The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 06, 2003, Image 4

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Cicjt PlzzA
Monday, October 6, 2003
Drink & Tax
College Station
We, Acc&bfr
College Station Location only
Ck’s w/Approved I.D.
Under the Tuscan Sun
Touchstone Pictures
Starring Diane Lane
Texas A&M University
Pre-Law Society
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The University of Houston Law Center
on Tuesday, October 7.
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to hear Dean Tennessee discuss law school
and then participate in a question and
answer session with the dean.
The Pre-Law Society hopes
to see you on Tuesday!
Tuesday, October 7 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
MSC Flagroom, Walkway, & Rudder Fountain Area
& *
“Under the Tuscan Sun” provides viewers with more than just
beautiful scenery. Based on the idea that there are always second
chances in life, director Audrey Wells expands on Frances Mayes’
book of the same title.
Frances Mayes (Diane Lane) is a writer and a critic who is strug
gling through a divorce. When her friend Patti (Sandra Oh) becomes
pregnant and no longer wants to travel, she offers Frances her tick
et for a 10-day cruise to Italy.
Once Frances is in Italy, she sees an advertisement for the sale of
an Italian villa. She buys the villa, named “Bramasole,” which means
something that yearns for the sun, and moves to Cortona, Italy.
Frances learns that life has a way of working things out through
dealing with yet another heartbreak and Patti’s move to Italy
because of her split with her girlfriend.
In the beginning of the movie, Frances tells Martini (Vincent
Riotta), her Italian contractor and new friend, that she wants to have
a marriage, a family and people to cook for, all in the house.
All of Frances’ wishes come true as she even has a new
boyfriend. A Polish boy working in the villa and a local Italian girl
get married outside the villa in the garden. Patti has the baby — thus
making the family — and Frances’ new friends move in and give her
someone to cook for.
Wells uses extraordinary directing skills to portray characters
that many people can relate to. Lane brings out the part of Frances
that everyone yearns for — the willingness to take a chance on a
new life. She sends the viewers the message that life is not some
thing to be afraid of. Like the name of the villa she buys, Frai
longs for a new light in her life. Rather than moping over
divorce, she decides to take a chance and succeeds.
“Under the Tuscan Sun” enhances the typical story aboutmakig
a life change. The setting of an Italian countryside offers viewers
chance to see something special. Rather than simply change care®,
Frances buys a house in a foreign country and completely reci
structs her life, proving that fear is only another four-letter word
While the movie teaches an excellent lesson, some men
inevitably avoid it because of the romantic nature. Although ii
be labeled a chick flick due to its message and warmth of the tat
this is one chick flick that should be seen by all.
-Lauren Roraei
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If a 6-foot piece of bubble gum is injected with a gallon of sugar
and covered with frosting, it still wouldn’t amount to the sugary
sweetness that Smash Mouth's new CD “Get the Picture?”
emanates. A band that was originally founded by Los Angeles’ cov
eted alternative radio station KROQ, Smash Mouth has fallen from
the good graces of rock fans and into the colorful yet tacky world of
pop rock.
The album opens with the the track “Hang On” which is the
band’s attempt at imparting its life lessons learned. The song falls
short of its goal due to lead vocalist Steve Harwell’s singing style,
which is screechy and suffocating. Harwell’s difficult vocals are
only part of the many problems that plagues the CD.
The first radio single off the CD, “You are my Number One,” has
a repetitive electronic tone that makes it sound like it was inspired
by an ice cream truck.
The quality of the lyrics is even worse than penny novels,
because they rhyme shameless lullabies. This feature can be seen
blatantly on the track “New Planet” which warns, “We need a new
planet/You were a rock but I took you for granite.” Other hum-drum
tracks on the CD include the simple titles “Fun,” “Hot” and “105”
which give off the impression that the song titles were chosen after
a sub-par game of scrabble.
As if its complete transition to the pop genre didn’t send a clear
message to its listeners, Smash Mouth includes a sappy track called
“Seventh-Grade Dance” to its mix of quasi-rock tracks. If that does
n’t repulse a rock fan, then not much will.
The tracks on “Get the Picture” don't even match up to their its
older hits such as “I’m a Believer” and “Can’t Get Enough ofyw
Baby.” Although the older tracks still require patience to appreci*
they at least got an ‘E’ for effort.
“Get the Picture?” seals Smash Mouth's fate as the perfect wV
band for the demographic of 6-12 year olds. On the blight sif/e, it is
a means for true rock fans to keep their younger siblings sticky fin
gers off their Weezer CDs for a few more years.
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NEW YORK —Bruce Springsteen ended a 14-month concert tow I
near where he began geographically — a quick pink Cadillac ride from f
his New Jersey home — but in a markedly different climate.
Springsteen and his E Street Band, with Bob Dylan as a one-si
guest, wrapped it up Saturday on a Shea Stadium stage, across# I
Hudson River from where their tour began in August 2002 in northern
New Jersey. In the intervening months, they performed for morefpl
2 million people around the world.
“Welcome to the last dance,” Springsteen said to nearly 50,(
fans. “I’m getting a little misty right about now.”
For the New York region, the epicenter of the Boss’ popularity, # J
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were a fresher wound when the tour started.
He opened with an infrequently performed song, “Code of|
Silence,” featuring the angry lyrics: “We keep pretending that there’s
nothing wrong. It’s a code of silence and it can’t go on.”
Later, Springsteen criticized leaders “playing with the truth durins I
wartime.” Although in recent concerts he’s flashed a video clip of |
President Bush talking about weapons of mass destruction, Springsteen
mentioned no names Saturday, and carefully noted that such things had |
happened in both Republican and Democratic administrations.
“It’s a good time to be good, vigilant citizens, demanding account
ability from our leaders,” he said. “Taking time to search out for the]
truth is the American way. I learned that from Bob Dylan.”
Dylan was a surprise guest during Springsteen’s first encore, draw- j
ing a huge roar from the crowd. He performed “Highway 61
Revisited” with the E Street Band before disappearing offstage.
Upon reuniting a few years ago, the E Street Band stuck mo
with material at least 20 years old. Now they’re digging deepen
Springsteen’s songbook.
Springsteen’s tour is likely to fall just short of being the most lucra
tive concert tour of all time in North America — a $121.2 million record
set by the Rolling Stones in 1994, according to Pollstar magazine.
It included a stunning 13 stadium dates this summer and fall in the
New York area alone — 10 at Giants Stadium and the final three at
Shea Stadium. The schedule was designed to ensure that anybody who
wanted to see the show could find a ticket.
The night ended a few minutes before midnight with band members
lined up onstage, holding hands, singing, “Blood Brothers.”
“Til we meet again,” Springsteen said, and left with a wave.
THE BATTAL1I kfonday, October
By Marl
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