The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 20, 2003, Image 4

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    S'JWiS! Student Counseling
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Thursday, February 20, 2003
[Stressed out over grades?
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In 1992, delegates at Alpha Chi Omega’s National Convention voted to adopt the Support
of Victims of Domestic Violence as a national altruistic project. All members are
encouraged to provide service in their community to local shelters or organizations aiding
victims of domestic violence.
Chi's all over the state of TEXAS are supporting
Children of Domestic Violence
by collecting pampers, baby wipes & baby food through
Hod<%, 2003
Please HELP in this worthy cause by donating pampers, baby wipes and/or
baby food. The items will be distributed to local shelters on
Istecfey, Ksrch 1st, Here t>?y.
Hera Day is a day recognized by
Chi's to,
^Uph# A/I US to give personal service for the happiness and well
being of others. Come & join in our efforts and drop off diapers, baby
wipes, and/or baby food by FEBRUARY 28th at
the following DROP-OFF SPOTS:
Alpha Chi Omega House
1505 Olympia Way
YaTl Come See Us
All Day
Happy Hour
$ l
domestic longnecks
with order
‘til we can’t stand it!
303 Boyett • College Station, Texas 77840 • 260-8850
Across from Tradition’s Dorm
Catherine Zeta-Jones,
Rene Zellweger, Richard Gere
Velma Kelly (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is a
premiere nightclub diva in 1920s Chicago,
the heart of the infectious jazz movement
that swept America. Kelly’s song and dance
numbers attract large audiences every night,
and she is undeniably at the top of her trade.
Men cannot take their eyes off of Kelly and
women long to become her.
Roxie Hart (Rene Zellwegger) watches
Velma from the audience in the smoky
Chicago joint and aches to be onstage living
out dreams of ‘all that jazz.’ The confident,
powerful Velma appears to be the direct
opposite of the rather homely Roxie Hart,
who blends into the crowd. Though obvious
ly different, these two women share a com
mon ground as they find themselves behind
bars in prison. In a desperate attempt to score
her chance on stage, Roxie sleeps with a
self-proclaimed man with connections, who
promises her a big break. From the fact that
he is married with children to his complete
lack of connections to the world of showbiz,
Fred Casely’s lies are soon uncovered, driv
ing Roxie into a rage. She shoots and kills
him with a pistol that belongs to her hus
band, Amos Hart (John C. Reilly).
Velma, arrested for the murder of her hus
band and sister, is rather indifferent to Roxie,
brushing off her admiration. Perhaps Velma
is too busy basking in every ounce of atten
tion she receives from the tabloids.
Roxie finally receives a small break as
Mama (Queen Latifah) offers her the chance
to be represented by slick Chicago lawyer
Billy Flynn (Richard Gere). With his wit and
ability to guiltlessly exploit his clients to his
advantage, Flynn convinces the city that
innocent, naive Roxie could not be a murder
ess, and uses her as a moral warning to the
young girls out there to avoid being wooed
into the world of jazz—a world of late nights
and cocktails.
The tables turn for Roxie, who becomes
the dame of the hour, causing Velma to
take an interest in her. Just as the photogra
phers quickly point their cameras at Roxie
and away from Velma, a new woman rolls
into the prison with three murders under
her belt and steals the spotlight. Roxie and
Velma are equally sly and refuse to stay in
the background, which results in interesting
plot twists.
“Chicago” is dominated by song and
dance numbers, in which Zeta-Jones simply
radiates. Those years of dancing profession
ally in London paid off, because it is obvious
that she is more experienced in the areathau
Zellwegger. Zellwegger’s job was a tough
one, due not only to her inexperience with
song and dance, but also to the fact that her
character is not particularly likeable; she is
highly self-involved and manipulative. It is
Zellwegger’s precise comedic timing that
makes her so enjoyable to watch. Queen
Latifah is the best part of an already stellar
supporting cast, specifically with her song
“When You’re Good to Mama.”
“Chicago” helps bring back the musical,a
brave move that was first successfully
attempted by “Moulin Rouge” last year. Witlt
perfect casting, killer choreography, and
catchy songs, “Chicago” is a breath of fresh
air in film, a masterpiece for first-time direc
tor Rob Marshall.
—Lauren Smith
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Kish’s th
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Source: wwvv
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