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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 2004)
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One-on-One Personalized Tutoring at Reasonable Prices Feb. 15 th -Feb. 19 th Acct 209 Strawser Sun 6p; Sun 6p; Mon 6p Acct 210 Mon 12p Acct 229 Sun 12p; Mon 3p Chem 101 Magnuson Tue 5p Chem102 Williamson Sun 2p Chem 228 liner Tue 10p; GG Wed 7p Econ 202 Allen Sun 9p Econ 203 Tam Wed 6p Info 303 Sun 7p Math 151 Sun lOp; Mon U)p; Tue 7p; Wed Bp Math 152 Mon 7p; Tue 10p; Wed 5p Mktg 309 Sun 3p OR Mon 9p Mktg 321 Sun 3p OR Mon 9p Phys 201 Kotcharovsky Sun 4p; Rapp Mon Sp Phys 218 Teizer/Toback Sun 12Noon Tickets Go On Sale Sun. 5pm Bookmark Us Online At: 4 Monday, February 16, 2004 AGGIELIFE THE BATTALION NATION THE BAT Demand for same-sex marriage licenses so great some couples turned away By Tami Minn THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SAN FRANCISCO — Demand for same-sex marriage licenses has been so great that on Sunday officials turned away hundreds of gay and lesbian couples lined up outside City Hall, saying they simply didn’t have the time or resources to meet all the requests. San Francisco authorities calculated they could process 400 licenses during special weekend hours — but on Saturday they granted 600 licenses and performed 270 weddings by late after noon. Then officials gave numbers to 320 couples securing them places in line for Sunday. After quickly distributing another 80 numbers Sunday morn ing, disappointed couples lined up around the block were asked to return Monday. “We’re at capacity right now,” said Mabel Teng, the official who oversees marriage licenses for city government. “We normally do about 20-30 couples a day. We’re doing about 50-60 an hour.” Many couples stayed in line despite instructions from city offi cials, hoping to receive numbers for Monday. “It’s a major disappointment,” said Jill Kasofsky, 40, who had lined up with spouse-to-be Cynthia Juno, 45, at 8:15 a.m. after driving up from Los Angeles. “I’m thinking about coming bad at midnight to sleep on the sidewalk. I’m sure I won’t be alone.” Couples from even farther away said they were ready to stay in town for as long as it took. “Mentally, we came prepared to camp out if we had to,”said Mike Fry, 43, who flew out Saturday from Minneapolis will George Hamm, 44, his partner of 20 years. In a controversial challenge to both legal and social conven tion, San Francisco officials began issuing same-sex licenses and officiating at City Hall marriages on Thursday. The city has gone out of its way to provide the services — City Hall is normally closed on Sundays. The decision prompted two conservative groups to press foi court intervention. But on Friday a judge allowed the weddingsto continue through the weekend. The issue returns to court Tuesday, when judges will hear sep arate requests from advocates of traditional marriage to void the licenses and order the city to stop giving them out. The two organizations argue that the licenses violate state law, which defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Saa Francisco officials counter that they are legally binding documents that take a swipe at discrimination against same-sex couples. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Orrico: Pop princesses' clothing 'degrading' SINGAPORE (AP) — Christian singer Stacie Orrico says revealing clothing like that worn by Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera is “degrading” and makes them poor role models for girls. orrico “The reason that 1 don’t dress trashy is that I’m trying to set an example for little girls,” Orrico told reporters Saturday in Singapore while preparing for the MTV Asia Awards. “From the time they’re seven or eight years old, (girls) are being taught that the only thing that makes them special and beautiful is their sexuality, and I think that’s wrong.” Orrico, wearing a loose, long-sleeved white shirt and jeans, said she doesn’t approve of the image projected by the pop superstars. “I don’t think that’s sexy, I think it’s degrading,” the 17-year-old from Nashville, Tenn., said. “I think that a truly sexy woman comes from being confident and being classy, respectable and mature.” Bradbuiy champions putting humans on Mars SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) — Ray Bradbury, author of the science-fiction classic “The Martian Chronicles,” says President Bush’s proposal to put humans on Mars could open new worlds in much the same way European explorers discovered America. “We have to imagine what they couldn’t imagine. Because of their exploration they created us — the greatest country in the history of the world,” Bradbury said Saturday after a book-signing. “We’re going to go with real people and land on Mars in the next 20 years, and I’m going to be buried in a tomato soup can on Mars,” joked Bradbury, who is 83. “I'll betlie first one up there.” Academy award presented for robotic technology PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — And the Oscar winner is: Bill Tondreau. Who? Tondreau, 58, of New Mexico, received an Academy Award statuette Saturday foi advancing robotic camera technology. He was among 23 people honored for scien tific and technical achievements by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in a ceremony at the Ritz- Carlton Hotel. “The sci-tech guys have a lot of nerd heritage,” Tondreau said. “A lot of us have worn a suit maybe four or five times in our whole lives." The scientific and technical awards have been handed out since 1931. They include certificates and plaques. Only a few Oscar statuettes are presented. BRADBURY Shooti Oolum Police are I onahighw a handgun utility vehic Investigate incident wii highway sfi k)HlO IcOLUMBU 0 Imi 1 01km i CITY iSome of ki shooting si OTE Specifk .ir talents or pc. 17, Jan. 1 SOURCE: Asscx Ex- let- CROCKS That’s whi aeal than any k Huntsville Steak, ice Sot so much plant, masha spinach and i Pnce prov cranes in “M inpout in M Frank Wesch, “Some foil said Price, wh victions relate assault on an < But with n Moitis and 0 HING YOU NE CO ■Hip' ''•* ' ’ y ^ } . T y ' ' * ) T0 KNOW A Texas largest indoor open climbing | comp is back. Registration is going on now. STUDENT REC CENTER Services Break a Sweat with Rec Fitness :reatio>i Go All Out with TAMU Outdoors FACULTY/STAFF MEMBERSHIPS—Now has never been a better time to check out Rec Center memberships. Rec Sports makes living a healthier life even easier with bank draft options for membership and locker payments. Get a Job with Rec Sports! Personal Trainers—Now hiring certified personal trainers to serve on our Rec Sports staff. Contact Jerod Wilson at 845-3058 for more information and application details. Intramural Officials—No experience necessary. Make money working flexible hours! Attend the Sand Volleyball orientation clinic Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. in room 281 to be hired. FREE Healthy Living Lecture—Lecture series begins this week! "Spring Break Shape Up—Make It Possible" Jerod Wilson, Rec Center Weight Room Personal Trainer Coordinator will get you back on track. Don't miss this! Unlimited Aerobics Passes—Have access to all of over 80 classes offered each week! Available at Member Services. FREE Women on Weights!— Don't let misconceptions pre vent you from getting the most out of your workouts. Learn effective weight lifting techniques on Feb. 28 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Register NOW through Wed. Feb. 25! FALL IMs. Have You Signed Up? Upcoming Events Climbing Technique Clinic Bike Clinic Backpacking Trip Kayak Roll Clinic Rock Climbing 101 Clinic Backcountry Cooking Clinic Bike Clinic—Brakes & Shifts Costa Rica Adventure SPRING BREAK TRIPS Boulder Hueco Tanks Canoe the Rio Grande Registration At Event (FREE) TODAY NOW-Feb. 1 7 NOW-Feb. 23 NOW-Feb. 24 NOW-March 1 NOW-March 1 NOW-March 16 Event Date Feb.17 Feb. 18 Feb. 21-22 Feb. 24 Feb. 28 March 2 March 3 May 16-23 NOW-March 8 NOW-March 2 March 14-19 March 14-20 SPORT CLUB EVENTS, be a part OF it! Club Dote Location W. Water Polo Feb. 21 10a.m.~9p.m. Natatorium W. Water Polo Feb. 22 12 a.m.-5 p.m. Natatorium Drive On-Texas A&M Golf Course The following IM sports OPEN for registration TODAY: Kyle Field Ramp Romp $10/$ 12 Badminton FREE Sand Volleyball $25/team Sign up at Member Services by February 24th at 6:00 p.m. The following IM sports CLOSE for registration on Feb. 10th: Team Bowling $45/team Tennis FREE • NEW Full Length Driving Range—Enjoy one of the Golf Course's newest additions, the full length driving range. Practice your swing, warm up before a round of 18 holes or just work up a sweat on a cool and breezy Texas night. • Two For Tuesdays—Bring a friend and play for the price of one! Open to the public! We are located on the south side of the A&M campus. Call the Pro Shop at 845-1 723 & visit us online at Aquatics-make a SPLASH Costa Rica Adventure—Give yourself the escape of a life time: hike, raft, horseback ride, explore and sea kayak! Experience the adventure of beautiful Costa Rica! Register NOW through March 16 and travel May 16-23. Outdoor Gear Swap Meet— Join the outdoor community at the 1 st Annual TAMU Outdoor Gear Swap. Bring your gently used gear and any cash you want to spend to TAMU Outdoors on Sunday, March 7. Admission is FREE! Program Basic Scuba Lifeguard Training Lifeguard Challenge Springboard Diving Registration NOW-March 21 NOW-April 11 NOW-April 11 NOW-April 11 Cost $225/$245 $110/$ 130 $25/$35 $25/$35 WALK OF CHAMPIONS LEAVE YOUR MARK Aggies, buy your Walk of Champions brick for a reduced price. Visit for more information and an order form. Leave your mark on the A&M campus. recsports.tamu.eifu forfurth 505 GEC