The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 25, 2002, Image 8

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Thursday, April 25, 2002
Continued from page 1A
course choosing your graduate
school is important also.”
The Lowry Mays college is one
of the smaller programs.
“The bigger programs have
more opportunity of rating higher.
As small as we are, it’s great to be
rated among some of the bigger
programs,” Strawser said.
The Dwight Look College of
Engineering’s drop in ranking was
caused by the University of
Southern California, who received
a big grant that they were able to
record, said Dr. Roland Haden,
dean of the Dwight Look College
of Engineering.
“If you look at the numbers,
we’re actually at the same point
now that we were in 2002,” Haden
said. “The numbers are so sensitive
to something like a grant, which
we can see with the University of
Southern California. They are a
small school, and that grant helped
bump them up considerably.”
The University of California
placed eighth in the 2003 edi
tion of best graduate schools,
moving up from I 1th place the
previous year.
“What people need to realize
is that this survey is about 40
percent based solely on opinion,”
Haden said. “It seems to me that
with 40 percent, you can do a lot
of biasing. The people who are at
the top of the lists usually remain
at the top. Things don’t really
change for them.”
Haden said students should
not be discouraged with the lower
“We bounce around a little bit
every year,” he said. “Looking at
research funding, we still rank
fourth in the country.”
In regard to the business
school, Haden said the College of
Business has done better this year
when compared to last.
“With the new edition they’re
building and the programs they
offer, the ranking should be going
up, not down,” Haden said.
Other rankings for A&M show
that in the doctoral sciences, the
specialty of biological science
placed 60th and chemistry placed
22nd with inorganic chemistry
ranking sixth. The College of
Veterinary Medicine ranked fourth
for the second consecutive year.
For more college rankings, the
U.S. News and World Report: 2003
Edition of Best Graduate Schools
can be found on newsstands.
Continued from page 1A
Bush said, including A&M’s Big Event, whichcd-
20th anniversary this year and has spread to neari
colleges and universities across America.
"We can honor the lives lost (on Sept. liu v
lives count even more. I urge you to use theenereV
this time in your life to help someone else,” Bush,'
Bush called on students to consider program"
AmeriCorps. the Peace Corps, the new Citizen Cob
and Serve America and the Senior Corps after eraJii'
Bush added that students also can volunteer ini
or pursue a teaching career.
“Over the next decade, American schools will-
than 2 million new teachers,” Bush said. “The eda
provide our children helps shape the way they
throughout their entire lives.”
Bush referred to Sept. 1 I in her closing andtti®
mer President Bush for making lives better for t
through his kindness.
"All ol us are fortunate to live in a time of great rj
ing. Americans are proud, Americas are united andA-
care about others,” Bush said. "That’s what 1 see on H
lege campuses, and that’s what I see from coast tocoii
Before Bush’s speech, she spent time touring the *
and Stin" exhibit in the George Bush Presidentiali
“Once again I was reminded of what a tremendous ,
the Library is for the people of Texas and all Americas.'
said. "Texas A&M is a worthy custodian of thislivins
tion of American history.”
In the question-and-answer session. Bush said i
President George W. Bush have not yet decided whentij
his presidential library, but that it w ill be in Texas.
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