The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 15, 2003, Image 8

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ill Ernst&Young
Quality In Everything We Do
Wednesday, October 15,
Continued from page 1
The three finalists to become
China’s first “taikonaut” (TYE’
koh-nawt) were reportedly wail
ing at a Gobi Desert launch base
near this dusty city of concrete
apartment buildings in the remote
Security was tight around tlie
remote base, some 175 miles
northeast of Jiuquan: Cars were
turned back and phone calls to the:
base were blocked.
‘it’s a big thing for the conn-;
try,” said Zhang Ming, a man
buying a leather jacket in Jiuquan
on Tuesday.
The astronaut candidates -
all fighter pilots — were to under
go final tests as little as one hour,
before the flight, state media said;
The government’s Xinhua News;
Agency has said the “No. 1 astro
naut” among them would go up
— the strongest sign yet that the
flight will carry only one person.
People’s Daily said the
Shenzhou 5 capsule had complet
ed its own final tests and, on;
Tuesday, was “sitting on the
launch pad with more fuel being
Continued from page 1
Another objective of the pro
gram is to increase the number of
qualified applicants for profes
sional positions at A&M as it will
be providing students with the
experience needed to apply for
these jobs. If this objective is car
ried out, qualified students will be
able to move into staff positions.
“Many students enjoy the
atmosphere of College Station
and the dynamic environment of
such a broad reaching university
and would prefer to utilize their
skills in an academic setting ver
sus a corporate one,” Carter said
“In order to do so, they must have
certain experiences under their
belt, and this program is formulat
ed to provide that.”
The SGA will be assisting in
the promotion of the program,
fulfilling the platform initiativeof
Student Body President Matt
“The platform initiative is to
take an active role in informing
students of their opportunities,
because many times students are
the best marketing device a pro
gram or department can utilize,!
Carter said.
Internships are one of the ini
tiatives that will be discussed at a
forum focus on the entire scope of
Experiential Education.
A second initiative that will be
discussed at the forum are the
Student Services initiative, aimed
at providing students with an
opportunity to work hands on
with their instructors to aid in the
development and improvement of.
services for students on campus.
Carter said. The third initiative on
the agenda is a program that wif
give students the opportunity
have individuals in their area of
study teach a class.
The program will be held Nov
11 at 5:15 p.m. in MSC 292A.
sion. State
ing the o
may be cc
from critic
last Wedne
bigoted sp
al and tran
a flamer” c
on this gr
strictly coi
funding ev
: must wond
supposed t
As a rec
learning, Y<
over the use
this is not w
dent body’s
ed to name-
them aroun
the death o
beaten into
deserves to
Editor in Cti
Managing Edi
Opinion Edi
Metro Edi
The Battalu
less and inctud
reserves the rig]
milted in persor
tie mailed to: 01
Station, TX 778
In respoi
Siuminski’s C
Continued from page 1
©2003 Ernst & Young up
The map “is an unprecedented
and unconstitutional attempt to
replace a legal and fair map with
an illegal plan to try to guarantee
victory for seven Republican
politicians by disenfranchising
minority Texans and silencing
rural communities and independ
ent voters,” Frost said. “It’s a bru
tal and ugly trade-off: Seven GOP
politicians win, but 3.6 million
minority Texans lose.”
The map reduces the number
of effective minority districts in
Texas from 11 to 10, he said.
Republicans have disputed
that analysis, saying the new
map adds a new minority dis
trict in Houston and another in
South Texas. Lawmakers
worked with attorneys as they
drafted the maps, said Bob
Richter, spokesman for
Republican Texas House
Speaker Tom Craddick.
“We believe it is a legal map,
and we’re going to leave it to the
attorney general’s office to
defend it,” Richter said.
“We intend to defend the
state’s redistricting plan and we
anticipate the Department of
Justice and the courts will
uphold the plan,” said Angela
Hale, a spokeswoman for Texas
Attorney General Greg Abbott.
Call it whe
YCT anti-ga
arother way
potential sti
are not welcc
and to ostrac
il/ho are £
there. Now t
rest of the wc
read The Be
“YCT prote
week.” It is sc
not immerse
world that is
how outdatec
tative this thi
Texas A&k
be a univers
ideas and a
low students
to advertise
ciously targe
decide to f<
hostilities o
You don’t sp<
vatives anc
represent thi
YCT pn
In responsi
Ms. Davis n
that what TAI
“.a slap in the
Ms. Davis nc
neither she r
her organizat
speak for ar
than themset
The YCT i
ular organize
its freely disti
religious prin
is a state-sup