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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 2003)
OPEN "Vuit lU TOo^iel'i. CtotfAtaic 1 - 800-948-CLOG #1 College Ski & Board Week Bum Shi 20 Mountains. 5 Be sorts tor the Price ot 1 Breck, Vail,'' Beavercreek, Arapahoe Basin & Keystone 1-800S: QOO-7’S-4-9-^53 muFmiurmiiF-m ■■■ MSC Hospitality Presents: Halloween Party! Faculty, staff, aiA,o( students' cHllalrgiA. are Invited ta wear their favorite costume and enjoy) a spoote-tacular night of free games, prizes, refreshments and a haunted tunnel! K& October 23, 2003 6-8 PM, 2 nd floor of the MSC (rm. 201) ■ mw pup! used books will be accepted at the doov to benefit tbe msc Hospitality ^ootz Thrive. • NATION THE BATTALION Thursday, October 16J Staten Island ferry crashes at least 10 reported killed By Michael Weissenstein THE BATTALION Sponsored by:^ Thursday, Oct. 30 9:00pm - 1:00am Sbisa Dining Hall B e c a u s e once wasn't enough It's totally FREE man W ear your gnarly 8 O ’ s threads mOS\C Co n. Best oft he ^ ^ H PRIZES! Co ”'e sls l " Best oft he 80’s food! Cing XTM.entors offers students: a listening ear support through personal growth encouragement and friendship guidance and wise counsel inspiration to achieve success NEW YORK — A Staten Island ferry slammed into a pier as it was docking Wednesday, killing at least 10 people, tearing off victims’ limbs and sending passengers leaping into the water, officials said. At least 34 people were injured. The 310-foot ferry, carrying about 1,500 passengers, plowed into the enormous wooden pil ings on the Staten Island end of its run from Manhattan, reduc ing the front of the mighty boat to a mass of shattered planks, broken glass and twisted steel. The crash happened on a windswept afternoon, with gusts over 40 mph and the water in New York Harbor very choppy. “Everyone just jumped for their lives,” rider Bob Carroll told TV station NY1. “It was like an absolute horror. ... The whole side of the boat looked like an opener on a can.” The ship’s captain fled and was tracked down by police at his Staten Island home, said a high-ranking police source, speaking on condition of anonymity. The ferry’s crew will be interviewed and tested for drugs and alcohol, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. At least 10 people were killed and 34 injured, the mayor said, making it New York’s worst mass-transit accident in at least a generation. Some bodies were accidentally counted twice, leading to an initial report by city officials that 14 people were dead. Firefighters picked their way through the debris aboard the ship, the Andrew J. Barberi, looking for victims, and Coast Guard divers searched the water. At least one body was recovered from the water. The cause of the crash was not immediately known, although Bloomberg suggested the heavy wind as a possibility. The National Transportation Safety Board convened an acci dent investigation team, which will look at the weather, among other possible factors. “The ferry was coming too fast,” said witness William Gonzalez, who lives in a nearby apartment complex. “They had no control to stop the boat.” Commuters were trapped in piles of debris aboard the 22- year-old ferry, and victims screamed and dove for cover as metal crunched into wood just before the start of the evening rush hour, tearing girders, splin tering planks and ripping a huge hole in the right side of the three-level, bright-orange ves sel, which has a capacity of 6,000 passengers. “People who were sitting there as the ferry docked were hit by the pilings that came through the side of the boat," the mayor said. The pilings hit on the ferry’s main deck, crashing into the windows that ordinarily afford a postcard view of the Statue of Liberty. The five-mile trip between Deadly feny crash A Staten Island passengerfen) slammed into wooden pilings along the side of a dock as it arrived at the St. George Ferg Terminal after crossing NewYoii Harbor before the start of the evening rush hour Wednesday Passenger ferry crashed into dock; at least 12 killed NEW NEW JERSEY WhiteM ■ Feny Teimni Staten Island Brooklyn Lower Mew York Buy SOURCES: Associated Press: ESRI tf Staten Island and Manhattan nor mally takes 25 minutes. A fa ride on the Staten Island Ferry one of the city’s most beloved attractions to New Yorkers and tourists alike, giving visitors i Holly wood-style view of Manhattan's skyscrapers. The seven boats that the Staten Island Ferry carry 70,000 commuters a day between Staten Island and lower Manhattan. The boats make KM daily trips between the two bor oughs. The Andrew J. Barben travels at about 18 mph. Service was suspended on all Staten Island ferries after the accident. Talk to a Mentor. They’re here for you. Call (979) 845-6900 or visit Retail sales dip by 0.2 percent in September as buyers refrain Volume Sti By Jeannine Aversa THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Retail sales Ritz Camera Inuites You To Try Our NEW Digital Labs!! Free Second Set of Prints! Bring in any roll of film and receive FREE doubles! Wmri.aM Please bring in ad for free second set. Visit any of our three locations: 110 Dominik, Post Oak Mall, or 614 Villa Maria, Bryan. TEL: 979-764-0601, Dominik Location 11-31-03 Offer Valid Through WASHINGTON — America’s shoppers took a bit of a breather in September, dropping sales at the nation’s retailers by 0.2 percent. Although the dip in retail sales reported by the Commerce Department on Wednesday was the first since April, it came after consumers, aided by President Bush’s third tax cut, went on a buying binge in July and August. Retail sales went up by a strong l.4 percent in July and then by 1.2 percent in August, according to revised figures. The increase in August’s sales turned out to be two times big ger than the 0.6 percent rise that the government first reported a month ago, and the advance in July also was slightly larger than previously estimated. The Federal Reserve’s survey of business conditions in September and early October found that the economy picked up speed. “Consumer spending gen erally strengthened, though most districts report a recent pullback in auto sales,” the Fed survey said. Eight of the Here is a look at retail sales, seasonally adjusted. $320.6 billion 320 billion 300 280 260 240 220 200 ni Change from previous month j Sept. -0.2% August 1.2% A M JIA S O N IF JW A MJ AS 2002 2003 SOURCE: Department of Commerce AF Fed’s 12 regions reported improving sales trends. Those eight regions were: New York; Philadelphia; Chicago; St. Louis; Minneapolis; Kansas City; Dallas; and San Francisco. Retailers, the Fed said, are generally anticipating modest sales gains for the hol iday shopping season. President George W. Bush said the tax cuts are helping the economy. “We’re overcoming the challenges we have faced,” he said in California. “Our economy is growing.” On Wall Street, thougli, stocks moved lower. The Dow Jones industrials lost 9.93 points to close at 9,803.05. In the monthly retail report, economists were predicting that the brisk performance registered in July and August just couldn’t be maintained in September; they had forecast a sales dip of 0.1 percent. Excluding sales of automo biles, which fell by 1.6 percent in September, sales by all other merchants went up by a modest 0.3 percent — close to econo mists’ forecast for a 0.4 percent increase in that category. “I actually think this isavei) encouraging report. It certainly doesn’t show consumers pulling back in any material way,” said Bill Cheney, economist at John Hancocl Financial Services. “It pretty much says that despite all the gloom in the job market, con sumers are still spending." Consumers have kept theii pocketbooks and wallets suffi ciently open since the 2001 reces sion to keep the economy g And, they will play an important role in determining the strength of the economic recovery. 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The pr observe seve the field Chapter of Society, a sti who are int atmospheric Kevin W, students Atmospheri nators this y “To learn erinthe cla< in UN tos By Edith THE ASSOC UNITED The Security adc Thursc money to he and speed it, -adiplom Washington dispute over The resol %«on wl ates additio Iraq's recons week's dom in Madrid cou send new foi In a France, Russia — ke Hie U.S.-le Iraq — supp lution. But Resolut The U.N. Sec resolution Tht N. But there The new re ^ Gives Iraq's Governing Council until De 15 to submit timetable for hiding elector ane constitution. SOURCES: j a&; Inve By Mic THE /) NEW Y( into the Sta killed IQ Thursday o Blacked ou bottle heft Concrete i City McMahon, e ntergency c >als, said [elated to tl •nation he Blood-press The pi Bichard S