The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 08, 2003, Image 8
Wednesday, October 8, 2003 To olace a classified ad: Business Hours Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building •SOS Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. - SPORTS THE BATTA Turcc notai By Stepln THE ASSOC DALLAS - always knew he turn came lie for the responded will record season. So how does lip to the standai son with a m record 1.72 go; AUTO FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE HELP WANTED ROOMMATES 1986 Plymouth Reliant, 97k miles, CD player, new tires! $760 O.B.O. Call Ra chel 979-268-6838. 2/1.5-duplex off Welch, by bus-stop, avail able now. $700/mo. 512-914-7204; 512- 288-7443. 1996 Chrysler Seabring Convertible. Ma roon, excellent condition, leather. $5900/obo, 979-731-1428. 2bd/2ba apt., 3bd/1.5ba apt. available now. Call 4p.m.-9p.m. 690-6735. Free month at Callaway House. 1bdrm/1lr private suite w/kitchenette. Best parking spot in garage included. Assume lease until May. Call Blake 694-3933/ 1-Sr. Sports Pass for sale. All remaining Football Games including Texas game. $200 o.b.o. 979-219- 0929. 1996 F1-50 extended cab, V8, maroon, all power. $5800 OBO 979-224-2511. 2Bdrm apartment, Bryan. Shuttle route, water paid, ideal for students, $100off of 1st month. Call 936-524-0474. Great rental rates in great locations, Bry an/ College Station, 777-3371. 14x66 Redman Home. 2bd/2ba in Oak- wood Trailer Park. 325-737-2350. DJs needed for the Tune Crew at RDM Audio. For mixers, dances, parties, wed dings, formals, etc. Must own large and diverse music collection and standard 2"- trailer hitch. We supply sound and lights. 979-260-1925. 1M/F roommate needed for brand newM duplex of Graham. Backyard, pets ok Your own bed/bathrooms! No bills urtf' Jan '04! $333/month. Call Derek 5& 9439. 1996 Mustang GT. 5-speed. Black leath er, all power. New tires. $6900. 713- 702-8957. 1998 Galant 63Kmiles. Fully automatic brand new tires. $7100 neg. 435-512- 8663, 2bdrm/1ba very clean, shuttle bus, w/in walking distance of University and stores. $500/mo for lyr. contract; $475/mo 2yr. contract 210-391-4106. Largest 2bedroom in town! W/D. Avail able December $560 764-3902. 2 12” punch speakers w/box, Memphis 400 watt amp, Sony cd player $250 all obo. Email; Driver/ Warehouse help, Saturdays &some weekdays. Good driving record required. $7.50-$8/hr. 779-9010. 2F-roommates needed. 3bd/2ba houseii Rock Prairie. $400/mo +1/3utilities. Inlef- net connection. Please call Sarah 979- 690-9437. 2bdrm/1bth, .5-miles from campus, w/d, water paid, on bus-route. 979-690-4181. Low, Low, rents. Starving grads and budg et minded students, $325/mo. Ibdrm/lba, 5-units available now. 308-310 Ehlinger Dr. Save $$$. 4407 -09 College Main also available. 777-3371. 2 twin beds with box spring &frame $25/ea, king mattress $50, 4 small AC units $60/ea, GE refrigerator $75. 595- 1115 Fat Burger, College Station, delivery driv ers wanted. Apply now. 979-846-4234. 2001 Jeep Cherokee Sport. Mint condition, 43,000miles, $10,900. 979-680-1882; 817-455-6585. 2bdrm/1bth, w/d connections, fenced, new carpet/vinyl, 1406 Bermuda Court, $500/mo. 693-1448. Near TAMU. $925/mo., 209 5229. Clean. 1206 Dexter, Grove $825/mo. 693- 3-senior sports passes for remaining foot ball games. $300 each obo. Email: wbc0618@ netscape, net For Sale 2000 Chevy 1500. CD, kicker speakers, K&N, cat back exhaust, 32in all- terrain tires, grill guard, ranch-hand rear bumper $9200. Eric 512-971-7935. 2bdrm/1bth, w/d connections, water paid, 609 Turner, $395/mo. 693-1448. Hard-top &doors, fits years 1986-1993 Jeep Renegade. Asking $950 for hard-top &$250 for doors. Price negotiable if pur chasing all. 979-251-4568. 2bdrm/2ba w/d connections, fans, micro- wave, fenced, lawn-care, one-yr new, close to A&M. Available now. $700/mo call Kattie 694-8400 Nice 2bdrm./1ba. apartment. Available 2nd-week in October. 3-blks from cam pus. $450/mo. 846-6520. walk 4 piece matching bedroom suite: bed, nightstand, chest of drawers, and dresser with mirror; all wood. $250 OBO 979-220- 2900. Healthy women and men 18yrs+ and not taking hormonal preparations are invited to participate in behavioral research pay ing $10-20 for 1-2hrs of time, for further information, please contact. Dr. Alexand er: or phone 845- 2567. F-Roommate needed. Ibdrm/lba for 32 duplex. Brand new. $350 first month free, huge yard, great place. 575-9049 F-Roommate needed. Available Decem ber!! 4bdrm/4bth, furnished apt. @ B- change on Luther St. $420/mo +1/4bills 979-777-3625. Northgate- Brand New 2/2 and 3/2, to A&M. 846-4076 Cingular Motorola V60 flip phone $100 O.B.O. call 979-739-1759. In home piano/keyboard enthusiast for 15yr. old son for weekly lessons, close to campus. 979-779-2134; 979-260-4293. Dawn or Becky. Female roommate wanted for 3/2 house. On bus route, $325/mo. +1/3utilities. 979- 764-4333. SERVICES Police Impounds! Cars from $500. listings, 800-319-3323 ext.3782. For 3/2 new duplex. 1250sqft. All appliances, w/dhookups, fenced yard, pits ok w/de- posit. $800. Call 830-708-3797. Tan F250 V10 Lariat 2000, CD all power, high mileage, all highway. $16,000 Tom my 405-205-0394. 3/2. $700. W/D. Near shuttle. In CS. Stee plechase area. 979-828-1291. Now leasing 2bdrm/1.5bth and Ibdrm/lbth 4-plexes, close to campus, great location, nice floor plans, shuttle bus, 776-6079, Dave Matthews Band album cover post ers. Crash, Everyday, U.T.A.D., B.T.C.S., Remember 2 Things, plus a few others. All are framed, roughly 22"x28”. $40/each OBO. Call Derek 525-9439. Margarita Rocks in Culpepper Plaza is hir ing kitchen staff. Please apply at 1601 Texas Ave. South. M-F 2pm-5pm 680- 0800. BED AND BREAKFAST 3bd/2ba 2-story brick house close to cam pus &shuttle no pets $900 call 979-690- 0085. Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis,'70, 979- 696-0091. 3bd/2ba duplex, pets OK. Lane 979-764-6712. 2018 Legacy Now Leasing, 2bdrm/1bth fenced yard du plexes, new carpet, new floors, great loca tions, great floor plans. 776-6079, fenced yard ceiling fans, Like new twin mattress set, 20" Magnavox television, oversized dorm refrigerator/ freezer, each $75. Senior Sports pass $220. 695-8123. Movie extras/Models needed. No experi ence required, earn up to $500- $1000/day. 1-888-820-0167 ext.UISI. 3bdrm/1.5bth, near TAMU, 1220-West- over, updated with hardwood floors, $800/mo. 512-563-9797. Spacious 2/1.5, private w/deck, w/d connections large closets A&M bus $550/mo Call 219- 3645 Louis Vuitton Purse. Pink Cherry Blos som Pochette. Brand New, Limited Edi tion, 8.5"x5.5". Sold Out Everywhere! $150. Call Desiree 979-571-0257. Ninfa's is now accepting applications for servers and host positions. Apply in per son between 2-4pm, Mon.-Thurs., 1102 Harvey Rd. AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lols-of fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30ptn). Former student serving you 20yrs. In offi ces above Aggieland Kiva Inn, Ste.200 (next door to Applebee’s). Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price by law. 104 Texas Ave. S. 846-6117. Show-op 30/min. early. y Furnished extended stay apartments. Football game rentals available. Very nice. Yaupon Settlement/7F Lodge. 979- 690-7355 Craig. 3bdrm/2ba all appliances, w/d, covered parking, yard work done. $850/mo Call 776-3083 to see. Sub-lease: 1-bedroom in 2bdrm/1 ba-apt. $250/mo -(-utilities from November. 206C Spruce. 571-8434 One Senior Sports pass for Baylor Game $50 OBO 979-219-2475 Furnished rooms avail.- short term or ex tended stay. All newly remodeled with common area, satellite t.v., internet, w/d on beautiful private acreage. 15 minutes from campus. Call 272-1952. 3bdrm/3bth new duplexes, great floor plan, internet access, tile floors, w/d, now leasing. 776-6079. Sublease 1bdrm/1bth in 3/3 unit. The Zone Apartments. $345/mo. December- May. Call Brian. 979-492-9009. One senior sports pass for sale, remaining home games, including TU. $180 OBO. Please contact 979-764-7491 Office Assistant, Part-Time, Flexible Schedule. Kristen Dist. Co., distributors of Miller, Coors & other fine adult beverages has 2-positions avail. 20-30 hours. Duties include, answer phone, filing, faxing & oth er various office tasks. Apply in person at 1501 Independence Ave., (979)775-6322. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan, 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. Quality Housecleaning affordable rates. References, experience call Stacy at 979- 220-4042. 4bdrm/4bth condominium, University Place, all appliances, ceiling fans, $375/bdrm. (281)444-9612. Sublease 2bdrm/1bth, no-deposit, $465/mo. 979-696-7194 after 8pm. October Free! Senior sports pass for remaining home games. $200/obo. Call 822-9144 or email Partner’s now hiring delivery drivers, Flexible hours, good pay, apply at 113 Walton, CollegeStation or at Spa Medic, 774-6032. The First and only medi-spa in Aggieland. Offering facials, massages, pedicures, permanent hair re moval, acne treatments, leg vein treat ments and much more. COMPUTERS Custom built performance PC’s. Call Wire less Works for student specials. 979-694- 5315. Apartment for rent available end of De cember. Big Ibd/lba 512-809-0508 email mannidee @ Sulphur Springs at South College. 4/2/1 house totally remodeled. Hardwood floors. $1400/mo. Ready now! 979-224- 0675. Senior sports pass, all games for only $175. Includes U.T. game. Contact Joe at 979-694-8148, leave message and phone number. Dell Dimension PIII-700. 20GB, hard- drive, CD-ROM, Ethernet card, sound, keyboard, &mouse included. Operations system &monitor not included. $300. Jason 979-219-0042 Attractive large Ibdrm 4-plex apartment, w/d, built-in bookcase, large covered deck overlooking woods, 1.5mi from campus. No Pets. $485/mo 1-936-273-2479. Washers & Dryers For Rent Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 Stop paying rent. 2bed/2bth trailer house in Oak Forest in College Station. $7000 979-412-1635. W/D $250, Ref. $150, upright $150. Call Jason 220-3665 freezer FOR RENT Bryan 2bd/1ba Quiet, Quiet, owner occu pied, $400 month. Excellent condition ex cellent for Grad or Married student. Call Bill 846-3864 after 4:00p.m. Yaupon Settlement- Country living, Well born, 2/1 duplex, short and long leases. Now leasing spring $550/mo. 979-690- 7355 Craig. Washers/Dryers for sale. $100-$250. 764-3902 Great shape Why rent, buy 1 to 11 3bd/2ba duplex. 2004 Legacy Lane 806-794-9791. *Now Leasing, 2bdrm/1bth duplexes, 2bdrm/1.5bth 4-plexes, new 3bdrm/3bth duplexes. Great locations, close campus, nice properties, fenced yard, w/d connec tions, 776-6079, College Station- 5/2 close to campus, $1300/mo, 571-8010, newly remodeled. FOR SALE HELP WANTED Comer of Villa Maria &Cavitt. 1/1 upstairs apartment. $350/mo. Available now. 979-224-0675. 1 -3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $175-$600/mo. 696- 2038. Duplex 3614 Oldenburg and 1711 Rock Hollow. 3/3 $950 3/2 $750. C.I.E. Janette 979-820-1325. 1-senior sports pass for remaining football games $200 OBO and 2-senior sports passes for Baylor game $35/each OBO. Call 847-8431 IBartending! $300/day potential. No expe rience necessary. Training provided. 1- 800-965-6520 ext. 115. 1616 George Bush Drive, secure 3bd/2bth brick home CH/CA, double-car garage & carport. Open daily 325-656-2324. Free DVD!!! Duplex, 2/1, W/D-conn., fenced, no-deposit, $579/mo 450-0098, 764-5969. 2-bdrm barn apartment 5 miles from Post Oak Mall. 979-774-1337. New duplexes Edelweiss Gartens, 3/3, re frigerator, w/d. $895/mo. Call Mike Cald well, Coventry Glen Realty at 979-846- 2894 or 979-777-5446. Answer to previous puzzle E o U D A E A T E S □ R | P H H S L O S S 03 Q F 1 T B a Air E □ □ L R □ □ L B 1 B L O E p A U L L A C E dI 1 L K S 1 A M O K Ha N Y 1 $■ HUE E C I T A G O O R U S E Tl L O L A L ONE R S T ■ E P 1 C V 1 T O T E L L s A R L E T P 1 O E V A s L E L L O NR O E N E OS Th E D s U B S O u s E S P R E E N T E S T S 10/8/03 Your Irish Home for the Texas A&M Ags. G RI LL & TAVERN® 1505A Texas Ave. South Culpepper Plaza 979.696.9066 Aggie Bucks Accepted #7 College Ski a Board Week BrnmiBM Shi 20 Mountains a, j 5 Resorts tor the ..._ _ Price oil v. ^ Breck, Uail,^ Beavercreek, 3 --.q Arapahoe Basin & Kevstone Ku.aski wm-Mo -I -SOO-7 r S*4-Q-^53 www.m —as A rapidly growing Internet communications company is hiring part-time technical sup port representatives to work evenings and weekends. Great opportunity for students. Basic knowledge of computers, Internet and email required. Send resume via email to Bartender Trainees Needed! $250/day potential. Local positions. 1-800-293- 3985 ext.542. Programming Positions Part-Time. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. de signs, sells and supports the most sophis ticated IT system in our industry, manag ing some of the largest auto dealerships in the world. Our marketplace is fast-paced and constantly growing. We currently have the following openings: Software/ Web Development positions prefer expe rience in Visual C, C++, JavaScript, Visual Basic, SQL and ASP. 15-25 hour work week required. COBOL Programming positions require some programming knowledge and COBOL skills desired. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or MIS preferred. Must be able to work mini mum of 20 hours per week. These posi tions involve a mixture of enhancements to existing programs and new program de velopment, as well as documentation and testing. UCS offers referral bonuses, free on site gym and opportunity to grow and be challenged. Non-tobacco users only. EOE. To apply, please call or visit our website. UCS, Inc. Attn: ad #1098, 200 Quality Circle, College Station, TX 77845, 595-2609. Email: careers @ TRAVEL ***Act Now! Book 11 people, get 12thtrip- free. Group discounts for 6+. Of 800-838-8202. PAT GREEN AND CORY MORROWSfi TRIP. WWW.BIGSKITRIP.COM 1-» 754-8447. Spring Break 2004- Travel with STS, America’s #1 Student Tour Operator to Ja- : maica, Cancun, Acapulco, Bahamas and Florida. Now hiring on-campus reps. Call; for group discounts. Information/ Reset vations 1 -800-648-4849 Spring Break- sign up with Student Ex press and get FREE roundtrip airline tick ets to over 15 International destinations- including Aruba, Dominican republic, Cos ta Rica, Caribbean hot spots and more, Why go with anyone else? Limited offer- call now. Commission rep positions available 1-800-787-3787 www.studentex- Cashier, evening shift Tigerland Express. Apply corner of Rock Prairie and Well born. Receptionist needed. Responsible, nicely groomed. Hours T/R 8:30am-7pm and ev ery evening from 4-7pm. Call 695-0327 Riviera Day Spa. WINTER AND SPRING BREAK. Ski Beach Trips on sale no or call 1-800-SUN- CHASE todayl Cleaning commercial buildings at night, M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. Secret shoppers needed. Pose as a customer and get paid. Local stores, the ater, &restaurants, flexible hours, e-mail required. Call 1-800-585-9024 ext.6086. TUTORS Cliff’s Burgers now hiring counter help, call Brad, 778-5863 to apply by appoint ment. SIX DAYS. NO NIGHTS. (you can sleep when you die) Newsday Crossword GO A FEW ROUNDS by Fred Piscop Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 Lhasa locale 5 Way out there 9 “Welcome” offerers 13 Camera accessory 14 Garden access 15 Nouveau 16 Well- informed 18 Out-and-out 19 Bronte character 20 Faddish jewelry 22 Tax mo. 24 NYC subway org. 26 Boob tube 27 Moses’ mount 29 Rotten kid 32 UFO pilots 33 Bock holder 34 Staffers 36 Theater section 40 Stand in good 41 Fab Four member 44 Stipulations 47 Novelist Ferber 48 Composer Dvorak 49 Stumble over 52 Soup taste 54 Misfortune 55 ’50s fad 58 Big truck 60 Travel pro 61 Rousing applause, familiarly 65 Bel _ (operatic style) 66 Angelic topper 67 One of three squares 68 Cockpit figs. 69 Mgr.'s helper 70 Doing nothing DOWN 1 Baba 2 DC fig. 3 Did a new doctor’s job 4 Pale-faced 5 Shoelace end 6 Toy merchant Schwarz 7 Bit to split 8 Taken-back car 9 Anglican headdress 10 On the roster 11 1995 Bullock thriller 12 Suit materials 15 Ill-mannered 17 Fur sources 21 Fur source 22 Balaam’s mount 23 Indy stop 25 Humiliated 28 Go public with 30 Costa (San Jos6 native) 31 Nike rival 35 Abraded 37 Dictation pro 38 Architect Maya 39 Tangled up 42 Sticky stuff 43 1300 hours 44 Cornell’s city 45 Thrifty 46 Like early ’20s movies 50 Trousers 51 “ be in England . . .” 53 ‘This _ a drill!” 56 Dept, of Labor org. 57 School orgs. 59 Chevalier song 62 Capone and Capp 63 Guy’s sweetie 64 Bullfight cheer #7 Choice tor over 19 years! SPRING BREAK COMCUN ACAM^VHSO ~ UNIVERSITY MAZATLnN —BEACH CLUB" - . BRECKENRIOGE Tf TjCLT VJUI BEAVER CREEK WitxijrjVL KEYSTONE A-BASIN mtomm Wanted, interdisciplinary teacher for 12 students in grades 6-12. 20hrs/wk for high tech school. Interest in teaching re quired, should be reliable, proactive, needs a positive attitude and willingness to work with kids, see web-site www.thea- $7.50/hr and up send resumes to or Study Japanese? Experienced native in structor since 2001, A&M Ph.D. student contact Takahashi, 713-385-0814, 979- 696-0605, studyjapanese @ MOTORCYCLE 1998Honda F3 CBR600 sportbike. 13,000mi, red/black $4100/obo. Call Aar on 979-676-1284. 2000 Triumph TT-600. 1500-miles. New tires. $4900. 713-702-8957. 2001 Yamaha R-6. Great looking bike, 4200mi, hindel exhaust, $6,000. 979-571- 7391. It's tiMZ tv pick I f uOtAT kcok- STUDIES IN PROGRESS 2002 Suzuki GSXR600 Telefonica edition, rare, must see! 10,000miles $5500 979- 571-2413. MUSIC ATHLETE’S FOOT STUDY Volunteers, ages 17 and older, with athlete’s foot needed to participate in a research study with an investigational topical medication. Study related office visits, testing and study medication are provided at no cost and eligible volunteers will receive financial compensation for participation. Call for more information. FACIAL ACNE STUDY Female volunteers, ages 16-45, needed to partici pate in a research study with an investigational oral medication. Eligible volunteers will receive: * Free Medical Exams * Free Dermatological Exams * Free Study Medication * Compensation up to $1,000 for their time and effort Call for more information. YEAST INFECTION STUDY i 2 3 M 5 6 7 8 I 13 § 14 16 19 20 33"" f.'! 9 10 11 12 1 ’ 5 r 26 32 Females, ages 18 and older, are being recruit ed to participate in a research study for an investigational medication for the treatment of a yeast infection. If you are currently expe riencing vaginal burning, itching or irritation, call for more information. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. ATOPIC DERMATITIS STUDY (ECZEMA) Volunteers, ages 18 and older, needed to participate in a 4-week clinical research study with an invest! gational topical medication for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Eligible volunteers will receive at • Study related cream • Physical examination • Dermatological assessments • Compensation up to $120 for time and travel Call for more information. FACIAL ACNE STUDY "53 61 62 63 66 I 67 69 70 Volunteers, ages 12 and older, needed to par ticipate in a 12-week clinical research study with an investigational topical medication for the treatment of facial acne. All eligible volun teers will receive free medical exams, study medication, and be compensated for their time and effort. Call for more information. DIAPER RASH STUDY Infants and children up to four years of age who wear store bought diapers day and night are needed to participate in a clinical research trial for diaper rash. Five office visits are required Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $125. Call for more information. "Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. Established Alternate Country/ Americana band looking for a replacement bass play er. Bryanbased, moderate travel, serious musicians only. Contact Chris @(713)703-2625. RDM Audio’s Tune Crew available for TA MU functions, private parties, special events, holidays, weddings. Sound, Light, fog. All dates, great rates. Discount pack ages available. 979-260-1925 PETS A.K.C. Black lab puppies. Big block heads, dewclaws removed, first shots giv en, $250. 979-778-3787 leave message. Fabulous Felines for adoption! $50 in cludes all but rabies. The Cat’s Cradle 979-820-0599. REAL ESTATE Come fix me up. 2bdrm/1ba house, 1,232sq/ft, ,5acre, 38K. Won’t last. 255- 1852. CREATORS SYNDICATE 0 3003 STANLEY NEWMAN STANXWORDSOAOL.COM 10/8/03 J&S Studies, Inc. The Physician Centre • 979-774-5933 3201 University Dr. E., Suite 475 Bryan, Texas 77802 ROOMMATES large 4bdrm $270/mo, utilities shared, house. Call 979-777-7052. M/F roommate needed. 2/1 Duplex w/ yard. $250/mo. 979-255-8949. G etting your 2003 Agg/e/aw/yearbook is easy. If you ordered a book, look for the distribution table in front of the Reed McDonald Building. (Goto the Reed McDonald base ment in case of inclement weather.) Please bring your Student ID. If you did not order last year's Texas A&M University yearbook (the 2002-2003 school year), you may purchase one for $40 plus tax in Room 015 Reed McDonald. Hours: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Cash, check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express, Aggie Bucks accepted. 2003 Aggieland age.' He doesn’t. “That’s so ngl’ll never get. It was a m cal season,” Tt “I won’t breaking records, but doesn’t mean ’t be a be goaltender. Th lat I’m stan accomp In now.” Turco is driv' by the goal ofwi a Stanley C is came up such an incredibl for Turco and the Year two wit! die pipes begins^ the Stars p season opener aj The Mighty Dt lop-seeded Dal la round of last s< Conference playc "It’s tough to i in your first year; and put up thosi bers," said Stan Modano. “Anyth are going to be w wrong with Man can’t copy those l Turco’s regula ed a 31-10-10 re best .932 save pc gOVePf ASS TKXj'VS A&V efvfef: V efvfefi Class c Vote Rui Octobei Vote at tt Campii! efvfGZfi Hoke 1 . Drum Set; From $ All Cyml 505! Drum Hon Through tl Oct 1665 S.l College £ 979-65