Texas A&M University Pre-Law Society We are hosting a forum featuring Aggie law students on Tuesday, November 4. Please join us at 7 p.m. in Koldus HO to hear these current law students tell about their law school experience. The Pre-Law Society hopes to see you on Tuesday! WHERE THERE'S HURT THERE'S HOPE POST ABORTION PEER COUNSELING ♦ Peer Grief Counseling ♦ Help for Symptoms of Abortion Trauma ♦ 10-week Recovery Program ♦ Emotional & Spiritual Support ♦ Free & Confidential cMofie Pnecf*taHC4f GenteM, Call and ask for the PACE (Post Abortion Counseling & Education) Director. 695-9193 205 Brentwood • College Station www.hopepregnancy.org Greene. 3“ ©yes Ima Sip: “My doctor said I need to | take my contact lenses off every night, but I always cheat.” ** Student Specials ** Most insurance accepted ♦* Scott and White Provider *♦ Free LASIK consults Ag E. Fann: “My doctor said with the latest technology I can sleep in my lenses for up to one month.” Once Again: Aggies Know Best Mttlhtw T. Gretot, O.D. TAMU ‘94 Searching for Stability? A Career? A Future? Your search is over! Universal Computer Systems, Inc. Open House Saturday, November 8, 2003 10:00am - 1:00pm 6700 Hollister Houston, TX Representatives will be available to discuss current opportunities. Resumes are recommended. This is a come-and-go event and refreshments will be provided. Rentsys ucs (KeyTrak 1-800-883-3031 Ad#l119 www.universalcomputersys.com Non-tobacco users only. EOE. GOT A TICKET? INSURANCE RATES TOO HIGH? DON'T WANT TO SPEND ALL DAV IN A DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS? TAKE HOME DEFENSIVE DRIVING AVAILABLE AT PARTICIPATING STORES ON VMS OR DVD. OR TRY OUR NEW ONLINE COURSE ATWWW.TAKEH0ME.COM JUST THINK: state approved defensive driving, TAKEN IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME. STOP BY YOUR LOCAL BLOCK BUSTER VIDEO STORE OR VISIT US TODAY ON THE WEB: www.takehome.com DEFENSIVE DRIVING Monday, November 3, 2003 THE BATTALIO! FI5H t 3usr Completely] -roNEb OUT WHILE x UMS DR\V|/V6 ! I'At a Horrible Driyfri/ X'a^ Not Eveai SURE How Loaj6 1 UMSNT P/IYWO ATTENTION f X only ASSUME x drove Safe iy Because XM STill cw The RoAD.' 3/ KmilNA NEWS IN BRIEF I'At Sure it luas only a f EIaJ SECo/VDS You're probably OVERREACTIa/G > Dent gets 8 years noise f potumon B5J JOSH DAFUJlfl Dtp ANVOfVe PUW PkaNKS on 05 tok HAaouieeN? was the House eeeM to iter You'p BETTCR CoMe TO The UHNDOLO ANP Look. Crci-zy ^lou^e Oops) It’s four. Time to pick up leaning! Jim Dent, author of Junction Boys,” was sentencf: to eight years in prism Thursday for repeatedly viofe ing probation resulting froi drunken driving conviction, Dent was arrested in 199 Brazos County for lei drunken driving and was se;. tenced to 10 years In March 2002, Dent v® pulled over in Oklahoma City tr suspicion of drunken di Earlier that day, he had released from the Brazos Cour: Jail after serving 40 days as requirement of his probation. Dent violated his probat when he failed to report the ans to probation officers in County and didn't i Oklahoma City to face the chare Months later, officers apprs- hended Dent in Arkansas. When his bail was reduced!: $5,000, Dent fled again He was arrested i Vegas on June 12 after be': pulled over on suspicion drunken driving. Assistant District AttorneyJ