The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 10, 2003, Image 13
ursday, April 10,21 less (price must ; personal possessor f item doesn't sell, 3 qualify for the 5 ncelled early. OR RENT to TAMU. Safe Ner ood floors. Call JinV last 29th, huge house ireas, fireplace, w/dcoti yard, car port, 1800s; K) deposit. 775-6852. 3a house, yard mainter; ar TAMU. $1200/mo er sublease, on bus i us. Call 979-739-4875 rte Dorm. Luxury accr movie theater. Free s. Rooms start at S325i Field. 4bdr/2ba newta ol, parking for game: n Preleasing 2.3,4-Ix)h Updated, pets, m '76-8984. ise, 4bdrm/4ba, large» hen with built ins, r ie. cable, internet iis lasketball, volleyball q I Available May 2003 ! 0-913-4846, aggiemr very nice, 2-3-4 bed® ition, on shuttle, He I fans, w/d, lawn sen ok. 693-1855, 255-li Prelease townhome i luel, w/d optional. -8051. lease. 3bdrm/2bth, Spacious kitchen. JTTs’ !7. elease May SAugust 595. New 3/3 olf Get Lawn, pest provided 5477. 3B Thursday, April 10, 2003 Rice Continued from page 2b FOR RENT LEASING NOW and PRELEASING for MAY '03 and AUG ‘OSI 1.2.3&4 bed rooms. Call United Realty for our listings of properties we have available. Our FREE LOCATOR SERVICE is ready to take your call. United Realty 694-9140, May move in specials, CS, 2/2 4-plexes, summer rent reductions, broker owner. 777-5477. Mobile home for rent. 3bdrm/2ba, 80X60, $700/mo.. Chris 525-9650. New 3&4bd homes in Magnolia half-way between BCS & Houston. Fenced, wood ed yards. Starting at $895/mo. 281-252- 4788. New Duplexes under construction. Cham pions on W. Luther Street. Available Au gust 2003. 3bdrm/3bth, all appliances in cluding w/d, one mile from campus. Call Brian @ 979-229-4806. New house for rent, 1-3bdrms, $280- $300/mo. 936-582-4452, Dawn. New fownhome unit, 2bdrm/2bth I w/d, walk to campus, 306 Cherry, $700 -(-utilit ies. (979)299-0921. Nice 2/1, 2000 Longmire, new tile and ap pliances, Diane 979-220-1070. Northgate- 2bdrm/2bth &3bdrm/2bth, very nice. Walk to A&M. Call 846-4076. Now preleasing for August. 4/2, $1200/mo. Large house, spacious rooms, nice neighborhood. 979-696-8975. Parkway Apartments, 1600 SW Pkwy, 1,2 &3bdrm available. Great specials, 693-6540. Pre-lease for May or August, 2/1 4-plex, w/d connections, new carpet. 609 Turner, $425, 693-1448. Pre-lease for May/August, University Oaks duplexes, 2/2, w/d connections, fenced, $680. 693-1448. Pre-leasing for Aug. One year old, 3/3 du plex on Glenna Ct. (off of Graham), W/D, ceiling fans, fenced backyard, pre-wired for Ethernet, lawn care included and more. $335 -(-utilities. Call Steve (254)290-0948 or ’release May &Augus'. lofts, $515; 2/2 $565S| itndera, Bosque, SanPrj slavarro $57O-$620. I d floors, fireplaces, »aJ pest. Owner/Broker | service. Apartments. :es, houses. Alpha (/ ker. 774-7820. service. Many houses rents, etc. Century-215 a list of properties all sizes, regular andclr ting at $27. Call for dr :, walk to TAMU, ) deposit. 764-1082. ates in great locations, ation, 777-3371. house. Deck, 4bdnT'. hers seeking two« is line, 469-371-1904. ase: 3bdrm/2bth, 2- refrigerator indni tact Chad 696-6286. 3/1.5/1 rural, small par ao. -(-deposit. Available iter 5. it in College Station ie 1 2 from $1100 to $1200, nore/info call Lis 777-2 Realty. duplex, fireplace, h W/D connections, a, no pets, $485/mo.+l | shuttle, SouthwoodVal as. Preleasing for ist 2003. 1, Jed in rent. Wesley sanders @ remax. nelJ ! Welf :om/~mcdowell y and August, nice 2/2 3616, 224-0005. 4bdr/3.5ba. Yard Entail Loop. Available 220-4005 (leave mess- 1 8). tied on page. 3b Pre-leasing for Aug., 2bdrm/1bth fenced yard duplexes. 776-6079, Pre-leasing for May &Aug. 4bdrm hous es, 2bdrm duplexes Sfourplexes &new 3bdrm/3bth duplexes. Great location, nice properties, fenced yards, w/d connections. 776-6079, Pre-leasing for May and August at Univer sity Terrace Apartments, 1700 George Bush Drive. 2bdrm 1025sqft., 3bdrm 1350sqft. Call 693-1930. Pre-leasing May/August. Spacious 2bdrm/1.5bth, w/d included. Manuel Drive. $525/$560. Cathy 268-1074. Prelease for May. 3bdrm/2bth house, w/d. 2312 Bristol. $1100/mo. 693-1448. Prelease for May. 2/1 duplex, new carpet/paint. 1421 Hillside $525/mo. 777- 9933. Prelease May, large 3/2 house, w/d con nections, good neighborhood. 2312 Bris tol. $1,000/mo. 693-1448. Preleasing 4-plex. 2bdr/1.5ba, fenced, near campus, shuttle, 2 units available starting May and August. $630/mo. 778- 3362. Quiet country atmosphere. Large tbdrm duplex with fireplace. Ideal for graduate student. No pets. Available August 1, $450/mo +bilis. 693-8534. >0 is -846-3569 Rock Hollow duplexes. 3bdrm/2bth, w/d hookup. May and August leases. 979-324- 7729. Southwood Valley area. 3bdrm/2bth. 693- 1488. Spacious 3/2 four-plexes, w/d provided, water paid, large room, walk-in closets, on shuttle, plenty of parking. Great location. May leases available. $849/mo. 774-5776. Sparkling new 2-story. 4bdr/2.5ba, wash er, drier, ice-maker, garage, fenced. Yard kept. Available June or July w/August lease. 911 Gardenia, Sun Meadows. $1600/mo. 979-220-4005/ 817-790-7408. Sub-lease. 2bd/2bth, The Enclave. May/ August, $815/mo. Call 695-9038. Sublease available immediately^ ends Au gust, 2bdrm/1.5bth, w/d included, $550/mo., close to campus, bus route, clean, on Vassar Court. Tim, 845-1793. Summer lease, University Commons 2bdrm/2bth, furnished, cable, HBO, w/d, individual lease available, $400/mo., Au gust paid +bills 979-693-8178, ask for Jeremy. Summer Special $200/mo., 2bd/1ba and Ibd/lba, close to TAMU. (979)680-0173, (979)485-0347. Summer sublease 2bdrm/2bth. $575/mo. +utilities. Jessica 764-7746. Across from mall. Summer sublease 3/3, rent $255, low bills, clean, convenient. Call Erin 281-682- 3624. Summer sublease now, townhome, May- Aug. And year sublease in 3bdrm town- house. 903-641-3144, 903-872-5093. Summer sublease Sterling, tbdrm in 4/2, all other rooms vacant, cables ethernet in cluded in rent, 693-2447. Summer sublease, 1-F needed for 2/2 apartment, private bath $285/mo./obo. +1/2bills. 694-7880. Summer sublease, 1/2 of new 2/2, The Exchange, furnished, w/d in unit, on shut tle, covered parking, $500/mo. negotiable. (214)663-8755. Summer sublease, 1bdrm/1bth in 2bdrm/2bth. $360/mo. +1/2utilities. May rent free! 979-575-6657. Summer sublease, Ibdrm/lbth, $495/mo./obo, Cripple Creek Condomini ums, pets allowed. 696-2307. Summer sublease, 2-rooms, Rock Hollow duplex, w/d, fenced, high-speed internet, shuttle. $333/mo/obo before bills, 823- 9193. Summer sublease, 2/1 furnished. Walk/ bus, $450/mo. Extension available, 979- 739-2001 Josh. Summer sublease, 2/1 Willowick Apts. $475/mo. 764-8153. FOR RENT Summer sublease, May-Aug. 2/1.5, fenced, $600/mo. John, 777-3715. Summer sublease, May-July. The Zone. 2bdrm/2ba., fully furnished. $375/mo. -(•utilities. 979-877-5002. Summer sublease, private bed/ share bath, $260/mo. +1/3bills. Diana 694- 2086. Summer sublease, University Commons, 2-rooms in 4bdrm/2bth. $335/mo. -futilit ies. Female Christian roommates! Heath er, 693-2823. Summer Sublease. 1-room in 3/3 duplex. Fenced yard. $350/mo. 979-775-6059. Summer, University Place. 4bdrm/4bth, $295 -fbills each. Call 817-332-5800, 979-695-6994, Summer-Fall, 2bdr/1ba, 2 story. $595/mo. Ridgewood Village. Call Jen or Amber (979)695-0987. Sutter's Mill 2bdrm/1.5bth Condo. $899/mo., water &elect. paid, w/d, garage, pool, dogs ok. 979-778-2177. TOWNHOUSE 2/2 garage, patio, $725/mo. 979-820-1729. Townhouses. 2bdrm/1.5ba., walking dis tance to campus, bus-route. Also, garage apartment, 20-minutes from campus, w/d available, private swimming pool. 979- 696-0091. University Commons apartment. May- Au gust, tbdrm sub-lease, fully furnished, 764-3917. University Tower Apt. 1 bdrm furnished. Quarters, Meals, Secure parking. $810/mo. Contact Mr. Gleason 903-489- 1902 or Ms. Frankel 979-846-4242. Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don't buy, rent a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 WE WILL PAY YOU to sublease our apartment. Ella or Carrie, 680-3321. Woodbrook condos. 2bdrm/2.5bth, $750/mo. 281-728-7810. Available in May, College Station's best apartment search for college stu dents on the internet! FOR SALE 2/2 Mobile Home. No money down. Fi nancing available in Rollingridge. Call (979)324-5435, 4 Chevrolet/ CMC Rims, American Rac ing, 15x10, 5-lug, Atlas style, like new, on ly used for 3-mos, $450. 361-834-8896 or 979-218-4943. Couch, coffee table, desk, entertainment center, bookcase. $20-$40 each. 695- 9583. CS, Brick, 3/2/2, 1600+sqft, on Burnburg. Fence, w/d, $124,900obo. (979)224-0675. Entertainment center, printer, scanner, copier, DVD player, $35/each. VCR $20. 20 inch TV and Kenwood shelf stereo, $45/each. 979-260-2581. dneoronado @ Kenmore dryer, runs good, $50. 979-575- 2216. Large contemporary entertainment center. Holds up to 36" tv. Room for other elec tronics Smedia. $75. Call Holly at 739- 9669. New Holik’s senior boots size 9.5, worn twice, $550/obo. Call Chris 979-255-4415 or 979-764-0673. Queen size hide-a-bed (shades of blue), good condition, $350. Cherry Oak day bed, 2-yrs. old, w/bedding, mattress, cur tains. $150. 778-8245. Senior boots, Holick’s, $400, size 9.5, can be custom fitted. 817-235-7777, Trek 7700 Bicycle. Multitrack. Less than 50 Miles. $550. Perfect Condition. Call Jack at 936-855-2255. TV stand w/ glass doors $25, dresser $50, shelf $25, new desk $75. Call Monika 575- 7403. GARAGE SALES Yard sale, 304 Ash, Saturday April 12, 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m. Futon and dresser must sell. HELP WANTED $S$Dancers, Dancers, Dancers$$S. Flexible hours. Silk Stocking, 690-1478. 18+ only. $250 a day potential/ bartending. Training provided. 1-800-293-3985 ext.625. Cleaning commercial buildings at night, M-F. Call 823-5031 for appt. HELP WANTED 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN STRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La crosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa ter-skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt.Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- shop, English Riding, Nature, Nurses. Ar lene Streisand 1-800-443-6428; Baby-sitter needed. May 12-16, and oc casionally in summer. 3 nice kids. 693- 2025. Babysitter needed for newborn, 3-yr old. Occasional light housework. 20hrs/wk, 4-5 hrs. daily, mornings preferred. Call Cain, 775-8396, Charli’s sales position for Spr/Sum. Op portunity in better ladies clothing. Apply in person. 505 University Drive East. 268- 9626. Computer Teacher for children at Path ways for May& June, continuing end of August- December or May if possible. Call for details, 229-3857. Help Wanted: Part-time grounds keeper. Apply at 2101 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South or call 693-1906. HIRING CAMP COUNSELORS: Camp Waldemar for girls, in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, is hiring counselors with a va riety of skills. Waldemar has been in camping since 1926, exceptional facilities, great food, fun staff and a rewarding sum mer job. Inquire about our paid intern ships. Call 281-980-7922 for more infor mation or go to for an application. Local business seeking responsible indi vidual for PT office assistant. Duties in clude filing, answering phones, and some accounting. Call 979-779-7042 for applica tion. Medical office now hiring Medical Tech/ Injectionist. Great experience for student applying to medical school. Position re quires a one year commitment. Salary commencery with experience. Please fax resume to 979-776-4260 or apply in per son at Allergy Associates, 2706 Osier Btvd., Bryan, TX 77802. MOVIE EXTRAS/ MODELS NEEDED. Earn from $150- $450/day. Print modeling and extra positions. Local castings No experience neccessary! Call 1-888-820- 0164x1180. Ninfa’s is now accepting applications for servers and host positions. Apply in per son between 2-4pm, Mon.-Thurs., 1102 Harvey Rd. P/T students for survey crew. CAD/CO- GO and Draspman, 776-6329. Part-time aide for busy medical practice. Excellent experience for pre-med. Send resume to 1605 Rock Prairie Road, Ste.#312, CS 77845. Part-time nanny needed for three young children. Approximately 12hrs/wk. $6/hr. 731-1753. Porter needed May-Aug. Apply parkway Apartments, 1600 SW Pkwy, CS. Square One is now hiring waitstaff and kitchen staff. Must be dependable, easy going and have a good work ethic. Please come by to fill out an application, 211 West William J. Bryan. The Ptarmigan Club: Hiring cocktail wait resses, 2005 S.College, Bryan, 822-2263. Waitresses needed. No experience nec essary. Great money, flexible hours. All shifts available at all locations. North- Beltway 8 at Imperial Valley, Galleria- Richmond at Briing Drive, South- I45 at Dixie Farm Road. Apply in person, Rick’s Cabaret. Wanted. House detailer. Through clean ing, room by room. Preferably 3-hours on 1st/3rd Tuesdays. Must be hardworking, honest, reliable. Need 1-year commitment, character references, $8/hr. Leave info. 690-3171. YOUTH MINISTER PART-TIME. Send resume: lola Missionary Baptist Church (SBC), Box 220, lola.TX 77861 or, for info 936-394- 2701. MISCELLANEOUS We buy, sell &repair cell phones. Com plete Wireless Solutions, 979-412-3876. MOTORCYCLE '01 Honda CBRF4I R/W custom decals, 2- matching helmets, 22k miles, grad student must sell! Call 218-7727. 1993 Suzuki GSXF-750 Katana. Runs perfect, $2199. Call Matt 979-777-5464. MOTORCYCLE 1998 Suzuki GSXR-600. Red/Black, Per fect Condition, never dropped, extras in cluded, $6,000neg. Call 936-590-0854. 1998 Suzuki TL1000S, beautiful bike, call on extras, $5,200/obo. 587-1654. 1999 Yamaha Virago 1100. 27k miles. Kept indoors. Extras included. $3000. 823-5315. PETS Adopt Pets: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, Kit tens, Many purebreds. Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, AKC Labrador Puppies. Black, Yellow, White. Superior Hunting Bloodline. $350. Call Wes (979)255-5950. AKC Registered Labradors, 9-weeks old. Shots and wormed. Excellent for pets/hunting. $275. 229-1882. Can hunt this year! Black, AKC-registered labradors, excellent bloodline for breeding. Hunting background, ready 4/22. $400, taking deposits. 575-9924. REAL ESTATE 3-2-2 in Bryan w/huge corner lot, fireplace, covered porch. $83,400. Call Wesley Sanders 739-4724 Ag/Agent Re/Max Texas Heritage. Condos For Sale- Sutter’s Mill @ 1500 Olympia Way #12 $77,500,  $74,900; others available May &Aug. Call Wesley Sanders 739-4724 Ag/Agent Re/Max Texas Heritage. Free House Hunting Service reveals best buys in any area and price range you specify! Visit or call (979)693-7653. Broker, Century 21 Beal. Free, quick over-the-net home evalua tion! Visit or call (979)693-7653 Broker, Century 21 Beal. Revealed! 7 Costly Mistakes to Avoid Before Selling Your Home. Free record ed message 1-800-951-2018 enter ID#1000 or visit Broker, Century 21 Beal. ROOMMATES 1 M/F Roommate needed for summer sublease at 2bdrm/2ba. apartment. $400/mo. +1/2bills. Rent negotiable. Call 817-891-5262. 1-F for May- Aug. Sublease, $350/mo +1/4bills. Nice 4/2 house, w/d, garage, in Southwood Valley. Call 693-3664. 1-F for May- August sublease. $320/mo includes rent and 1/4-bills. Jamie, 979- 774-4682. 1-F needed for summer sublease. 4bdrm/2bth, furnished apartment. $335/mo +utilities. Call 979-777-7868. 1-F needed. Must see! Awesome condo May/August ‘03, 2/2, $400 +1/2 bills. 210- 497-0520. 1-F roommate needed to share 3bdrm/2bth Rock Hollow Duplex. W/D, furnished, summer sublease. Call Laura 979-775-9573. 1-F, May ‘03 to May ‘04 or summer sub lease, new 3bdrm/2bth duplex, close to campus, fenced yard, $350/mo. +1/3bills. 694-7747. 1-Female needed, 2bdr/1bth apartment, May-Dec. $225/mo. +1/2bills. Call Sabrina 210-273-2900. 1-female to sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth apart ment, May- July, $275/mo. +1/2 bills. Call 693-6207. 1-M for summer sublease, $250/mo., non- smoker, Briarwood, unfurnished, 3bdrm/2bth, 847-0219. 1-M needed. Summer sublease, 2bdrm/1.5bth duplex. Lawyer Street, $300/mo/neg. +1/2bills. 229-5028. 1-m/f for 2bdrm/2.5bth condo, on shuttle, move in August $400/mo. +1/2bills. 281- 752-8055, 1-M/F for fall and spring, summer if need ed, $350/mo., all bills paid. Call for more information, 979-575-2747. 1- roommate needed for summer, $150/mo, 4bdrm/2bth house, 3-miles from campus, 693-8554. Ibd in 2/2 townhouse, garage, patio, $360/mo., 820-1729. 2- female roommates for Aug.-May. 3bdrm 2bth house, shuttle. $300/mo. +1/3ut!lities +deposit. Furnished. 680-9783. 2-Female roommates needed for May- August subleases, University Place Con dos, 4/4, on shuttle, close to campus, w/d, internet ready, $325/mo. +1/4bills. 979- 218-5731. ROOMMATES 2-M/F roommates needed for May lease, 3bdrm/2bth house on bus-route, $320/mo. +1/3utilities. 775-4043 or 676-0810. 3bdrm/2bth house in CS, $350/mo. +1/3bills, +deposit. Fully furnished. 979- 690-8683. Beautiful furnished room in 2/1.5 town- house available May 5. $300/mo +1/2bills. Summer sublease with a great roommate. Call 696-7173. Canyon Creek Townhomes. One Female needed. $450/mo. 693-7728. F-wanted , summer sublease, 3bd/3ba townhouse, on shuttle $390, 409-770- 4244. Female needed, summer sublease. 2bdr/2bth apartment. Free internet and ca ble. $290/mo. +1/2bills. 693-1543. Female roomate 1bdr-1/2bath at Universi ty Commons, furnished. April August free. Deposit paid. $395/mo. +1 futilities. Call 903-785-3430 or 903-517-1582. Female roommate needed, summer sub lease. 2bdrm/1bth apartment. Close to campus. W/D, $237/mo. +1 fbills. 775- 8918. Female roommate, new 3/2/2, shuttle, w/d, cable, internet, $350 +1 fbills. 695- 8074, 210-383-8524. Looking for 1-or-2 female roommates to share cute 3bdrm. house in Bryan. Call 979-823-6414. One female summer sublease needed in private bedroom, private bath. (979)696- 7286. Roommate needed for summer. 3bdrm/1.5bth, $285 +1/3bills. Call 764- 8440. Two Male Roommates needed for 3 bed room, 1 year old home in south College Station. May move-in for 1 year lease. $325 per person plus bills. $325 security deposit. For viewing and more details call United Realty 694-9140. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotll Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. Skilled caring mechanic at my shop. Call 777-8711. Continued from page IB starting to come around as the Owls have benefited from strong play and tough opponents in the latter part of the season. “We have played a lot of good teams in the second part of our season, and we feel very match- tough right now,” Thu said. “Our girls are looking good and are pre pared to fight hard at every spot in the lineup.” A&M junior Jessica Roland crept into the national singles rankings at No. 100 this week, and has provided strong play all season long at No. 1 singles. She and junior doubles partner Roberta Spencer have also estab lished themselves as a formidable tandem at No. 1 doubles. With A&M holding an 18-8 all-time record against Rice, A&M Head Coach Bobby Kleinecke said his team is pre pared to face its old conference nemesis. “We always get a tough match out of Rice, who is one of our old SWC foes,” he said. “The history in our matches has been very close, which is something we will have to be ready for.” First serve has been resched uled to 11 a.m. at the A&M Tennis Center. Track If You Have Something To Sell, Remember: Classifieds Can Do It Call 845-0569 The Battalion Continued from page IB good marks in the discus, javelin, and again in the shot. The meet this weekend is going to be very competitive.” UT highlights a field of eight teams competing Saturday. The Longhorns will showcase their top-ranked 400-relay team without the help of freshman standout Brenden Christian, who nor mally runs in the critical anchor position. “We’ve decided to have Brenden sit out this meet because he’s been competing in every event this year,” Thornton said. “Unfortunately, with this longer schedule, we can’t run everybody every race.” Also slated to compete Saturday are SMU, Prairie View A&M, Southwest Texas, UTSA, Rice and TCU. The Texas A&M Invitational kicks off Saturday at noon with the field events. Admission is free. RUSTY BACAK M.L _ Allied Family Physicians - r'K’ Board Certified Family Practice A&M Class of '93 Accepting Most Insurances tehee , :es ISI ^^_ .J 111 ■ ■ ^ ■Hktasai illli ■ * .. TEXAS A&M I N - D E P T Special Guest Speaker J.R. Vassar I B L E S ■ WORSHIP LED BY ROSS KING Sponsored by Compass College Ministries