Contact us at or 979-775-
Classifieds continued from Pg. 6
IS. 2bdrm/2bth updated, pets ok, fenced,
fans, w/d included, $560-$610. 575-0024.
Available June-1 st.
C.S. 4/2/2 plus bonus room. Available
~|ay or August, updated, fenced, pets ok,
1311 Timm (off Glade) few blocks south of
Will, $1495/mo. 979-731-8257 or 979-
feO-3939, if no answer please leave mes-
C.S. duplexes 2/1, yard service, pets OK,
ced, W/D connect. Available May or
igust. Owner/Agent. 695-2025
C.S. pre-leasing 2,3,4bdrms, Pets OK,
7 ._nced, fans,
OS., 3/2 duplex, 1920 Holleman, shuttle
§ute, all major appliances, fenced yard,
fts ok, available May, $995/mo. 979-
hsa Blanca Apartments 2-bedroom 2-
trson $395/mo. Shuttle bus, laundry,
bol. 1/2mile from campus. North Gate
fea. 4110 College Main, 979-846-1413.
bsa Blanca Apartments. 2-bedroom, 2-
krson units available now. Summer rate
p25/mo lease ending August 12. Shuttle
laundry, pool. 1/2mi from campus,
brth Gate area, 4110 College Main 979-
Hl^Badwick on Carter Creek, large 3/2.5/2
Hxury townhomes w/many extras, 979-
atw^Kiege" Station: 2br/1ba fourplex, w/d
H^Bnn, walk-in closet, biking distance to
TAMU, 2-3 blocks from shuttle stop. Con-
rtBct us at or
■allege Station: 3bdrm/2bth, 1897sqft
Bek home, 2-car garage, all appliances,
Iflear TAMU, wooded country setting on
,2.31 acres. Available May 1. Call 979-
5-3007. $1400p/m.
lollege Station: 2br/1ba house, approx
Osqft., w/d conn., large corner lot, single
4RAGE, fenced yard, biking distance to
AMU. Contact us at www.twincityproper- or 979-775-2291.
bllege Station: 2br/1ba house w/study,
pd conn., single GARAGE, fenced yard,
[king distance to TAMU. Contact us at or 979-775-
bllege Station: 2br/1ba house w/study,
Wd conn., fenced yard, biking distance to
WMU. Contact us at www.twincityproper-
™ or 979-775-2291.
illege Station: 3br/1ba house, w/d conn.,
wati^prport, fenced yard, biking distance to
[AMU. Contact us at www.twincityproper- or 979-775-2291.
"lollege Station: 3br/1ba house, single car
|ARAGE, w/d conn., fenced yard w/lawn
fere provided. Contact us at www.twincity- or 979-775-2291.
Allege Station: 3br/2ba house w/study,
lid conn., all appl., fenced yard w/lawn
Cere provided. Close to Post Oak Mall,
ptact us at
bllege Station: 4br/2ba house, w/d conn.,
plappl, fenced yard w/lawn care provid-
, Close to Post Oak Mall. Contact us at or 979-775-
at, a* 1
liege Station: 4br/2ba house, approx
iOOsqft., w/d conn., fireplace, 1-car GA
GE, close to shuttle stop. Contact us at or 979-775-
1bdrm/1bth, sublease, $395/mo. Avail-
ile 5/3- 8/15, w/d, bus route, 832-656-
3bd/2ba house, fenced yard, major ap-
Bjances, $1000/mo +deposit. Available
111. No pets. (979)680-9783, (979)676-
B~4/2/2 available August, updated,
Breed, pets ok, 1208 Hawk Tree (be-
Been Southwood &Rio Grande off
|^2818), $1495/mo. (979)731-8257 or
(979)820-3939, if no answer please leave
4/2/2 available August, updated,
bced, pets ok, 1118 Berkeley (off Domi-
nik just a few blocks east of TAMU),
1495/mo. (979)731-8257 or (979)820-
|39, if no answer please leave message.
Condo, 2bd/2ba, W/D, available
f/15/04 $800 +deposit 979-828-5694.
i large 4/2 -t-bonus area, available Aug.,
idated, pets okay, 1115 Berkeley (off
Iminik a few blocks east of TAMU),
|495/mo. 979-731-8257, 979-820-3939,
if no answer please leave message.
locations 4-plexes: 1bd/1ba., $515;
Jd/2ba., $565-$610; duplexes: 2bd/1ba.,
|75; 3bd/3ba., $1100; vaulted ceilings,
fire place, sky lights, ceramic/ wood floors,
frker/ Owner. 979-777-5477.
CS monthly rental, new home, $300/mo
room, 936-582-4452.
BTreJeasing 2/2 Cripple Creek Condo.
W/D, appliances, $650/mo. 776-0202 or
4-1343. $200 off 1st month rent.
on’t miss! 4bd/2ba/2gar, fenced yard,
|e deck, great location, C.S. $1250/mo.
jiplex, no deposit, 2/1, W/D-conn., fire-
ice, fence, pets, $599/mo. 450-0098,
|plex, pre-leasing for May and August,
i/2ba, all appliances, plus W/D. No
|s, $900/mo., $600 deposit. 846-5722.
plexes 3/3 new, Harvey Mitchell/ Villa
Iria or Welborn/ Graham 281 -467-1427
Summer. 4/2 furnished older home.
1 ? ,5mi-East of campus, 1-block from shut
tle Large trees, hardwood floors, 2-car
ga age, w/d. $1000 +deposit. No pets.
Anil after finals. 512-917-2857.
fee rent for May! Summer sublease
(liable for 1bdrm/1bth in 2bdrm/2bth
Will be sharing w/male. 5/22-8/15.
67.50/mo. +1/2utilities, $125/deposit
fo|furnishings. Mike, 210-663-9203.
lod Deal, 3bd/2ba or 4bd/2ba nice
Ise, close Blinn, $850/mo. Call 979-
Great Ag Living! 901 Azalea Court, 3/2
duplex, prelease June, lawn-care, pool,
shjiltle route, w/d-conn. Boyd, 979-574-
Large 2bd/1ba brick duplex, biking dis-
tarjee to A&M, ideal for graduate student,
lliilable to lease now or prelease for fall,
no pets, $400/mo. +biils, 693-8534
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Half-off June rent. 3/2 4-plexes, W/D pro
vided, water paid, walk-in closets, ceiling
fans, large kitchen, security lighting, on
shuttle, some fenced yards, great location
Heart Rock Duplexes, 3bd/2ba W/D con
nections, 4yrs. old. May/ August leases
available, $900/mo. 979-324-7729.
Heritage Townhomes: 3bd/3ba town-
house for lease. Available 4/15 or sooner.
Call now 693-7835.
Holleman Townhomes- Luxurious 3/2
townhomes walking distance to TAMU-
shuttle bus, raised ceilings, cozy fireplace,
privacy fenced yard and deck. 268-5844
House, lyr. old 4bd/2ba. Lincoln and
Churchill available 8/1 281-467-1427.
Large Ibdrm/lba apt. $445/mo., free ca
ble &ethernet, covered parking. Available
April- Aug.15, 979-820-1330.
May & August Preleasing. Duplexes,
Large 3/2, well maintained, fenced yard,
local owners, $775- $995. Also 2/1.5 on
Manuel Dr. Fenced yard, w/d-incl., $525-
$575. Cathy or Mark, 979-268-1074.
May lease specials! 2bdrm/2ba.
Broker/owner 777-5477.
May rent free. 1bdrm sublease in 4bd/2ba
apartment, $349/mo, ethernet, shuttle,
W/D, furnished, ceiling fans, great room
mates. May through August. 979-696-
Multiple 4/2 large houses. nice yard
&neighborhood. Avail. May/Aug. $1200-
$1400 nego. 979-696-8975.
Need 4 friends, Condo available 8/15, fur
nished, 4bd/4ba, pool, spa, $340/ea. 504-
New 5bd/4ba house, 3-living areas, 2-din-
ing. On 4.28acre lot. Available now.
Rent $3000/mo. Call 690-6735.
New duplex 3bd/2ba available in May and
August. 979-690-6735.
New luxury townhomes 2bd/2.5ba, W/D,
shuttle route, $850/mo. 224-0005, 696-
Newly remodeled 4bd/2ba, Dexter drive
location, fenced yard, $1250/mo., 979-
Newly Remodeled across from campus.
4/2.5, ethernet, very nice, no pets. 676-
Northgate location: Brand new 2bd/2ba,
3bd/2ba. Walk to campus. Call 846-
Now leasing 2bdrm/1.5bth and
1bdrm/1bth 4-plexes, close to campus,
great location, nice floor plans, shuttle
bus, 776-6079,
Now leasing 3bdrm/2bth houses, fenced
yards, close to campus.
Parkway Apts. 1600 Sw-Pkwy CS. 1,2,3-
Bdrm Avail, Pre-leasing specials. 693-
Perfect for 5th-year seniors. 4/2/3 in Bry
an. 2806 Leonard Road. $1200/mo. nego.,
Pre-lease for August 1st- 4yr. old 3/2 w/fp,
raised ceilings, garden tub &all appliances
including W/D. $1295. Call Laurie Follis
Stone, Broker, 979-260-7653 ext. 114;
Pre-lease for May 2/1 Duplex. Fenced,
W/D connections, pets ok. 1402 Bermuda
Ct. $525/mo. 693-1448.
Pre-lease for May 3bd/2ba house on 3-
acres near Central Park, W/D connec
tions, fenced, pets OK $1125/mo 979-693-
Pre-lease for May 4/2 house. Fenced,
W/D connections, pets ok. 3104 Longleaf
$1100/mo. 693-1448.
Pre-lease for May or August. 2bdrm four
plex at price of one. 2brdm/1ba, w/d
conn., water paid. 609 Turner. $395/mo.
Pre-lease for May or August. University
Oaks Duplexes. Large 2bdrm/2ba, w/d
conn., fenced yard, great location.
$680/mo. 693-1448.
Pre-lease for May, large house 3bd/2ba,
could be 4-bedroom, great location,
fenced, W/D connections, pets OK. 1601
Langford $1125/mo 979-693-1448.
Pre-leasing 312Columbia $600/mo
2bd/1.5ba will have fresh paint and car
pets to be professionally cleaned. Availa
ble 6/01/04. 1709RockHollow $825/mo
3bd/2ba will have fresh paint and carpets
to be professionally cleaned. Available
8/01/04. 3803 Valley Oaks, 3/2/2
$1100/mo carpets to be professionally
cleaned. Available 05/20/04. CIE- Ja-
nette 979-820-1325.
Pre-leasing for May SAugust at University
Terrace Apartments. 1700 George Bush
Drive. 1bdrm 825sqft, 2bdrm 1025sqft,
3bdrm 1350sqft. 1-month free. Call 693-
Pre-leasing for May or August. 2bdrm/1 ba
duplexes. W/D conn., fenced, pets OK.
3-locations to choose from. $525/mo.
Preleasing August. 2bdrm/1bth close to
campus, fenced yard, Lodge Pole.
$575/mo., 979-204-1950, www.aggieland-
Preleasing for August, 2bdrm/1bth fenced
yard duplexes, great locations, great floor
plans, w/d connections, shuttle bus.
Preleasing for August, 3bdrm/2bth duplex
es, 3bdrm/2bth houses, fenced yards, new
carpet, close to campus, shuttle bus, w/d
connections, ceiling fans.
Preleasing for August. 4/2/2, 2-car ga
rage, fans, fenced yard, w/d connections,
ceramic floors, hardwood floors, new car
pet, includes fridge w/icemaker, close to
campus,, Pre-leasing for May &
August, summer specials. 979-268-7400,
owner/ agent.
Ridgewood Village 2bd/1ba 2-story, balco
nies on each level, lots of trees, no pets.
979-696-2998, 1212-1218 Hollik.
Ridgewood Village efficiency with loft.
Nice useful floor plan. No pets. 979-696-
2998, 1211-1213 Hollik.
Ridgewood Village, 1bd/1ba studios.
Great floor-plan, lots of trees, quiet, no
pets. 979-696-2998 1201-1209 Hollik.
Room for rent. May through August.
$375/mo -(-utilities. A&M bus route, 979-
865-0615, Barbara.
Rooms for rent June, July. 979-571-3036.
SAN SABA- Spacious 2/1 or 2/2 duplex
es. Lawn Service included. Great student
home on TAMU shuttle route. Fenced
yard, w/d conn., ceiling fans. Great loca
tion with lots of privacy. 268-5844 or
Share new house with two F-students. All
utilities, cable, and internet, bus route
$450/mo. Casey 214-641-0077.
Spacious HOOsq.ft. 2-story town home,
w/d • conn. Fenced yard, large closet.
$575/mo. 219-3645.
Studio style apartment. Close to campus,
bus route, reduced from $479/mo to
$425/mo. 214-417-1993.
Sublease 1bdrm/1ba in a 2bdrm/2ba at
Aggie Station, $455/mo 409-656-9709.
Sublease 2bd/1ba $445/mo $100 deposit,
414B College Main, 2-blocks from campus
in Northgate, Pets OK. Call 713-248-
Sublease available now through 8/1. 1-
male roommate, nice house, $375/mo ne
gotiable, 979-220-6550.
Sublease beginning Maylbd/lba apt w/d
$450/mo 979-575-5581.
Sublease Needed June-Aug, move-in ne
go. 3bd/2ba duplex, 1261 Flying Ace Cir
cle off Rock Prairie. W/D, refrigerator, mi
crowave, fenced for horses. $900/mo. Call
690-1962 or 777-8345.
Sublease now! 3/2 duplex Wolf Pen Creek
area. (713)504-9059/ (936)554-3802.
SUBLEASE! 694sqft. 1bd/1ba, 2-wic,
W/D, Meadows Point Apartments. Walk
ing distance to Rec. Move-in flexible,
lease ends, May ‘04, $579/mo 979-492-
Sublease, Aggiestation, Ibd/lba in
4bd/4ba, $350/mo. +1/4utilities, May
through August, brand new, 210-860-1972
Sublease: The Zone, Ibdrm/lba in
2bdrm/2ba, $425/mo. +1 futilities, May-
July 979-877-5002.
Summer Lease: Nice 3bd/2ba, 2bd/2ba at
Northgate. Walk to campus. Call 846-
Summer Sublease 1M/F for nice 2/1 apt.
above landlord’s garage on ranch behind
Academy. Fully furnished, W/D, no pets or
smokers, May23- Aug 15, $350/mo. +util.
$350 deposit. Landlord, 979-693-9513.
Summer Sublease 2/2duplex, free cable,
ethernet, fenced backyard, w/d, Imile
TAMU, $595/mo. 979-695-7854.
Summer Sublease 2bd/1.5ba, duplex,
W/D, furnished, fenced yard, deck, pets
ok, $575/mo -(-utilities 979-574-3158.
Summer Sublease 3/2 duplex, 300/mo.,
good location. Call Jennifer 214-542-2441
Summer sublease 4bd/3ba in Midtown
rooms sublet individually, $225/mo on bus
route 979-695-1935/ 214-241-4685.
Summer Sublease 5/15 through 7/31,
2bd/1ba, large fenced backyard, pets ok,
quiet country setting, $410/mo 979-693-
Summer sublease room available. Spa
cious house, bus route, W/D, $385/mo.
-i-bills, May/Aug. paid, furnished room op
tional. 713-204-7458, 979-764-6635 Brian
Well kept 2bdrm duplex on quiet cul-de-
sac, 1.5-miles from campus. No pets.
Avail June 10. $525. 936-273-2479.
13’ White-water cata-raft, new tubes, tow
ing frame, 2 pumps. $600. Call 979-822-
16x56 Sonoma, 2bdrm/2bth, Oak Forest
Park, w/d, deck, shed, $29,900/obo, 1-
888-484-8880, 956-605-9213.
16x76 trailer in Rolling Ridge Park. 3/2 Ex
cellent condition. Covered deck, storage
shed. Call (254)534-3496 or (254)718-
1978 Ibanez electric guitar with soft case
and Fender amp $350 1-979-645-8400.
1994 16x80 3/2 mobile home for sale,
$17,000 0 60. 979-775-4491 or 713-703-
1996, 17x76 Fleetwood in Rolling Ridge.
3/2, W/D, refrigerator, deck, porch, fence,
excellent condition. Call John 979-575-
2 entertainment centers $30/ea., 2 couch
es $75/ea., and a full size bed $75. Ac
cepting best offers, 979-574-0450.
2000 fleetwood home fdr sale. 16x56,
2/2, W/D, deck, fenced yard, great condi
tion. Call Richie 979-412-1672. $24,000
3bdrm/2ba mobile home in Rolling Ridge
Mobile Home Park. W/D, dishwasher, re
frigerator, computer desk, lawnmower in
cluded. Call 325-247-3422
47” TV, kitchen table/ chairs, matching so
fa/ love-seat, metal entertainment center,
3-end tables, bar with stools, $400 pack
aged deal 979-695-1484.
Bryan 2bd/1ba condo. Completely reno
vated, 1040sqft, great location near
schools, shopping, TAMU, Blinn, 4407-
Carter Creek#7. 361-573-7651, 979-575-
2130. Owner financing available.
Search 24 bookstores with 1 click! Ship
ping and taxes automatically calculated.
Couch $30, Dresser $25, Desk $40. Avail-
able mid-May. Call 979-693-3562.
Cripple Creek Condo, 2/2, all appliances,
$58,500, 776-0202 or 324-1343
Full-size kegerator with freezer, $400
OBO. Call 695-8347.
House, 3bdrm 2min from A&M. Call John
Jump for Joy &Fitness. Kangoojumps:
Swiss Power Shoes, size 8-10, like new,
$230 value only $130. Ab roller $15.
Large 2bdrm/2bth mobile home. Rolling
Ridge, remodeled, new carpet, great con
dition. $9500 or trade for truck, 254-760-
Large, live Crawfish $1.50/lb. Crawfish
delivered to CS straight from Louisiana
every other Friday. Delivered with pre-or
ders only. 281-426-3741.
Linksys internet connection system, $150
O.B.O., Toshiba cable modem, $100
O.B.O. Call Nikki at 979-255-8810 or 979-
Med Tech/Lab Tech for full-time, two doc
tor office. Excellent benefits. Great expe
rience for student applying to medical or
nursing school. Degree and one year
commitment required. Fax resume to
(979)776-4260 or apply in person at: 2706
Osier Blvd., Bryan, TX
Need summer job? In San Antonio for
the summer and/active w/good attitude.
Pays between $7-13/hr. Call Alex 979-
Now Hiring cafe staff PT. Apply in person,
Otto’s Bakery &Cafe, 979-775-7770.
Painters needed for summer, experience
helpful, $7.50/hr 775-7126.
Parkway Apartments, porter needed May-
August. 40hrs/wk. Apply 1600 SW Park
way, CS.
Part-time childcare help needed. Must be
available some of the following: nights,
weekends, afternoons and summer.
Please apply in person, 3609 E.29th
Part-time job helping handicapped. Male
student preferred. $290/mo. 10-hours
/week. 846-3376.
Part-time service station attendant. Basic
automotive knowledge Villa Maria Chev
ron. Corner of Villa Maria and East 29th.
Real Estate Associate. Learn to be a R.E.
Professional & Financial Consultant
w/growing natl. co. This is a career oppt’y
w/unlimited earnings potential and the op
tion to advance to mgmt. Looking for an
ambitious self-starter w/good comm, skills,
will train, start immed. Fax or email: 1-
800-280-9104 or
Seeking a caring, live-out nanny for active,
loving 3-year old boy. Interested in 30-40
hrs/week during summer, possibly con
tinuing next fall. Will work around class
schedules. Experience with preschoolers
and CPR certification preferred. Referen
ces and transportation required. Email, or call 690-9853.
Study Breaks Magazine now hiring adver
tising sales reps and writers, flexible
hours, good pay, great experience. 512-
Summer Camp Counselors needed for
premier sports camp in Massachusetts.
Water-ski, Windsurfing, Sailing, Tennis,
Golf, and Lacrosse positions available for
talented, energetic, and fun loving stu
dents. Great salaries, room, board, and
travel. June 17th- August 13th. For more
information and to apply: Mah-Kee-Nac (Boys): 1-800-753-
9118, Danbee (Girls):
The Bryan Champions After School Pro
gram is currently accepting applications
for fun individuals able to work in the fall
2004, 2:30pm-6:00pm, M-F. Please call
979-209-7007 for more information or stop
by 2200 Villa Maria to pick up application.
Time Square seeks: waitresses, swamp
ers, and experienced bartenders. For
more information, call 979-775-4759.
Today’s Vision looking for part time opti
cian. Will train. Call Nidal 979-694-2000 or
fax resume 979-694-2010.
Summer Sublease! University Commons
1br/1ba of a 2br/2ba apartment. August
and May’s rent paid. Fully furnished. Hec
tor at (713)822-8608.
Summer sublease, 2/1 duplex, half mile
from TAMU, on bus route, $500/mo. 832-
Summer sublease, 2bdrms available in
4bdrm/2ba house. $323/mo. +1/4bills.
Price negotiable. 979-236-1216.
Summer Sublease, Duplex $350/mo o.b.o.
2-M roommates, fully furnished, all appli
ances, on bus route, contact Brad 979-
Summer sublease. House 2bd/1ba
$695/mo, backyard, garage, W/D includ
ed, on bus route. Call Amanda 979-693-
Summer sublease. Female needed
4bdrm/2bth, $320/mo +1/4 bills. Fully Fur
nished, negotiable! 979-693-7738
Summer sublease: 1/1 apt at The Gables.
Good location, $439/mo., mid-May to Aug.
14. 979-574-0238.
Summer Sublease: 2/2 fully furnished,
w/d, ethernet included. $420/mo 229-
Summer Sublease: University Commons,
Available 5/20-8/13. Female to share
2bdrm/2ba. $415/mo negotiable. Call
Summer sublease; 2bdrms available.
W/D, close to campus, on bus route,
covered parking, rent $275/ea. 979-
574-4062 713-775-7333.
Summertime Lease Only. 3605 Glenna
Court. Very clean 3bd/3ba duplex availa
ble May-Aug. Apartment has full kitchen
and laundry room with washer and dryer.
No pets. Call 254-466-3900.
Sun Meadow Duplexes, 3/2, w/d, security
system, $975. Summer Special: $100 off
on summer months with 12-month con
tract. Leasing for May &August. 224-
0005, 696-0616.
Two Christian brothers need roommates.
Great house w/deck. 2bdrms available,
summer and/or Fall/Spring. $350/mo
+utilities. Ask about reduced Summer
rate. Call 469-371-1904.
University Commons $390/mo includes
utilities, fully furnished. 5/11- end August,
August-pd. Jimmy 281-703-2186.
University Place Condo, 4bdrm/4bth,
$290/mo per room +utilities, on shuttle,
214-340-0835, 214-232-6177.
UPSCALE LIVING. Lovely 4bdrm/3.5bth
2-story at 2405 Pintail Loop, CS. Availa
ble August. All amenities +yard care &w/d
included. $1600/mo. 979-774-1270 or
Less than 1/2 mile to TAMU. Corner of
Old College and Wellborn. Washer/ Dry
er/ Refrigerator and water, sewage, pest,
lawn included. Large bedrooms, walk-in
closets. 1bdrm/1bth- $435, 2bdrm/1.5bth-
$565, 2bdrm/2bth- $575. Move-in Today!
Empire Property Group- 209 University Dr.
(next to the Black Eyed Pea), (979)268-
5844 or
Walk to TAMU great 2bdrm/1ba. Rent
$425, deposit $300. 979-764-1082.
Walking/ ride TAMU. 2bdrm/1ba 4-plex.
W/D included. $500/mo. $250 deposit.
Contact 210-391-4106.
Want Free Cable? You got it! Anderson
Place Apts, have a great 2/1 floorplan, w/d
connections, for only $499. Large open
kitchen. Close to Gold's and shopping.
Call 693-2347.
Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don’t buy,
rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus
tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster,
Better! 764-3902
Woodbrook condos. 2bdrm/2.5bth,
$750/mo. available 6/1,281-728-7810.
Live Crawfish, call 979-694-0612.
Solid oak bedroom furniture. Twin trundle
bed, chest, nightstand, &desk. Excellent
condition. $600. 979-220-2020.
Sprint cell phone. New VGA1000 camera
flip phone, $200 O.B.O. Call Lindsay at
W/D $250 and Refrigerator $150 220-
Wedding gown and petticoat size 4 for
sale. Perfect condition. Retail $1100. Ask
ing $500. Call 979-821-2656 for details.
17 people needed to lose weight. Call
Gary 916-730-3439
500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You
Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN
ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La
crosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa
terskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery,
ML Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano
Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood-
shop, English Riding, Nature, Nurses. Ar
lene Streisand 1-800-443-6428;
Briarcrest Country Club is now offering
Lifeguard training &certification. 4/24-4/25,
5/1-5/2, call Bobby, 979-739-7717.
Carpenter needed. Must have own bags,
aggressive, will work with schedule.
$7.50/hr. 775-7126.
Cashier, evening plus some grave yard
shift Tigerland Express. Apply corner of
Rock Prairie and Wellborn.
Cashier, server, bus, and catering posi
tions available FT/PT apply Mon-Sat 2:00-
5:00pm. at C&J Bar-BQ 4304 Harvey
Road C.S. 979-776-8969.
Civil Engineering Student, Part-time, flexi
ble hours, experienced w/CAD &Land Sur
veying software. (979)776-6329.
Cleaning commercial buildings at night,
M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt.
Club vertigo now hiring experienced bar
tenders TABC certification required. Call
691-8599 for application information.
Conference Center, 1300 George Bush
Dr. hiring part-time building attendant.
Need good people skills, ability to lift mini
mum 50lbs. continually. Work 12-
15hrs/wk at $6/hour. Apply by 5pm, Wed
nesday, April21, 2004 at City of C.S. City
Hall Human Resources, 1101 Texas Ave
nue or at us/job-
Full-time teacher/mom of BUSY family
needs help! Min. 8-10/hr week. Starting
$7/hr. Heavy cleaning- inside and out,
washing and ironing a must, organizing
help needed. Two full-year commitment
necessary, training early May, begin work
May 17-04. Weekend interviews only. Fax
biographical and work info to 979-690-
Fun, prestigious public speaking position.
$7/hr., evenings &Saturdays. Must have
DL 4+years. No criminal records. We
train. 693-3992.
Hiring: bartenders, waitresses, all posi
tions, 3rd Floor Cantina, 979-779-1548. is looking for web
designers/ web programmers for PT/FT as
well as customer service and sales repre
sentatives. Please email resume or ques
tions to jobs®
Local retailer is looking for an experienced
Assistant Manager and energetic sales
staff. Work in a fun, Aggie atmosphere.
Apply in person at 208 George Bush Dr.
Looking for summer work? Make $8,200.
Get 3-hours of college credit. Great re
sume and work experience. Open to all
majors. Contact Marcel 979-218-0084.
MODELS swimwear beauty and glamour
print. Call 979-268-1379 for appointment.
Wanted: Energetic people for after-school
program. Employment begins 8/10/04.
applications accepted at College Station
Conference Center thru 4/26/04. Kids
WEBMASTER partnership to run and de
velop and associated
web sites, 979-268-1379.
PLAYERS WANTED: If you are interested
in playing women’s fast pitch softball this
summer, call 979-764-3424 by 4/30/04.
Working mom needs help. 6-8/hr week.
Starting $7.50/hr. Heavy cleaning, wash
ing, some child supervision. Must like chil
dren and animals. Call 979-764-8825.
1999 Honda CBR600-F4. Yellow/ Black.
13kmi. Shoei Helmet. $4200 979-224-
2002 CBR 954RR 5000 miles, runs excel
lent. Many extras included $7000/offer
2002 Suzuki Volsia 800. Very low miles,
Cobra Exhaust, $4500 956-343-4494.
2003 Yamaha R6, black and silver,
3000mi., all maintenance records, full war
ranty till 2007, helmet, gloves, and two
jackets, perfect, $7500, 210-884-9811
‘96 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6 $3333. Every
thing you need for your first bike! 979-492-
Honda Shadow VLX, 1999, Excellent con
dition, $3000. 979-571-7500.
Suzuki SV650, perfect condition, 2002,
black, 8500mi, must sell, $3300obo. 979-
Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, pro
fessional/ experienced. Specializing in
Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke.
Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-
Check online to learn how to get UNLIM
ITED Yoga and Pilates... for FREE!
Adopt Pets: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, Kit
tens, Many purebreds. Brazos Animal
Shelter, 775-5755,
Puppies for Sale! Dalmatian mix, $10ea.
Sweet, cute, loveable 1-year old ferret
Needs loving home. Comes with cage and
toys. $25. Call 979-764-8825.
B-CS: 1br/1ba, WBFP, all appliances,
completely furnished, tile /carpet, many
upgrades, on shuttle route. New appraisal
$41,000. (972)722-5648.
Easy automatic home searches by mail/ e-
mail. Get the facts w/o the pressure. Realtor Re-max.
Free House Hunting Services reveal
best buys in any area and price range you
specify! Visit or
979-693-7653. Broker, RE/MAX B-CS.
Free, quick, over-the-net home evalua
tion! or 979-693-
7653 Broker, RE/MAX B-CS.
Stunning 3-2 custom house for sale C.S.
Deck, Jacuzzi whirlpool, elegant trim.
$126,900.00. 575-0316
1-F 3bdrm/3bth new Fox Run Luxury Con
do. 1600sqft, $425/mo. +1/3bills, 1-mile to
TAMU, ethernet, pool view, w/d, mostly
furnished. 5/15/04, 210-884-4997.
1-F Nice house. Walk-in closet. On
Shuttle. Starting May, $350/mo +1/4utilit-
ies 979-846-3134.
1-F Summer Sublease, Sterling Apts, fur
nished, great amenities. Jennifer, 979-
694- 7557.
1-F Summer Sublease. Ibdrm/lbth in
4bdrm/4bth. Aggie Station, w/d, gym, bus,
no pets. 817-808-3058.
1 -Female roommate wanted for 3/2 house
on bus route $325/mo. +1/3bills 764-4333
1-M for 2bd/2.5ba condo, on shuttle,
move-in August. $400/mo +1/2bills 979-
695- 1268
1-M roommate wanted for fall.
4bdrm/4ba. $450/mo +1/4utilities $250
deposit. Furnished. 676-0877.
1F/M roommate wanted. Nice 4bd/3ba.
$385+1/4utilities. Available June. 696-7817.
1-M/F needed for summer lease, 3bd/2ba,
close to west campus, $320/mo. +1/3bills,
no pets. 676-0810.
1-M/F Roommate needed, Fraternity Row.
New townhouse. May/ August move-in.
$375/mo +1/3 utilities. Kimberly 210-378-
1-M/F roommate needed 3bd house with
land. Dog, horse OK, $300/mo +bills, sat
ellite TV, fast internet, Jim 979-574-8063.
1-m/f summer sublease $250 +1/4utilities
979-695-8141 may rent paid
1-M/F summer sublease Campus Lodge
$400/mo available May, fully furnished,
High-speed internet 832-618-3221.
1- M/F, Canyon Creek Townhome,
$425/mo +1/3bills, W/D, garage, pool, on
bus route, high-speed internet. Robert
2- F needed new 3bd/2ba house off Rock
Prairie. $500/mo each including utilities,
free cable, internet, long distance. Ask
about pets. Call Shannon 214-801-2006.
2-M roommates wanted for summer.
4bdrm/4ba $450/mo +1/4utilities. $250 de
posit. Furnished. 676-0877.
2- M/F, Summer lease. House on shuttle,
w/d, cable, &internet. Furnished except
bedrooms, $425/mo- $450/mo. All bills
paid. 979-680-1667, 979-574-3373,
2bd/1ba, $410/2, some bills paid, fenced
backyard, sublease starts 5/15 ends 7/31.
Call 847-4592 ask for William.
2bds available, $375/mo and $200/deposit
fully furnished except bedrooms. Call Ca
mille 979-777-2297.
3- M roommates needed 4bd/2ba house
for summer. $325/mo. utilities included.
Nick 713-504-6392.
3-M/F roommates needed now. $300/mo,
utilities included, $500 deposit, 1-miles
from campus, 713-939-1694.
Christian, non-smoking, female needed to
share 2bd/2ba condo. On bus route,
$450/mo. includes all bills, W/D, internet,
&cable. Only serious students (non-party
type). Ashley 979-847-0714 or 713-665-
F-non-smoking. Room sublease Fall
and/or Summer ‘04. $325/mo. Please call
with questions 903-821-6043.
F-roommate needed for summer to live
with 4th year vet student in fully furnished
townhouse $250/mo. +bills. Must like cats.
Call Chrissy 696-7173.
Female roommate 3/2/2, shuttle, w/d, ca
ble, internet, $350/mo +1/3bills, 210-383-
8524 or 979-695-8074.
Female roommate wanted to share 3bdrm
house with 2F. Located in Rock Prairie
area. Quick commute. Available August 1.
Call Katie, 713-705-8876.
Female roommate wanted. 3bd/2ba mo
bile home $275/mo. +1/3-utilities. Call
Megan 696-2119.
Fully furnished room in 2bdrm/2bth at The
Exchange. Cable and ethernet provided.
$399/mo. Call Sean, 979-574-4427, email
esestud @
M-Christian, non-smoking. 2bdrm/2ba,
Fox Run luxury condo 1291 sq.ft. $400/mo.
+1/2bills, Imile TAMU, bus route. 979-
218-7045 (Wesley)
M/F for large 3/2 house lease begins in
august $375 +1/3bills will have own bed
room and bath. 775-5997.
M/F, 2/2 condo, w/d, $400/mo +1/2util. 1-
block from campus, by Northgate. 979-
M/F: 5/04-5/05 Private 1bd/1ba in 3bd/2ba
duplex. $432/mo. bills included. (979)218-
Master-bdrm. Summer sublease, bus
route, ethernet, furnished (if necessary),
private bath, $290/mo. +1/3bills. Rachel
Need F-Roommate in subleasing furnish
ed 1bdrm including W/D at University
Commons. Call Carol 979-693-7295.
Need F-roommate. Beautiful condo in CS.
Totally furnished. Private bedroom &bath-
room per roommate. Call Katie, 832-265-
Need female Roommate for awesome 3/3
duplex, W/D, own bath, $333 +1/3bills,
available 5/15.,
Sublease available 4/24-8/17 move-in
flexible, Ibd/lba in 4bd/4ba (F-room-
mates) $400/mo August paid 281-221-
Sublet-Aug. Master w/bath. $350/mo.
+util. Bus route. Guy’s House, 979-777-
Summer Sublease 1-F needed 3/2 duplex.
$283/mo., pets ok, horse stables, 979-
MU, cable, internet, $325/mo +1 futilities.
281-797-6817 (John).
Summer Sublease, $290/mo negotiable,
+1/2bills, pets OK, backyard. 979-693-
Summer sublease, 2 rooms available May
through August in 3/2 house, $275/mo.
AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-
fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur
ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-
Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm)
&Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm).
Former student serving you 20yrs. In offi
ces above Aggieland Kiva Inn, Ste.200
(next door to Applebee’s). Walk-ins wel
come. $25/cash. Lowest price by law.
104 Texas Ave. S. 846-6117. Show-up
30/min. early.
Circle-H Lawn Maintenance. Commercial
and residential mowing $15 &up. 820-
Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy
Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan
846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling
We will buy your used furniture. Quality
Used Furniture 693-8669