The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 17, 2003, Image 18
We Are America r s # V Brake Service Company! 6B Thursday, April 17, 2003 SPORI' THE BATTALIOI fCARKEEPER* BRAKES 1 ,Wd-Marf r~~i 2818 1 YEAR/12,000 MILE WARRANTY 99 I I I I I I I LIFETIME ySFBRAKES I 9 Front dist or roar shoes Installation extra 99 Ae i> 99 I i „ ^ JMklos SIi^j Ask For Kevin Store Hours: Mon~Sa! 7:00am-6:00pni 2715 $. Texas Ave - (979) 764-1844 ■aaaa>a»ani«n»a>iaMaMaai^ LUBE, OIL • & FILTER ! 95 ^ MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM ^ ^ I MIDAS MAINTENANCE ■ i ■ TUNE-UP M $Ao" MBHI 4-cylinder Per axle Installation extra 1 Many con, igfcf hucks and vom ‘There may be sAstarid extra coit (or odJManal oorfs and labor. Cocpo* must be preseitod at tine of porchase. See manager for details ond warranty terms. Not good wilb orry other offer. At paitkipaMRg shops only. Expires 08/31/03. *69!t<. , SVL.. | • iNstol mw sptvk plugs • Adjust idk speed, sd liming Of eppikoUe} * • Inspect choke, fhrottte, Moge, spark plug wires and dhtnbelor rap | Many an, ight tracb and vom. IroRsverse, H mqm end K/C interference extra [ . ‘Ihere may be sr^stontiol exDa cost for odihonaf ports ond lobar (oepot Rwst be , I presented ol Ime of port hose. Not good with any other offet At patklpoMg shops j *0+ Expres 06/31/03 15 Cuban starts fund for war familiei By Hanna Lobel THE ASSOCIATED PRESS JOrtzadber • UpTo 5Qts. 10W30 Oil •Most Cars Slight Trades • Diesel Vehicles Excluded • Synthetic Oil Extra Coupon must bo preontxl at lint of purchase. Not good wrth otw oft, *t paliripoling shop only. Oftx inrt 08/31/03. TOTAL CAR CARE Free Wheel Balance With Tire Purchase! DALLAS — Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban announced Wednesday that he will match up to $1 million in donations to a fund his foun dation created to help families of U.S. military personnel killed or seriously injured in Iraq. “The kids, the wives, the spouses of those who are not returning, they didn’t sign up to go to war,” Cuban said dur ing a news conference. “All they know is that their loved ones went to serve their coun try and didn’t return.” The money will help fami lies pay for immediate needs such as funeral costs, mort gage payments and other bills, Cuban said. According to the Pentagon, 125 U.S. military personnel have died in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Donations can be made via the Web site or at branches of Bank CUBAN of America, which is starting the account® matching employee donations from $25 to $51 Dou Hutt, President of Bank of Amen; Dallas, said the company had about 200emplii] ees called to active duty. Cuban said he was moved to start the prop after watching the names of U.S. casualties strei- across the bottom of television news programs “I would sit there with my wife andjuslsa the names go across and it just didn’t seemrifi that it was just a name across the ticker on Cafe News Network (CNN),” Cuban said. The billionaire said he had been blessed everything the United States has to offer® feels oligated to support those putting then selves in harm’s way. Speaking just a few tar before the Mavericks’ last regular season Cuban was careful to point out that the fund*; not a team endeavor. ‘‘This is something that transcends 4 court,” Cuban said. But he added that he! the players would contribute. “I’ll certainly be encouraging them Cuban said. id-eas happen PITCH youR® For a Shot AT brought to you BV VISA Oh rt> 9 fa TC ? 3 g 9 o 3 Ho pwrckflSfc necc-ssaoj +o e-n+er or ma. Void ui'accc proh/b/'+cJ. Open -fo M.S. resident, Coft+e-sT s-har+s 3/3/03 and ends 7/\/03. Foriomple-f-e ConFes-t oWcial Kales, including en+rq dedcaK viSi+ ©zoos v;s« U.S.A. *c. XocU+au,* ^ ©zoos TWW n Cowboys Continued from page 1E| first, the Cowboys around three times, compil 15 hits and scored 15 Fields hit for the cycle in4j game and finished four for with four RBIs. The Cowboys have sa 45 runs in their last tb games, which included a t«i game split with No. 16 Bayl Still, Johnson said histei should be able to enter game with some confideiwl after pulling together for victory against UTA. “It helps the momentum, he said. “We" got (against UTA), but we cans back together and got it goii We’d like to keep it going." Friday’s game will be I first of a three-game serisl between the Aggies and OSll and the first pitch is schedule; for 7 p.m. at Olsen Field. | The remaining two game of the series will be played at p.m. on Saturday and 2 pj on Sunday. SPORTS IN BRIEf Basketball team signs JUCO playe! Texas A&M Head Basketlii Coach Melvin Wat kin announced Wednesday tb 6-foot-1 junior point guaii Bobby Leach has signedi national letter of intent! play basketball for the Aggie next season. Leach was also recruitedlt! Oklahoma State and Aubuif before deciding to atterf A&M. Leach played last season! Neosho Community Collef in Chanute, Kan. and ranlffll fourth nationally in assists with 9.1 assists per game. He also averaged 16J points per game and lef Neosho to a 23-9 record. "We are very excited tti! Bobby has decided he want; to be an Aggie basketbal; player," Watkins said. "V# Bobby and the four playe! we signed in November, vf feel we are bringing in ol best recruiting class to daii and we are looking forwaiJ to working with these youif men." Leach will be joining freslt men LaKeith Blanks, AcieU IV, Justin Loewe and Marion Pompey as the recruitial class for next season. MLB begins review of game security Major League Baseball will begin a review of its securitf policies following an attach on one of its umpire* Tuesday night in Chicago, j A fan charged the field duf' ing the White Sox-Royal*; game, causing concern attta park, which is set to hosttfif; All-Star Game in less than three months. MLB officials and €001# sioner Bud Selig visited UT Cellular Field to investigate, the assault and plan to in# ment new security measure* at all ballparks nationwide. The event occurred seven; months after a similar attack j on a first base coach at the j same stadium.