The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 2004, Image 7
emust Classified continued from Pg. 6 FOR RENT oi the 5 lily. :nt »4b®a'’ ®mo. Cal; haleaCwi r [■leasing for May or August. 2bdrm/1 ba Ilexes. W/D conn., fenced, pets OK. [cations to choose from. $525/mo. j-1448. (leasing August. 2bdrm/1bth close to ripus, fenced yard, Lodge Pole, pmo., 979-204-1950, www.aggieland- [leasing for August, 2bdrm/1 bth fenced I duplexes, great locations, great floor [is, w/d connections, shuttle bus. easing for August, 3bdrm/2bth duplex- 3bdrm/2bth houses, fenced yards, new W2ba D (j jet, close to campus, shuttle bus, w/d nections, ceiling fans. i 1 August la 124-7729. ^nto, fwl leasing f 0 r August. 4/2/2, 2-car ga- laikmg. Aft (a g e f anSi f enC ed yard, w/d connections, clramic floors, hardwood floors, new car- pJ, includes fridge w/icemaker, close to ils availate 1 P US ' htaotbills ipjetty 4/2/2 in Sun Meadows, 3516 Wild ? m. August, $1475/mo. Sunlight Leas er 979-220-4005, 979-776-5111. good con lit May ■ (country atmosphere, fire place, very Ibd brick duplex, available now or i! duple<l#' lease ,or Fal1 ^ 395mo +bills no pets 1 Call 512- areas. Available h towrf 2244)005,: ilba, higfi: 3534, Pre-leasing for May & Alust, summer specials. 979-268-7400, i$34ta: H ’ er ^ a9ent ' Sccjre Summer Storage: 1 month free cli- r;le/ non-climate from $27/mo. 693- 05 it. Sficious llOOsq.ft. 2-story town home. k | conn. Fenced yard, large closet. ■ i5/mo. 219-3645. I ding University Village 1 bd/1 ba apart- fnt 12-month lease. $650/month call 979-695-0254 S idb style apartment. Close to campus, s i route, reduced from $479/mo to (ia«'nwi s 5/mo. 214-417-1993. lease mid-town duplex. $400/mo. ilities. Free internet, phone, and ca- Mid-may -August. May free. Call 194-4606. lease. Now till August. 1/1.5apt All appl., w/d, walk-in closet, and route. $600/mo negotiable. 694-3850. ise to car | ftiease 2bd/1.5ba needed May-Aug. |IO/mo futilities call Melissa 979-739- 113 tor more information. ase 3bd/2ba duplex. $800/mo avail- houses. %'uBe now to August with option to lease. Itswelcome call Amanda 979-492-6463. (avail. 5/17, one bedroom in 4/2 [Stehing, $350/mo. +1/4bills, May rent !,979-680-9613, 361-550-6639 77M Ayr.oWJIJ* 1 o&aHai 3atltoeM( i ext. : 11*.' ise available 6/1 for 2bd/2ba apt., 'mo., free cable and internet, 979- 1-6817 ^ Iblease 1402 Ber ba house M «, W/D com] 125/mo 979 duplex. Available 5/1. d/3.5ba, fenced W/D connections C.S. 1070979-777-5491. blease now! 3/2 duplex Wolf Pen Creek la. (713)504-9059/ (936)554-3802. lease on great apartment 2bd/1.5ba, Rent $670/mo negotiable, call 260- IBLEASE! 694sqft. 1bd/1ba, 2-wic, Meadows Point Apartments. Walk- distance to Rec. Move-in flexible, iseends, May ‘04, $579/mo 979-492- 5.) tease! 675 sqft. 1 bd/1 bth at Cripple near Sorority Row. Move-in flexible, 4ase ends Aug.04. $500/mo. 979-739- 5254, jst. 2bdmlw 2brdm/1ba. irner. $3957 [blease: The Zone, 1bdrm/1ba in I fnn/2ba. $425/mo. +1/2utilities, May- 2bdmV2ba, great bouse Jlxffl great to® 33-1448. 32 1 9-9424. jonPg,7' Immer lease. 2/1 duplex. W/d conn. I mile to campus on bus route. Yard I M/mo or obo. 832-794-3810. Jmmer Lease: Nice 3bd/2ba, 2bd/2ba at pets OK. I® 1 hhgate. Walk to campus. Call 846- 1/6. TAugustal* ^mer sublease $285/mo +1/3bills. Irm/2ba duplex, bus stop, W/D, fenced -ard. Tiffany 979-694-6665. IMMER SUBLEASE 1/1 in 2/2 at Uni- Ity Commons. Furnished, ethernet, ly-$200, June/ July- $415/mo., Aug.- ie. 979-575-7586. mmer Sublease 1bd/1ba in 2bd/2ba [artment, University Commons. Furnish- , ethernet, $420/mo. negotiable. Call n 979-739-3985. Immer Sublease 1bdrm/1ba in lrm/3ba duplex. $375/mo. +bills 979- 574-7070. Immer Sublease 3/2 duplex, 300/mo., good location. Call Jennifer 214-542-2441 e and effort atlon. immer sublease 4bdrm/2bth new house, near campus, park/pool, $395/nego. i, w/d, trampoline, furnished if need ed (979)680-0699. Summer Sublease 5/1-7/1 $240/mo. +1/5 Premiere Historic District house 1- Bckfrom campus. Very clean. 512-775- -OUP ^an, -or -id mmer sublease room available in spa rs house. Bus route, $385/mo. +bills, lished room optional, w/d, August paid. 113-204-7458, 979-764-6635, Brian. mmer Sublease! University Commons r/1ba of a 2br/2ba apartment. August Hd 1/2May’s rent paid. Fully furnished. ;tor at (713)822- 8(08. pmmer sublease, 2bd/1ba, 1-garage, 2- ry duplex, 1204B Holik Dr., on shuttle, ilk/bike to campus/HEB, W/D conn., jfenced yard, pets ok, $625/mo, ($312.50/person), avail. 5/1. Call Alie 255- 6901 immer sublease, 2bdrms available in lrm/2ba house. $323/mo. +1/4bills. ;e negotiable. 979-236-1216. Simmer sublease. 1 bd/1 ba in 4bd/3ba lartment. Price and move-in/out dates lotiable. Call Michael 979-693-9591. iP-J (immer sublease. Ibdrm/lba in drm/4ba apartment at Campus Lodge. D, furnished, ethernet. $430/mo, nego- ble. 832-618-3221. Immer sublease. 2/2 only $499. On NPkwy, pool, exercise room, large clos- -1700, leave message. FOR RENT Summer sublease. Female needed 4bdrm/2bth, $320/mo +1/4 bills. Fully Fur nished, negotiable! 979-693-7738 Summer Sublease: 2/2 fully furnished, w/d, ethernet included. $420/mo 229- 2488. Very clean 3bdrm/3bth duplex available in May. Apartment has full kitchen and laun dry room with W/D. Can be summertime or year long lease. Call 254-466-3900. Walk to TAMU great 2bdrm/1ba. Rent $425, deposit $300. 979-764-1082. Walking/ ride TAMU. 2bdrm/1ba 4-plex. W/D included. $500/mo. $250 deposit. Contact 210-391-4106. Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 Well kept 2bdrm duplex on quite culdisac, 1.5-miles from campus. No pets. Avail June 10. $525. 936-273-2479. FOR SALE 100gal. saltwater aquarium with light, stand, Afilters. Moving, must sell, $1,000/obo. originally $2500. Call for de tails 512-775-2821. 16ft. Madriver Canoe, setup for white-wa ter, $300 or best offer plus accessories. 979-822-5848. 16x56 Sonoma, 2bdrm/2bth, Oak Forest Park, w/d, deck, shed, $29,900/obo, 1- 888-484-8880, 956-605-9213. 1999 Town and Country home in Rolling Ridge Park. 16x56, 2bd/2ba, furnished, W/D, deck, great condition. $34,000. Call Courtney (979)695-8909. 2000 16x76 set-up in new park in College Station $22,000. Call Hank (979)229-8349 or 696-0469. 2000 4bd/2ba double-wide set-up in Col lege Station. Call Hank (979)229-8349 or 696-0469. 2000 Palm Harbor home for sale. 28x58, 3/2, one owner, 2-decks, shed, fenced yard. $62,500. Call Mark 979-574-3345. 27 inch Sanyo TV, remote - $150; Sanyo DVD player, remote - $20. Call Rachel, 219-0853. 3bdrm/2ba mobile home in Rolling Ridge Mobile Home Park. W/D, dishwasher, re frigerator, computer desk, lawnmower in cluded. Call 325-247-3422 A-line, satin, spaghetti strap, size 6 Wed ding Dress. Beautiful back & train, $300, call 979-764-8980. Attention Ags! Great investment 2-duplex es, 2bdrm/1bth, fixer uppers, near cam pus, $58,500. 255-6729 COMPARE TEXTBOOK PRICES! Search 24 bookstores with 1 click! Ship ping and taxes automatically calculated. Condo for sale! 4bdrm/4ba. W/D, full kitchen, pool/extras, 3yrs old, like new. SW Pkwy. 979-492-4878. Cripple Creek Condo, 2/2, all appliances, $58,500, 776-0202 or 324-1343 Got Cash? I can sell you a mobile home cheaper than anyone. Call Hank (979)229-8349 or 696-0469. Class of ‘02. Have 3-roommates? Money maker for owner! 1997, 28'x56’ mobile home in Oak Creek. 4bd/3ba, new carpet/ tile/ applian ces, storage building, two decks. Owner financing. $53,900 call Meredith 979-777- 4686. Kenmore kegerator for sale. $500 713- 927-5982 Live Crawfish, call 979-694-0612. New Mobile Car Wash Rig. Everything in cluded. Price Neg. Ramon, 979-575-8229. Pre Easter Sale. Champion Chocolate lab breed. S/W/D, AKC Registered, $550. Call Keith 979-739-2565. Refriderators 14, 15, 16 cubic feet, $75- $100, 979-218-0604. Two 10-inch Kicker Subwoofers , box in cluded, $125, please call Stacy 979-575- 6359. W/D $250 and Refrigerator $150 220- 3665. Washer and Dryer for sale, good condi tion, $175/obo. Call Chris and leave mes sage at 979-574-6558 or email at c-sparks @ Wrecked my cycle. Riding Jacket $40, Motorcycle Cover $50. Call 979-255- 1346. HELP WANTED 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN STRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La crosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa terskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- shop, English Riding, Nature, Nurses. Ar lene Streisand 1 -800-443-6428; Banner &Sign Assistant; Windows SCorel experience a plus. Work up to 40hrs/wk M-F. Hours flexible. Apply at Jack Hilliard Dist. 1000 Independence, Bryan. Baptist Church needs nursery workers for Sundays and Wednesdays, call Mary at 979-776-5000. Cashier, evening plus some grave yard shift Tigerland Express. Apply corner of Rock Prairie and Wellborn. Cleaning commercial buildings at night, M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. D&D Moving needs responsible, reliable drivers. NO C.D.L. required. Great pay. F/t and p/t helpers needed. Apply at 3700 Texas Avenue South CS. 979-693-6233. Full-Time Teacher/ Mom of BUSY family needs help. Starting $8/hr., heavy clean ing- inside &out, organizing help- Depend able, hard-working, &trustworthy. 2yr com mitment preferred. Interview required. Call 979-696-2610, leave message. Med Tech/Lab Tech for full-time, two doc tor office. Excellent benefits. Great expe rience for student applying to medical or nursing school. Degree and one year commitment required. Fax resume to (979)776-4260 or apply in person at: 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan, TX Friday, April 2, 2004 HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE Full-time teacher/mom of BUSY family needs help! Min. 8-10/hr week. Starting $7/hr. Heavy cleaning- inside and out, washing and ironing a must, organizing help needed. Two full-year commitment necessary, training early May, begin work May 17-04. Weekend interviews only. Fax biographical and work info to 979-690- 8075. Fun, prestigious public speaking position. $7/hr., evenings SSaturdays. Must have DL 4+years. No criminal records. We train. 693-3992. 2-Year New Duplex, 3bdrm/3bth, Irg-yard, overlooking greenbelt. Approximately 1400sqft. Pets acceptable, $1,000/mo, (summer month's $nego). 979-220-5735. Available in May. Newer 16x60-ft MH w/copper wiring. Near campus. Aggie owned. Graduated. 2bd/2ba, LR, kitchen w/14ft frost-free fridge, DR, util., washer, dryer. Deck. Fenced. Avg trailer payment, lot rent, utilities: $600/month total. Ideal for 2 students. For picture, balance owed call 979-492-5509, 281-388-5545, 281-331- 9603. Growing cellular company, sales rep. needed FT or PT. Call 979-823-5863 for appointment. Houston Chronicle has immediate opening for apt. route near TAMU. Start 2:30am 7days/wk., earn $750/mo. Call Julian 979- 693-2323. Koppe Bridge Bar and Grill. Part-time cook & counter help. Wellborn and Harvey Road locations. 764-2933, 776-2833. Leading Janitorial Company seeks moti vated person for local site. Great pay, Great hours, part-time. Contact our office for further information, 979-776-3065 ext.101. Leasing Consultant: FT/PT, some Satur days req. Dependable, enthusiastic peo ple person! Will train. Call (979)846-2089 for more info. Looking for summer work? Make $8,200. Get 3-hours of college credit. Great re sume and work experience. Open to all majors. Contact Marcel 979-218-0084. MODELS swimwear beauty and glamour print. Call 361-5096 for appointment. Ninfa’s is now accepting applications for servers and host positions. Apply in per son between 2-4pm, Mon.-Thurs., 1102 Harvey Rd. Part-time job helping handicapped. Male student preferred. $290/mo. 10-hours /week. 846-3376. PART-TIME STAFF ASSISTANT needed for a busy real estate office. Must be de tail oriented people person with reliable transportation and good computer skills. This position requires 15-20 hours per week and at least one Saturday a month. Must be available to work summer 2004. Apply in person at Coventry Glen Realty, 414B Tarrow St., College Station. Pest Control Sales- Dallas top pay 33% commission, May to end of August can make you 20-50K, call Mike, 972-353- 2200. Photographer needed for wedding on July 2nd. Experience preferred. Price negotia ble. 979-219-4645. Private Elem. Statistics tutor needed 3- 4hrs/wk, $10-$ 15/hr. Call 832-641-3390. PT receptionist needed to start immediate ly. MWF 2:00-6:00pm TTH flexible. Send resume/ available work hours to or call 979-776- Easy automatic home searches by mail/ e- mail. Get the facts w/o the pressure. Realtor Re-max. Free House Hunting Services reveal best buys in any area and price range you specify! Visit or 979-693-7653. Broker, RE/MAX B-CS. Free, quick, over-the-net home evalua tion! or 979-693- 7653 Broker, RE/MAX B-CS. ROOMMATES 1-female roommate needed. Summer sublease. $350/mo., all bills paid, high speed internet, on bus route. Call Alicia, 979-693-4028. 1-M for 2bd/2.5ba condo, on shuttle, move-in August. $400/mo +1/2bills 979- 695-1268 1- m/f summer sublease $250 +1/4utilities 979-695-8141 may rent paid 1/F-Roommate needed asap. 3bdrm/3bth, Zone Apts. Ends 08/04. $345/mo. +1/3bills. Call 979-218-6858. IF-Roommate needed ASAP! 4bd/2ba University Commons Apartments, get your own bedroom, completely furnished, cable and ethernet included in rent. $325/mo +1/4bills. Call 979-764-9998. 2- F needed, nice 3/2 house. W/D, internet, cable, shuttle, garage, furnished. $525/mo., bills included. Available May, 281-788-7400. 2-female roommates needed for 3bd/2ba house on bus route, $300/mo. Available August 979-764-4333. 2-roommates needed $275/mo each. 3/2 home 5-min from campus. 979-525-6076. 2M/F- 3/2 house, new: carpet, tile, paint. Bus route, w/d, summer lease. $350/mo +1/3 bills, 979-695-0132. Available now, non-smoking roommates for 4/3 new home, 904 Bougainvillea, w/d, $375/mo. +1/4utilities. Call Jacob at 979- 690-7781 or 512-557-7576. F-needed. Beautiful 3/2 house in Bryan. $475/mo all bills included. Available June, 979-260-3952. F-roommate needed, 2/1 apartment on Dartmouth, starting 7/1. Lydia, 979-571- 4394. Female roommate 3/2/2, shuttle, w/d, ca ble, internet, $350/mo +1/3bills, 210-383- 8524 or 979-695-8074. 9955. Real Estate Associate. Learn to be a R.E. Professional & Financial Consultant w/growing natl. co. This is a career oppt’y w/unlimited earnings potential and the op tion to advance to mgmt. Looking for an ambitious self-starter w/good comm, skills, will train, start immed. Fax or email: 1- 800-280-9104 or Strong keg helper needed. Deliver kegs Wed-Fri &some Saturdays. Apply at Jack Hilliard Dist. 1000 Independence, Bryan. Summer Job: Life Gaurds needed at Aer- ofit on Carter Creek. For info call 979- 846-8724, ask for Angie or Stacy. The LaSalle Hotel is currently seeking front desk/weekend night auditor. Apply in person at 120-S. Main St. downtown Bry an. No phone calls please. The Studio Lounge now hiring. Call mon- thur between 2-5, 693-0877 WSI swim instructors & certified life guards wanted PT for summer. Contact Aaron at 823-0971 ext. 102. LOST & FOUND Found: Sony CyberShot digital camera. Call 847-0181. MOTORCYCLE 2002 Suzuki GSX-R600 Telefonica edi tion, beautiful motorcycle, 10,000mi., $5,000obo, 979-571-8366 ‘96 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6 $3700. Every thing you need for your first bike! 979-492- 6869. 4 ■ MUSIC 1 mmm IM M ■ M Hi : H MH I ; Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, pro fessional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. >< mi jjjgsggg NEEDED Can you walk, chew gum, and have fun all at the same time? Star Ranch is looking for a few good balancing acts! Are you looking for a challenging yet fun and re warding Summer Camp experience? Join us at Star Ranch, a Christian Summer camp for children with learning disabilities. Counselors, Teachers, and Nurses need ed. Salary, room, board, and laundry pro vided. Located near Kerrville, call Cody, 830-367-4868. Check online to learn how to get UNLIM ITED Yoga and Pilates... for FREE! Female roommate wanted. 3bd/2ba mo bile home $275/mo. +1/3-utilities. Call Megan 696-2119. Roommate wanted $300 month, 1/3 bills free cable/ internet everything furnished 979-224-4400. Roommates needed, beautiful new home, 3bd/3ba, approx. Imi. from TAMU. Con tact Bill 281-440-4405 or 832-473-0513 SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Former student serving you 20yrs. In offi ces above Aggieland Kiva Inn, Ste.200 (next door to Applebee’s). Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price by law. 104 Texas Ave. S. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. Circle-H Lawn Maintenance. Commercial and residential mowing $15 &up. 820- 0265. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. SELL YOUR FURNITURE FOR CASH. We will buy your used furniture. Quality Used Furniture 693-8669 TRAVEL Deep Sea Fishing- Red Snapper Trips $200 off until May., 361 -649-3954. WANTED Student organizations for fund raising proj ects. Earn money for your cause. Send organization name and contact phone number to or call 252-916-4300. The Battalion IN PRINT ONLINE ON RADIO Xtreme Conditioning: Beyond Athleticism is looking for 20-people interested in los ing weight before summer break. f" PETS Adopt Pets: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, Kit tens, Many purebreds. Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, Black Female, Pitt Bull puppy. 8 months, 50lbs. Good blood line, and house bro ken. $400obo. Please Call Stacy 979- 575-6359. E o o ti CO -Q CD News Sports Opinion Mailcall Aggielife Photo Graphics Comics AP News Classifieds cMoize. Ptiea*uiHC4* Ge*UenA> * * * OF BRAZOS VALLEY YOU COULD HAVE AN STD AND NOT KNOW IT! IF YOU'RE SEXUALLY ACTIVE YOU ARE AT RISK - EVEN IF YOU ARE USING CONDOMS. STD Testing - Free & Confidential Call our Registered Nurse to make an appointment 695-9193 205 Brentwood, College Station $ 5 LENT SPECIAL Regular Tuna or Cheese Sandwich includes 22oz. drink and chips Dine-ln and take out only. Offer good thru 04-10-04. I 10 College Main • 846-7000 This store not affiliated with Texas Avenue location. Live On Ice! * - A w . ~ - Tickets On Sale Now! APR. 7 - 11 Reed Arena I ] I II I TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Wed. APR. 7 ★ 7:00 PM OPENING NIGHT - SAVE (4 ON TICKETS! (Excluding Front Row and VIP Seats. No double discounts.) Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. APR. 7 APR. 8 APR. 9 APR. 10 APR. 11 7:30 PM 7:30 PMf 7:30 PM 11:30 AMf 3:30 PMf 7:30 PM 3:00 PM fKIDS UNDER 12 SAVE $3.00 ON TICKETS! (Excluding Front Row and VIP seats. No double discounts.) Buy tickets at, ticketmaster Ticket Centers, including Foleys, Areno Box Office or coll (979) 268-0414 For Aggie Discount Information and Group Sales, call (979) 862-REED TICKET PRICES: (50 Front Row - $25 VIP • $15 - $10 (Service charges and handling fees may apply.) Ask Reed Arena for "Easter Drunch" Information!