The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 25, 2003, Image 7

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Continued fromPage 6
'uesday, March 25,11
1,000 or less (price must
rs offering personal posses®
charge. If item doesn't sell,
to end to qualify for the 5
r ad is cancelled early.
bwnhouses. 2bdrm/1,5ba., walking dis-
ance to campus, bus-route. Also, garage
aartment, 20-minutes from campus, w/d
vailable, private swimming pool. 979-
niversity Tower Apt. 1 bdrm furnished,
uarters, Meals, Secure parking.
810/mo. Contact Mr. Gleason 903-489-
982 or Ms. Frankel 979-846-4242.
/ashers & Dryers For Rent. Don’t buy,
nt a washer & dryer, $30/month (plus
.x). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster,
letter! 764-3902
lease for May-August, ttatj
s duplexes, 2/2, w/d comrei
:ed, $695 693-1448.
leasing for Aug., 2bte'
drm/lbth fourplexes, close to mi
it location, nice floorplan. 7K
leasing for Aug., 2bdrm/1l)#i
duplexes. 776-6079,
leasing for May &Aug. 4Mroi
2bdrm duplexes &fourpte
m/3bth duplexes. Great kjcatv
erties. fenced yards, w/d cornea
6079, www.aggielandlMsinp
-nights 6-days all inclusive stay for two in
)ancun. $299 per person +tax. Valid un-
II November. 979-268-4220.
96 Redman mobile home, C.S. 16x80,
bdrm/2bth, quiet area, fenced, $18000.
ICOtt 979-694-9905, 512-799-8109. College Station’s
lest apartment search for college stu-
lents on the internet!
0’ Mobile Home for sale. Set up w/appli-
nces, lots of extras, on corner lot,
18,000. Call Hank 979-696-0469.
/2 Mobile Home,
ancing available
979)324-54 35.
No money down. Fi-
in Rollingridge. Call
easing for May and Vufcar audio
m/2bth houses, 3bdrm/2bfi U-i
m/2bth fourplexes, IbdmVIMi
is, 2bdrm/1 5bth fourplsxis. 1
2-new Sony xplode 760w amps
50; new lOin. MTX $40; old amp $40.
easing May/Aug.
n/1.5bth, w/d included.
, fenced yard, $560,
lustom crafted domino tables. Solid-
icod or portable.
Cathy 268-':'
ase for May. 3bdmV2btti tast
Bristol. $1100/mo. 693-1448
[ c oos ball table for sale, $375/OBO.
■anny at 764-6420.
ase for May. 2/1 duplex,
it/paint. 1421 Hillside $523'nic
let Ski, 1999 Yamaha GP800. 60hrs., ga-
iged, runs great, $4,800/obo. 979-229-
Hollow duplexes. 3bdmV2t#
jp May and August leases. M
.coking to buy a mobile home? All sizes
cheaper than you think. 979-696-0469.
IEA-DOO for sale 97GSX, great condi-
well maintained, $3,200 obo. 696-
ng University Village 2bdm2ti
ate leases. Available 5-'
al (409)752-7337.
senior boots, used. Good condition, size
1/2. Made at Holick’s. $400. 817-235-
aase 1bd/1bth, Signature Pal
iit paid. Was $635, no* Sit
ible now. 690-7076.
ase 2/1, walk/ shuttle to Wt
mo.. 696-4664.
ase brand new duplex on Oral
lock Prairie in CS. starting May
available, each w/own batin'
$325/room negotiable. 2544!
Masher and dryer set, $200. Washer
1150, dryer $100, refrigerators starting at
100. Call 220-3665 or 220-4042.
ICIRCLE ME!! Apply now, entry level po
rtions. PT/ FT. Great job experience, fun
invironment. 696-7734.
ler sub-lease 2bd/2bath, w/d.lett
ard, mile from campus, neaisk
umished, vaulted ceilings,
l$$Dancers, Dancers, Dancers$$$.
lexible hours. Silk Stocking, 690-1478.
8+ only.
er sub-lease. $280/mo. 4/2te
rnished. Call Jenny 764-6738.
250 a day potential/ bartending. Training
irovided. 1-800-293-3985 ext.625.
er sublease 4bdrm/2bth Sie";
led, cable, ethernet, $350/imi3
er sublease extension avail
, $850/mo +bills. Great to
’66/ 764-3922.
10 STUDENTS NEEDED to do telephone
vork for marketing company in Bryan,
day and evening hours no experi-
necessary. EARN $10-15/HR
WERAGE. Casual attire. Call Cathy 774-
!890 9am-1pm or 5pm-9pm
er sublease now, townhome, U?
rnd year sublease in 3bdmi» tall
903-641-3144, 903-872
ar Sublease, 1-F. $335/mo,
tbdr/2ba. University Commons,!/
w/d, pools, bus, near
ir Sublease, 1-M. $400/mo,PiM
2bdr/1.5ba. University Commi
sd, w/d, pools, bus, nearWolF?
Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You
Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN
Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La-
irosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa-
-skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery,
Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano
Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood-
ihop, English Riding, Nature, Nurses. Ar-
Streisand 1-800-443-6428;
r sublease, 1bd/1ba $373ri
all 680-1091.
Aerofit is looking for individuals with life
guarding and WSI certification for a part
ime position. Previous experience not re
quired but preferred. Apply in person at
4455 Carter Creek Pkwy.
r sublease, 2-rooms, females
nouse in Southgate, $265"!
!. Carly 680-8590.
leaning commercial buildings at night,
l-F. Call 823-5031 for appt.
r sublease, 2/1 furnished.
50/mo. Extension available, !'r
1 Josh
Did Spring Break break you? $12
BASE/ APPT. Needed: motivated indiv.
with a good attitude. Customer sales/
service. Conditions apply. 695-1386.
■ sublease, University Co*#
d 1bdrm/1bth in 2bdrm®
i. Christy 979-739-6409.
Help wanted for new restaurant opening.
Immediate openings, flexible hours! Apply
person at Cliff’s at 3500 East Highway
21 in Bryan.
Frittella, New Italian Restaurant at 3901
South Texas Ave. Casual but elegant en
vironment. Need motivated individuals
with good attitudes, neat appearance and
personable. We will train. Cashiers/ Food
Sales. Apply in person only.
Full-Time Receptionist for busy Ophthal
mology office. Experience preferred, but
not required. Salary based on experience.
Busy, warm and friendly atmosphere. Fax
resume to 979-776-0873.
Koppe Bridge Bar and Grill. Part-time
cook & counter help. Harvey Road loca
tion. 776-2833 Harvey location, 764-2933
Welborn location.
Little Caesars now hiring delivery drivers
and pizza makers. Apply at C.S. location.
Local business needs part-time ware
house help/ delivery drivers. Must have
good driving record. Need to be available
Monday- Friday. Please call 779-7042 for
an application.
experience necessary!! Earn from $150-
$450/day Call now for immediate expo
sure. 1-888-820-0164x1180.
Part time help needed. Must be available
some mornings and weekends. Apply in
person, 3609 E 29th St. Bryan.
Part-time help to clean two country homes
plus some indoor painting and yard work,
15-20 hrs./wk., $9/hr. Call 979-776-5760.
for a busy real estate office. Must be de
tail oriented people person with reliable
transportation and good computer skills.
This position requires 15-20 hours per
week and at least one Saturday a month.
Must be available to work summer. Apply
in person at Coventry Glen Realty, 1003
University Dr. East, College Station.
neering background, experience in mar
keting & sales. PC knowledge, good oral
& written communication skills. Please
send your resume to HR, 762 Peach
Creek Cut Off Rd, CS, TX 77845 or E-mail
1985 Honda Rebel 250, 9000 miles, new
tires, saddle bags, good condition, school
bike, $975. Call John 694-6823.
1997 Suzuki Katana-600, excellent condi
tion, 3200-mi., $3700/obo. Call (979)764-
1998 Suzuki GSXR-600 Red/Black, Per-
fect Condition, never dropped, extras in
cluded, $6,000neg. Call 936-590-0854.
1998 Suzuki TL1000S, beautiful bike, call
on extras, $5,500/obo. 587-1654.
2000 Suzuki SV650, 11.5k miles, some
body damage, runs great, lots of extras,
$2,100/060. 695-9348.
2001 Honda ShadowVLX. Garage kept,
under 300mi., $4200/obo. Call 979-260-
1065 or 281-467-0385.
Fender Twin Amp ‘65 Reissue Dual 12’’s,
Tubed, Awesome Sound, Like New! Can’t
Justify Owning Two. Must Sell. $750 847-
Ibanez RG Series Electric Guitar, hard
case, Fender amp, Zoom player 4-petal
station, lots of accessories, mint condition,
$550. 690-0125.
Line-6 Spider 112 50-watt amp with sever
al effects. 12in speaker, barely used,
$400. 575-0088.
A.K.C. Golden Retriever Puppies, shots,
wormed, $350, call Chase 979-279-2297.
Adopt Pets: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, Kit
tens, Many purebreds. Brazos Animal
Shelter, 775-5755,
Mini Dachshund Puppies! C.K.C. regis
tered w/papers black/tan male/female.
$250-275 6-weeks old on 3/26/03. Very
Cute! Must Sell! Call 979-219-2261 To
Red-tailed Boa & accessories, $100/obo.
Weimaraner puppies full-blooded, d.o.b.
1/26, 1st shots, wormed, tails docked,
$200-250, exceptional! (979)279-3359.
Free House Hunting Service reveals
best buys in any area and price range you
specify! Visit or
call (979)693-7653 Broker, Century 21
Free, quick over-the-net home evalua
tion! Visit or call
(979)693-7653 Broker, Century 21 Beal.
Revealed! 7 Costly Mistakes to Avoid
Before Selling Your Home. Free record
ed message 1-800-951-2018 enter
ID#1000 or visit
Broker, Century 21 Beal.
$340/mo., 1/2 utilities, 2bdrm/2bth duplex,
w/d, Munson and University Oaks in So
rority District, M/F needed asap, 412-
1-F roommate for great 3/2 townhouse,
close to campus, shuttle, $260/mo. 764-
1-F Roommate for summer sublease to
share 3bdrm/2bth duplex, w/d, fenced
yard, furnished, $300/mo. +1/3bills. Call
LaUra 979-846-3017.
1-M for summer only. 4bdrm/2bth house,
$350/mo. +1/4bills. Furnished room plus
computer, t.v. Bobby at 979-696-4824.
1-M needed for summer sublease,
2bdrm/1.5bth duplex, Lawyer Street,
$335/mo. +1/2 bills 229-5028.
1-M roommate needed. $280/mo.
+1/2bills. July03’- Jun04’, 218-0447.
1-M/F needed for summer, 2bdrm/1ba.
lOOOsq/ft apartment, near campus,
$297.50, +1/2bills. 694-6648.
1- Roommate needed, Summer/ Fall ‘03.
2bdrm/1ba, $350/mo. Ethernet, Cable, fur
nished. Brian. 694-1794.
2- m/f needed, 3/2 house, 2-rooms availa
ble now. $380 +1/3bills. Ethernet. Cable.
Unfurnished. Call JR 361-728-1006
2-M/F needed, summer lease,
4bdrm/4bth, University Place Condomini
ums, $350/mo., bills included, 214-616-
2-M/F roommates needed for 3bdrm/2bth
house, $325/mo. +1/3 bills. Cable inter
net, fenced yard, furnished, in Bryan. Call
Bryant 979-571-3776.
Female needed, 3bdrm/2bth, $385
+1/3utilities, large backyard. Call Kyla
Female roommate wanted to share one
year's lease beginning in May in big
2bdr/2ba. $265/mo.+ 1/2 bills. Call now
Female roommate, new 3/2/2, shuttle,
w/d, cable, internet, $350 +1/3bills. 695-
8074, 210-383-8524.
Female wanted, summer sublease, can
stay through fall, 3bdrm/3ba town house
$390/mo. 409-770-4244.
Female. 4bdrm/3ba house. 2-rooms avail
able May 1-August. $400/mo. +1/4bills.
Big closets. In Bryan. 846-3134.
Looking for 1-or-2 female roommates to
share cute 3bdrm. house in Bryan. Call
One female summer sublease needed in
private bedroom, private bath. (979)696-
Summer sublease 1-F at the Exchange,
pool side view with private bd/ba, furnish
ed. Kristina 764-7503.
Summer sublease in private bdrm/bth
$280/mo. +1/3bills. Call Jenn 979-694-
AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-'
fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur
ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-
Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat- Fri(6pm-8pm)
&Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm).
Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel
come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by
law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117.
Show-up 30/min. early.
Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy
Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan
846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling
Skilled caring mechanic at my shop. Call
Math tutoring- Algebra through Differential
Equations. Grady 696-9113.
Lose weight with Total Control. Burns fat,
curbs appetite, boosts energy, ephedra
free. 1-888-264-9579.
THE BATTALION Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Gridlock science
A&M professor uses physics to model traffic flows
By Adam Reed
It's 5 p.m. It’s been a long day for students and
employees, and now they are just trying to get
home. Traffic, however, is at a standstill. Drivers
get nearer to the bottleneck, yet discover that
there is no car wreck, no construction — nothing
to cause the slowdown at all. Sound familiar?
Texas A&M nuclear engineering professor
Paul Nelson hopes to use his
expertise in kinetic equations
to end the frustration experi
enced during just such days of
unexplained traffic delays.
Nelson uses kinetic equa
tions in the classroom to
describe how atomic particles
interact with each other on a
molecular level in a nuclear nelson
reactor. He has used these
same formulas to create a model of how traffic
flows in the real world.
“Vehicles move in response to their drivers,”
Nelson said. “So, in kinetic equations, if we
replace the atomic particles with individual driv
ers, then we can get a statistical description of
the drivers and their responses to other drivers
and vehicles.”
Nelson discussed his findings in a session,
“Mathematical Models for Traffic Flow:
Phantom Jams and Real Data,” at the annual
meeting of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science in Denver in February.
Nelson's research creates some interesting possi
bilities for the average motorist. A realistic traf
fic model would enable researchers to predict
delays, allowing them to recomend alternate
routes for drivers. They could also use Nelson's
research to develop technological advances or
suggest highway construction plans to make driv
ing as efficient as possible.
To determine how reliable models such as these
actually are, Nelson has singled out other kinetic
models that attempt to describe traffic flow.
Nelson said the Prigogine-Herman model, devel
oped by Nobel Prize-winners Ilya Prigogine and
Robert Herman, can replicate the flow of real traf
fic but cannot supply sufficiently realistic predic
tions for drivers to use in everyday driving.
“In stop-and-go traffic, for instance, the
Prigogine-Herman model would predict that cars
in stop mode were actually stopped,” Nelson said.
“But we know that that's not really the case — the
cars usually just slow down before speeding up
Other complicated models also fail the test
known as Occam's razor, said Nelson in an inter
view with Science News Online. Occam's razor
says that the simplest theory that explains an
occurrence is the best theory. Nelson said complex
models “clearly can be tuned to produce about any
effect one wishes to produce,” and therefore may
not explain traffic as much as one might think.
“Of course, we'll never be able to make 100 per
cent accurate predictions because there are always
unforeseen circumstances in traffic,” Nelson said.
“But we can hope to be right more often than we're
A perfect answer may not be available for
Nelson's ongoing research at A&M and the efforts
of his colleagues abroad, but their work does
promise many improvements for kinetic models
and, in effect, highways worldwide.
Hopefully one day soon, the term “rush hour
traffic” will be all but forgotten, and commuters
will enjoy as much freedom on their drive to work
as they would a peaceful drive in the country.
Bioterrorism systems
tested in Oklahoma
GOLDSBY, Okla. (AP) - A
crop-duster sprayed a harmless
substance above a field of cat
tle and oil pumps Monday in a
test to see if weather radar sys
tems could detect a bioterrorist
It was the first spray of a
three-week Army test over cen-i
tral Oklahoma. The plane will
make 261 runs, dropping grain
alcohol, day dust and a mix of
water and polyethylene glycol
- a common ingredient in
lotions and mascara.
The harmless materials were
chosen to produce a mist
resembling the airborne parti
cles that might be produced by
a bioterrorism attack.
The test, taking place in
Oklahoma because of the
state's advanced weather radar
system, will help Army and
Environmental Protection
Agency scientists determine
how well radar can detect such
toxic materials.
The new system would keep
track of small planes and tiny
puffs of particles that typical
radars ignore. It will take
weeks to analyze the data and
determine how successful the
test was, Army officials said.
The goal is to develop com
puter technology for a nation
wide bioterrorism detection
system, said Robert Lyons, with
the Army's nuclear, biological
and chemical detection pro
gram. The government hopes
to install high-tech software in
about 150 radar stations across
the country.
The EPA has conducted simi
lar tests in Maryland, Utah and
Florida since early 2001, before
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on
the United States.
US Technologies CEO
charged in scandal
NEW YORK (AP) - The chief
executive of U.S. Technologies
was charged Monday with mis
using $15 million entrusted to
him by investors, including tun
neling some of the money into
a trust fund for his children.
A federal grand jury handed
up a 22-count indictment
charging C. Gregory Earls, 58,
with multiple counts of securi
ties, mail and wire fraud.
The indictment says Earls
controlled an investment com
pany called USV Partners and
claimed he would use
investors' money to buy shares
of U.S. Technologies. Instead,
he allegedly used it for the trust
fund and to repay investors
from other business ventures.
It also says Earls stole $1.3
million from investors, claiming
he would finance an Internet
company but pocketing the
money for himself.
The new indictment encom
passes allegations first made by
federal prosecutors in
December, but adds new
charges related to the alleged
Internet scheme.
"Innocent investors entrusted
tens of thousands of dollars to
Earls," U.S. Attorney James
Comey said of the scandal.
"The indictment alleges Earls
repaid that trust with a naked
theft of investors' money."
Sublease. 1/1, No deposit $
ts. Call Jason, 4927460,
-Fall, 2bdr/1ba, 2 story. $595fl
od Village. Call Jen or A#
Mill 2bdrm/1.5bth CoS
Get a Life!!
Comey join us,..
electricity, water paid, tv/d P
>1, dogs ok. 979-778-2177.
er Side Christian Private DY
son shared room. $425/™./
n. Including utilities, luxuiyS
aliens, 229-9403.
issifieds continued on pg. 7 \
Join a group of men and women
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For More Information,
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The Battalion
- Including radio and online editions -
Summer 2003 Fall 2003
(The summer editor will serve (The fall editor will serve
May 26 through Aug. 13, 2003) Aug. 18 through Dec. 17, 2003]
Qualifications for editor in chief of The Battalion are:
Qualifications for editor in chief of the Aggieland yearbook are:
• Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrolled in at least six credit
hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to
• Be a Texas A&M student in good standing with the University and enrolled in at least six credit
hours (4 if a graduate student) during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to
• Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) and at least a
2.00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the
appointment, the semester of appointment and semester during the term of office. In order for
this provision to be met, at least six hours (4 if a graduate student) must have been taken for
that semester;
• Have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) and at least a
2.00 grade point ratio (3.00 if a graduate student) in the semester immediately prior to the
appointment, the semester of appointment and semester during the term of office. In order for
this provision to be met, at least six hours
(4 if a graduate student) must have been taken for that semester;
• Have completed JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and Society), or equivalent;
• Have at least one year experience in a responsible editorial position on The Battalion or
comparable daily college newspaper,
Have at least one year editorial experience on a commercial newspaper,
Have completed at least 12 hours journalism, including JOUR 203 and 303 (Media Writing 1
and II), and JOUR 304 (Editing for the Mass Media), or equivalent.
• Have completed JOUR 210 (Graphics) and JOUR 301 (Mass Communication, Law and
Society), or equivalent;
• Have demonstrated ability in writing through university coursework or equivalent experience;
• Have at least one year experience in a responsible position on the Aggieland or comparable
college yearbook. ;
Application forms should be picked up and returned to Dell Bomnskie, Student Media business coordinator, in Room 011A Reed McDonald Building. Deadline for submitting application: noon
Wednesday, April 2, 2004. Applicants will be interviewed during the Student Media Board Meeting beginning at 9:30 a.m. Friday, April 4, 2003, in room 221F Reed McDonald.
An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer Committed to Diversity