AGGIELK STATE THE BATTALK qHH BATTALION faces nts ortunity in his very Si. n said. “This willbti happened to thisscli ement.” fake Forest Univers orth Carolina kin York City mi ael Bloomberg, i d to speak at thn y this year, think he'll be iniert that he's the mayor fork City at an exm / time in history,' Forest spokesr Cox. e announcement is speaker at cn :ment can attract who would othen end the event couple of not interested (ina mient) until theyfo ho was coming, class president Efe t. a communication; “They said, ‘Are elutsky? We're deli 5A Thursday, April 24, 2003 Abortion data may be tracked n as excited to spei ar them. Alejandro Toledo.* 1 University, peimi lent John Hermes ation. » way to make a spot I. senior assistanttoi be fair to say iagemess.” “there was sono: rment” between Bl es said. “I think in one who knows; : there.” 218,000 copies. Worley’s ‘‘Have j ” came in at No. 4 . ipies sold, tie track, i the No. 1 country ttiii ttry. veek’s top albm