The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 26, 2003, Image 8
HI $ 5 Off Coupon (regular price *40.00) Good for one hour FOOT RUB (reflexology session) to release stress and tension, improve circulation, and help balance your body naturally. Call to schedule an appt. (979) 219-1278 or (979) 691-8884 MC/VISA/DISC accepted • Gift Certificates Available Coupon <;ooi> for oni visit only. Expires June JO, 2004 Melody Nelson, RN Certified Reflexologist 1880 Greenfield Bryan. TX 77802 Craftmasters OFF THE BEATEN PATH 1865 Briarcrest Drive • Bryan Specializing in unique Aggie art. stained glass • iron work • cross stitch • rubber stamps jewelry • clothing • gifts for the little aggie • wood crafts Wie ha\e a new look! Come visit us at our new Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. location in the same Sun. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. shopping center! 979-776-0870 or 877-544-0999 TRADING COMPANY JEWELRY, HANDBAGS & MORE Necklaces 1,00 styles Nejcklace Sets 500 styles Earrings 3,000 styles Purses 500 styles Artwork 250 pieces Hair Jewelry Rings Foe Jewelry Sterling Jewelry Body Jewelry Belts Watches & Misc. Items 5,500 Square Feet of Shopping Heaven 1707 Texas Ave. S., Culpepper Plaza, College Station 695-0400 12,000 MILE 12 MONTH WARRANTY FREE COOLANT w/ Cooling System Service FREE PLUGS J w/ Tune Up | , FREE FILTER | FREE FILTER w/ Lube Oil i w/ Lube Oil Filter [ Filter JL I Going Home for j the Holidays? i FREE Road Trip Insoection '^asr^iUBSL. <* Full Service Auto Care Trey Jaronitzky 4 owner 1911 S. College Bryan,TX 77801 (979) 779-6387 FREE BRAKE INSPECTION "Where Customer Send Their Friends HAIR • SKIN • NAILS ■ COSMETICS ■ BATH & BODY . ACCESSORIES moxin ioico REDKEN rusk 5TH AVENUE NYC tigi Sebastian matrix american crew crabtree & evelyn red ken nexxus 8 Wednesday, November 26, 2003 Ml THE BAT1ALII Friends Continued from page 5 play against Arkansas. Now the two will finally be able to see each other on the same playing field once again, albeit on opposing sides. Once the opening kickoff takes place their friendship will be put aside like so many friendships across the state. For those 60 minutes on Friday, it’s all business. One of the two friends will leave Kyle Field with state brag ging rights, and one will most likely take home Big 12 Freshman of the Year honors, but regardless of who gets what, Lewis and Young will still be calling each other two times a week to check up on each other. “I talk to him a lot,” Lewis said. “But when we step on the field it’s all business. No friends, it’s just a battlefield.’’ Medicare Continued from page 1 supported with the bill on final passage. “I know there are doubters out there. ... All I say to them is, give it a chance to work.” The complexity of the 681-page, $395 billion measure — and the two-year delay in implement ing the new drug coverage — have made it sub ject to competing claims and uncertain estimates. For seniors obtaining drug coverage through a stand-alone plan in 2006, for example, officials estimate a benefit with a $35 monthly premium and a $250 annual deductible, followed by 75 percent coverage up to $2,250 in costs, ly would be a break in coverage over that leveltr I costs reached $5,100 — a gap of $2,850-befeI benefits resumed and began paying 95pera; I remaining costs. But an official forecast by Congress' biit I experts envisioned a steady increase inpreitT and deductibles as well as a widening of the o? I erage gap in the following years, with insui®I payments growing as well. By 2013, according I the estimates, the monthly premium wouHl S58, the deductible w ould reach $445 and j I beneficiary would be required to pay all cm between 'S4,(H)0 and $9,066 before covet* resumed. Iraq Continued from page 1 through April. They will be lighter and more agile than the units they replace; they will have two-thirds fewer tanks and Bradley armored troop carriers, trading firepower for mobility. An armored division like the 1st Cavalry Division will equip two of the three battalions in each of its brigades with Humvee utility vehicles instead of tanks and Bradleys. The 1st Cavalry, based at Fort Hood, Texas, will actually be larger than a normal division, since it will operate with the 39th Infantry Brigade of Arkansas National Guard. he switch away heavy armored forces base: ated such demand dumvees that the Am pulling every available one fortified with add-onamoif 1^1^ U | out of the United States I j| ie n Europe, Cody said. Hj^ gp an Jniversi' A ne\ :oming t If the c; nal app “Stud istic sup e reor tudies a anguagi epartini icademii The Continued from Pg. 6 Ninfa's is now accepting applications for servers and host positions. Apply in per son between 2-4pm, Mon.-Thurs., 1102 Harvey Rd. Part-Time Recruiting Assistant. UCS, Inc. currently has a part-time recruiting as sistant opening. You will be trained to an swer incoming calls from potential appli cants. provide information about the cur rent openings/company, call qualified re sumes, and handle new employees and their paperwork. We are looking for someone with customer service experi ence, excellent communication ?nd phone skills, and availability to work a minimum of 20hrs/week, between 8am and 5pm. Non-tobacco users only. EOE. To apply, please call our Recruiting department. UCS, Inc., Attn ad #1136. 200 Quality Cir cle. College Station, TX 77845, 595-2609. Email: careers @ Semester Break Work. GREAT PAY! Start now or after finals. 1-5 week holiday work for college students. Customer sales/serv. Scholarships possible. Condi tions apply. All ages 18+. Bryan: 979- 695-1386, College Station: 979-696- 7734, Brenham: 979-830-5333 Study Breaks Magazine now hiring adver tising sales reps. Flexible hours, good pay, great experience. 512-480-0893. Wanted: Energetic people for after-school program. Employment begins 1/6/04. Ap plications accepted at College Station Conference Center thru 12/2/03. Kids Klub. MOTORCYCLE 1999 Honda Superhawk, black, 13K miles K-40. Undetectable radar detector instal led. $5,400080. Call Peter 512-699- 7559. MUSIC Ace DJs- Professional show without the professional price- Available for TAMU, sorority/fraternity parties, and weddings. Lights/smoke/Great Sound- Call Josh Hunt 1 -888-GO-ACE-DJ (462-2335). Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, pro fessional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. PETS AKC Weimaraners $300/ea. Silver, six weeks old. call 255-8381. AKC Weimaraners bom 10/02/03 6males $400/ea. 21emales $425/ea silver and fawn. Call 764-1082. Laboradors: akc. black, chocolate, female pups. Hunter quality. $300- $450, 979- 589-2897 or 979-220-7932. REAL ESTATE MOVING TO AUSTIN? Aggie Special on home purchases on Austin. 100% financ ing or $500 credit at closing. Call Christen Class of 00 (512)589-1315. ROOMMATES 1 roommate needed for 4bdrm house on George Bush. $300mo. 979-219-0234. 1-2 roommates needed, Sbedroom house, Spring/Summer, 2-blocks from Kyle Field, W/D. DSL. Nick 979-693-2159, 1-2Roommates for 4bdrm/4ba at Ex change. Price negotiable; includes cov ered parking. Sub-lease for spring 281- 788-3423 1-F needed for brand new house, $400/mo., +1/3utilities. Ashley 979-324- 0853. 1-F roommate for spring semester. Nice, 4bdrm/4.5ba. house. Rent $380/person. Call Cindy 694-7647, 469-441-6927. 1-F roommate needed for Spring semes ter until 5/04. 4bdrm/2ba, $400/mo, Ster ling University Apartments. Kellie (469)644-0359. 1-F roommate wanted, Harvey town- house, 2/1.5 $350/mo +1/2 utilities. 693- 6890. 1-Female roommate for spring semester. 2bdrm/2ba. apt., ethernet, tamu bus route, W/D, furnished. Ana 979-739-4627. 1-M/F for Spring. 2/2.5/2 townhouse, W/D. Furnished with pool, on bus route, $450/mo, Robert 979-696-4413. 1-M/F for spring/ summer. $300/mo. Furnished. Call Tilak 832-771 -0916. 1-M/F, sublease spring semester. 4bdrm/2bth, w/d, cable-modem, 1/4util., $250/mo, large rooms, no pets, 512-936- 9896. Ibdrm available $350 +utilities. Great house, SChristian roommates spring se mester 469-371-0639. F roommate needed, new bedroom, big closets, own bathroom, 979-574-1236. 1M/1F need 3rd for brand new 3/3 duplex. $330 +1/3bills. First month's rent 1/2price! First 2 months bills 1/2phce! Call Derek 979-525-9439 2 Female roommates needed for 3/2 house on bus route call Julie 764-4333 2-F/M 3bdrm/2.5ba. w/d, on bus route, $400/mo +1/3utilities. some bills paid. 260-9035; 255-4051. 2-female roommates needed. Spring se mester. S350/mo +1 futilities. Call Jenni fer (903)780-8319 2-M/F roommates needed for Spring. New duplex, furnished, except bedrooms. $367/mo. +1/3bills. 210-378-7924. 2-Roommates needed starling spring. Upscale CS neighborhood. 2300sqft town- home. fully furnished, bus-route. 3-2.5-2, w/d. cable Ainternet. quiet neighbors, no smokers, pets or parties. $500/mo. +1/3bills. Serious inquiries only. David (832)444-2103 or (979)847-0148. 2M for 4/2. Rent is $310 +1/4 bills. Call 696-9378. 3/2 house $400/mo +1/3bills. Edelwess Estates. Pets and lease neg. 574-6347 Megan. 3bdrm/2bth townhouse. close to campus. TAMU bus route, w/d, furniture, micro- wave. 2-M/F roommates. $220- $290/mo., $100/dep. 979-694-1595. Available now, non-smoking roommates for 4/3 new home, 904 Bougainvillea, w/d, $400/mo. +1/4utilities. Call Ross at 512- 396-0766. Christian male seeking roommate to share 2bdrm/2bath duplex. Across from Bee Creek Park on Southwest Parkway. $225/mo. +1/2bills. 229-7535. jooz46 @ F Roommate needed. 3/2 duplex at $325/mo +1/3 bills. 574-6165 Female roommate needed 3bdrm/2bth mobile home. $275/mo. +1/3utillties. Avail able now. Call Megan, 696-2119. Huge bdrm in 2bdrm townhouse. Ready now. $305/mo 979-690-7302. M/F roommate needed for Spring semes ter 3bd/2ba, high-speed internet, W/D, party deck, gas grill, $400/mo +1/3utilities Edelweiss 979-219-2748. Needed for spring, 1-M/F. 3bdrm/2ba apt. Call for details. 979-485-8119, jlpachul- Room for rent! 3bdrm/2ba house on Ante- lope. $410/mo. +1/3bills. 979-696-4815. Roommate Needed ASAP! 2bdrm/1,5bth, 1-block from campus. Call Brian 979-224- 1071. JOIN TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AS A BUS DRIVER! APPLICATIONS AT KOLDUS RM. 118 OR VISIT tmjisQorttamLLedu DEADLINE DECEMBER 3 TEXAS A AM TMVKRSITY Transportation Services Sophomore Marketing feme rs roommate for spnng semester, te 2bdrm/2 5bth condo w/garage, frejs w/d. bus stop at front door, plm 3i cable. S400/mo. everything r« (979)695-1227, (713)299-7596 Spring semester female roomw'- - ed S390/mo. +1 futilities, nataw;;: mu edu or (979)695-2178. Sublease 1-F needed for JbdmX-r: plex with W/D. on bus-route, SS: + 1/3bills. Call JoAnna 361-83MS: j rnijoanna® tamu edu. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Dnving. lost fun. Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket dismssa.':. t ance discount. M-T(6ptn-9pr [ Th(6pm-9pm), Fn.&Sat.- Frijtpni' i &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-L\:' [ Former student serving you20yrs ' ces above Aggieland Kiva Inn, M (next door to Applebee's). Walk-rse come $25/cash. Lowest pnee is ? 104 Texas Ave. S. 846-6117. Sta 30/min. early. Free Pregnancy Test: Hope Ptegtl Centers, College Station 695-9193 r 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Cars 695-9193. Linda's Typing Service. Typing' home: papers, resumes, etc. Reas? rates. Call Linda Lantz. 979-690-':: TRAVEL Act Now! Book 11 people, get lift free. Group discounts to - 800-838-8202. Costa Rica, the hottest new Spring;'- destination! From $299. all indtwl tions, group rates, go lor free! NE SPRINGBREAK.COM 866-255-662: Spring Break & Ski Trips. FreeW ? ties & drinks! Our students seen or 2: 48 hours! Lowest prices! 800-985-fT Spring Break 2004- Travel witii: j America’s #1 Student Tour Opetatt-l maica, Cancun, Acapulco, Bahaiffil Florida. Now hiring on-campus rep; i for group discounts. Information' Psj vations 1 -800-648-4849 WINTER AND SPRING BREAK. M Beach Trips on sale E I or call 1-800-S'j CHASE todayl Large hall and classrooms commercial kitchen availai Perfect for dances, parties, reception!-' corporate training or meetings. Pricing starts at $250/da)' Call Robert Norris at (979) 82M6® Tucs.-Fri. 8am-5pni Up Late? Improve Concentrate High Caffeine Coffee ‘ I For Rot Pine Gastrit comrrT staplirv of nutr causin "t/Oit lit. TOotlcL'i £tLV)Ul theclogstore,co[ 1 - 8OO-948-Cl0 :