Forum The Battalion Page 6 • Friday, November 14.: Call to serve Aggies have chance to change lives P ursuing a degree at Texas A&M is often one of | the most challenging, I but rewarding, experi- j ences a person will j encounter during his lifetime. The end j result will likely ben efit you indefinitely; yet for various rea- Josh Pcschcl sons, earning a degree from A&M is an opportunity and privilege that scores of other individuals will never have access to. It is therefore our obligation to reach beyond the campus boundaries to help change lives and to bring in those who remain on the outside looking in. Improving the quality of life for anoth er individual is a call to service that can take many forms. One of the most funda mental improvements we can make is in education. Education provides a direct pathway to success in this life. It also allows an individual to view the world through an objective lens to clearly see the often-disputed problems that exist in our society today. By helping to educate others. Aggies can eliminate the slow accumulation processes of inequity that continue to grow and separate many groups. A student need not be the president or other high-ranking member of a student organization to make a difference inside or outside of A&M. Every year, thou sands of Aggies participate in service activities such as The Big Event and Replant. These are noble efforts and should certainly continue with much sup port; however, they are only punctuated events with a very specific focus. Imagine, for example, that the same number of Aggies committed just a few hours every week to enhancing the math and science educa tion of junior high school students in different, less advantaged communities within the Brazos Valley. How many more individ uals would be prepared for college and have a better opportunity to become Aggie scientists and engineers? One of the greatest things we as Aggies can do is create opportunities for individuals on the outside to walk in our footsteps, with the hope that they will reach higher goals and, in turn, provide the same opportunities to others. Robert F. Kennedy once said, “But history will judge you, and, as the years pass, you will ultimately judge yourself, on the extent to which you have used your gifts and talents to enrich the lives of your fellow man. In your hands, not with presidents or leaders, lies the future of your world and the fulfillment of the best qualities of your own spirit.” History is watching and waiting to see what contributions to others we as Aggies will make. Let them be great. MAIL CALL Campers help build Aggie Spirit This letter is for the campers' out at Kyle Field. As a tour guide for the Aggieland Visitor Center, it’s wonderful to show off how great Aggies really are. I gave a tour on Thursday and my tour of more than 50 high school sen iors was amazed at the site of the tents. You all are the best! Seeing you all out there gets me so excited for the University of Texas game and makes me so proud to be an Aggie! I love seeing the posters about how much you all love Aggie football. I think you campers are representing A&M in the best way and I just want ed to thank you all for boosting the Aggie Spirit! few every couple of years, or the fact that some have family obli gations that they just cannot miss but would this be the case if we were moderately more suc cessful this year? I recall that when the game was actually played on Thanksgiving night, there was never a problem with getting the full Twelfth Man to show up. Suck it up Ags, and get your rears in the stands. Piracy forum was nothing but a farce In response to a Nov. 13art A. Brannon Kroll Graduate Student CNN admitted biased reporting In response to Collins Ezeanyim's Nov. 5 column: Brandi Skipper Class of 2004 Apathy for U.T. game disgusting Graduate Student Council President Josh Peschel is a student in biological and agricultural engineering I am disgusted to see the num ber of sports passes for sale for the University of Texas game. I honest ly cannot understand how Aggies can have no care for the game against our rival. Although we have had a down season and we’ve struggled, Aggies should all the more support their team as the Twelfth Man. What if E. King Gill decided that, due to a rough sea son, he did not want to come down from the press box and suit up, or even worse, decided to not travel with the team? I realize some students are strapped for cash and need money, as there always are a ' Why does The Battalion almost always take a leftist view on issues and not report the whole story? The recent column on Fox News is a shocking example of this. How can The Battalion endorse CNN when CNN's chief news executive Eason Jordan said in The.New York Times on April 11 that CNN purposely failed to report Iraqi atrocities for the past 10 years? CNN did this so it could keep reporting from Iraq. But it was basically report ing Saddam’s point of view. No where was this mentioned in The Battalion article. This is especially scary since The Battalion is the only news source for some students at A&M. A&M studehts deserve better, they deserve to get the full story. Wednesday night I attends; the Net Piracy “Forum” that wail sponsored by several Memoy Student Center organizata; and am saddened and angry!:| report that it was a farce, ll forum is supposed to be opsj and allow many voices to be pis sented. It should be interact’,; and facilitate discussion. This was nothing of the sort. Instead, it was just anotlw opportunity for industry folks!:! throw propaganda at us. Ads for this event told us Util we would have the opportunity;:! ask questions of the panelists This was just for show. In apis gram that lasted for almost as hour and a half, three audiencs questions were read. I ate wrote and submitted six or sew questions, none of which weis used; and many other audieno: members gave submissions. Our voices were not heart Audience response was ml allowed. When an audiencs member did try to say somej thing, he was silenced and tfis program was suddenly declaief over. So much for discussioc and interchange. The panelists themselves haJ nothing new to say and simpl} recycled statements those ofus who care about this issue tos heard before. Additionally, vili| no student panelist? A ly great opportunity was Wednesday night. la\ S ome that Cou hear are t the larges 3, the Su| refused tc from Cor Corporati of Consul zine. The the consu by the ca used libel and ruin i sport util The la Consume been heat should hi publisher lions fror allowed t district c< 'potential! rights of and it coi Consu Ethan Hammond Class of 2004 Vincent Prenderf Class of 2(11 lytSs issu dency of when it h sales of tl United St claims th cent hou ^ ffcgrmi It wa themsel hw, power, t A WeTK' | Stratfor | and eag empty-l Adventist CatfioCic ‘EpiscopaC 9{pn- ( DenoTniti(itional tPentecostaC Seventh Day Adventist 1218 Ettle St., Bryan (corner of Coulter) 775-4362 Pastor Bill Davis English - 11:30 am Sabbath School - 10:00 am AssemBCy of Qod Bethel Temple Assembly of God 2608 Villa Maria, Bryan 776-4835 Sunday Worship 10:15 Sunday School 9:00 ‘Baptist Parkway Baptist Church 1501 Southwest Pkwy (979) 693-4701 Sunday Worship 8:15 10:45 & 6PM Sunday School 9:30 AM Wednesday: Meal 5:30PM College Bible Study Wed. 6:30PM St. Mary’s Catholic Center 603 Church Avenue in Northgate (979)846-5717 www.aaaiecatholic.ora Pastoral Team Rev. Michael J. Sis, Pastor Rev. Keith Koehl, Associate Pastor - Campus Ministers - Deacon Bill Scott, Deacon David Reed, Martha Tonn, Julia Motekaitis Dawn Rouen, Roel Garza Daily Masses Mon.-Fri.: 5:30 p.m. in the Church Tues.&Thurs.: 12:05 p.m. in the All Faiths Chapel Weekend Masses Sat: 2:00 p.m. (Korean), 5:30 p.m. (English), 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Sun.: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Confessions Wed. 8:30-9:30 p.m., Sat. 4:00-5:15 p.m. or by appointment. St. Thomas Episcopal 906 George Bush Dr. • College Station. TX 696-1726 Services • 8:00 (Rite 1), 9:00(Family Service Rite II) and 11:15 (Rite ll-for late sleeping Ags) 7:30 p.m. Evensong Next door to Canterbury House. the Episopal Student Center Cornerstone Chuid Lutheran Christian Sunday 8:15 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Stillpoint Evening Prayer & Communion 2nd & 3rd Sunday Q-.30 p.m LUTHERAN CHURCH COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS Comer of Harvey Mitchell Pkwy and Rio Grande 693-4403 • Calvary Chape! A G G TE LAND Feeling a little overwhelmed? God can help! We are a small church that teaches God's Word verse by verse, and places a high value on worship. We care about you - you're not just another student. CASUAL ATMOSPHERE Come join us! Currently meeting at: Putt-Putt <5olf & Games 1705 Valley View Dr., C.S. Just across Texas Ave. from the C.S. Police Station We’re studying the Book of Acts Services at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Pastor Jeff Hughes ‘95 (979)324-3972 Equipping the shirts for the work of the ministry - Heb. 4:12 tered w that is i the con l “\nv i || going t \vniYV ) Will m bei ■ On ( .impus ('.ollege Bible Study held wee!: f | Utldersl * Sunday Service at 3:00pm measui Meets at College Station ConferenceStlldeni (George Bush Drive) ! | ^ , {b,da Of druj ! of stud : arrest t Pentecostal Victory prescrip United Pentecostal Churcti Sunday 2:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:0(1 PI 1808 - H Brothers (behind the C.S. Wal-Mart) 764-4180 Stud reim Methodist Fellowship Free Will Baptist Church College & Career Class You are invited to a Bible Study especially for students. Sunday mornings at 9:45 Wednesday night supper at 5:30, followed by Bible Study at 6:30 1228 W. Villa Maria 779-2297 For more information contact Bill Van Winkle: 774-3059 http://www.fellowshipfwb.orq First Christian Church 900 South Ennis, Bryan 823-5451 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Robert D. Chandler, Minister A&M United Methodist 417 University Dr. (in Northgate) • 846-8731 Sunday Worship: 8:30, 9:45, 10:50 College Sunday School: 9:30,10:45 Thursday Nights: 5:30 - University Choir 6:30 - FREE Supper, 7:00 - College Bible Study cxjmmunityCHURCH College Station Korean! Presbyterian Church ; 220 Rock Praric Rd., CS I 696-0403 Sunday Worship - j In res Church of Christ To advertise on this page call The Battalion today! 845-2696 A&M Church of Christ 1901 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy. (979)693-0400 Sunday Assemblies: 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m., College Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Sunday Night: 5:45 p.m. Mid-Week 6:45 p.m. Aggies for Christ Call for on-campus pick-up info First United Methodist Church Bryan Worship Services: 8:40 am and 10:55 am College Class at 10:00 am Rev. Matt Idom, Pastor On 28' 1 ' Street, 1 block east of Texas Avenue in Bryan 779-1324 Now Meeting Across from Campus in Oakwood Interm. School George Bush & Holik St behind the CS Conference Ctr. _ Follow the signs! m ^ every SUNDAY Prayer Service @10 a.m. worship @10:30 a.m. small groups meet throughout the week Covenant Presbyterian Chuff: 220 Rock Prairie Road (979) 694-7700 Rev. Sam W. Steele - Pastor Sunday Service: 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Stude you sa; cars an fete of Howevc nearly < lion as 9ets at who di bered, 3 forgo I am slse, bi who he 1 0 or 2 know n that it’s Students Welcome r www.COmCHURCHxx>m 260-1163 To advertise on this page call The Battalion today! 845-2696 femi not I In ret I Ms. C Mr. Ai 'mports