MUIh: irkt Sports: Ags put new rankings on the line • Page 7 Forum: Aggie legacy • Page 10 HPT T T* 1 H t' Volume 110 • Issue 69 • 12 pages A Texas A&M Tradition Since 1893 Friday, December 5, 2003 jition Policy Advisory Committor i public reb le wbolwei]! University President Robert M. Gates announced Wednesday that he has established a 15-member committee that will advis* the administration and the Board of Regents on proposed tuition increases. Committee members include: ■ Chairman G.Dan Parker, associate executive vice president ■ Five representatives from administration and faculty ■ Seven representatives from the student body ■ One parent ■ One former student Gates forms tuition advisory board ANDREW BURLESON •THE BATTALION SOURCE : UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT ROBERT M. CATES By Rhiannon Meyers THE BATTALION Texas A&M President Robert M. Gates announced Wednesday the estab lishment of a Tuition Policy Advisory Committee responsible for advising the administration and the Board of Regents on proposed tuition increases. The committee is comprised of six representatives from administration and faculty, six representatives from the student body, a parent and a for mer student. “I think it's important to have a structured way for students, faculty and parents to have a chance for deci sion making,” Gates said. The committee will meet for the first time in January to discuss pro posed tuition increases for Fall 2004. Gates said he hopes the group will act as a liaison between students and par ents and the Board of Regents. Gates said he would like students to be able to approach the committee with their questions and concerns. “I think that people feel better about a process in which they've had some say, rather than someone in Rudder Tower just dictating tuition increases;” Gates said. Student Body President Matt Josefy, who will serve on the commit tee, said he is excited about the com mittee’s purpose. “It provides an avenue for students to speak up in a coordinated way,” Josefy said. “With this committee, it will be obvious who to get your voic es to because they will have direct access to the officials.” Josefy said the committee could look at recommendations relating to differential tuition, flat tuition and special summer tuition. Gates said he got the idea for a tuition advisory committee from University of Texas President Larry Faulkner, who established a Campus Tuition Advisory Committee in August 2003. Faulkner said the UT committee con sisted of four student leaders, with repre sentatives from student government, the Senate of College Councils, the Graduate Student Assembly and a student at large. The committee also includes five officers from administration. The committee at UT is responsi ble for reviewing the budget and pre senting tuition proposals to the presi dent. The committee, which recently proposed an increase of $1,200 for incoming out-of-state students, reviewed the budget, held open forums for the student body and then submitted a proposal to the adminis tration for the tuition increase, Faulkner said. “I think what we've done has worked beautifully,” Faulkner said. “No one has been enthusiastic about the tuition increase, but under the circum- See Tuition on page 6 Drive to aid Aggies stationed in Iraq By Sarah Szuminski THE BATTALION h the com; dents." Iterson, MSI ' r's degree im idem Me hursdiyk orld Kifdw ed distin The cor re 30» s natiomi Two former Texas A&M stu- u to Mikela ' ents stationed in Baghdad who ost their belongings in a fire last nonth need help from A&M Itudents and members of the ryan-College Station commu- ity to make their holidays a lit- e brighter. Capt. Marshall Tway, Class of 1995, Lt. Jeremy Naylor, Class Sign of an Aggie of 2000, and fellow unit mem bers lost all of their personal property and most of the units’ flight equipment when a fire broke out in a hangar at Baghdad International Airport Nov. 20. No one was injured and no aircraft were damaged in the fire, said Tway, who is the com manding officer of Desperado (Troop D), 1st Squadron, 1st ; snake severe lainland a-"|, :ports dtifii areak ested the was sp« tern See Drive on page 2 HELP AGGIES IN IRAQ Donations benefiting Aggie soldiers and their units stationed in Baghdad will be collected Friday, Monday and Tuesday at the following locations to replace items destroyed by a fire. Rudder Fountain Kirk's Cleaners at FM 2818 and Southwood Kirk's Cleaners at Rock Prairie and 29th Street Aldersgate Church From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Regular business hours Regular business hours From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bryan-College Station I From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Chamber of Commerce I SHARON AESCHBACH •THE BATTALION Plano Aggie Moms club members Kathy Foster, left, from Frisco, and Janet Davis, right, Class of 1979 from Plano, buy signs from a booth at the Winter in Aggieland Craft Fair. The fair is on the second floor of the Memorial Student Center and will run until 5 p.m. Friday. RUBEN DELUNA • THE BATTALION SOURCE : PROJECT COORDINATOR LINDSEY HAFNER Student senate seeks place for Bonfire in master plan Student Senate l.eyislation The Student Senate passed the following bills at its meeting Wednesday: By Sarah Walch THE BATTALION am I The Student Senate passed a bill 'ednesday supporting the inclusion of a site on Texas A&M’s main campus specifically reserved for Aggie Bonfire in the University’s Campus Master Plan, a Iplan that will guide the changes to the physical campus of Texas A&M over the next 50 years. Speaker of the Student Senate Matthew Wilkins, a junior philosophy major, organized a task force that met twice to discuss what the effects of the changes would be. Included in the legislation as “essential and absolutely non-negotiable elements of any campus master plan” are the memorial lawn at the Memorial Student Center, which honors Aggies killed during World War II, the 55 memorial trees surrounding the O.R. Simpson Drill Field, and the memorial to the residents of the Fowler-Hughes- Keathley complex on Northside who died when Aggie Bonfire fell in 1999. The bill stressed the importance of the preservation of the cohesive community on Northside by building residence halls in close proximity to one another if the current residence halls are torn down. The Senate also passed the Human See Senate on page 6 •A bill supporting the inclusion of a site on main campus reserved for Aggie Bonfire in the University’s Campus Master Plan. •The Human Rights and Labor Standards Investigation Bill, which will allow the student body president to form a committee to research labor conditions in factories where A&M- licensed clothing is manufactured. • Recommendations for improvements to sidewalk, lighting and water drainage conditions on campus, which will be submitted to the Physical Plant. Profs to develop strategies to maintain aging aircraft RUBEN DELUNA • THE BATTALION SOURCE : TEXAS A&M STUDENT SENATE A&M livestock judging team wins championship By Natalie Younts THE BATTALION The Texas A&M Livestock Judging Team can now boast an achievement that few teams at the University can: back-to- back championships. The 2003 judging team took first place in the 98th annual National Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest Nov. 18 in Louisville, Ky., by 40 points and set the all- time record for highest team score with a total of 4,742 points, said Ryan Rathmann, a graduate beef cattle reproduction student who coached the team. “This shattered the old record that was held by the 1961 Oklahoma State team,” Rathmann said. u This was the ninth time Texas A&M has won and the first time A&M has ever won back-to-back national championships.” Tobin Pennington, a senior animal sci ence major and team member, said the biggest rewards of winning were prestige for himself and A&M and the creation of lifelong opportunities and contacts. “It kind of means it’s the end of the road, I guess, in our judging careers,” Pennington said. “But other than that it’s something that we can always look back on and say, ‘We won that. We were the national champions. 1 ” The students judged 12 classes of animals in the competition. Each class consisted of four animals of the same species: swine, cat tle or sheep. The students ranked the animals in each class from best to worst and then had to justify their reasons for the rankings. The order that the team ranked each class was worth 50 points, and each set of reasons was worth 50 points. Kansas State’s team came in second overall and a Kansas State student won the top individual overall. Pennington said the team has been preparing for the contest for a year. “Something we’ve worked for that long finally came down to winning the national championship,” he said, “It was just a great feeling. It was awesome.” Jeff Thayne, a senior animal science major, won third place individual overall. “It’s given me a better background in the livestock industry and helped out with pub lic speaking skills, provided a network of people to reach out to later on and an oppor tunity to meet a lot of friends,” he said. Rathmann said the 2003 A&M team would probably end up as one of the greatest See Livestock on page 2 By Eric Ambrose THE BATTALION Professors from Texas A&M, along with professors from the Georgia Tech Research Institute and the University of Dayton Research Institute, will help the U.S. Department of Defense develop new strategies to main tain aging aircraft. The A&M-based Texas Engineering Experiment Station has received more than $4 million for the research, which is expect ed to begin in January. The increased budget, donated by the U.S. Air Force, will go toward developing technologies that will increase the lifespan of aircraft in military aspects. “Rather than having an issue that is common to all three mili tary services studied separately, they are getting together to do it all at one time,” said Skip Mills, manager of the San Antonio department of the Texas Center of Applied Technology. “They are getting more bang for their buck.” Mills said most of the planes and helicopters used by the mili tary have been designed for a cer tain number of flight hours. Small fighter planes have a much short er lifespan than larger planes. The length of time the military can use certain aircraft depends upon the type of plane and the type of flight that it is used for, Mills said. Rather than build new air craft, TEES is working to develop ways to make the old ones last longer. The research will focus on areas that all aircraft are having problems with, he said. “The fleets are maintained very well, but many components are failing and we need to antici pate how to replace them,” Mills said. “The B-52, which was developed in the 1950s, may still be flying for the next 20 years. These planes could be used when they are 100 years old.” Mills said the research done at the three universities will be com piled and tested at the Aircraft Sustainability Laboratory located at Brooks City-Base in San Antonio. TEES will be bringing the information to the professors at A&M to conduct the research in their labs, Mills said. John Ayala, manager of the Aircraft Sustainability Lab for the Texas Center for Applied Technology, said the research will most likely be divided into thirds, with A&M acting as the executive agent among the other universi ties. As the project is still in the developing stage, TEES does not know how many professors will be involved or which will be par ticipating in the project. “We will probably find out what specific kinds of aircraft we will be looking at in January,” Ayala said. “Right now we are focused on the military, but we would like to get into commercial airliners as well.” Ayala said the team will then recruit professors from all three universities to conduct the research. The team will most like ly be multi-industrial from each See Aircraft on page 2