Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 2004)
hedilii THE BATTALION To place a classified ad: tae 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Boom 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day 7 Monday, February 16, 2004 Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. 'eir fiis •ayup j >y sei Mazda 323 $1600 negotiable; mark- • (, 845-5709, 862- 88. iCtorolei Malibu. 4-door, automatic, niinote er avendei for a wii] r. ejMer, a/c, c/d changer, p/windows Kte, $3200. (979)574-7334, (979)574- diiBFG all terrain tires. 315/75R16 ft tread. $375. Call Brandon at IP-6076 st P¥ BED AND BREAKFAST ut seven ®s Bottom Plantation Home available MM events (home games, parents (told, graduation), weddings, week- For information/ reserva- Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,70, 979- ughtk) hind tie ' der sail landed s earned s season l for tie ital mis- Vi’s pan to tie any son rei :s AUTO COMPUTERS dLaptop, 20GB storage, 384MB RAM, S/i:e2000, cd-drive, James 979-779- tf!.$450/obo. )Ut fa coad," )ts wett lat’sall, Melvitl re Brand Pentium Laptops from $349. srig computer problems? Caught a vi- Call Colt for all your computer sds. lean come to you. Call 979-575- H Rate: $30/hr. FOR RENT itatan apartments. Some with w/d, nerear campus. $175-$600/mo. 696- ttf reeded, duplex, no deposit, w/d rtmet induded. Call Amanda 5213494521. Mba in duplex for rent ASAP, tes-route. $395/mo. Contact 11-2214724. 2 Duplex, w/d, 1200sqft, Northgate, »Vm. 713-868-3908. attitude ® ^ walk-in closet, large kitchen, , afrg Ians, w/d provided, water paid, t SDieali mceC yards, on shuttle, S847-879/mo. team i!|M45776. ibility. ig even reason It’sjllil that arc ivertke 12 duplex, 1612 &1614 Rockhollow, Mttekigust 5, 2004. W/D, lawncare, Me eduded. $900/mo., 979-739- S60. 312 dupex, 1616 Rockhollow, available l. W/D, lawncare &shuttle In* 979-739-2560. M <mi 5339 Antelope. W/D, lawn cae-Menduded. Available 5/25/04. Mm 979-739-2560. 3?4ipta. w/d, ethernet. No pets, rent 32 Duplexes, August pre-lease. Very tte Fenced yards, large utility rooms Mteatdoor,$900/mo. or $950/mo. witt •1 774-1270,820-0926. 32 duplexes. Pre-leasing August. Main lined ike new. W/D. Lawn care. No els. Owner managed and maintained. 16 rijtll! 8W 000/mo. 691-0304,571-6020. Steedose to Sorority Row. Backs up park. Game-room, screened-in deck I open deck. $1100/mo. (214)801- ise. town home, 2bdrm/1.5ba 10, Manuel Drive 693-0551. Answer to previous puzzle p A C T 0 N G U E R 0 U T E K N E E L FOR RENT 3/2 Townhouses, 1250sqft. Very Spa cious, Ethernet, Large Kitchen, Walk-in Food Pantry, Walk-in Closets, Extra Stor age, Great Amenities, On Bus Route, Now Pre-leasing, Excellent Specials. 694-0320 office @ 3/2, 2/2 duplexes, Pre-lease Now for May & August. Fenced yard, Pets ok, Great floorplans, location. 268-7400. Own er/Agent. Limited time Summer 3bed lease specials. 3bdrm/2ba all appliances, w/d, covered parking, yard work done. $850/mo Call 776-3083 to see. 4-2-2 New! 919 Gardenia, SunMeadows. Many extras, large privacy fenced yard. $ 1450/mo. 774-1270, 820-0926. 4/3, 3/3 8 l 3/2 Townhouses, Duplexes &Fourplexes, 1250-1700sqf1. Very Spa cious, Ethernet, Large Kitchen, Extra Stor age, Great Amenities, On Bus Route, Now Pre-leasing, Excellent Specials. 694-0320 office 4bdrm/4bth condominium, University Place, all appliances, ceiling fans, $375/bdrm. (281)444-9612. A great deal. College Station 3/2 or 2/2, fenced, w/d Conn. On shuttle. Available now $750.00 268- 7400 owner/agent. Attention Students! Why Pay Rent? Buy a home, rent out the other rooms, and live for free! 979-693-7653 or Broker, RE/MAX B-CS Bike or Walk to TAMU large yards 2&3bdrm. Great price, great neighbor hood Please call 696-1444 Brand New 2bdmrV2bth. 3bdrm/2bth locat ed in Northgate Walk to campus. 846- 4076. C.S. Luxurious 3/2/2, cozy F/P. First month Free! Short-term leases avail. S795/mo. Holleman Townhomes- Pay rent with Credit Cards! 268-5844. College Station 4-plexes on Llano, near A&M. yard service, well maintained, hud’s okay, fenced, w/d-conn., available mid- May, $585/mo- summer sublease, 979- 695-2025. Duplex, pre-leasing for May and August, 3bd/2ba, all appliances, plus W/D. No pets, $900/mo., $600 deposit. 846-5722. Great roommate apartment. 3bdrm/2bth sublease in Signature Park. Reduced rate $975/mo. no deposit required. Call Jared at 979-574-4823 Heart Rock Duplexes, 3bd/2ba W/D con nections, 4yrs. old. May/ August leases available. $900/mo. 979-324-7729. Hire Me for Free! Tired of Searching for a place to live? Let me do the work for you! Free Leasing Locator- No oblig. Call 412-0443 Horse Boarding: 6 stalls 12mi. to campus. 30acres, good grass, owners on premises, $150/mo. Includes hay, feedings, &tum- out. 776-7902 New luxury 2bdrm/2.5ba townhomes $875/mo., 3bdrm/2ba duplexes $975- $1100/mo. owner/realtor. 224-0005, 696- 0616. Your Irish Home for the Texas A&M Ags. GRI LL ^TAVERN* 1505A Texas Ave. South Culpepper Plaza 979.696.9066 Aggie Bucks Accepted nglesii Loucii therani e.” Colleji 3agel .SC .11 of^ 'e so# )iibles.‘ y sat Aggifi It Wli of* i ex# victoif jived i ’ oven! ng fa* - sii# on * mei* een * ;onie. jghness said. "I ,y lean Newsday Crossword MEET THE PRESIDENTS by S.R. Stein Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 56 Apartment 9 1 Dressmaker's sign 10 border 57 Curriculum 11 5 Numerical fact, division 12 lor short 58 Nonstandard 9 Produce, contraction 13 as a play 59 Nary a soul 18 11 First cousin's 60 Where golf mother holes start 19 15 Greek letters 61 Chatters 16 _ of Troy 23 1! 22nd and 24th DOWN president 1 Droops 24 29 Baby in blue 2 French coin 25 21 Commando 3 Unattributed: 26 attack Abbr. 27 2! Comrades 4 VH1 28 23 Sand particles alternative 24 Jealousy 5 Bering, 29 25 Cowboy rope for one 2!JekyH's 6 Unspoken 30 alter ego 7 Lang 29 Police radio Syne" 31 message: 8 Mao -tung 33 Postpone 34 Mideast Actor Savalas rulers Jai 36 Chicken Heredity homes factor 37 Detest Finishes up 42 Find List of 43 Makes mistakes skillfully Destructive 44 Macho guys sort 45 '60s role for Brownies, Michael Caine for example 46 Envelope Singer Gorme abbreviation Tibetan priests 47 “Get lost!" and kicking 48 Palm Beach Ignited again sport Stereo 49 Half of N.B. systems 50 Where Without Thailand is company 51 Car-horn Yellowstone sound and Yosemite 52 Strong insects Sanctify 54 Protrude Figure a total 55 Bit ot sunshine FOR RENT FOR SALE Nice 2bdrm/1ba for lease. W/D connec tions, water, PD, 806sqft. $525 OBO. 979-693-8685. 16x56 Sonoma, 2bdrm/2bth, Oak Forest Park, w/d, deck, shed, $29,900/obo, 1- 888-484-8880, 956-605-9213. Pre-lease for May or August. 2bdrm four- plex at price of one. 2brdm/1ba, w/d conn., water paid. 609 Turner. $395/mo. 693-1448. 16x76 trailer in Rolling Ridge Park. 3/2 Ex cellent condition. Covered deck, storage shed. Call (254)534-3496 or (254)718- 4897. Pre-lease for May or August. University Oaks Duplexes. Large 2bdrm/2ba, w/d conn., fenced yard, great location. $680/mo. 693-1448. Pre-leasing for May or August. 2bdrm/1ba duplexes. W/D conn., fenced, pets OK. 3-locations to choose from. $525/mo. 693-1448. Pre-leasing new 3bdrm/3bth Duplexes, all appliances furnished, internet/cable ready, 979-450-3087. Pre-leasing for May & August, Summer specials. 268-7400, Owner/agent. Room for rent, single mom with 2yr-old, looking for nonsmoking Femaile for fur nished room with separate access. South wood Valley, $315/mo 779-9399 day 696-5040 evening. Roommate problems? Tired of dorms? New duplex available now! W/D. No pets. 1-800-779-7119; 512-627-2422. Studio style apartment on bus route, will reduce price from $479-$450/mo 214-417- 1993. SUBLEASE! 694sqf1 Ibd/lba, 2-wic, W/D, Meadows Point Apartments. Walk ing distance to Rec. Move-in flexible, lease ends, May ’04, $579/mo 979-492- 7525. Subleasing 2bd/1.5ba, w/d. fenced yard, close to campus and bus route. Pets ok, $560/mo., Feb. rent paid. Immediate avail ability. Thomas, 979-676-0595. UNITED REALTY'S Free Locator Service is PRELEASING NOW for May and Aug. 2004! WE can locate what you’re looking for- CALL 260-1200 TODAY to get start ed or EMAIL us- Walking/ ride TAMU. 2bdrm/1ba 4-plex. W/D included. $500/mo. $250 deposit. Contact 210-391-4106. Washers & Dryers For Rent Don't buy, rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 $ EARN EXTRA MONEY $ Delivering Telephone Books Independent Contractors (must be at least 18) needed to deliver the Brazos Valley Area Wide Phone Book in College Station, Bryan & surrounding areas. Great opportunity for individuals or groups! Ca//1-888-606-8900 today! I Market Distribution Specialists, Inc. Work During Spring Break! Students are needed from the follow ing cities to survey child safety seat use during Spring Break for Texas Transportation Institute: Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Houston, Lubbock, San Antonio, Tyler and Waco. 3-5 days work. $8.50/hr. + gas allowance. Call 845- 0913, 8am-5pm for interview. via Party Bus from College Stn. From: $359 TOTAL Your Spring Break Package Includes: ■ Roundlrip Deluxe ''Party Bus" to Mazadan ■ SnighlsHolclAccommoilalions ■ 10 Free Meals - Breakfast and Dinner everyday in Mazallan ■ 50+ hours of Free Drinks ■ Free Beach Parties Sprint Arro* ‘VootUSon* 1.877.467.2723 3bdrm/2ba 16x80 1996 mobile home, lOmin to campus, large deck, new A/C, W/D, $19,000 979-575-2486. Attention future Army Lts. One uniform set, class A Coat 40R, pants 33R Marlowe White like new $175 260-1655. COMPARE TEXTBOOK PRICES! Search 24 bookstores with 1 click! Ship ping and taxes automatically calculated. Couch loveseat &recliner, dark green, great condition, $350 OBO call Barbara at (979)694-2461 Wedding dress, Brand new- never worn. $500, for info call Melissa 210-316-6495. HELP WANTED 2004 EXPANSION!! Part-time openings in customer sales/sen/ice. Students wel come. Great Pay! No experience need ed, will train. All ages 18+. Apply now! Conditions apply. 696-7734, M-F. 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN STRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La crosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa ferskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- shop, English Riding, Nature, Nurses. Ar lene Streisand 1-800-443-6428; Advantage Rent-A-Car, now hiring for full time customer service reps, must be at least 21yrs of age and have a good driving record +want a competitive salary, great benefits and a fantastic bonus package. Send resume to Mitch Madden, 1710 S.Texas Ave., Bryan, TX 77802 or stop by our Hilton or Texas Ave. location. Asst. CM & Pro. Coord. F/T, Motivated Team Associate with strong People, ver bal & written communication, Technical abilities. Responsibilities: Engr. Shop dwgs./ submittals; Update plans & specs.; Coordinate/ resolve const. Field issues with EngrV Arch, via RFI’s' Track permit(s) procurement & implementation; working knowledge ot MS Word, Excel, Scheduling with Primavera P3 A+. Field/ Office Posi tion. Salary with benefits. Send Resume: WM Construction, 23235 Hazel Field CT., Katy, Texas 77494. Bartenders are In Demand!!! Earn Great $$$! Job placement assistance is top priority. Have Fun!! Make Money!! Meet People!! American Bartending Academy, 10555 Northwest Freeway, Ste. #230. Ask about our student tuition dis count! CALL NOWIt (713)688-9991, Ground Floor Apartment to Sublease! Available Immediately until 8-15-04 No Deposit/February Free!! Rent- $500/Month 200 Marion Pugh (few minutes walk from campus) Call 979-458-3374/5 NEED A TUTOR? Go To AGGIETUTOR.COM Where the real tutors are. One-on-One Personalized > Tutoring at Reasonable Prices SPRING BREAK'04 Don't Get Left Behind! i SAVE $100 PER ROOM I Clip & Send or I Use Code: I PRMMG 1 . Online C.nnot tw coobliwd wtrt) «ny othtv I i | $100 off ptfraort bated OflquMOtcupuKy. Onty valid for trips tndudfog atrfara. Off« vxplrti AprtH, 2004. | 1.800.426.7710 STUDIES in progress ATHLETE S FOOT STUDY Volunteers, ages 10 and older are needed to participate in a 6-week clinical research study with an Investigational topical medication for the treatment of athlete's foot. Eligible volun teers will receive at no extra cost: • Study related medication • Medical Examinations relating to their athlete’s foot • Compensation up to $ 100 for time and effort Call for more Information. GENITAL HERPES Volunteers, ages 18 and older, with a his tory of recurrent genital herpes needed to participate in a clinical research trial using a high-dose 1 day investigational treatment of a marketed drug. Patients will treat one episode. Eligible volun teers will be compensated. Call for more information. J&S Studies, Inc. The Physician Centre • 979-774-5933 3201 University Dr. E., Suite 475 Bryan, Texas 77802 HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE CIRCLE MEI Back to school work! $10.25 Base/Appt. Fun atmos. Resume experience. Customer sales/service. Conditions apply. All ages 18+. 695- 1386. Cleaning commercial buildings at night, M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. Consulting Firm needing part-time staff. One for web-site/graphics presentation (Frontpage/ Powerpoint required). Second for bookkeeping (Quickbooks required). Flexible hours. Call 979-696-2222 FINALLY EARN $5 in 10 minutes at each week! Get paid in cash for watching ads and answer ing a few easy questions. Free Registra tion! Have the Summer of Your Life AND Get Paid for It! Join counselors from all over the world to teach Athletics, Outdoor Ad venture. Arts &MORE at the top overnight camps in the Pocono Mtns. of PA. Apply on-line at Healthy women and men 18yrs+ not tak ing hormonal preparations are invited to participate in behavioral research paying $10-20 for 1-2hrs of time, for further infor mation, contact. Dr. Alexander: NEW SEMESTER!!” NEW JOB!!! Inter- national co. expanding locally. Great starting pay. No exp. needed, will train. Flexible PT scheds. Customer sales/serv ice.' All ages 18+. Conditions apply. 695- 1386. Now hiring smiling faces and enthusiastic personalities. Flexible schedules, apply in person after 2p.m. Pepe’s Mexican Cafe 3312 South College Ave, Bryan. Part time childcare help needed after noons, nights and weekends. Apply in per son, Fit For Kids, 3609 E 29th St., Bryan. Part-time service station attendant. Basic automotive knowledge Villa Maria Chev ron. Corner of Villa Maria and East 29th. (979)776-1261. Partners hiring delivery drivers. Good pay, flexible hours. Apply at 113 Walton, C.S. or at Pest Control Sales- Dallas top pay 33% commission, May to end of August can make you 20-50K, call Mike, 972-353- 2200. PT leasing agent for great apartment com munity Must be able to work MW after noons and rotating Saturdays. If interest ed please fax resume to 694-5109. Running Partner/ Coach to pace serious minded runner. Must be experienced, knowledgeable, competitive, friendly, and dedicated. Please call 979-764-7921. Soon to open Tropical Dessert Shop Ba hama Bucks. For part-time employment, pick up applications at Villa Maria/ Briarcr- est location, 1124 East Villa Marla, Bryan. 1-2pm Saturday, Feb 14. Wanted: Cowboys & Cowgirls to guide tourists and horses through the Rocky Mountains. Come work for the largest horse operation in North America. Write Sombrero Ranch, 3300 Airport Road, Boulder, CO 80301 or visit our website at Wanted: mobile sound and video DJ. Ex perience necessary. Call 255-4147. Wanted: Tutors in all subjects. Espe cially Math, Science, CPSC and Busi ness. $6/hr &up to start. Apply online: or call 979-255-8785. MOTORCYCLE 1998 Suzuki DR350SE on/off-road, low miles, helmet, extras, garage kept, mint condition. $2,050 764-6436, 845-8607 1999 Honda CBR 600F4. Custom paint and chrome. 19k-miles, $4000. Call Bar rett, 830-456-7960. 2002 Suzuki SV650S. Silver &black, HMF exhaust, 6000mi, garage kept, perfect condition, $4100. 936-443-5198. MUSIC Ace DJs- Professional show without the professional price- Available for TAMU, sorority/fraternity parties, and weddings. Lights/smoke/Great Sound- Call Josh Hunt 1 -888-GO-ACE-DJ (462-2335). Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, pro fessional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. ■ PETS I ■ '"%■> } ^ A 4ft blond python with 55/gallon aquarium. $150, 979-774-7998. Adopt Pets: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, Kit tens, Many purebreds. Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, REAL ESTATE For Sale: 3/2/2 house in Bryan, on shuttle route, walk-in closets, large kitchen, w/d hook-ups, large deck, $122,500. 979-777- 0747. Free House Hunting Services reveal best buys in any area and price range you specify! Visit or 979-693-7653. Broker, RE/MAX B-CS. Free, quick, over-the-net home evalua tion! or 979-693- 7653 Broker, RE/MAX B-CS. Need to sale '91 Palm Harbor Trailer 2bdrnV2ba 1081 sqft $12,500 OBO call Ti- na at 979-587-0329 ROOMMATES 1-2M/F. 3200sqft county home. $250/mo +bills. Fun place to live! 361-765-9334. 1-m/f roommate needed. Brand new 2/2 furnished. $100/mo. for rent +utilities. 846- 5274. 1- Roommate Needed: New 3bdrm/3ba duplex, $333/mo +1/3utilities. Jeremy 979-676-0493. 2- roommates needed $275/mo each. 3/2 home 5-min from campus. 979-525-6076. Available now, non-smoking roommates for 4/3 new home, 904 Bougainvillea, w/d, $375/mo. +1/4utilities. Call Jacob at 979- 690-7781 or 512-557-7576. M/F roommate for 3/2 trailer house off Rock Prairie. $325/mo., all bills included. Chris 361-676-0069. Mature roommate wanted. 2bdrm/1bth, $230/mo. +1/2bills, on shuttle route, avail able 3/1, pets ok. 695-8771. Roommate needed $360/mo +1/4bills Uni versity Place Condos. 979-680-8747 Roommate wanted $300 month, 1/3 bills free cable/ Internet everything furnished 979-224-4400. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat( 10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Former student serving you 20yrs. In offi ces above Aggieland Kiva Inn, Ste.200 (next door to Applebee's). Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price by law. 104 Texas Ave. S. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. Identity Theft. You are vulnerable! 1 out of 8 people have had their Identity Stolen! Protect yourself from the fastest growing crime in America! Only $12.95/mo. Call 281-455-9242. Need a tutor? Try an Ag tutor- they're the best! Need a tutor? We are now offering tutori al services for all subjects. Located on campus, reasonable rates. Call 255-8785 or see our website: . TRAVEL Go Skiing at Spring Break!! Luxury townhouse sleeps 15. Ski Taos, Red River, Angel Fire, Rio Costilla. $150- $350/night. Call John or Tommy 846-8916, 255-8905. Spring Break 2004. Travel with STS, America’s #1 Student Tour Operator to Cancun, Acapulco, and Florida. Biggest Parties, Best Clubs! Call for group dis counts. Information/ Reservations 1-800- 648-4849 or SPRING BREAK Beach and Ski Trips on sale now! Call 1-800-SUNCHASE today! Or visit Spring Break Getaway! S.Padre Island luxury beach house for rent. Brand new 5bdrm/4bth home with 3-balconies, large patio, swimming pool, bbq pit, gourmet kitchen &more! 2-minute walk to beach. Sleeps 12. $7000/week. Call 956-451- 0835. Spring Break! Free food, parties & drinks! Our students seen on CBS’ 48 hours! Lowest prices! 800-985-6789. TUTORS Math tutoring- Algebra through Calculus 3 call 696-9113. The Battalion IN PRINT ONLINE ON RADIO E o o CO JD 0) News Sports Opinion Mailcall Aggielife Photo Graphics Comics AP News Classifieds You’ll L^fVE living at Sterling University Sign Today - ZERO DEPOSIT!! ^ 696-5711 ^