The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 25, 2002, Image 13
lay, April; jfieds continued from pg. 4B FOR RENT n ' a i9 sublease for summer. $200/mo P HL one-block from campus, w/d, jihed Jessica 680-8590. (pnce mosj sonal pos;Jpocatoi\ Apartments, Duplexes, n doesn’t s slify fortlie led early. jses. Call Alpha Omega Properties ker ((93-0868. EE duplex, Availa- rent 3ba duplet security t- May rent &bills, 3/2 ^Ri. negotiable. 268-0665. 5/15 |it2bdrm/1bth apartment, walk to TA- I. No Pets. $450/mo. +$300 deposit. 1-1062 ge'2bdrm/1ba brick duplex. Biking dis- ce to A&M. Fenced yard. No pets. ail.lg-1- $450/mo +bills. 693-8534. inRnir^«l#bdrm/2bth units on shuttle in Col- ^ > Station s Southwood Valley. W/D in- ded. Preleasing special of $900/12mo. se, $1000/9mo. lease. Pets ok with n/r ^■of$300. Please call Tommye Bar- ^ e * escor J at 680-1758 or 575-3788, email **®^I^ or see us on bsite at Sewood Villas, a Safe, Student Orient- Environment. ^^Bupiex, 3bdrm/2bth, Cypress. May ilif^ne, $875. Cathy 268-1074. rgel luxury townhome, Chadwick on Creek, 3/2.5/2. Many extras, i _®S1350/mo. 822-1616. t’s Make A Deal! Sundance Apts &- lusalito Apts have 3&4 bdrms avail. If Uwa d cable, water, gas bill paid +Sau- IrBr§as free ethernet, this is the place to " ii.Both located on Harvey Road- Start- rents are $950 and up. 696-9638/693- 42 ■ ^^HMidtown for a summer or a year! 1—rrr^fccation! 680-0783 Die*. 2lxr aster bed with bath, $200/nego., close to 5)55 mpus Call 764-7605. >•9403 urplex 2 iHahlfi It-, biease : f y-8pP ec ' al F ree w /d! Southwood Valley ith laroekrt^ furnished d^Bownhorne unit, 2bdrm/2bth, w/d, campus, $750 +utilities. (713)978- 30. m for 4-5 ■ wport Condos. 2-1, 3-2, Northgate, 1- m camp.; JCkto campus. Washer/Dryer included, teposii “r Klerground garage. Starting $495. 260- 1bth slu 2410 Be -111. Ih, 707 to it, nopets.Sii] ce,:3/2/2 convenient to A&M, fp, new irpet, available 6/1, $1095/mo. Call Realtor, Ashford Square Realty. iO-7653. Bjate August Prelease. 2/1, clean, iiet,[w/d. $465/mo. 777-5477. 3/2. Excei —I : — ie fireplacs iw leasing, new 3bdrm/3bth duplex with pets ok f ^> microw a v e & security system, in Sun Isas Mdcws subdivision, no pets, $1170/mo. 5 16-525-7135. n ° ( -' onc l os Preleasing. Fireplace, nc 3-- 1 : ^emaker. pool, hot-tub. 2/1.5 as little as ? shortie'Tilf 10 ’ 1/1 as little as $515/mo. Certain 5722 jStrictions apply 822-1616. i fencedi 8fltway Apartments. 1600 Southwest = Call6?f a,lway $ 0 - de P osit - Prelease now for or August. Special summer rate or 2 blocks s. 'Z-off first month rent. (979)693-6540. xter. a va - fe-Lease for May August at University Roe Apartments. 1700 G.Bush ,1.The rWrm apts, 1025-sq.ft., 3bdrm apts n, laundry i ^sg.ft. Call 693-1930. )/mo. 84/ 'S|^ ase f or May or August. University -—--''R Duplexes. 2bdrm/2bth, w/d connec- lededic Dns, fenced. $680/mo. 693-1448. i in Stenins-- iase for May or August. 2bdrm/1 bth, /d connections, near TAMU. 609 Turner, JS/mo. 693-1448. ^ 3bdrm/2bth house on 901-Krenek Tap Rd. $1100/mo. |448. ase for May20 2bdrm/2bath Rqft., W/D connections, fenced. '675/mo. 693-1448. .^ase May&Aug. Four-plexes: 1/1, jf, 2/1.5, 2/2. Duplexes: 2/1, new 3/3. 4 owner. 777-5477. fasing May 2bdrm/1,5bth, w/d includ- 'Ch Study :P 1anual Dr| ve, $525-$550. Cathy 268- ;earch : t .i® easin 3 May 3bdrm/2bth, beautiful Satmeni •Bkhollow Duplexes. Shuttle, w/d con- /aginitis)' E on s. $1000/ month, $600-deposit. 1 <979)822 - 1807 or ig, llchrr: frj., pQp RENT! Sublease to fit your jrner school schedule. $355/mo Uni- fy Place condominiums your own pom 361-649-6023. needed May- August. 1/1 brand new 2/2 apartment. -8350. ease an Apartment for Summer! '/mo. Located in Bryan. 774-2266. lease available, 1 bdrm/1 bth, w/d on- on bus-route, $393/mo. Call 696- s 12 acne nesj in a sublease 1-female to share m/2bth Rockhollow duplex, w/d, fur- Bd, $325/mo„ 775-9573. j(jy With 2 Wurier'subiease Ibd/lbth in 2bd/2bth {OpPBfment. $289/mo. +1/2bills. Call 693- yolUllta^ 1 P— oH for th®T!' rTler su blease tbdrm in a 2bdrm/2bth Bex with yard, on shuttle, available B $300/mo. +1/2bills, 696-3338. FOR RENT Summer Sublease Female, 4bdm/2ba, washer dryer in room, fully furnished, on bus route, close to campus, workout room, volleyball, baseketball, May- Aug. $326/mo. Call Bethany 693-2542 or 877- 8307. SUMMER SUBLEASE Madison Pointe Apts., 1-room of 2bdrm/1.5bth, $250/mo. nego. 693-2673. Summer Sublease May 13th-July 31. 1415 Hillside. $550 total +1/2bills. 693- 4267/694-7921 Summer Sublease University Commons, May rent paid, 2bdrm/1bath, one bedroom available. $377/mo 694-8166 Summer Sublease w/2 cool guys. Univer sity Place. 4bedroom/4bath 229-6916 Summer sublease with option of continu ing rent in fall. 3/2 duplex, on bus route, w/d included. $350. 764-9737. Summer sublease, $200 off 2-months rent. College Park Treehouse, 2bdrm/2bth. Large balcony with view. $322/mo. after discount. Call Jonathan 693-2251. Summer sublease, $400/mo., 4bdrm/2bth house. Contact David at 847-3968. Summer sublease, tbdrm in 4bdrm/2bth, $250/mo. +1/4bills. Call Howard @979- 220-3203. Summer Sublease, 1 bdrm/1 bath in 2bdrm/1bath apartment. Furnished, ca ble, ethernet, $295/mo +bills. Brian 694- 1794 Summer sublease, 2/1, available 5/18- 8/13, $520/mo. +1/2util. $25 application fee, no deposit, MAY RENT FREE! 693- 0985. Summer sublease, 3/2, w/d connections, $750/mo+bills. May-August. 847-2521. Summer sublease, 4bdrm/3bth, $300/mo., w/d. Call 693-1635. Summer sublease, Christian female need ed, tbdrm in a 2bdrm/1bth. $280/mo. Call Michelle 587-1948. Summer sublease, The Zone, 2/2 furnish ed, available May-Aug., option to renew. $300/mo./rm. 680-1132. Summer sublease, University Commons Apartments, Fully furnished, 4/bedroom, May rent paid. 693-8147. Summer sublease-May rent free! Univer sity Commons, fully furnished, 1 bdrm/1 bth in 2bdrm/2bth, $377/mo., +1/2utilities, (979)694-6693, (281)3284640. Summer Sublease. Big rooms, backyard, w/d, private parking. New. (979)255-1421. Summer sublease. Roommate needed for 4/2-house. $250/mo +1/4bills. May-15- August-20. Call Lauren 693-1900. Summer Sublease: 1 bdrm/1 ba apartment. New carpet. From mid-May to mid-Aug. $469/mo. 764-5782. Summer-I sublease (5/10-7/29), 1 bdrm/1 bth available at The Zone, $419/mo. Call 979-695-8992. Summer/ Spring03 sublease. 1 bedroom in house, $375/mo, bills paid, Hurry! 680- 1866. University Place Condominium, fully fur nished rooms, individual bath, available immediately, washer/dryer, kitchen appli ances, $350/month (summer), $375/month (fall), call 979-764-0982. Very nice 2bdrm/2bth near A&M (301 Ni- mitz off University Dr E) with all applian ces (w/d included), $600/mo. Call 846- 5800. Walking distance to A&M. In Northgate. 2bdrm/1 ba studio apartment. $525/mo +bills. No pets. Available May-15 or pre lease for fall. 693-8534. Want a Nice Dulplex, for a low rate? 2bdrm/1 ba $545/mo & 2bdrm/2ba $565. Some available for early May move-ins. $100off 1st month rent. All units have fenced yards, and w/d conn. Call 693- 8850. Hurry! Washers & Dryers For Rent. Don’t buy, rent a washer & dryer, $28/month (plus tax). UniversityLeasing, Local, Faster, Better! 764-3902 Why pay rent? Stop throwing $ away. Buy and rent the other rooms out. Live for free! Broker Century21. FOR SALE 1995 Kawasaki JetSki, $2000/obo; couch $50/obo; Dining table $60/obo. Call 693- 3551 1996 Yamaha Wave Runner w/ trailer. Ex cellent condition. After market intake w/ performance prop. Inner-tube, ski-rope, cover, & 2-lifejackets included. $2900/obo. Call Brad (979)255-6322. 2/1 Mobile Home w/ all appliances includ ed. $6500. Sara, 571-4571. 3/2 mobile home w/ W/D included. 823- 3133. Available May 10th. 3bdrm/2ba, 2-level deck. By owner. 691-8775. 693-5138. Listed $35,000. me r Sublease 1 bdrm/1 ba in ■Fn/2ba duplex. Furnished, w/d, on BJIe, $325/mo +1/2bills/nego. 693- Ifemer Sublease 1 bdrm/1 bth in gwm/Sbth Zone Apts. $400 Price Nego- 764-8273. ^ei~subie ase 2/2 $550/mo, 3205D Trail, Bryan. Day-846-0100, pm ° AskforTeri. irT1er sublease 2bdrms in 3bdrm $300/mo. negotiable, on bus-route. 3bdrm/2bth homeplex, great location, on bus route, 601 San Mario, $85,000. Call (817)645-6097. Black Whirlpool microwave, almost brand new. $50. 492-8883. College Station 2-story: 2bd/1.5bth +study, living room, fireplace, w/d, and re- fridgerator, fenced 70’s. Show end of April. Call Jere Hill 281-338-3000. Couch and side table, good condition, $60/all. Call 695-0353. 5D Denim pull-out couch. $50/obo. 695-8489. P'her sublease 3bdrm/2bth apartment Meadows. W/d, on bus route, •«>0/mo., 680-9684. rner sublease 3bdrm/2bth house, 15- uesfrom campus, furnished, w/d, LAN $800/mo. 778-3907. MER SUBLEASE 4/2 nice house, 5r ^ av ailable, desperate for subleas- 3i ?d -^90/mo., May paid. Call now 680- |R nmer su t>lease at Sterling for female lunm Srnoker W/D, furnished, own bath- r^__Ca' Erin. 695-2565. ls47Q mer sul:)lea se at the Zone Apts. 'trMf erson ' 2bdrm/2ba nice condition, 2- ,0ld 979-764-1412 Loveseat, recliner, and coffee table, good condition. $175 for all three. Call 690- 2940. Ltd.Ed. space saver Pro- Form 595-LE treadmill, $400, Craftsman 5-horse coun ter rotating 17” rototiller $350, 764-1928. Exercise bike $35, 764-6962. Margarita machine. Industrial size, great for parties. $650/060 Call Brent (979)492-0357 Mobile home, 3/2, appliances included. Storage building, covered deck +carport. In nice area, $16,000. Great for students. 979-776-6771,979-575-8715. Must sell couch and two armchairs. $50 obo. 775-3534. Navy blue sectional including 4-tan accent pillows, $100- Call Andrea 764-8805. Nice reclining loveseat $200 obo. TV stand $20. Kitchen table & chairs $50. Voicemail 512-431-4764, Washer & Dryer. $50 each. Call 694-0618. FOR SALE Now Available! Dallas Mavericks/ Hous ton Texans Posters. Visit: Piano for sale $600/o.b.o; New computer $750. 693-8497. Roomy! 97 18’x80’ mobile, 2bdrm/2bth, fireplace, nice park, 823-6825. Saltwater Fish Tank 48gals- complete with Ellipse filter system, six pieces of live rock, water, and hawk fish. $150obo. 774- 3549. Sectional sofa $200, coffee table $40, computer desk $75, 693-3587. Sony DVD Player$100. Sony tower speak ers $100/080. Jeff 571-8025 Sony DVD Player$100. Sony tower speak ers $100/060. Jeff 571-8025 Want $300? AT&T Wireless will pay you $300 and will pay to end your current con tract. Call Luyen at 979-571-0137 for de tails or email Offer ends 4/30. GARAGE SALES Graduation Sale!!! I’m selling Everything! Furniture, Lots of clothes!! Free stuff!! Sunday, April 28th 8a.m. 1001 Summer Court, off spring Loop, behind the Hilton in C.S. Call Khrysti for more details- 691- 2068 HELP WANTED $$$Dancers, dancers, dancers$$$. Flexi ble hours. Silk Stocking 690-1478. 18+ only. $7,500 avg/summer. Looking for sharp, in dependent students for business, sales, &management opportunity. 492-1186. Leave name, classification, &major. 100 Instructors/ Counselors needed. Co ed sleepaway camp. Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Good salary! 1-800-422- 9842. 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Summer Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. IN STRUCTORS NEEDED: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, La crosse, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Wa terskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accompanist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood- shop, Nature, Nurses. Arlene Streisand, 1-800-443-6428; A fun, prestigious teaching position. Some evenings &Saturdays. Must have had driver’s license 4+years. No criminal record. We train. $8/hr. 693-9294. Awesome Summer Job: Challenge yourself while exploring the Rocky Moun tains, be rewarded by making a difference in the lives of children, and make friend ships that will last a lifetime. Cheley Colo rado Camps, a residential wilderness camp for children 9-17, is hiring Male Horseback Riding and Crafts counselors 6/10-8/13. Call us at 1-800-CampFun or visit our website at Brazos County. Brazos Center- Building Event Worker, P/T- $7.83/hourly. Week day hours begin at 4pm. Weekend hours vary. Responsible for the set-up of rooms for various types of events. A self-starter, able to follow directions & learn policy’s of center & enforce them as needed. Assist customers during their event & handle general cleaning in facility. Must be able to lift 50-lbs or more. Apply 300 E.26th St., Suite#107, Bryan, TX 77803, 979- 361-4114, or visit EOE. Casting Call- short film. Some parts paid. No experience req’d. Details www.texas. net/~zeus Church is hiring nursery workers for Sun days and Wednesday evenings. Call Mary 776-5000. College Students: Incoming freshmen through recent graduates... if you like peo ple and are highly motivated, hard working and dependable, WE WILL TRAIN YOU. We are a publicly traded, international company expanding in your local area. We have PT/FT positions available now with above average earning potential. Call for appointment: 1-888-298-0180. Copy Corner. Part-time position, M-F, 8:30a.m.-l :00p.m. Customer service po sition with responsibility of performing de liveries. Must be friendly, dependable and have clean driving record. Other part-time positions available. 1404 Texas Avenue South. Cruise line, entry level, on board positions available. Great benefits. Seasonal or year-round. (941 )329-6434, Earn extra income by cleaning offices M- F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. F-attendant needed for handicapped stu dent, both summer sessions. Please call 847-2147. Fox & Hound now accepting applications for servers +cooks. Mon.-Fri. between 2- 4pm, apply in person, 505 University Drive. Full-time painters needed for summer. No experience required. $7.00/hr. Call (979)695-7787. Full-time porter needed May-August. Apply at Parkway Apartments, 1600 SW Parkway, C.S. Help wanted for summer. Aggressive indi viduals needed for painting. Experience helpful but not necessary. Will work with school schedule. $7/hr. 775-7126. Interviewing Now! Students Welcome. $12.50 base/appt. Summer openings to be filled fast. Apply in College Station work back home in local office (30 throughout Texas). Customer Service/Sales, conditions apply.. Online: or 696-7734. Job Offer: Marketing Job with fortune 500 & 100 companies. Limited positions. Call Luyen at 979-571-0137 or email for details. Layne’s of CS is now hiring. 696-7633. Looking for a great place to work? Harvey Washbangers is accepting applications for all positions. Come by 1802 South Texas, 696-6756 for information. Looking for a Summer Job? City of Col lege Station is hiring lifeguards &cashiers for the summer. Fill out application at Hu man Resources Office at City Hall, also apply at line/cstx.htm For more information call 979-764-3540. Medical office now hiring administrative assistant. Duties include telephone corre spondence, prescription refills, data entry, scheduling and assisting the staff. Please call (979)776-7895 or fax your resume to (979)776-4260. Allergy Associates, 2706 Osier Blvd., Bryan, TX 77802. Need extra cash? The Texas A&M Book store in MSC is now hiring for spring buy back and Summer. Apply in store. Now hiring servers, cashiers &hosts. Ap ply between 2&5pm. Cotton Patch Cafe, Hwy-6 at Rock Prairie. HELP WANTED Need responsible, mature Christian stu dent to stay in our home with active 8-year old. 3-5:30pm M-Th after schdol, and 8- 5:30 summer (8-noon Fridays). Salary ne gotiable. Contact Kathy: 775-4212 eve nings. References required. Part-time bookkeeper, accounting classes necessary, will train, send resume to 3707-S. College Ave., Bryan, TX 77801 Part-time cooks needed. Koppe Bridge, 764-2933. Part-time counter position needed. Koppe Bridge, 764-2933. Part-time job helping handicapped. Male student preferred. $270/mo., 12-hours/ week. 846-3376. Part-Time Jobs. UCS, Inc., is the indus try leader when it comes to providing qual ity IT systems to the automotive industry. We have a long-standing tradition in our commitment to excellence and to our em ployees. UCS has experienced constant growth in the past 31 years and has never had to layoff or downsize. We have over 800 employees in College Station and 2500 worldwide. UCS currently has part- time openings including: 'Recruiting As sistant, 'Programming, 'Sales Dept. As sistant, 'PC Support, 'Field Tech Dis patcher, 'Repair Technician, 'Spanish Cli ent Services 5pm-10pm, 'Warehouse. UCS hires non-smokers only. Flexible schedules available. We offer $7/hr to start, intramural sports and free on-site fit ness room. EOE. Get your career start ed with a proven leader! To apply, please call us at 595-2609. 200 Ouality Circle, College Station, TX 77845. Attn: ad# 1583 Part-time summer office help wanted for photography studio. Must be a people person. Phone 695-8201. Receptionist, pt, medical office, good pay, leave message at 255-2789. Responsible individual wanted to babysit 6-month old in a home in Pebble Creek during the summer, 25-30hrs/wk. Experi ence not required, but warm +caring per sonality is. For more info call 690-8199 after 6pm. Sitter needed for 2-boys, ages 9&12, 30hrs/wk. Must like large dogs &have car. Call 845-6199 or 776-2886. Someone needed for late night shift. Must have EMT or First Response experience. Apply at 2410 Memorial Dr. Summer help needed to collect cotton leaf tissue and to isolate DNA from it. Any stu dents in genetics, biochemistry or related biological sciences are encouraged to contact Dr. John Yu @260-9237, 260-931, e-mail Summer Positions for telephone interview ers available on-campus, part-time eve ning &weekend shifts. Bilingual Spanish/English a plus. Competitive hour ly pay. Call Linda Magee at PPRI Survey Lab 845-9550. Temporary part-time work, flexible hours, must be available for summer, $6.50/hr. Call RRC at 846-4713. Two part-time sales assistant positions available in large insurance agency. Each starting at $8/hr. M/W 1pm-6pm and ev ery other Saturday from 10am-2pm, the second position would be T/TH 1pm-6pm and every other Saturday from 10am-2pm. Duties would include helping the sales staff with marketing and insurance propos als. Please submit resume to: The Liere Agency, 1101 University Dr. East, Ste. 100, College Station, TX 77840. Wanted: Energetic People for after-school program. Employment begins Aug.’02. Applications accepted ©College Station Conference Center thru April 26th. Kid’s Klub. Warehouse help needed. Full+ part-time hours. Will attempt to work around class time. Pre-employment drug screen re quired. Apply in person, Bill Crutchfield, 778-6000, ext. 151. Warehouse help/ driver needed now through summer, Tuesday mornings, Sat urday definite, additional hours flexible. Good driving record required. $7.50- $8/hr. 779-9010. Web designers needed. Front page. Flash, data base. E-commerce. Call Mike 764-5902 Workers needed for lawn maintenance company. FT/PT, $6.50/hr. Kirk 690- 6392. MISCELLANEOUS Sell your furniture for cash! Oualitiy Used Furniture will buy your furniture. Call 693- 8669 ’ ‘ MOTORCYCLE 1983 Suzuki GS650G. Great condition. Excellent commuter. $1100. 693-6537. 1987 Suzuki Intruder 700, looks great, chromed, runs great. $2500obo 779- 7024. 1998 Katana 750, black, 8000-mi., excel lent condition, with 2-helmets, $4800. 690-1166. 1998 Ninja 500R, never been wrecked, $2800. Call 680-9551. 1999 Yamaha FZR-600 sport bike, 8,500- miles, $3500. Call Tyson 412-2993. 2000 Honda CBRF4, yellow/ black, excel lent condition, 3400miles. $6500 obo. 979-820-2784, 979-695-2763. 2001 Kawasaki Ninja 500 + 2-helmets +accessories. $4100 obo. 694-6902. 2001 YZF-R1 Full Akrapovic exhsys. Jet- kit Perfect 979-229-7916 $8,000/080. ‘94 Kawasaki ZX-9R, blk/ slvr/ mrn, $5800 neg. 218-8668. ‘99 Kawasaki Ninja 250. $2000. Call Jared at 694-6819. Black ‘98 Yamaha V-star Custom, 650cc, great condition, runs perfectly, $3700/obo. 695-0269. MUSIC Marshall JCM900 LEAD1960 4x12 CAB. Rackmount gear: rocktron chameleon 2000 24bit DSP 256 soundbanks. BBE 482 sonic maximizer velocity 120 AMP $1500 o.b.o. Call Chris 979-260-9041. PETS Adopt Pets: Brazos Animal Sihelter, 775-5755, AKC Labs, shots, worms, dewclaws re moved, black, yellow, hunters, $275-$300, 693-0232. Boxer pups, akc-reg. Shots, wormed, dewclaws, Stalls cut, brindle and white, and flashy fawn, ready to take home. $300-$400/ea. 979-229-5384. The Cats Cradle has fabulous felines for adoption with a difference! Student dis counts. 15-mins south of CS. (936)825- 8610, (936)870-6295. PETS Two dogs free to good home. G.shep, lab/rott mixes. Smart, friendly. Leaving for grad school, please help. 979-574- 5044. REAL ESTATE Edelweiss Estates House for sale. 4/2/2. Approx. 1934 sq.ft. Corner lot. $151,000. (979)218-0078 (281)486-7093. Mobile home, 1991, 3bdrm/2bth, excellent condition, carport, covered deck, quiet country area, $14,500, 774-2935. Thinking of selling your home? FREE, quick, over the net market analysis of your property. Broker, Century21. ROOMMATES 'Students Wanted: 3-rooms available in new house for summer Stall. No smoking or pets. (979)774-5417 1 Male or Female roommate for summer 3bdrm/2bath $250/mo +bills. 695-0420. 1-3 M for summer sublease, 3bdrm/2bth, walk to campus, $275 +bills. 268-8019. 1-F roommate for summer, nice 3bdrm/2bth duplex, $325/mo. +1/3bills. No pets. Rockhollow area. 823-6764. 1-F/M Roommate for summer. 4bdrm/2bth house on George Bush. Across from cam pus, $300/mo. +util. 695-9348. 1-m/f roommate, June move-in, $200-de- posit, $200/$250 +bills. Call (979)777- 5368. 1- Male Roommate needed. 3bdrm/2bth furnished, bryan. $200/mo +1/3bills. 866- 481-0882. 2- Roommates wanted for June move-in, tyr. 4bdrm, CS, close to mall, $285/each +1/4bills. Call JW 777-4379. 2-Rooms for lease in mobile home in Bry an. $275/$325, all bills paid. Call Dustin at 7753181 or (361)575-6350. 2-Summer subleasers needed, $275/mo. +1/4bills, 5-mins. from campus, w/d, inter net connection. 695-6895. F-roommate for summer. Nice 3/2 duplex on Colgate. Own bd/bth. W/D, bus route, $300/mo. Ashley 696-7292. F-Roommate needed for summer, fall, and spring. 2bdrm/2bath apartment $375/mo Call 696-2130. F-roommate needed for summer. Brand- new townhome. 3bdrm/2ba. $400/mo. call 485-0869. F-roommate non-smoker needed. 3bdrm/2bth house, close to campus. Se curity system, w/d. Available May for next school year. Major utilities included. Call Jamie 695-7898. F-roommate summer sublease, furnished, w/d, 2bdrm/2bath. $325 o.b.o.. 764- 7945. ROOMMATES F-Roommate, w/d, on bus route, pets al lowed, fairly new duplex, $320/mo will ne gotiate. 775-4588. Female needed for summer, fall, spring. 2bdrm/2bth, w/d, $300/mo. +1/2bills. Me lissa 485-8479. Female roommate for summer sublease. $300/mo. +1/3bills. April: 764-8884. M-roommate needed, 3bdrm/2bth duplex, $350/mo. +1/3bills. Starting July, w/d, , fenced yard, pets ok. Shane 575-7366. t M/F Roommate needed 2bdrm/1.5bath, j $325/mo, no deposit, pets ok. 695-7920, • 845-7113. Leo. * i M/F roommate needed. 2bdrm/1bath, on i shuttle route, $200/mo. 695-8771. i Need female roommate now! 3bdrm/2bth i duplex, $333/mo. Rock Hollow area. No pets. All appliances, including w/d, 979- 778-3456. Needed: 2-females for fall and spring. Nice 3/2 house. $375/mo. 690-2782. “Old Ag” (M) Class of 2000, seeking Ag roommate (M/F) in Dallas starting August ‘ 1. Own room/bath, walk-in closet, lake view, close to downtown. Call for details 214-739-6257 Roommate Needed for Summer! . $325/mo, nice, clean, big house, includes cable modem connections. Call 979-820- 0086. ^ Roommates needed. Large 3bdrm/2ba, walking distance to campus. 979-260- 3939. Summer Sublease and/or Fall/Spring 1-2 Female roommates needed 3bdrm/2bath duplex $283/3people $141/4people. Stables for horses 778-5713. Summer sublease, f-roommate needed, 2bdrm/2bth, $325/mo. all bills paid, fur nished. Call 492-3128. " UniversityPlace Condos 4bdrm/4bath, Looking for 2 roommates for May-15. $360/mo. 764-1816 Mike. SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insur ance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W- Th(6pm-9pm), Fri.&Sat.- Fri(6pm-8pm) ^ &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Free Pregnancy Test; Hope Pregnancy Centers, College Station 695-9193, Bryan 846-1097; Post Abortion Peer Counseling 695-9193. TUTORS Tutor needed, 17yr. old, H.S. algebra and chemistry. 218-2428. Tutoring for Math 131/141 and Statistics 201. $10/hr. Travis 571-4517. Prince Eye Care R. Michael Prince, O.D. TAMU Class of ‘94 • Eye Exams • Consultations • Glasses • Contact Lenses Now accepting TAMU Cigna and Blue Cross/Blue Shield Vision Plans Walk-ins welcome or call for an appointment 201 N. Main Bryan 822-2020 fax: 822-2021 I ■ 111,1#% Dl MT IE W% JLriF wrW ■ m Ir m Em UP YEARS I FOR that piece of 1 IPII,f»F=R | If #•%If WLm ITmm i Shouldn't you take care of it? Frames start at @ $54- But you can spend more if you like. •price of frame includes regular glass, drymounting, labor, and at least one mat. Jst — ^ fowlfc-i eras; [*■] POST OAK MALL » ^79-764-4444 /