The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 2003, Image 3

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garzo said,
larsh Shah,
a freshm
The Battalion
Page 3 • Friday, October 10, 2003
Student Body President Matt Josefy balances senior year and student representation
By Daniel Chapman
hanical engineering majoi,
that his hall. Walton, is one
losest knit groups oncanp
use of how involved in ©
e hall activities everyoneis,
We are cutting trees
he off-campus bonfire,
ittend Silver Taps togei
he lack of professional^
ic RHA is another bans
affey said he is working
.ast year a small group of
bers were not living upio Before his campaign last spring. Matt Josefy had not run for
igh standards we have.ani any student government positions since the ninth grade. However,
not stop him from getting started immediately after being
A day after giving the State of the University Address, Student
Jody President Matt Josefy, a senior accounting major, sat behind
in his office hard at work with all the responsibilities that
ic along with his position.
When I got to Texas A&M 1 had no interest in student gov
ernment. 1 had no idea that I would end up in this type of posi-
i,"Josefy said. “So when asked about what motivates me, it is
liotmy desire to be in a political position. I really was motivated
by the changes that I felt needed to be made.”
On the forefront of Josefy's agenda of change is the idea of a
mentorship program that links freshmen with upperclassmen and
with former students in the industries in which they are
interested. Essentially, the plan is to utilize the Aggie Network to
befit students to the fullest extent, he said.
have personally seen what mentorship could do for me.
mapart of the FBI (Freshman Business Initiative) program that
(helped co-found and have worked with for over two years,” he
asked myself what the next step would be and that’s when
[became involved in student government.”
While many of the ideas put forth by Josefy seem on track with
ident’s needs, some students say they feel a lot will have to be
neto see these goals materialize.
Richard Stevenson, a junior marketing major and Staff
Conference Chair for the Residence Life Staff Council said if
changes are to occur, the process needs must begin now.
He said he believes Josefy has a good start with his philosophy
bn mentorship, but is cautiously optimistic about how he is going
implement his ideas and how well they are going to work.
“He has laid down an outline on how he wants to run the men-
lorship program, but actually getting the students involved is a lot
jfworkthat would stretch for a couple of years,” Stevenson said,
laking sure that the program lasts is in question, when it sounds
ehe is leading the program and there would be no one to real-
pick it up after he leaves.”
Josefy said he knows that at times the cards are stacked against
bimand he has to work twice as hard to balance school and his
job responsibilities.
'Hesaid one of the biggest obstacles he faces is being a 21-
college student taking a full load of classes and having a
le won’t listen if you
sent yourself
iffey said,
nother part of the Visioi
calls for a “greater know
by current residents of
li story,
tudying Texas A&M histon
)bby of mine, and our dot®
ots of their own rich histort;
it a shame that peopledoni
it," Mahaffey said,
ah said that his halldis®
ir history at meetings.
I'he traditions of our
;s history are important. I
> you feel a part of tlie
' Shah said,
it all students feel
like Longarzo, who sad
ll’s history is not relevant
I lived in an apartment
ig, I wouldn’t care about is
Longarzo said.
haffey is also introducing^
Citing Flan in the Vision
I'h is point system will if
esidents on how well they
s is similar to the Texas
lion Agency’s rating sys.-
i that it evaluates what
in under a president so
ic next president know!
vorks and what does not
Mahaffey said. This helps
transition between presi-
:ach year by serving asa
u mechanism.
Man with a plan
Joshua Hobson • THE BATTALION
Matt Josefy is optimistic about plans for the upcoming year, including starting a mentoring program. He is currently in the Middle East for a wel
coming ceremony for students at the Texas A&M Quatar campus.
iich controls the Texas
te and occupies wx'j
office, says conservatw
ow Texas should hat
full-time job representing students to the administration.
“It’s challenging to try to delegate out all the things that need
to be done and to put it in the hands of those that will be able to
be passionate and create the changes that need to take place,”
Josefy said. “The more I can harness 44,000 students, the more
we can accomplish together.”
Many are unable to see what really goes on behind the scenes
for the student body president. The hours put into work, speech
writing, attending functions and taking a full course load is a task
that few could handle.
“More than anything there is a dedication to this job. If I was
n’t committed to what I’m doing, it would be easy to slack off,”
Josefy said. “On one hand there is an integrity issue in that there
are 40,000 people that I am supposed to represent and if I don’t
put 110 percent in, it is an integrity compromise.”
While there are always critics, some students feel Josefy is tak
ing care of business and doing what he was elected to do.
“From what I can see. Matt is doing a great job as student body
president,” said Kim Avant, a junior history major. “He seems to
be changing what needs to be changed and pushing the University
in a good direction, but most importantly he listens to the students
and tries to channel that to the administration.” - ■ > ;
in Texas’ congressional
control the delegation 11;
rrent district boundaries;-
oycotted the Texas
ris year over redistrictinf
and thus kill redistrictinj
jcrats fled to Ardmore,
itayed away for four days
ig in the regular legisla;
ts went to Albuquerqifi
beginning July 28 toslf
i a second special legisla!
returned when one el
tubers defected and sail
r to Austin, giviiij
or urn they needed to
day during the fall and spring semes j!
iversity holidays and exam periods) 4
77840. POSTMASTER: Send add®
on,TX 77843-1111.
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