The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 09, 2003, Image 5

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Thursday, October 9,
5A .
Thursday, October 9, 2003
deaths in literature is
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Agreement in principle
reached on redistricting
By April Castro
AUSTIN — Texas House and
Senate negotiators reached a
congressional redistricting
agreement in principle
Wednesday, settling a dispute
g Republican lawmakers,
Ll.Gov. David Dewhurst said.
After days of closed-door
meetings, legislators announced
adeal after U.S. House Majority
Leader Tom DeLay came to the
ol and met with state offi-
for three straight days this
week. The last sticking point
was over how to draw districts
in West Texas.
“It is my hope that we can
it a final map that we can
iw you tomorrow morning,”
lewhurst said.
A spokesman for House
peakerTom Craddick said that
were awaiting the final
{tianges from the Senate nego
tiators. "We think it’s OK, but
we want to make sure we agree
with them,” said Bob Richter,
Craddick spokesman.
There remain some small
details to iron out, but the agree
ment in principle covers the entire
map, said Dewhurst’s spokesman,
Dave Beckwith.
Any conference committee
agreement still must receive
approval from the majority of
the House and Senate. The
chambers are scheduled to con
vene again Friday.
Republican Gov. Rick Perry is
expected to sign a redistricting bill
once it passes.
Republican Sen. Todd
Staples of Palestine, the
Senate’s lead negotiator, said
work remains to be done in
Brazoria and other counties.
“The major tenns of West
Texas have been solved. This is
a victory for the Senate, a victo
ry for the House and a victory
for the voters,” Staples said.
A new look for an old bill
The U S. Treasury will release its newly designed $20 notes to
banks beginning Oct. 9. The $20 note is the most counterfeited bill
in the country; overseas, it's the $ 100 note.
The oval frame and lines surround- Small yellow “20s”
ing Jackson's portrait are gone, along are repeated across
with the frame and lines around the the background on
White House scene on the back. the reverse side.
The large blue
eagle is drawn
in a style from
Jackson’s era.
The numerals
are printed in
A watermark
of Jackson’s
face has been
SOURCE: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Lawmakers have been debat
ing redistricting for months in
what became a heated tight first
between Democrats and
Republicans and most recently
among Republicans working on
a compromise between the
House and Senate plans.
One of the main sticking points
in the negotiations had centered
on West Texas. Craddick, R-
Midland, wanted a district that
would be anchored in his home
town, where oil and gas plays a
large role in the economy.
The Senate had rejected the
House proposal for that region.
Republican Sen. Robert Duncan
of Lubbock was fighting to
maintain the congressional
strength of his hometown.
Existing congressional lines
have Midland in the same dis
trict as Lubbock. It is represent
ed by U.S. Rep. Randy
Neugebaurer, a Republican from
Lubbock, where agriculture
dominates the economy.
Paintbrush may be
key tool in repair
of space shuttle
WASHINGTON (AP) — A simple
foam paintbrush that costs only
pennies at hardware stores could
be an essential tool in returning the
space shuttle to orbit, NASA’s
administrator said Wednesday.
Space agency engineers found
that the brush may be just what
astronauts need to spread a
patching compound on a space
shuttle’s damaged heat shield
while the craft is in orbit.
Designing and testing a way to
repair damage in the shuttle's
heat shield is an important part of
NASA’s efforts to return the space
shuttle to orbit after the Feb. 1
accident that destroyed Columbia
and killed seven astronauts.
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your organization will
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If you have already
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your group picture.
Call 845-2682, if you
have questions.
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