)00 or less (price must jffering personal possessions arge. If item doesn’t sell, end to qualify for the 5 d is cancelled early. FOR RENT 3r sublease, 2-rooms, females Ml), house in Southgate, $2®n s. Carly 680-8590. H sublease, 2/1 furnished. Walk 150/mo. Extension available, 97} 01 Josh ir sublease, extension availaUt need, Northgate, only S445/m 19. ir sublease, private room in 3 te ouse. large fenced yard, close!) ;. $283/mo.. Cynthia, 695-0709, ir sublease, University Comw »d Ibdrm/lbth in 2bdmvM o. Christy 979-739-6409. r Sublease, University Comw ants, 2bdrm/2bth, living raw w/d, 1bdrm, $400/mo./obo +t* >-4200 Jay. r sublease. 1-F, S300/mo., *1/3 ay paid, 1-bdrm in a 3/2 4pte mpus, 2-bus routes, available54 9245. r sublease. 1-M/F nee®: .5bth townhouse, S275/mo. *12 deposit. May Free. 777-4473. - Sublease. 1/1, No deposit fr its. Call Jason. 492-7460. -Fall, 2bdr/1ba, 2 story. $595/mo >od Village. Call Jen or A* 5-0987. Mill 2bdrm/l.5bth Condi )., electricity, water paid, w/d, jj- ol. dogs ok. 979-778-2177. uses. 2bdrm/1.5ba.. walking dis- campus, bus-route. Also, garage nt. 20-minutes from campus, w/d i. private swimming pool. 979 1. y Commons apartment, MayAtr >drm sub-lease, fully furnished, 7. y Tower Apt, 1 bdrm furnished. , Meals, Secure parking . Contact Mr. Gleason 903-489- Jls. Frankel 979-846-4242. ; & Dryers For Rent. Don’t buy r asher & dryer. $30/month (plus iniversityLeasing, Local, Faster. 64-3902 /ersityleasing.com legerentals.ee College Station's irtment search for college slu- the internet! FOR SALE e Home for sale. Set up w/appf- ots ol extras, on corner bl, r Call Hank 979-696-0469. le Home. No money down. FI- available in Rollingridge. Call 5435. i. 2-new Sony xplode 760wamps at lOin. MIX $40; old amp$40 , 3/2/2, 1600+sqft., on Bumburg, d, $124,900obo. (979)224-0675 crafted domino tables. Solid' ortable. ino-tables.com mitor stand, filing drawer, CPU nd bookshelf $70/obo. Call Tina Senior boots size 9. Brand new )0 for boots, $200 for saber, Cal 07-5459. rd body electric guitar with hard D. Practice amp $50. Micro- h stand and cords $100, 696- okee Laredo Chrome Nurf Bars it $1000, selling for on| Call 680-9297. 97 Seadoo XP, trailer, new mo- warranty $4,500.229-3900, 99 Yamaha GP800. 60hrs„ ga ts great, $4,800/obo. 979-229 fet at Woodlands, April 15th, 2 0. 694-7397. ne in Shenandoah, 3/2/2. Brick, reaping, $114,900, Realtor229 continued from pg. 8 FOR SALE Mountain bike, specialized, Hardrock. 24- speed, aluminum frame, speed shifters, Irani shocks, climbing bars, All-terrain ires, $300. Jeremy 260-3119/ woodchuckl 02003@yahoo.com. SEA-DOO for sale 97GSX, great condi- fon, well maintained, $3,200 obo. 696- 7434. IVstand w/ glass doors $25, dresser $50, shell $25, new desk $75. Call Monika 575- 7403. Washer and dryer set,$200. Refrigerator starting al $100. 24-hour repair service available. Call 220-3665 or 220-4042. Womens motorcane mountain bike. Shi- mano 18-speed gears and brand new chain, $75. Call Katy 979-696-6748. HELP WANTED "CIRCLE MEM Apply now, entry level po sitions. PT/ FT. Great job experience, fun environment. 696-7734. www.collegeincome.com SSSDancers, Dancers, DancersSSS. Flexible hours. Silk Stocking, 690-1478. 19+only. 9250 a day potential/ bartending. Training provided. 1-800-293-3985 ext.625. 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN STRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La crosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa- pr-skimg, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, MlBiking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- shop, English Riding, Nature, Nurses. Ar- bne Streisand 1 -800-443-6428; www.summercampemployment.com Charli’s sales position for Spr/Sum. Op portunity in better ladies clothing. Apply in person. 505 University Drive East. 268- 9626. Cleaning commercial buildings at night, W. Call 823-5031 for appt. Did Spring Break break you? $12 BASE/ APPT. Needed: motivated indiv. with a good attitude. Customer sales/ service. Conditions apply. 695-1386. iww.workforstudents.com Female attendant needed for handicapped person. Please call Kristie 823-6178. Immediate part/full time position for Leas ing Consultant available for student prop erty. Must be outgoing, motivated and neat. Experience not necessary but pre- lerred, will train right individual. Apply in person at 502 Southwest Parkway. Information Services Summer Program. Republic Underwriters Insurance Compa ny, a Dallas based multi-line property and casualty insurer, has two openings in its IS Summer Program. The program pro files first or second year MIS or Comput er Science students an opportunity to ap ply some of the knowledge and skills they We acquired in school and gain valuable work experience in a great environment, with competitive pay. Students hired for Ihe current openings will assist with Desk top and Help Desk support. The Summer Program will begin on May 27, 2003. For consideration, please send resume to Republic Unden/vriters Insurance Compa ny, Human Resources-ISSP; mailing ad dress: 2727 Turtle Creek Blvd., Dallas, Tx 75219; e-mail address: Republic.jobs@republink.com; fax num- ber: 214-559-1133. Koppe Bridge Bar and Grill. Part-time cook & counter help. Harvey Road loca tion. 776-2833 Harvey location, 764-2933 Welborn location. Little Caesars now hiring delivery drivers and pizza makers. Apply at C.S. location. Local business needs part-time ware house help/ delivery drivers. Must have good driving record. Need to be available Monday- Friday. Please call 779-7042 for an application. Medical office now hiring Medical Tech/ Injectionist. Great experience for student applying to medical school. Position re quires a one year commitment. Salary commencery with experience. Please fax resume to 979-776-4260 or apply in per son at Allergy Associates, 2706 Osier Blvd,, Bryan, TX 77802. MOVIE EXTRAS/ MODELS NEEDED. No experience necessary!! Earn from $150- $450/day Call now for immediate expo sure. 1-888-820-0164x1180. HELP WANTED Need weekend sitter for children ages 5&9. $6.50/hr. Molly, 821-6730 day, 774- 0441 evenings. Office cleaner, flexible hours, over $10/hr call 260-2660 between 12pm-4pm week days. Part time help needed. Must be available some mornings and weekends. Apply in person, 3609 E 29th St. Bryan. PT/FT summer job, good pay, good place to work. 690-2992. M-F/8-5. Sororities! Help promote American Idol, Throw viewing parties at your house and earn $350, e-mail Jennifer D. at zilo.com for more information. MOTORCYCLE 1985 Honda Rebel 250, 9000 miles, new tires, saddle bags, good condition, school bike, $975. Call John 694-6823. 1998 Suzuki GSXR-600. Red/Black, Per fect Condition, never dropped, extras In cluded, $6,000neg. Call 936-590-0854. 1998 Suzuki TLIOOOS, beautiful bike, call on extras, $5,200/obo. 587-1654. Yamaha 1992 Secall, runs great! Perfect starter bike, black, corbin saddle, $1650/neg. 255-7277. MUSIC Fender Twin Amp '65 Reissue Dual 12"s, Tubed, Awesome Sound. Like New! Can't Justify Owning Two. Must Sell. $750. 847-3888. PETS A.K.C. Golden Retriever Puppies, shots, wormed, $350, call Chase 979-279-2297. Adopt Pets: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, Kit tens, Many purebreds. Brazos Animal Shelter, 775-5755, www.shelterpets.org Can hunt this year! Black. AKC-registered, excellent bloodline for breeding. Hunting background, ready 4/22. $400, taking de posits. 575-9924. Jack Russell puppies for sale. Parents on- site. $300. Call 693-1902. Weimaraner puppies full-blooded, d.o.b. 1/26, 1st shots, wormed, tails docked, $200-250, exceptional! (979)279-3359. REAL ESTATE Free House Hunting Service reveals best buys in any area and price range you specify! Visit AndrewSmithOnline.com or call (979)693-7653. Broker, Century 21 Beal. Free, quick over-the-net home evalua tion! Visit AndrewSmithOnline.com or call (979)693-7653 Broker, Century 21 Beal. Revealed! 7 Costly Mistakes to Avoid Before Selling Your Home. Free record ed message 1-800-951-2018 enter ID# 1000 or visit AndrewSmithOnline.com Broker, Century 21 Beal. ROOMMATES 1-female to sublease 2bdrm/1.5bth apart ment, May- July, $275/mo. +1/2 bills. Call 693-6207. 1-Female, summer sublease. 2bdrm/2bth, covered parking, Free utilities, DSL, cable. $325/mo, 2-minute walk from Blocker. Me lissa 847-4778. 1-Fun/ Studious female roommate need ed, May'03- at least FaH'03, large 2bdrm/2bth, $370/mo. +1/2bills, Heather 485-0139. 1- Roommate needed, Summer/ Fall ‘03. 2bdrm/1ba, $350/mo. Ethernet, Cable, fur nished. Brian. 694-1794. 2- female roomates for May, $340/mo. +1/4utilities. 4/2 apt. w/d, ethernet, fur nished. Call Paula 693-9764. 3bdrm/2bth house in CS, $350/mo. +1/3bills, +deposit. Fully furnished. 979- 690-8683. Female ASAP. Private room and bath, w/d, fenced yard, close to campus. $475/mo. +1/2bills. Call Julia 691-8838. Female needed, 3bdrm/2bth, $385 +1/3utilities, large backyard. Call Kyla 281-455-6308. Female roomate needed, summer sub lease. 2bdr/1ba apartment. Close to cam pus. w/d, $237/mo.+ 1/2bills. 775-8918. Female roommate needed to share a one year lease in big 2/2 apt. Walk-In closets, w/d, $323/mo., water and cable paid, on bus route. Call Jenni at 595-1132. ROOMMATES Female roommate wanted to share one year's lease beginning in May in big 2bdr/2ba. $265/mo.+ 1/2 bills. Call now 255-1052. Female roommate, new 3/2/2, shuttle, w/d, cable, internet, $350 +1/3bills. 695- 8074, 210-383-8524. Female wanted, summer sublease, can stay through fall, 3bdrm/3ba town house $390/mo. 409-770-4244. Looking for 1-or-2 female roommates to share cute 3bdrm. house in Bryan. Call 979-823-6414. M-Roommate for summer only. 4bdrm/2bth house, $250/mo. +1/4bills, fur nished room w/computer and t.v. Bobby at 979-696-4824. M/F, 3/2.5/2 house, w/d new, $500/mo. +1/3 bills, pool, lawn service, 2-story, all appliances, in gated community. 979-696- 4413. One female summer sublease needed in private bedroom, private bath. (979)696- 7286. Summer sublease 1-F at the Exchange. Pool side view with private bd/ba, furnish ed. Kristina 764-7503. Summer sublease in private bdrm/bth $280/mo. +1/3bills. Call Jenn 979-694- 2086. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat( 10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. Skilled caring mechanic at my shop. Call 777 ‘ 871 1- TUTORS Math tutoring- Algebra through Differential Equations. Grady 696-9113. STRETCH Your Dollars! WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN the BATTALION!! SPORTS THE BATTALION Tennis Continued from page 7 play and good coaching. “Bobby (Kleinecke) and (Assistant Coach) Alison (Ojeda) are great coaches and their play ers fight and compete for them everyday, and today was no different,” Fleishman said. However, the match was not clinched for the Aggies until sophomore Lauren Walker dis patched WFU junior Elizabeth Proctor in three tight sets. Kleinecke said it was tough to tell which way the match would swing until Walker solidified the A&M victory, sending WFU to its 14th consecutive loss. “Thank goodness Lauren (Walker) came through with the win today,” Kleinecke said. “This kind of a win is an equalizer, especially since we came into today’s match lacking a bit of confidence.” The Aggies will have a bit of down time before seeing their next action on Friday. A&M will have ample time to prepare for Sam Houston State and Texas Tech, which is a wel coming chance to do a bit of mild tweaking in a focused practice setting. “We’ve got to get back into our routine,” 9 Monday, March 31, 2003 JP BEATO III • THE BATTALION A&M senior Jessica Roland returns a serve in her vic tory against Wake Forest sophomore Karin Coetzee. Kleinecke said. “We’re going to work on a game plan and the big thing is we are going to finally have the practice time to do so.” The Aggies square off against Sam Houston at noon this Friday at the A&M Tennis Center before facing the Red Raiders at 6 p.m. Texas, Kansas among Final Four SAN ANTONIO (AP) — The Texas Longhorns are the last No. 1 seed standing, head ed to the Final Four for the first time in 56 years. Texas guard T.J. Ford had 19 points and 10 assists to lead the Longhorns to the biggest victory in school history Sunday, against Michigan State 85-76 in the South Regional final —just 80 miles from their Austin campus. With chants of “Texas Fight’’ and ‘Final Four” rever berating throughout the Alamodome, the Longhorns earned the school’s first trip to the Final Four since 1947, when the NCAA tournament field was eight teams. As the final seconds ticked away, Ford dribbled to half court, flashed a “Hook’em Horns” sign to the crowd and hugged Texas Head Coach Rick Barnes. Ford was named the most valuable player of the region. The Texas win means the Big 12 will have two teams in the Final Four for Ihe second straight year. The University of Kansas, the league’s regular- season champion, won the West Regional on Saturday. The loss kept Michigan New orleciN/ State from appearing in its fourth Final Four in five years. The last time only one No. 1 seed made the Final Four was 2000, when top-seeded Michigan State won the nation al title. Texas (26-6) will play Syracuse University (28-5) in the national semifinals next Saturday. The Orangemen beat Oklahoma earlier Sunday. Texas had five players score in double figures. Brandon Mouton had 16, Brian Boddicker 15, Sydmil Harris 12 and Brad Buckman 11 as the Longhorns tied the school record for victories in a season. Paul Davis led Michigan State (22-13) with 15 points and Erazem Lorbek had 14 points and nine rebounds. The Spartans had a 38-28 rebounding advantage but couldn’t match Texas’ 49 per cent shooting and 29-of-38 effort from the foul line. Texas never trailed after leading 18- 16 in the first half, and the Spartans never got closer than five in the second. Texas dictated the fast pace it wanted in the first half, shooting 53 percent as Boddicker and Harris com bined to hit five 3-pointers to counter the Spartans’ 23-11 rebounding advantage. Texas will be joined in the Final Four by Kansas, Marquette University and Syracuse. Love III wins Players Championship By Doug Ferguson THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. — Davis Love III provided the charge everyone expected from Tiger Woods and delivered a performance every bit as dominant Sunday in The Players Championship. Love pulled away with five straight birdies and closed with an 8-under 64 to match the best final round by the winner in the 30-year history of th tournament known as the fifth major. It was the second time Love has won The Players Championship and it could be a huge boost to his confidence with the Masters only two weeks away. Love finished at 17-under 271 and won by 6 strokes over Jay Haas and Padraig Harrington of Ireland, who shed the lead going into the final round but never stood a chance against such a barrage of birdies. Love was play ing in the group ahead with his best friend on tour, Fred Couples who also had 64 when he won The Players Championship seven years ago. This performance was even better. Strong, cold winds that shooed away the rain left the TPC at Sawgrass as difficult as it had been all week, but Love made it look like he was on a pitch-and-putt. Even into the crosswind, the most challenging in golf, Love blasted his drives down the middle of the fairway and stuck his approach shots close to the hole. “You can’t do that for 18 holes, and he did it,” Couples said. “That’s the best round I’ve ever seen played. In these conditions, he did not miss a shot.” Love earned $1.17 million from the richest purse on the PGA Tour. “It was the best round of golf I’ve ever played, especially under these circumstances,” Love said. “It seemed like every time I looked up, it was going right in the middle. It was an exciting round of golf.” continued on pg. 9 SING! available ’ose.com iline )m Plexes dos jeed Internet 6-2976 ts. >720 THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY STUDENT MEDIA BOARD IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR The Battauon - Including radio and online editions - Summer 2003 (The summer editor will serve May 26 through Aug. 13, 2003) Fall 2003 (The fall editor will serve Aug. ] 8 through Dec. 17, 2003) Editor Aggieland 2004 Qualifications for editor in chief of The Battalion are: • Be a Texas A&M sfudenf in good standing with the University and enrolled in at least six credit hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to graduate); • Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) and at least a 2.00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the appointment, the semester of appointment and semester during the term of office. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (4 if a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester; • Have completed JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), or equivalent; • Have at least one year experience in a responsible editorial position on The Battalion or comparable daily college newspaper, -OR- Have at least one year editorial experience on a commercial newspaper, -OR- Have completed at least 12 hours journalism, including JOUR 203 and 303 (Media Writing I and II), and JOUR 304 (Editing for the Mass Media), or equivalent. Qualifications for editor in chief of the Aggieland yearbook are: • Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrolled in at least six credit hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to graduate); • Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) and at least a 2.00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the appointment, the semester of appointment and semester during the term of office. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (4 if a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester; • Have completed JOUR 210 (Graphics) and JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), or equivalent; • Have demonstrated ability in writing through university coursework or equivalent experience; • Have at least one year experience in a responsible position on the Aggieland or comparable college yearbook. )X6S 79-846-3569 409 Application forms should be picked up and returned to Dell Bomnskie, Student Media business coordinator, in Room 011A Reed McDonald Building. Deadline for submitting application: noon Wednesday, April 2, 2004. Applicants will be interviewed during the Student Media Board Meeting beginning at 9:30 a.m. Friday, April 4, 2003, in room 221F Reed McDonald. An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer Committed to Diversity