The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 06, 2003, Image 4
4 Thursday, March 6,2003 Scholarships If your permanent address is from the Austin area please visit our website for scholarship information and an application. BDD iHmmunmn i:mi» 1805 Briarcresl ^ Ifo BRYAN 979-776-09t Come One! Come All! Come early! —Starting Times— lues Wed-Thur-Sat Friday Sunday 6:45 6:45 & 9:00 7:15 & 9:00 6:00 & 8:00 EXPERIENCE THE, THRILL OF WINNINO ''*!%*> Large Non-Smoking Room : | • ftx*/to • fixe • Sbomt • ftu r^as a 1 ® Mich M(*S Due lo rmnl (hangs, mmunAer 18 is nkml to enter Over $30,000 Wow Each Week Offering 1,2 and 4 Bedroom Units Bbuos Valley Elks <859 Individual Leases * Tanning Pool Heated Resort Style Pool • Maid Service Shuttle Bus • Fitness Center Cyber Lounge • Game Room High Speed Internet Access • Fully Furnished 501 University Oaks ph. (979) 694-1500 ^ONE C £, :c3i All Ladies FREE all night!! Guys over 21 Free until 10:00 pm S 1 Bar Drinks *2 Premium Drinks 8-11 p.m. $ 1 Pints, $ 2 Tap Teas all night Kitchen open all day, all night!! 696-5570 for details Party Safe and Designate a Driver. NEWS IN BRIEF 'Riverdance' star faces rape lawsuit WAUEGAN, II. (AP) - "Riverdance" star Midi Flatley is being sued for S35 ml lion by a woman who claimslii raped her in a Las Vegas hotel The lawsuit was filed Tuesday! Lake County on behalf of i Chicago-area real estate ager: who says she flew to Las Vegas to visit Flatley in October. The lawsuit says the woman whose name was not revealed was in the private bedro® area of Flatley's suite at ie Venetian Resort Hotel-Cam when he raped her. Fatley's lawyer, Bert Fields called the allegata "absolutely false." “There is no truth to it what soever. The evidence to tha! effect is overwhelming, 1 Fields said. Fields said the woman threat ened months ago to dain Flatley had raped her unless!* paid her. He said Flatley refused to pay. Lt. Jeff Carlson of the las Vegas Police Department sale Wednesday that the worn? reported the alleged attackta police but declined to press charges. Dean Auro, an attorney for tin woman, said she met the 44 year-old dance star at an evert in Las Vegas in September Mauro said Flatley invited herto visit him for a day of sightsee ing, shopping and gambling. Tro By E Two distingi against the hum Trotter Endower ing viewpoints God’s place in the rest of the u Rev. Dr. John P of mathematic Queens College Artifi cds (this year alone): $300 finding out there’s an internship for people like you: priceless Apply for a summer internship with Interscope/Geffen/A&M Records at You could be sent to Nashville, where you’ll spend five weeks learning from industry bigwigs. You might even be flown to LA to work on the Jurassic 5 album Power in Numbers. there are some things money can’t buy. for everything else there’s MasterCard.® No purchase necessary. 48 U.S. essay entrants win a summer study program. 12 of the 48 win a 2-week Internship. Contest open to undergraduate students. 18-25, who are U.S. residents. Ends 4/11/03. Restrictions apply. Go to for Official Rules and complete details. Official Rulta. No Purchaia Necessary to Enfer or Win. Eligibility: Open to legal residents ot the 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 to 25 years oi age and are enrolled as full- or part-time undergraduate students in a U.S Department of Education accredited 2-year or 4-year college/university as of 1/28/03 and at the time of winner selection and notification Employees of MasterCard international Incorporated ("Sponsor"). MasterCard member tmanciai institutions. Maior League Baseball Properties. Inc. MLB Advanced Media. L. P. Major League Baseball Enterprises. Inc., the Office of the Commissioner of Baseball, the American and National Leagues of Professional Baseball Clubs, and the Major League Baseball Clubs, and each of their respective shareholders, employees, parents, directors, officers, affiliates, representatives, agents, successors, and assigns (hereinafter. "MLB Entitles"), interscope Records. Inc.. NEXTM0VE. Octagon Worldwide Limited, participating universities. Project Support Team. Inc. f PST"), and (heir respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors, officers, directors, governors, related entitles, partners, partnerships, principals, agents, licensees, sponsors, representatives, successors and assigns, and advertlslng/promotion agencies (collectively "Released Parties ) and members ot the immediate tamiiy (mother, father, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and spouse) and household ot each such employee are not eligible to participate This Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations Void where prohibited How to Enter: t.) Visit www and click on the MasterCard* Priceless Edge' u icon between 9 00 01AM Central Time (“CT") on 1/28/03 and 8:59:59AM CT on 4/11/03 ("Promotion Period"); 2.) Click on the icon representing your preferred MasterCard* Priceless Edge"* course of study: Sports Management or Music & Entertainment (collectively course of study"); 3 ) To access the application form for your selected course of study, click on the Apply Now" button or register lor one of six free course of study specific MasterCard Priceless Edge' 1 * online distance-learning seminars developed by NEXTMOVE and complete the selected seminar Participating distance-learning seminars are approximately thirty minutes in duration and academic prerequisites are not required lor participation. 4.) Submit an essay ot no more than (250) words answering the question for your selected course of study. Essay questions (or each course ot study are as follows: Sports Management It you could start a new professional sports business, what would it be. and why? Music & Entertainment: It you could start your own music or entertainment company, what would it do and how would it be different? The entry must be your original creation, in English and cannot have been previously published or submitted in any prior competition Modification of an existing work does not quality as original; 5.) Fully complete the online entry lorm: and 6 ) Click the "Submit" button Limit one entry per person and per e-mall address for each selected course ot study lor the duration ol the Promotion Period (i.e. a maximum ol one Sports Management and one Music & Entertainment essay). Additional entries received from such person and/or e-mail address thereafter will be void. Your submission of an online entry constitutes your consent to participate In this Contest and your consent tor Sponsor to obtain and deliver your name, address and other information to PST tor the purpose ot administering this Contest and tor other uses by Sponsor as permitted by applicable law. Sponsor is not responsible (or lost, incomplete, late, stolen, or misdirected entries or submissions; thett. destruction or unauthorized access to. or alteration ol. entries; failures or malfunctions ol phones, phonelines or telephone systems; interrupted or unavailable network, server or other connections; any error, omission, interruption, delect or delay in any transmission or communication; traffic congestion on the Internet or for any technical problem, including but not limited to any Injury or damage to entrant s or any other person s computer related to or resulting from participation In this Contest; errors In these Official Rules, in any Contest- related advertisements or other materials; the selection or announcement of winners or the awarding ol prizes; the cancellation, suspension or modification ol online distance-learning seminais. or other problems or errors ol any kind whether mechanical, human, electronic or otherwise. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to void any and all entries ol an entrant who Sponsor believes has attempted to tamper with or Impair the administration, security, fairness, or proper play ol this Contest The use of automated entry devices is prohibited All entries will become the property of Sponsor and will not be returned Judging; A total ol (98) winners |(50) Sports Management Winners and (48) Music & Entertainment Winners) will be selected lor the duration of the Promotion Period based on the date and time entry is received in accordance with the Entry Periods outlined below beginning at 9:00:01AM CT and ending at 8 59 59AM CT respectively: Entry Period #1 1/28/03-2/20/03. (16) Sports Management Winners. (16) Music & Entertainment Winners Entry Period #2 : 2/21/03-3/17/03. (17) Sports Management Winners. (16) Music 4 Entertainment Winners Entry Period #3 3/18/03-4/11/03. (17) Sports Management Winners. (16) Music & Entertainment Winners. Entries received lor each respective course ot study during one Entry Period will not carry forward to subsequent Entry Periods Entries will be judged by an independent panel ol judges supervised by PST (an independent judging organization whose decisions will be final and binding in all matters relating to this Contest) based on the following criteria: 1.) Originality: 0-40 points; 2.) Creativity/Written Expression: 0-30 points, and 3 ) Relevance to the theme: 0-30 points. The likelihood of winning a prize will depend on the quality ot each entrant’s submission as compared to the quality of all other entrants' submissions as |udged in accordance with the aforementioned criteria. In the event of a tie. all such tied entries will be rejudged based on Originality: 0-100 points. II a lie still exists, the remaining tied entries will be rejudged based on Relevance to theme: 0-100 points Winners will be notified by telephone and/or mail on or about 5/2/03. Neither Sponsor, nor anyone acting on its behalf, will enter into any communications with any entrant regarding any aspect ol this Contest olher than to notify potential winners Limit one prize per person, family, or household Prize*: (50) Sports Management Winners & (48) Mpsic 4 Entertainment Winners. Attend the MasterCard Priceless Edge™ Summer Study Program (hereinafter "summer study program") at a participating university to be designated by Sponsor between 6/2/03 and 7/3/03 featuring an introduction to each winner s selected course ol study (either the Sports Management or Music 4 Entertainment industry) with access to select industry experts designated by Sponsor, specialized curricula, classroom sessions lour days/week (Monday-Thursday) and oll-campus excursidns one day/week (Friday) Prize includes round-trip coach air transportation from major airport nearest each winner’s residence in the L) S . standard double-occupancy room/board on participating university's campus, on-campus meal plan designated by Sponsor, ground transportation to/from ofl-campus excursions. $1.000 which may be used toward spending money, and the opportunity to compete lor one ol twelve MasterCard* Priceless Edge™ post summer study internship invitations for each respective course ol study (Approximate Summer Study Program Retail Value "AR\r*$6.700). Total ARV ol all prizes=$656.600 The MasterCard* Priceless Edge'” Sports Management internship experience consists of (but is not limited to) the opportunity to join a MLB™ Club designated solely by Sponsor and participate in a two-week internship at said MLB™ Club s administrative offices to support the development and implementation ot an in-stadium promotion. The MasterCard* Priceless Edge™ Music 4 Entertainment internship experience consists ot (but is not limited to) the opportunity to join interscope Records and participate in a two-week internship at their administrative offices in Santa Monica. CA to manage and promote the release and media support ol an artist/group to be determined solely by Sponsor Both the Sports Management and Music 4 Entertainment internship experiences will also include a 5-day/4-nigh1 trip lor intern to the 2003 MLB™ All-Star Game* in Chicago. IL between 7/12/03 and 7/16/03 consisting of round-trip coach air transportation trom major airport nearest Intern s residence in the U.S.. standard double-occupancy hotel accommodations, a total of $1.000 spending money, a ticket to both the 2003 CENTURY 21 • Home Run Derby* event and the 2003 MLB™ All-Star Game* exhibition, ground transportation to/trom select promotion-related events, and other on-site activities to be determined by Sponsor Prize and internship details not specifically set forth herein are at Sponsor's sole discretion. Exact dales ol internship experience (tentatively early August 2003) to be designated by Sponsor internship selections will be conducted by the Dean ol the summer study program and ludged by a participating university faculty representative designated by Sponsor whose decisions are final and binding in all matters relating to the production internship team and selection thereof, internship selection process will be based upon numerical scores awarded as outlined below per each student's participation In summer study program activities. Including but not limited to. performance during study group activities and case study analysis, teamwork, attendance and overall participation, and compliance with summer study program and University codes ot conduct as follows issue ideniilicatlon and skit performance 20%. Case study performance and study group interplay and cooperation: 50%; class and Held study attendance/participation: 15%. and compliance with summer study program and university codes of conduct 15%. Summer study program classroom/oft-campus excursion attendance is mandatory and winners must comply with all MasterCard rules and regulations relating to their participation in the summer study program Sponsor may. in its sole discretion, impose disciplinary sanctions on winners/interns, ranging (rom a warning to expulsion to referral lor state or federal prosecution, lor violation ol lederai. state or local laws, summer study program and participating university student codes ol conduct Content ol summer study program to be determined solely by Sponsor and courses are not for credit. Travel restrictions may apply and travel must take place on dates specilied by Sponsor or prize will be forfeited and awarded to the runner-up. MLB™ Club(s). artist(s)/group(s). unlversity(s) and/or other organization(s) or personality(s) featured in MasterCard* Priceless Edge™ Contest promotional advertising are subject to availability. If any named MLB Ciub(s). artist(s)/group(s). university(s) and/or other orgamzatlon(s) or personaiity(s) Is unavailable to participate in the capacity specified tor any reason, an entity/individual of similar stature as determined by Sponsor will participate in lieu ol the applicable named entity and/or individual Mieceiianeoui: No transfer, assignment, cash redemption, or substitution ot prizes except by Sponsor due to prize unavailability, and then lor a prize of equal or greater value Federal, stale and local taxes and all other costs and expenses not specilied herein are winners sole responsibility Winners will be required io execute and return an Affidavit ol Eligibility. Liability Release and (where legal) Publicity Release within (3) days ot issuance of notification along with a copy ol their current college/university transcript and must be in good academic standing as defined by their respective college/university at time of prize award. It any prize notification letter is returned as undeiiverable. a runner-up will be awarded the prize. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and 1.) Attest that their entry is an original creation that has not been previously published or submitted in any other competitions; and 2 ) Agree that Released Parties and their designees and assigns a ) shall own the entry (and all material embodied therein) and shall have the perpetual, worldwide right to edit, publish, exploit and use the entry (or any portion thereof) in any way and In any media lor advertising and/or trade purposes and/or tor any other purpose in any media or format now or hereafter known without further compensation, permission or notification from/to entrant or any third party; b ) shall have the right and permission (unless prohibited by law) to use entrant s name, voice, city/state ot residence, photograph and/or other likeness for advertising and/or trade purposes and/or for the purpose of displaying their name as a winner and/or lor any other purpose In any media or formal now or herealter known without further compensation, permission or notification; c.) use of entry shall not violate the right ol any third parties and shall not violate any applicable lederai. state or local laws or ordinances, d.) shall have the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any entries that they deem to be obscene or otherwise not in good taste: e.) shall have no liability and entrant will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Sponsor and the other entities named herein trom and against any liability, loss, injury or damage ol any kind (including attorney's lees) to any person or entity including, without limitation, personal injury, death or damage to personal or real property, due in whole or in part, directly or Indirectly, by reason ol the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a prize or participation in this Contest and any travel related thereto including, but not limited to. any claim that entrant's submission infringes or violates the rights ol any person or entity Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, terminate or suspend this Contest should virus, bugs, nonauthorlzed human Intervention or other causes beyond the reasonable control ol Sponsor, including but not limited to war, strikes, and/or acts ol God. corrupt or Impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play ol this Contest and. II the Contest is terminated or suspended, at its discretion award prizes in a judging from among all non-suspect entries received prior to event requiring such modification, termination or suspension Winners List: For the winners names, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to he received by 6/2/03 to MasterCard* Priceless Edge ,M Winners. P 0 Box 13106, Bridgeport. CT 06673-3106. Mato* le»gu« Buebaii tradenum* A copyngnu *»• used <vim pemMMlon ol Major league Baseball Properties inc MasterCard international incorporated is an Official Sponsor of Maior League Baseball This Contest is nof produced or executed by any MLB Entity ©2003 MasterCerd intemationil incorporated All Rights Reserved Sponsor: MasterCard International incorporated 2000 Purchase Street Purchase NY 10577 Piomotar Project Support Teem me 100 Min Plain Road Danbury CT 06811 fear msy elect to here your neme end eddress removed trom lists ot nemes end addresses used by MasterCerd International Incorporated lo direct mall skill contests or sweepstakes. To so prohibit mailing ol all skill contests or sweepstskes by MasterCard International Incorporated to you. you must send a removal request containing your name end address (please also Include the first 6 digits of your MasterCard card number. It any) to the following address: A TTH: Sweepstakes Exclusion Notification System. Global Promotions Manager. MasterCard International Incorporated. 2000 Purchase Street. Purchase. NY 10577-2509 Giuliani's leadership exceeds million marl NEW YORK (AP) - Found Mayor Ruolph Giuliani's best selling book, "Leadership,* bas exceeded more than one mil lion copies in print since is release in October. Jonate Burnham, president of Miramai Books, which published "Leadeaship," said Giuliani has authored a collection of quotations that will be sold along side copies of the book beginning May 7. "I think what's remarkable as a publishing phenomenon, is not just that here are now out million copies in print, butalsc the rate of sale has been stead) since the beginning of theyeai,' Burnham told the Daily Flews for Wednesday's editions. Through a spokeswoman Giuliani told the newspaperbt was "truly honored and hum bled" to have reached the mile stone of one million copies. His book of quotes, if "Leadership Through the Ages,' will include sayings from histoi- ical figures like Eleaif Roosevelt, Winston Church! and William Shakespeare. Burnham said the form mayor's next book will be! memoir about his career as i federal prosecutor in Manhattan 'Miss America' will stay in Atlantic City ATLANTIC CITY, NJ. (AP)- There she is. And there shel stay - for now. Miss America Organizatioi officials signed a five-year con tract Tuesday to keep tin beauty pageant in Atlanlit City, 14 months after threaten ing to leave. The deal, which will continue an annual $678,000 subsid) from the Atlantic Cilf Convention & Visitors Authoiit) has options that could add H years to the term. As important, perhaps,! what it doesn't call for: neu subsidies. Apart from buying lightini and sound equipment needef to make Boardwalk Hall T Ready" for the annual telen sion show, the convention authority didn't have to sweel en the pot, said chairman Mark Juliano. In exchange for the subsid) and in-kind services to life America, the authority gets an Atlantic City plug on the annu al pageant telecast and useol the reigning Miss America to 10 appearances each year at trade shows and other events "Miss America really doesn! belong anywhere but i» | Atlantic City," Juliano said. GIULIANI By Ju THE ASSC BOSTON — burned survivors nightclub disaste successful recovc stance that is mar Artificial skit own skin cells, s< ing them as they replace burned tis promising — but and not always cc Covering a pa burned can requir material, said Dr. $99 Round Trip £ 1 Always affordab Visit •Three-day advance purchi olher discount fare. Some restrictions a