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THE BATTALIOfi New arena not yet paying dividends By Mark Babineck THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HOUSTON — As the clock counts down to the opening of their new down town arena, the Houston Rockets have yet to sell about two-thirds of the building’s 94 luxury boxes that were among the main reasons they wanted a new taxpayer- backed home. Team President George Postolos said Tuesday that the $200 million, 775,500- square-foot arena is on schedule to open for concerts and other events in September. He also said he’s confident the Harris County/Houston Sports Authority will reach a buyout agreement on the Rockets’ lease at Compaq Center, which runs through the first month of the NBA season. Many of the suites that have sold are among the best in the house, Postolos said, but some prime suites remain available. “Not all the good ones are gone,” Postolos said during a news conference at the team’s downtown sales office, which includes a mock suite. “People still have time to get down here.” The Rockets complained that Compaq Center, the NBA’s second-oldest arena, didn’t have the luxury boxes and other moneymaking amenities needed to allow the franchise to remain financially compet itive. The arena, built in 1976, was among the first to have such suites and boasts 20 skyboxes above the upper deck. At least one of those tenants, Dynegy Inc., said Tuesday it will not re-up at the new arena as it and other companies tight en their belts during difficult economic times. Dynegy spokesman John Sousa said the Houston-based company sometimes donated use of its suite to several charita ble organizations this season rather than use it to wine and dine clients. Dynegy is ditching its suite as part of its “continuing focus on reducing our admin istrative costs,” Sousa said. Also unresolved is the name of the building, which currently operates under the working title of Houston Arena. Postolos said he has a short list of Houston companies as well as a list of national and international companies, some of which he said were attracted to the Rockets because of the buzz generated by Chinese center Yao Ming. “It may not be a traditional sports advertiser,” Postolos said. Like the suite sales and the Compai Center lease, Postolos said he was confktai a naming rights deal would be in plat: before the 2003-04 season. But also liketii other issues, there’s work left to be done. The new arena boasts 18,500 new seat some of which already have been installs in the second deck. The building increase seating capacity by 2,250 and capacity!! the lower bowl, which Postolos said fan; have told them they prefer, by 2,800 u nearly 10,000. Postolos added that 2,500 of the seal; — more than the total added capacity- will cost $25 or less, he hoped won! appeal to fans who can’t afford thehipk dollar seats. Improvements fans should notice ove Compaq Center will be wider concourses more restrooms and concession stands ait! the highest resolution video screens in tit NBA, a title Postolos said is currently he! by the Dallas Mavericks’ new home. “We appreciate the high standard the; set,” Postolos said of American Airlines Center, which opened in 2001. “Buts technology has advanced, we’re in post tion where we’ll be able to have incredih! high-resolution screens.” Texans narrow field of draft selections Ag Football 2003 Recruit Video Actual game footage of all 24 recruits Great Graduation, Mother or Father Day Gifts! J 30 retail / J 24 student price with reference code: 702003 in special instructions Shipping/Handling and tax are included. Order your copy today at or send money order or credit card information to: 14173 Northwest Freeway # l 27 JHouston.TX 77040^ _ j Name j j Street Address or PO Box j j City, State Zip Code j j Credit Card Payment (check one) Visa MasterCard j i Card Number Exp. Date i ! Signature ! ! 2003 Recruit Video - DVD VHS ! I I By Mark Babineck THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HOUSTON — The Houston Texans have narrowed down the potential choices for their No. 3 overall pick to two players, assuming they don’t trade it, general manager Charley Casserly said Tuesday. Casserly, addressing reporters ahead of Saturday’s draft, for obvious reasons couldn’t name names, but said the team theoret ically would have two players with whom to begin negotiating if Cincinnati and Detroit use their picks as expected. “We have settled on a cou ple of players and we’ll make a final decision in which ones we’ll take before Saturday’s draft,” Casserly said, adding that they’ve also placed a trade value on each of their picks and will “entertain trades” now through their time on the clock. If the Bengals were to take Southern Cal quarterback Carson Palmer and the Lions pick Michigan State receiver Charles Rogers, conventional wisdom leaves the Texans to choose from names such as Miami receiver Andre Johnson, Arizona State defensive end Terrell Suggs, Kansas State cornerback Terence Newman and Utah offensive lineman Jordan Gross. Casserly also predicted that if a team were to trade up for the Texans’ pick, it would be a short jump up the board rather than a fran chise moving from far back in the first-round pack. He added that the team has set a limit on how far down it’s will ing to trade. He also reminded reporters that the first pick isn’t the only one of its league-high 13 that the Texans could trade. “We’ll be flexible in every round, trading up or down,” he said. “We would like to CASSERLY acquire picks for next year." Overall, Casserly gavehig! marks to the available cropd wide receivers and defensivt linemen, while saying thepo«! of running backs and offenshc tackles “maybe not as strait as in other drafts.” Casserly drew a child! when asked if he and oil general managers read mater als written by “draftniks”$uct as ESPN’s Mel Kiper Jr. ai! Ourlads Scouting Services Casserly said he receives ani reads the information, taking I few nuggets away here an: there, but would never base: draft on such publications. “It’s good stall reading.j Casserly said. I NEW SHIPMENT OF LOOSE DIAMONDS! 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Staff Positions: 1) Why do you want to be on the staff? 2) What prior experience do you have that relates to the position you are applying for? Applications Are Due By 5 p.m. Thursday, April 24 If you have any questions, please call 845-2681 or drop by our office. T A r Til JL lik didn’t kn eligibility In 19< tuition re within fo more tha requirem $1,000 re terms ‘lo describee tions in tl But ol hours Inc courses, ( Placemer Sa Jou I n 20' sulta jourt Texas A lacking Since th mem an undergo luring ai such as of stude under th quality ( remove option. Althc able imj should t inate it. It is i Plagued with. Jo their rec ratio is ] ments w the requ more co to shave which c accordir adviser Beca the dep£ manage; the prog 2.75 CP Passing test that ualism r Whili alleviatr gram, bi istrative also mae Elim like a qi be detrii With: A&M w despite toward > top lean