The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 25, 2003, Image 3

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the BAiiij
The Battalion
Page 3 • Tuesday. March 25,
(. Continued from page)
their first year at A&M,
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Spring Break in
Student embedded in Iraq to cover the war for
college newspaper
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DeLuna, Graphics Editor
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donday through Friday during#
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:M University. Periodicals PostaS*
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nsorship or endorsement Uy# |
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015 Reed McDonald, and oS*
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I copies 254. Mail subscript##
, $17.50 for the summer or $1®
rican Express, call 845-2611,
By Ronald Paul Larson
There is only one reason to go to Kuwait now,
and a person’s reaction when I tell them I am
going there illustrates it. They either roll their
eyes with a sort of “Oh geez!” kind of expres
sion or shake their head in disbelief. I feel a little
self-conscious about telling people, but I must
admit, I liked to see how they would react.
In London, my flight into Kuwait was
delayed by several hours.
As I sat at the gate, I won
dered who would fly into a coun
try on the eve of a war? In front
of me, a Middle Eastern-looking
man with short hair and gray
eyes talked to a friend about the
range of Scud missiles. When he
saw me listening to him he
began speaking another lan
I couldn’t tell what it was. I
thought it was either Hebrew
or Arabic.
Sitting a few rows away to
my left was a young man with
short hair. He could be military, I thought.
The ticket agent announced that we could
begin boarding the bus to the airplane. When I
walked to the counter to hand in my boarding
pass, I thought I saw Christiane Amanpour,
CNN’s chief international correspondent, behind
me. I heard her voice, and I knew it was her.
I wanted to go back and introduce myself, but
I chickened out.
I was the third or fourth person on the bus.
Others came on. One man sitting down a few
seats away from me asked, “Where’s Wolf
Blitzer?” The gray-eyed man 1 saw earlier
entered and sat opposite me. “Great,’’ he said. “A
busload of journalists.” After a few moments,
Amanpour got on and the gray-eyed man called
at her, “Hey Christiane, if you need a liberal
Kuwaiti perspective, interview me.” Amanpour
acknowledged him and began talking to the peo
ple around her.
Then Wolf Blitzer, CNN news anchor, came
on board and sat up front by Amanpour.
Wow, I thought, I guess I am in the right
place. Although I had been worried about being
late because my departure had been delayed by
technical problems, I felt relief. Nothing impor
tant could happen before Amanpour and Blitzer
got there, I thought.
Our flight into Kuwait was delayed another
hour on the runway so I took the opportunity to
write Amanpour a note saying how much I
respected her. During the stopover in Cyprus she
invited me up to meet her.
She asked me what school I wrote for, and I
told her Cal State Fullerton.
She then asked what unit I was
embedded with.
I told her the 416th Engineer
Command and then, trying to
sound professional, used some mil
itary jargon. She pointed out that
my readers would not know what I
am talking about if I use jargon.
I agreed and, feeling like I had
shown my lack of experience,
thanked her for her advice. I went
back to my seat.
She was very gracious. I felt
like I blew it. I wrote her another
note thanking her.
I arrived in Kuwait late Monday night. It was
too late to go to the Coalition Forces Land
Component Command, Public Affairs Office
I got there Tuesday morning to learn that
journalist embedding had ended the day before. I
was dumbfounded. How could I come so far, pay
so much money, get so much publicity and not
have it happen? I explained the reasons for my
delay to the officers present and waited for a few
Finally, an officer came out and told me that
they would “take care of me.” I felt reborn.
That night two CBS cameramen, who were
going to be embedded with the 101st Airborne
Division, and I were given a lesson on the
nuclear/biological/chemical protective suit and
how to give atropine antidote injections.
The next morning Staff Sgt. Johnson of the
318th Public Affairs Detachment, a stocky ex
college football linebacker from Indiana, drove
As I sat at the
gate, I wondered
who would fly into a
country on the eve of
a wan
— Ronald Paul Larson
college war correspondent
Class of 2003
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me to Camp Arifjan, which is west of Kuwait
“You are the last embed to be placed,” he
told me.
It was a distinction I could have done with
out. I am embedded with a cameraman for
NBC news, a reporter for the New Orleans
Times-Picayune, a cameraman and reporter for
TVE (Spanish television) and two Chinese
reporters from Phoenix Television in Hong
Kong. But most of them will be moving to dif
ferent units in a day or two.
One complication is the weather. As I write
this on a Wednesday afternoon there is a fairly
strong dust storm outside.
There is a constant and gusting wind. The
sky is brown with sand and many of the sol
diers walking outside wear goggles or sun
glasses to protect their eyes. Some cover their
mouths with scarves.
The walls of the tents shake and undulate
back and forth like waves and the air smells like
dust. The only soldiers I have had a chance to
talk to are those from the 318th Public Affairs
Detachment in Kuwait City.
They all seem to be highly motivated and are
reservists from southern Wisconsin, Indiana and
the Chicago area.
There is a good chance I will be sent to
another engineer unit soon and will go farther
north. I can report more after Thursday morning.
There is still an air of uncertainty here.
The soldiers and journalists know what will
probably happen in terms of the big picture, but
not what will happen specifically to us as indi
viduals, or when.
In my reporting in the next few weeks, I will
attempt to describe what life is like for soldiers
in my unit - what I see of the war.
KRT Campus
California State University at Fullerton Daily Titan writer Ronald Paul Larson, 39, tests the satellite phone he
will be taking to Kuwait. Larson is the only college newspaper journalist for a college newspaper to be embed
ded with military forces to cover the war in Iraq.
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