The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 25, 2003, Image 8

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Tuesday, March 25, 2003
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Do you know of a.
Ultimate Advisor or Student Organization?
Applications for the "Advisor of the Year" and "Student
Organization of the Year" will be available Friday, March 21, 2003
at the following locations:
★Student Activities, Koldus 125
★ Dean of Student Life Office, Koldus 112
★Student Life - East Wing of Sbisa Dining Hall
★Student Organization Finance Center, MSC
★ Department of Multicultural Services, MSC 137
An opportunity to recognize “The Ultimate Advisor and the Ultimate Student
Organization of the Year." Awards will be given for each category of
recognized student organizations: sponsored, affiliated and registered.
Student Activities
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If you have any questions, please call 845-1133
Department of Student Activities
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Editor’s note: the following are candidates for Class ol'i
Agents. The teams will be listed on the ballot for votingMaicl j
Team 1
Meredith Malazzo, Jason Cezeaux and Brooke
Jason Cezeaux
Major: nuclear engineering
Involvement: Ross Volunteer
Company—Operations Officer;
1st Regiment Scholastics Officer;
American Nuclear Society;
College Republicans—Treasurer;
Health Physics Society
Brooke Haley
Majorspeech communication
Involvement: Class of 2003
Class Council—Historian; Delta
Zeta Sorority; Aggie Angel—
Public Relations; Office of
Greek Life—B.A.N.G. Team
Leader, College Republicans
Meredith Malazzo
Major: psychology
Involvement: Delta Zeta
Sorority—President: Class of
2003 Class Council—Class Gift
Chair: Buck Weirus Spirit Award;
Pall Activities Council—Bonfire
Remembrance Committee;
TAMU Who’s Who Among
American College Seniors
Howdy! We are pi
announce our candidacy fotC
of 2(X)3 Class Agents. Dmit;
past four years, we have,
tributed to our class and®
enced Aggie life from
Our commitment anddede
to the Class of 2003 is mi
through our active paiticipati
campus life. These ft
have inspired us to con
service to the Class of 1
former students. We valut
member of our class and fed
important to maintain the.:
raderie established as unde"
uates throughout our
your class agents, we ptm
be advocates for the Gas
2003 to The Associate
Former Students and to if
the traditions that n
University unique. By keep
our class connected to one®
er and to campus life, w
strengthen the Class of2M3
its bonds to the Universiiy
years to come.
Team 2
With a crowd
president, stud
and similar-sot
Cheatham, witl
advocacy on sti
Student gove
of students, am
The four candr
ment have sail
February refere
Students deser
informed, voice
as administrate
Although lad
has a proven le
pus bonfire wa
vered to put or
student particif
ship to student
Cheatham sa
the separatist e
and will renew
vide a student
tinue living in \
in a way other
fee increases at
or fee hikes, t
improved efficit
Student govei
representative 1
Cheatham's ad\
views and will,
ter representati
dents views un
Editor in Chiej
Managing Editoi
Opinion Editoi
David Nickel, Amber Rides and Spencer Meche
Spencer Meche
Major: journalism
Involvement: Fish Camp
Counselor—Beard ‘00, Futrell
‘01, Wilson‘02; Association
of Texas Aggie Bus Drivers;
Brothers Under Christ; Texas
A&M Bowling Club Team;
Aggie Awakening
Dave Nickell
Major: mechanical engineer
Involvement: Carpool —
Team Leader/ Executive
Officer; Fish Camp—Beard
‘00, Hall ‘01; Delta Chi
Fraternity—Sergeant at Arms;
I.F.C. Vision Committee
Member; A.S.M.E.
Amber Ricules
Major: journalism
Involvement: Fish Camp
Counselor—’00&‘01; 12 th
Man Student Foundation;
MSC Hospitality
Howdy Fightin’ Texas)
Class of 2003. Togetherasai
we wish to serve you asyourt
agents. With the three ofus»
ing together, you can be
that we will succeed in sen
you, representing you and la
ing you, the Class of 20(
touch with each other. Wet)
the bond Aggies share is
truly makes Texas A&ii
school we are ail so proud of
class agents it is our duty tol
this bond from never being
ken. The three of us have 1
bound together by friendship,
organizations or titles, for the!
four years and this is why \vet<
represent you. We know hist
Aggie bond that sets ouriinivti
ty apart from the rest,
and joined the best. We
Aggies, the Aggies are we ;
we’re here to represent theG
of 2003.
the Battalion er
less and include th
reserves the right to
ted in person at 014
mailed to: 014 Reed
77843-1111. Fax: (9
n article
Vanity F
many F
across the Unit
Texas A&M's (
Awareness of N
Culture to host
response to it e
CAMAC conch
panel that addrt
images of Latir
these stereotypt
with them. The
taste and only t
In the issue,
replied to a reai
of the Spanish i
The Sacramt
response includ
Spanish... As fc
twaddle! Who s
perate to talk tc
According t(
antiracist resou
editors of Cond
Cardo Walthall, Kelly Coke and Cliff Williams
Kelly Coke
Major: agricultural develop
Involvement:Class of 2003
Class Council—Secretary; 2003
Officer of the Year Award;
Agrispeaker—College of
Agriculture and Life Sciences;
MSC Fall Leadership—
Conference Executive; L.I.N.K.
(Leaders Inspiring New
Knowledge Conference) Director
Cardo Walthall
Major: agricultural develop
Involvement: Texas Aggie Yell
Leaders; Corps of Cadets—
Company E-l; Ross Volunteer
Company; Brothers Under Christ
Christian Fraternity; HOSTS
Volunteer Program
Cliff Williams
Major: sports management
Involvement: Corps of Cadets
company E-1; The Ross Volunteer
Company; Aggie HosteM
‘01, Student Assistant 1
American Cancer Society:
Corps Club Baseball
The opportunity to repre si
disregard a
the Class of 2003 as class
is amazing, with the potent
be unforgettable. Our class t
seen many things since stepp®
on campus, and we want W :
ones who make sure everyo^
informed of the happening
the future. The challenges 1
being Class Agents ared ’
but with all the aspects of^
University that we have ^
collectively a part of, itwi
be hard to reach everyone,
strong friendship and busi
like manner that we bringt
office of Class Agent is one
will keep the Aggie Spirit strom
as well as build it forthefiM 1 ®
I am deeply con
the comments 1
been making abc
and faculty at Tex
not the only Aggh
A&M would not
it were not for thu
the administratic
done. We shou
maintenance stal
UPD, PITS, and
are associated w
management ol
deserve much m
are getting from
candidates. We ca
think that we as
people who i
Candidates, how