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Seminar Notebook, PT&EPARE Eva.lua.tion a.nd Heading, Marri®-® 1 Enrichment Material, and m.o re '- Monday’s beglmiIng March visit ww w. he ad In gfo r aweddin g-°' » to register. i *2434 classes and re asss Pi'e-Spring Break Party featuring The Tap Piano Bar $ L75 Bar Drinks and Pints 8-11 pm. $ 2.00 Coronas, DosXX & Frozen Margaritas ALL NIGHT LONG HAVE A SAFE BREAK!! 696^5570 for details Party Safe and Designate a Driver. Wednesday, March 10, 2004 FISH BY K.PEUIfM THE BATTALli District 17 Thanks f°i? AgreeiaJ6. To HELP fAZ Ot>T, stool. I HAVE To STEP it up A Notch' X wasn’t PLANNING om Being Buff x FoRgoT I MIGHT HAVE To tdEAR A SWi^ 5uiT OVER SPRING BREAici The Su/hmeR! 3anuart Through April: MENTAL PREPARATION may- get Buff"? Continued from page MY LJoRkouT -SCHEbuLE WAS BASEb on A VE-RVy RiGib Five MonTH Plan noise * poaurion 63 JOSh DflRUJin OVS, -THE ANGEL ‘SAlP TO PINE* THE CAVE, 1 SHOOUD 60 HERE, THEN HERE... OH UlEU,. V HOPE this is the candidate so they can Edwards,” he said. Wohlgemuth said she; anticipated a runoff election to the fact that McIntyre’sei into the race added anoi dimension to the election. “Anytime you have ft candidates, a runoff can expected,” she said. On Wednesday monii Snyder said she.looked to coming to Brazos C she were involved in the ini “I look forward to fe down in Brazos County in morning and meeting mon the people of Brazos Count)! Aggies as well,” Snyder said, Results of the race unknown at the time of pi Log on to complete results. . f Sf As of the )ther “T eeof \>y Will Seat Continued from page! tl sunsci Tar Title IX Continued from page 1 Parents Continued from page 1 at sports was with support from parents and friends. “The opportunities are much greater today,” Kasari said. “But there still needs to be larger opportunities for women athletes.” Becky Gates, wife of University President Robert M. Gates, said hearing the panelists’ stories was uplift ing. She said there were no women’s high school sports and only a handful of women’s sports at the uni versity she attended. “I think it’s great,” Gates said of Title IX. “If you have a skill, you should be able to develop it to the full potential.” Gates said she might have been more involved with sports had she been provided with the opportunities women receive today. “For a while, I could usually outdo my brother at most things,” she said. “But then he turned 13, and that was all over.” Women’s Week continues at I 1:30 a.m. Wednesday in MSC 225. Susan Golden is scheduled to speak on women's careers in biology. Also in conjunction with Parents’ Weekend is the All University Awards cer emony, which takes place April 18. “We will be awarding the Gathright Award, the Margaret Rudder Service Award and, of course, the Parents of the Year award,” Birdwell said. Last year, Tim and Janice Kerlee won the honor of Parents of the Year. The Kerlees’ son Tim was a victim of the 1999 Aggie Bonfire collapse, and they have dedicated their time to help heal the wounds the tragedy caused. “It has really been a blessing to serve as Pafents of the Year,” said Janice Kerlee. “We had the most fun delivering senior rings.” Janice Kerlee said she wants people to know that she and her husband are still ministering to the needs of the students, and they will continue to do so. si live t£ ihing IA hy the Democrats. U.S. Majority Leader Tom Deb Texas Republican, played major role in the effort. Come November, Republicans hope to win least 22 of Texas’ 32 conyis sional seats, now split eveii between the parties. Doggett and Hinojosa rani a mostly Hispanic districl sometimes called the Fajit Strip — that stretches miles from Austin to I Mexico border. Doggett, 57. white; Hinojosa is a 46-yei old Mexican-American. As election results scrolle! across a television screen ati Mexican restaurant a McAllen, a jubilant Dogget stood on a chair to address suf porters who were “Doggett, Doggett "and "Si ii puede,” loosely translatedJ “Yes we canT-.v “flnm Delay was mined to pit region a] region, race against rao that we would be distn Doggett said. “The had the good faith to through his phony agenda. some cancel worke The Ameri five A news i and pt WESTERN * BEVERAGES 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS LOOK FOR OUR NEW LOCATION IN RRYAN-OPENING SOON DEKUYPER WESTERN * BEVERAGES 701 University Dr. East (979) 846-1257 2205 Longmire (979) 764-9577 Major Credit Cards Accepted Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 am to 9 pm I’l'ici’s f ■noil V|()/04 In .193/04 In riisr iilTninlini: truir.'.lore in itc invx;iiK The Battalion Elizabeth N. Webb, Kendra Kingsley, Managing Editor Melissa Sullivan, City-Editor Kim Katopodis, Aggielife Editor Nishat Fatima, Entertainment Editor George Deutsch, Opinion Editor Troy Miller, Sports Editor Editor in Chief Rachel Valencia, Copy Chief Ruben DeLuna, Graphics Editor Joshua Hobson, Photo Editor T Jacquelyn Spruce, Radio Produca Jaynath Kannaiyae, Web Editor Manish, Webmaster THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during#* I fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer sessin I (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postaj I Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The BatiafW.j Texas A&M University, till TAMU, College Station,TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Univeisil)i| the Division of Student Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices ami 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2641;; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship orendorsementb)IH[ Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For class | tied advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, andd" hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M studentlopil up a single copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscripf are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester, $ 17.50 for the summetotil a month. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611.1 -J Spring Break 2004 official opening of Bikini Season ■ ■ dermataope TM The asthetic dermatology experience at Terry Jones. M.D. Terry Jones, M.D. quick, affordable, physician supervised, m _____ laser hair removal now available 1707 Broadmoor •Bryan • • 776.7546