The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 11, 2003, Image 2
M M ■■ i« I HI 111 ■ ■ ■ ■ L Welcome Aggie Parents Treat yourself with a trip to... 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BUFFET RESTAURANT FRESH SEAFOOD BUFFET • Fresh Oysters • Mussels • King Crab Legs • Sushi • Salmon • Roast Duck Mongolian BBQ available all day long! YOUR CHOICE OF FRESH FOOD • MADE WHILE YOU WATCH! LUNCH BUFFET DINNER BUFFET $5 55 $■7 75 Mon.-Sat. Mon.-Sat. 11:00am-4 :OOpm 4:30pm-9:30pm 10% Discount with Student ID Texas Ave.S WE ARE HERE BRENTWOOD SQUARE SHOPPINGCENTER 2402-D Texas Avenue S. ^ College Station, TX Parkway Square Shopping Center (Next to Stein Mart) 694-7959 • 694-7482 2A Friday, April 11, 2003 THE BATTALK Fish by R.DeLuna Mays Hev , You REMEMBER oue FRlE/Ub OTTo > He's 6ettiog X 6ot My incite /vlA/0, H£'S RGB! boesM-r THAT SEEM iooMO To BE CEfTi/OG CARRIE D >> I MEAO, THATS A PRErrr SERiooS CortniTrtEA>T U)£LL, T'M REA&Y. 'O/JCE 1 f,aJC> "Vi THE RlG»HT 6lRL, SHE'LL BE the One ujHo MEEDS To BE iCoMMtTTED* UE all CAU67HT The Pun. Alo AJEED To /M/^kE AM IMSAME ASYLUM ^oKg. X SHoold LictC' Continued from page www.rdeluno.comTT^ Cube of Xoe NO THANKS. I LIKS TO KSEP MY SUOOP PRSS- surs at a t-evei. THAT LETS ME SURVIVE SCARES LIKE THOSE. OH COME NOW. look how rouva ANP HEALTHY YOU ARE ANP SUCH A STRONS PULSf. . ► I'LL SET < YOUR SLOOP IS JUST PfcRFeCTLY P2LISHTFUL eRM.. x sues* r 9tAL.LV OUOMT TO VPOP THt WUT’ C WAAA. NSisS PellHK2n by J2sh DSrwm CHECK TOUT, GUYS' THIS IS MY NEH LOOK. novj no one w\u. MAke FUN OF MV BAVCj HCAD. DM, SORRY TO SAVTHIS RUSS, BUT THAT MAKES YOU LOOK UK£ OME Of those guvs who's in A WOSSY BoT 6ANP BUT STILL DA MTS TO LOOK. TOUGH. / AAMU06HH!// cQ to have someone of Mi stature serving as chairman, In its list of the 400 licit Americans, Forbes Magat: estimated Mays’ personal tune at $1 billion. Mays recently tesi before a congressional coit tee to fend off criticism Clear Channel is a monop that engages in unethical be ness practices to muscle as competitors. Before the meeting, K and White were sworn in former Texas Supreme Co Chief Justice John Hill. White and Nye are Ai graduates. Nye said he is pi of the A&M Univer System’s progress during years as regent, but there is much work to be done. “1 still have my unworn law school T-shirt,” said chairman ofTXU Corp.,aDL based energy conglomerate. White, a Houston attorn said he was honored that Pi chose him to help lead A&M System. “When my term is ovt hope people can say 1 sen: well, that I served withi: ty and courage," White said las 4 idden Iraq Continued from page! Culture Continued from page 1A by promoting understanding among students. “This bill was brought to us by students from public universi ties in Texas, who are concerned with the lack of understanding and sensitivity at our universi ties,” Chavez said. Various forms of HB 2555 have failed to pass in the legislature for the past 10 years. Critics have expressed concerns that the extra require ment would place too much pressure on students. “We grant the institutions of higher education the flexi bility they need to appropriate ly incorporate this requirement into their degree plans, mean ing that students will not have to take more hours than they currently take, but will attain a more complete education,” Chavez said. A&M currently requires students to take six hours of social science as part of the University core curriculum. “A&M went through this process several years ago. We have course requirements that draw from those areas,” said Martha Louder, chair of the sub committee on the status of women for the A&M Faculty Senate. While the list of classes that satisfy the social science requirement includes multi cultural and gender studies, other classes on the list include economics and horti culture. HB 2555 would specifically require multicul tural or gender studies and allow these classes to count for more than one require ment. Students’ opinions about the bill are mixed. “Studying a different cul ture would be helpful to any one,” said Bereket Bisrat, a junior international studies major and press secretary for the African American Student Coalition. “Students won’t take it unless they are com pelled to. You’re going to have to deal with people from dif ferent cultures in the corpo rate and public world. Many employers have commented that A&M graduates are leav ing handicapped in this way. From a practical viewpoint, it’s very important to have this requirement.” Other students say they feel that the current requirements are more than enough. “Students come to A&M to pursue their field of study. This bill is redundant and has little educational value,” said Mark McCaig, a junior finance major and vice chair man of legislative affairs for the A&M Young Conservatives of Texas chap ter. “This is just an attempt to force political correctness and politically liberal views on the students.” Several state universities already require multicultural and gender studies, including Texas Tech and the University of North Texas. Under HB 2555, most cur rent students would be grand fathered, meaning only stu dents graduating after January l, 2006 would have to take the class. HB 2555 is currently assigned to the House Higher Education Committee with a Ibrahim Hasan al-Tikriti,»! believed to be. The half brother once hesi the Iraqi intelligence sen and the building in Ar Ram: 60 miles west of Baghdad.L served as an intelligence sen operations site, said MarineM Brad Bartelt, a spokesman the U.S. Central Command the Persian Gulf. It was known immediately whether Tikriti was hit. Increasingly, the U.S. mi tary focus was away fromi capital. Kurdish troops set: celebrations in Kirkuk win they moved in, and there * hopes that Iraqis would suite der in Mosul, another nortki city, on Friday. Nearly 1 (X) miles to the not of Baghdad, U.S. commam said Tikrit was the likely siteof last stand by Iraqi forces - there is to be one. Iraqi defende were believed to have mov there from other parts offl country. U.S. commandos w in the region, and warplanesw attacking. U.S.-led fighters and also hit Iraqi positions near! border with Syria, where speci forces were trying to pre« regime loyalists from slipping® of Iraq and to keep foreign fid ers from entering. Parents Continued from page 1A make for a great afternoon of Aggie football. Franchione said he is looking forward to attending his first yell practice Friday. “I hope to see you there, and yes my wife Kim will be there when the lights go out,” he said. Admission to the game is free with a valid student I.D. and for children under age 12. Tickets for the game are $5 in advance and $7 at the gate. Sophomore sociology major Kate Mullins said her parents are looking forward to the Maroon and White game and are excited to see the Aggie Band. “I think (Parents’ Weekend) is really neat because your family gets to meet your friends and the people you’ve been talking about all year,” she said. I By TL inte: The Texas explodec md at the fo r aco native the sf nusic from | lozen fans ii ng for thous icross the cc After tour ■eceiving Nas md his band >tation April Hurricane For Green College Statii nore than on “(College ny band cam ‘Almost all tl 0 college (he iolin — all I \&M. It’s wl eally.” Green still n College St, bird Floor C started | •at the first c ■ubbock are; loor was Col ilways good lave some sti Green anc ong way sin ■loor Cantin ix albums, f lendently pn wo Grammy 1st CD, “Thr Jack McG Every year the Parents’ Weekend com tee gives the Parents of the Year award couple who has shown support for Agifj The 2003-2004 parents of the year announced at the All-University Aw: Ceremony Sunday morning. Last year’s pi ents of the year were Keith and Wilson from Plano, Texas. A complete schedule of events fori weekend are posted at http://parentswtfi Spend this Parents' Weekend with some of Texas A&M's most talented students. ❖ TONIGHT! ❖ April 11th, 7:30 pm Rudder Auditorium * * * Tickets $8 * * * Available at MSC Box Office Performing: Apotheosis Big Man on a Little Bike Bobby Maves on the Hammered Dulcimer Free Parking Kyle "Abbott" Carter & Joey "Costello" Rigney Percussion Studio Philippine Students Association Showtime Nate Rogers & the Vagabond Troupe Tuesday's Anthem ♦ Special Appearance by Ballet Folklorico «im&c — MSC. Hosted by THE BATTALION Brandie Liffick, Editor in Chief Sommer Bunce, Managing Editor Elizabeth Webb, Copy/Design Director Rolando Garcia, News Editor Rob Phillips, Asst. News Editor Melissa Sullivan, Asst. News Editor Kendra Kingsley, Aggielife Editor Sarah Darr, Asst. Aggielife Editor Marianne Hudson, Asst. Aggielife Editor Chris Jackson, Sci/Tech Editor Brieanne Porter, Opinion Editor , Asst. Opinion Editor Michael Crow, Sports Editor Kevin Espenlaub, Asst. Sports Editor John Livas, Photo Editor Alissa Hollimon, Asst. Photo Editor Ruben DeLuna, Graphics Editor True Brown, Radio Producer Jason Ritterbusch, Webmaster \ iiS Staff Members Aggielife - Shena Bausch, Chris Elmi, Nishat Fatima, Tori Foster, Rachel Hollon, Ashleigh Holmes, Jena Honeycutt, Kim Katopodis, Kristin McNulty, Jeremy Osborne, Kellie Potucek, Kelcey Rieger, Juan Rivera, Lauren, Romero, Lyndsey Sage, Denise Schoppe, Lydia Stout, Erica York Design/Copy Desk - Julia Bone, Kristal Goehring, Emily Hendrickson, Shilpa Jain, Sarah Kelly, Jefferson Lotspeich, Monica Mason, Micala Proesch, Nicole Steen, Rachel Valencia, Lisa Wolan News - Lecia Baker, Allyson Bandy, Brad Bennett, Hedish Connor, Melissa Fowler, Bernhard Hall, Nicole Jones, Melissa McKeon, Janet McLaren, Michael Neu, Esther Robards-Forbes, Lauren Smith, Rhiannon Ubelhor, Sarah Walch Photo - J P Beato III, Randal Ford, Joshua Hobson, Adam Krazer, Jacky Lam, Brian Ruff Sports - Jeff Allen, Peter Burks, Blake Kimzey, Troy Miller, Dallas Shipp, Marcus White SciITech - Robert Stackhouse Opinion - Leann Bickford, John David BlakleitWj Campbell, Matt Cheshier, Colin Ennen, Collins ' Ezeanyim, Sara Foley, Laurel Franck, Melissa fi* Jonathan Havens, Matthew Maddox, Katharins McHenry, Mackenzie Mathis, Jerad Najvar, Nicholas Neumann, Erin Pirrung, BrieannePoi* Matt Rigney, Nathan Rogers, Tim SchniedwM, I David Shoemaker, Michael Ward, Courtney W# Jenelle Wilson, Kelln Zimmer Graphics - Frank Chance, Joshua Darwin, Ivan Flores, Angelique Ford, Becky Maiden, Leigli Richardson, Travis Swenson, Radhika Thirunarayanan Newsroom Clerks - Carmen Kelling, Julie Kimbrough, Jessica Reinecker, Janelle Vargas Advertising - Melissa Bauer, Donna Berny,!*** Bingham, Matthew Bullinger, Scott Dennis,Clif Giles, Lauren Kish, Mica Mojica, Amber Norris, Nathan Shotwell, Carol Treece, Jim Walker THE BATTALION (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and sprir ters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except Univeisity holidays and exam periods) i Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address cha# to The Battalion, Tem A&M University, 1111TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-1111. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Staded Media, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 014 Reed McDonald Building. Newswa 1 phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. Forcan# local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offt® 5 are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of W Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the M 1 * spring semester and $17.50 for the summer. To charge by credit card, call 845-2611.