The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 25, 2002, Image 4

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l nursaay, /\pru
BAll! {HE BA
JUNE 3-28, 2002
For Non-Business Majors
An Intensive Course In Business Essentials
For Non-Business Majors
The job market today is challenging, demanding new
employees be well versed in business concepts and practices.
The Summer Business Institute is designed for students like
you, with little or no business training or experience, giving
you an edge to compete for top positions in any field.
• One month, intensive non-degree certificate program
• Real-world business knowledge in: accounting, finance,
marketing, information technology, operations
management, presentation skills
• Career planning assistance
• Exceptional faculty
• Nationally-ranked business school in the heart of Dallas,
a major hub of business
Summer Business Institute
r M^thodiJuniverSty^r
\ | SjrtU’s lommitn^nt^D equal opportunity irKlptte!
| *n IT- I |
. religion, national origin, sex. age. disability, or veteran status,
lihqpon on the basis of sexual orientation. CX02-2005D
SrituGELE Fan
-- H || W- g |:%r 'o *
Wm&i m
The Palestinian Perspective on the
Ongoing Conflict in the Middle East
Lecture & Slideshow Presentation
Neil Simon’s play scortori
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Directed by J. Kevin Doolen
Starring: Keith Neagle, Susan
Johnston, Lindsay Jo Hartline,
Sarah Bibeau, Kelly Stolte, Ricky
Wood, and Michael Santos
Every now and then, a play
comes along that has the per
fect mixture of every element:
interesting storyline, talented
actors and capable directing.
Brighton Beach Memoirs seems
to hit the spot.
Intriguing the audience can be
a challenge for actors, but the
cast of Brighton Beach Memoirs
goes beyond mere entertain
ment. The cast's natural talent
keeps the audience on the edge
of its seats with an incredible
Recreating 1937, Brighton
Beach Memoirs takes the audi-
Keith Neagle, a junior theater arts and English major, plays the role
of Eugene.
ence back to a timeolst!al»/^v-^^
lnstability. The actots'llL^A-
life the brilliant storyNej;: 1
wrote years ago. NEW Y(
Brighton Beach Me^lves rule
the story of a Jewish lr Awaals ' w
lives day in and daym
midst of hard times. Frig a leadi
loss to thefearofbeints E f jah V
off to war, this family hi* 81 male
than enough to dealwir 1 ^ 1 ot 1
The extensive setting Jlf ndo ,
audience a glimpse '
was like during the
Depression. The seriotJ/! , R
conflict within a tight-b^ 1 U
as the underlying thrrS
that keeps the crowd n
and amused. The main
ter adds another dinwitG * I
the storyline with hisun!Ajj|^a|
sarcasm in the narratior ’ . ,
Perhaps what makes’ Cllcl Tt
enjoyable is the enthusiq new y
dent in each actor. q ow can
Whether the characiifatest
sarcastic and funny o Cmon
and sickly, the role : debuted
with energy and atrue::ond place
for acting. album ch
Be prepared to laugh , singer
in the same breath, . self-tiled
Beach Memoirs is enifalbum re
ment at its best. (Grade : in the tc
jk>r the
>ies ol
S week
Crow sc
Costner to display bronze
buffalo sculpture
RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) - Kevin Costner has
picked a site in Deadwood for the display of a 17-
piece bronze sculpture showing Lakota hunters
driving a herd of buffalo along and over a bluff.
The sculpture, which was to have been the cen
terpiece of Costner's proposed Dunbar Resort, is
to be installed on Dunbar property on the north
west edge of town.
Officials said the sculpture will not be open to
the public for about a year. Plans call for building
a loop road, parking lot, heritage center, interpre
tive trail and viewing terraces.
e buffalo jump (sculpture) will beth d JL | ate
terpiece of the story of the North AmefkllW^ D
and the cultures that have been ^ e P en ^ eil!: jji at ; nun -|
said Pat Wyss of the Rapid City l an ^ sca ( ,e; | 0 pj es ,
tectural firm doing the site design. month
Peggy Detmers, a Rapid City artist, crej:;; ( | rop p ed
sculpture. The pieces are 125 P ercent 0 ■ : onc j S p 0 t
size. The sculpture has three Lakota ride' ^ nc j t ^ e
horseback and 14 bronze bison. Gutterflo
The giant pieces have been store ^ outs& fourth pi
Wyoming foundry where they were cast ’ No.i i. Ju
delays in getting the Dunbar resort built. S(
The Costners are bound by a contrac! j n
Detmers to put the bronze sculpture on,
display by 2003.
Crossing Place
LLPe Hear Vou!
You asired for it. You got it!
Vou asked the Crossing Place team
to create apartments for students
inith contemporary furnishings and a
comfortable clubhouse ujhere you’d
hang out... We heard you! If that’s
not enough, zero deposit is required
and you’ll get $150 i/istailt Cash if yOU
finalize a lease now for Rugust moue in.
Prices start at $360/month.
Restrictions apply. Offers subject to change.
Crossing Place®
400 Southinest Parkway
From TeKas Huenue, turn west on
Southwest Parkway. Crossing Place ^
is on your left before IPellborn Road, c?
Leasing Center (Culpepper Plaza): ^
1619 S. TeKas Rue.
College Station, TR 77840