The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 25, 2002, Image 6
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College Station: 200 Southwest Pkwy: 776-3424, 1801 Rock Prairie Rd.: 776-3499, 321 University Dr.: 691-8366 Bryan: 3000 Briarcrest: 776-5402, 501 N. Harvey Mitchell Pkwy.: 821-3120 C>2002 Wells Fargo Banks All rights reserved Member FDIC j\ er'asft cejUfSe In Fc <s>n a ni j cs - 24 menu items priced under $4 every day. Unlimited fresh-baked breadsticks and soft drink refills with every dine-in entree purchase. FREE GARDEN SALAD > I ! with purchase of any adult entree (excluding Double Slice Pizza). ! 1 COLLEGE STATION: 400 Harvey Pu./Phone: 694-5199/Fax: 694-5299 * One coupon per person per visit at participating FazoliV Restaurants only Expires 5/15/02 , 6A Thursday, April 25, 2002 lXT ^ NEWS internauB- THE BA the Bum Israel delays U.N. fac finding mission in Jeni UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. Security Council held emergency consultations Tuesday night after Israel delayed a U.N. tact-1 aid ing mission to the war-ravaged Jenin refugee camp. An Israeli official charged that the three-member fact-finding team was chosen by Secretary-General Kofi Annan without consulting Israel, as had been agreed, and that the members were political and not from a military background as Israel had requested. A Western diplomat said Israel wants to nego tiate terms for the team’s activities in Palestinian areas, and wants one member removed. Comelio Sommaruga, former president of the International Committee of the Red Cross. The mission's arrival will be delayed until the problem is solved, the Israeli official said in Jerusalem. Finnish Prime Minister Martti Ahtisaari, the team leader, was scheduled to fly to Geneva on Tuesday night and hook up with other members there on Wednesday. He was expecting to be in the Middle East by the end of the week. Arab nations have accused Israel of massacring Palestinian civilians in the camp, but Israel says the deaths and destruction resulted from gunbattles between its soldiers and Palestinian gunmen. The fighting in Jenin was the fiercest of Israel’s 3-week-old military offensive. Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres gave a green light to the fact-finding mission on Friday say ing the country had “nothing to hide.” The Security Council unanimously endorsed the mission. Contim Hoppe: a rel alive 1; that allov money ia> into the at Hat the But Prime Minister Ariel Sharon "^A ncr, merit objected to Annan’s apJ *Vnm announced on Monday. He named Sa ‘nni Sommaruga and Sadako Ogata, the for 44 We thought that the Israeli side did not have anything to hide, but obviously they do. — Nasser Al-Kidwa Palestinian U.N. observer high commissioner lor refugees. ^ ronl . ‘' (l | : -li Defense Minister Binv^S” 11 W () Eliezer on Monday night demandedteH 11 7 U S. Maj. Gen. William Nash, who TO M u n a f , ed as milit HA .uKis,t. be made a full’ 1< the team because of the eomple\ searoM s a involved. He nKo asked that the l.,\ thi| beca ^' its mission onl\ to Jenin. pulled 1 ially, n will remain a thr. 'Tf 0 P u ’ v team. But Ahtisaan '•tressed other paitjH^ 1 ' such as advisers and se, Cooperat, sonnel would brine ■ ec|noinie about 20, ' Jan - 1 ,h Ahtisaari told rep inc,cascd Tuesday that all memterP 61 ^’ 1 ' '' mission would work as and Nash would play a\' role, but as the militans Ne i t he r An nan nor Ahtisai out the possibility of go: side Jenin. Norway’s U.N. AmfeJ plan such age indivi may coni this year, ■ Hoppe dents, it should ta Ole Peter Kolbv said Isr* , . sion to delay the fect-lin£*HP °y er sion "was regrettable." The council cal meeting to show support for Annan "ani Israel to change its mind,” he said. Nasser Al-Kidwa. the Palestiniai observer, called the Israeli decision : blackmail which will definitely underari integrity of the fact-finding process.' “We thought that the Israeli sidedidnti anything to hide, but obviously they do, h ■d he i ior to th investmei making p "My a uatmg is retiremen offer,” Hr in as soo Palestinians remain in churci BETHLEHEM. West Bank (AP) — A Palestinian stand ing at a window inside the Church of the Nativity com pound was shot by cm Israeli soldier and seriously wounded Wednesday, the army and Palestinian witnesses said. The shooting came as Israelis and Palestinians planned a second day of nego tiations in an attempt to resolve a three-week standoff at the church, built on the traditional site of Jesus' birthplace. The man, who was armed according to the army, was evacuated to a Jerusalem hospital. About 200 armed Palestinians — with several dozen others — have been holed up inside the church since April 2, when they entered to escape advancing Israeli troops. Meanwhile, a confronta tion was brewing between Israel and the United Nations over a fact-finding mission appointed to look into the battle in the Jenin refugee camp. U.N. Secretary- General Kofi Annan rebuffed an Israeli demand to delay the mission, ordering the team to arrive in the Middle East by Saturday. Israel says it wants the team to include people with military and anti terrorism experience. In Bethlehem, Israeli and Palestinian officials met Tuesday at the Bethlehem Peace Center, a few yards away from the fortress-like 4th-century stone church. The Palestinians have pro posed that the gunmen be escorted to the Palestinian- controlled Gaza Strip. Israel has been insisting that they must surrender and either be put on trial in Israel or be deported. Though no agree- Jenin destruct Some homes in the Jenin : refugee camp were levet- Israeli bulldozers during2 j week occupation. A U.NAj, finding team is preparniglof the camp. ISRAEL i Refugee camp Jenin Ml • i • 2 Casa ^Tulkarem 10 mi Pale" r conw4 'O 10 km -— — SOURCE: Associated Press ment was reached, I reported progress and tf - talks were planned. Qulzno's SUBS IN NORTHGATE I 10 COLLEGE MAIN 846-7000 Mon > Sat I 0:30am-I 0:00pm Sun I I am-9pm ★ NEW TO NORTHGATE Accepting Aggie Bucks! Thanks for visiting Quizno’s in Northgate & remember parking is cheap and convenient at tn Northgate Parking Garage Apartn kitchen conditi \ing. Lc with a econon $ THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 1.00 OFF ANY SUBJIM \ • pei* customer per visit. Must present coupon. waimart).y ® " J_L9_CpJly^e Main and 3103 Freedom Blyc^((across froniHE^?"-- ' ( These stores not affiliated with Texas Avenue Qui^ wo I exhi april rudd rude sere may rude