The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 25, 2002, Image 12
THE BATTALION To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day .^Jsubleas Private Party Want Ads Hr one t $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price n ^ hed JeSS ' appear in ad). This rate applies only to non commercial advertisers offering personal possei for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’tsH advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the; additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early 5/15. FURNITURE Comfy recliner $50; 3-table set $50, like new mattress, box-springs &frame $100; large painting $25. All great condition. 696-4270. . ADOPTION California Beach community couple prom ise your baby loving home, secure future, wonderful life. Legal/medical expenses only. Attorney involved. Call Debbie and Gary 877-322-4404 pin-1860. ANNOUNCEMENTS $250 a night potential/ bartending. Train ing provided. 1 -800-293-3985 ext.625. AUTO 1969 Camaro Cpe. Brand new Chevy SB350, 3-speed, auto transmission. Great interior. Must Sell! $6000/nego. Call Jim my (979)492-6226 1973 Scout. Rebuilt, liftkit, tires. $6500 negotiable. 695-6747. 1984 Corvette 4-speed $7500 obo. 764- 2066 or 1987 Honda Accord, good/fair condition. $2085obo. Contact Ashley 693-9955, 218-7466. 1992 Mazda MX3, perfect condition, AC works. $3200/060 268-9869. 1993 Chevrolet Z-71 Ext. Cab. New Brakes &AC, Ranchand front end. Flow- master, many other extras, all mainte nance records. Graduating &-need to sell soon. Call 574-6966 for more info. 1994 323 Mazda Hatchback. 95,000- miles, good condition, $2300. David 450- 0913. 1997 Black Dodge Ram 1500 Club Cab, leather. New BFG All Terrain Tires, 78k hwy miles, $9850, negotiable, Clayton 693-5028. 1997 Honda Accord, fully loaded. $8000 negotiable. Call Sean 575-5003. 1998 Jeep Wrangler Sport, V6, fully load ed, green 24,600-mi., off-road wheels, $14,250. Must see! Allen, 693-3551. ‘93 Pontiac Sunbird- white, runs great, low mileage, $2850. 779-6636. Tre«Kcmste ApartmenTs Has 1 &r 2 bedrooms available -for summer move-ins. Prices starting at $420 (979) G9G-S707 Looking for a Semester Lease? Graduating in December? University Tower offers apartment style living. Rent by the bedroom. $ 375/mo. Amenities include; spacious floorplan, full kitchen, pool, volleyball and basketball courts, laundry facil ities. Call 846-4242 for leasing info, or stop by University Tower at 410 S. Texas Ave. AUTO ‘94 Mazda MX-6, manual, leather interior, am/fm/ cassette/cd, very clean, $3000 OBO. 575-5003 or '95 green Jeep Wrangler 4X4, new soft top, new brakes, under 64K. Shannon 847-1151. Police Impounds! Cars from $500. For listings, 800-319-3323 ext.3782. Travis Rollins Class 2001 sales consul tant, Sterling Auto Group. Cars, Trucks, SUVs. Ags helping Ags. 7T9-3516. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. Auto repair. Coming to you. 255-0003. BED AND BREAKFAST Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, week end get-aways. For information/ reserva tions call Rebecca Sicilio Lewis.'70, 979- 696-0091. DJ MUSIC "Party Block Mobile DJ"- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU functions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693- 6294. http;// EMPLOYMENT $250 a day potential/ bartending. Training provided. 1-800-293-3985 ext.542. Earn $100-$300/day potential. Computer/ Office. Will train Acertify. 1-800-585-4810 ext. 1006. Needed: Part-time Computer Technician. Linux experience required. Call Terri 776- 9955. Summer sales people needed for outdoor sales in advertising web and wireless. Great Pay! Excellent resume builder. Call Mike 764-5902. FOR RENT ’Students Wanted: 3-rooms available in new house for summer &fall. No smoking or pets. (979)774-5417 1 Year Lease starting May. 3bd/1bth, w/d connections, shuttle-route, fenced back yard. $266/mo/rm, -f-1/3util. Meredith 693- 6009, 492-7959. Fraternities • Sororities Clubs • Student Groups Earn $1,000-$2,000 with the easy three hour fundraising event. Does not involve credit card applications. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact at (888)923-3238. or visit Newsday Crossword IN VIEW by Daniel R. Stark Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 50 Resigned 7 Buys 35 1 Still-life 55 “Rule, 8 Bow shape subject Britannia" 9 Born first 36 5 Stretches composer 10 Sought 38 of India? 56 Mountain opinions 39 9 Delineate nymph 11 [what should 13 Folk singer 57 Swing and go here] 42 Guthrie Big Band 12 Like some 14 Not hidden 58 Porter’s cider 44 16 Damn Yankees burden 15 Hazards role 59 Raggedy Ann’s 18 MTV fans 45 17 Common friend 22 Stanley 46 accessory 60 Pro _ Gardner 19 Morose (proportionally) 23 More ornate 47 20 Breaks the 24 Attractive news DOWN 25 Buy and sell 48 21 Offended 1 Ben, to Hoss 26 Ninotchka the nose 2 Stumble star 51 23 Comes to 3 Scheherazade 27 Pimiento terms hero holder 52 25 incognita 4 Lecterns 29 Sends via 26 Pulverized 5 Caterwauled computer 53 27 Kind of exam 6 Running 30 As is proper 54 28 Wave carrier tracks 32 Wharf locales 31 Molecule parts 32 Book illustration 33 Diamond judge 34 Disposes (of) 35 Gaps 36 “Darn it!” 37 Paese cheese 38 Dash 39 Courteous 40 El Dorado trove 41 One-named designer 42 Without honor 43 Skips past 45 Decks out 46 It turns litmus blue 48 Catches flies 49 Icy precipitation feeling freight St. Bernard’s supply Tom, Dick and Harry role mom Hedin Northern constellation brother pronoun CREATORS SYNDICATE © 2002 STANLEY NEWMAN 4/25/02 CRuck’s Pizza '^-^PIZZA STROMBOLI HOAGIES Medium Mopping Pizza s 3.99 *order 3 for free delivery 693-BUCK Answer to previous puzzle amnmaanmHnHmm G R 1 fc A U R A S T E P I E E BrInIsB 4/25/02 H. FOR RENT FOR RENT 1-3/bedroom apartments. Some with w/d. some near campus. $175-$600/mo. 696- 2038. 1-M/F needed, summer sublease 3bdrm/2bth, $250/mo. all bills paid, w/d, cable. 764-6663. Ibd/lba apt. central air and heat w/d con nections, pool, covered parking, close to Blinn. $465/mo TCP 775-2291 1 bdrm Summer sublease available in 2bdrm/1 bth duplex. Clean, w/d. bus route, no May rent. Available mid-May. $275/mo. Chris 693-2889. Ibdrm/lba apartment sublease May- April ‘03. May rent paid. No deposit. $430/mo. Walk to campus. 260-2031. 1bdrm/1ba Summer Sublease in 4bdrm/4ba Melrose apt. Roommates gone, furnished, w/d, phone/ethernet incl. 5/16-8/16. $399/mo +utilities. Denise 680- 3283. Ibdrm/lbth available mid-May. Yellow- house Apartments, bus-route, $300/mo. Call 764-7737. 1bdrm/1bth spacious studio. Close to A&M. w/d connections. Available August. $525/mo. 776-6079. 1 bedroom/1 bath sublease ASAP Walden Pond, deposit and first month paid. Libby 979-492-6810 2,3,4 bedroom houses, with backyard, great student location. 575-7461. 2-Rooms for rent, large CS 3bdrm/2bath house. 2-blocks to TAMU. Lee Ave. $360/mo each or $720/mo both, +utilities, available August /sooner. 693-0632. 2-yr old Rockhollow duplexes. 3bdrm/2bth, 1225-sq.ft. Cal now! (979)764-5666, (979)412-1275. 2/1 apartment, horse pasture, 4-mi from campus, $600/mo. 846-3493/ 845-5455. 2/1.5 Duplex, garage, patio, quiet area. Available August. 694-7044. 2/1.5 sublease, W/D connections, fire place, shuttle route, lOOOsq.ft. $250/mo for Ibdrm or $500 entire sublease. 774- 4796. 2/1.5 summer sublease at The Grove. Very nice, $635/mo for June& July. 774- 3422. 2bdrm/1.5bath Duplex, Central A/H, W/D connections, fireplace, fenced yard, pets are welcomed. TCP 979-775-229 , 1 2bdrm/1bth house, large yard, pets ok, $475/mo., ^utilities, 779-8526. 2bdrm/1bth nice fenced yard duplex, w/d- connections. Leasing for August. 776- 6079. 2bdrm/1bth spacious apartment available end of May, 3 blocks from campus, w/d, pets, walk-in closets, $500/mo. Call 260- 3921. 2bdrm/2bth condo, summer possible car ryover. $260/mo person. Nagle. Tom. 713-859-7872. 2bdrm/2bth fourplex, summer sublease. $375/mo. w/d connections. Spring Loop, 260-1009. 2bdrm/2bth on Autumn Circle. W/D. se curity system. Call 696-0616, 2bdrm/2bth very spacious studio, w/d con nections. Close to A&M. Available Au gust. 776-6079. 2bdrm/2bth, w/d connections. also 2bdrm/1.5bth, w/d, available now. Call 696-1176. 2bdrms in 3bdrm/1,5bth house. Walking distance to campus. $350/mo/ea -*-1/3util. 694-7820. 3 bed/2 bath duplex, pre-teasing. Very nice w/ W/D. shuttle route, no pets. $975/mo 691 -0304/ 571-6020 3-Duplexes. 3bdrm/2bth. available May-1, June-20 &Aug-1. 51000/mo- $1050/mo. $900-deposit Lawn care services includ ed, w/d, 1325sqft. (979)412-0604. 3-Subleases needed for 3bdrm/2bth house. $333/mo +util. May-Aug. 979-680- 1958/979-492-4487. 3/1.5 Townhouse, available 5/15, $750, bus-route, fenced yard. Great Deal! 260- 3974 3/2 4-plex. summer sublease, close to campus, large rooms. $695/mo. Call 695- 6708. 3/2 duplex near new Preleasing for May and August. W/D and lawncare included. No pets. $1000/mo 846-5722 3/2 townhome for rent. 713-416-7975. 3/2.5/2 house, walk to campus, 1003 Har rington, $1200/mo, available May, Robert 219-4244. 3/2/2 country home, carport, lO-mins. from tamu, $1500. Call 979-731-1927. 3/2/2, close to campus, at 1115-Dexter, avail. 5/20, $995/mo. Calf Shirley. Real tor, Ashford Square Realty. 260-7653. 3bdrm/1bath house, central A/H, W/D con nections. garage, fenced yard, pets wel come TCP 979-775-2291 3bdrm/2bath College Station. W/D, lawn maintenance, available in May. $975/mo 693-3836 3bdrm/2bath duplex, shuttle route, pets welcome, fireplace. $830/mo 862-9311 3bdrm/2bth duplex, 1759 Rockhollow. Available August. $1000/mo. Large cor ner lot next to pond. Call Aimee 775- 6999. 3bdrm/2bth duplex. Rock Hollow, availa ble June. First month’s rent 1/2 off $1000/mo. 822.9265. 2bdrm/1bth studio. Close to A&M., w/d connections. Available August. $600/mo. 776-6079. <SbDb$ RESTAURANT NOW HIRING SUMMER STAFF Spend your summer in the sun and surf of Galveston Island working in the Southwest’s most respected seafood restaurant. Earn great money while working flexible hours! Call (409)762- 8825, ext. 297 for details, or apply in person, Mon.-Fri., 12-5. 380,0 Seawall Blvd., Galveston, TX 3bdrm/2bth house, central a/h, fenced yard, approved pets ok, in Bryan, $750/mo., June move-in. Call 822-7263. Summer Break Employment The Texas Transportation Institute is hiring students from the following cities to collect data on seat belt use: Abilene, Brownsville, Beaumont, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Houston, Midland, San Angelo, Tyler, Waco and Wichita Falls. Hours vary, depending on location, to be done between May 19 & June 14. $8/hr, $50 minimum. Call 458-1229 between 8am & 5pm for interview. Looking for a Great Job? University Tower and the Colony are now hiring! • Flexible work schedule * 1 2-40 hrs./week • Need to be willing to work some weekends and be available this summer » Applications available at University Tower ♦ Questions call 846.4242 LYNN TECH, Engineering, Programming, And Research Positions Lynntech, Inc., a rapidly growing, highly successful technology development company has immediate openings for experimental physicists, programmers, electrical engineers, mechanical engi neers, industrial engineers, and those having similar science, engi neering and technical backgrounds. Immediate openings for R&D Research Assistants are also available in the areas of chemistry, environmental sciences, biochemistry, biomedical sciences and physical sciences backgrounds. Employees having exceptional work ethics, a strong drive to accomplish goals and excellent time management skills will find the work exciting, rewarding, and challenging. Good communi cation and interpersonal skills are required for working in teams, proposal preparation, reports, and documentation. Part-time and full-time positions are available at all degree and experience levels. Lynntech offers competitive salaries and excep tional benefits. Please visit our web site at for detailed descriptions of available positions. Mail resume and references to: Lynntech, Inc. Attn: Human Resources 7610 Eastmark Drive College Station, TX 77840 Lynntech is an EOE. FOR RENT 3bdrm/2bth on Webhollow summer sub lease. $900/mo . 3-rooms available at $300/each. backyard, pets ok. 823-5216. 3bdrm/2bth Rock Hollow duplex. Available June. $900/mo. 775-8271. Phil, 3bdrm/3ba. available now! W/D included, off SW Pkwy. $350/mo ♦bills. 1/2-off first months rent, 764-9743. 3bdrm/3bth Duplex, May Lease on Trace Meadows. 1350sqft.. all appliances including w/d. vaulted ceilings, sprinkler system, fenced yard, lawncare. $1100/mo. 764-3902. 3bdrm/3bth. May-Aug sublease The Zone. Fully furnished, w/d. cable, ether- net included Rent June/July $325/mo 696-7203 4bdrm/2bath studio and houses, central A/H. W/D connections, fenced yard, pets welcome TCP 979-775-2291 4bdrm/2bth. fenced, centrally located (812 Oak, off of Texas Ave ), SI050/mo Call 846-5800 4bdrm/4bth condo, view of sand volleyball. Pool. Jacuzzi, +basketball, SW-Pkwy. $1400/mo. Call Adri 979-218-2386. 4bdrm/4bth house, w/d. big backyard, great location. Available Now* 696-9044. All price ranges. A great deal for Ags. No Deposits! 1.2.3 bedroom properties. Great locations all over town. Summit. 777-3371. Apartment attached to house in quiet neighborhood. Ibdrm/lbth. efficiency kitchen, near Thomas Park, bicycling dis tance -TAMU, partially furnished. S385, utilities &cable paid. No pets. 693-4485 before 7pm. Apartment for summer sublease. Zone Apartments. $350/mo.-o.b.o. 979-525-4577. The Call Apartment sublease for summer. 1-room In 2bdrm/2bth, w/d. Will give a good deal! Call for info. 696-2668. Are you in the market for an affordable apartment? Eastgate Apts has 1/1 units starting as low as $430 -cable and water included. Anderson Place has 2/1 units with w/d connections, cable and water in cluded for $529/mo. Please call 693- 2347/ 696-7380. Avail. Aug- Walk to Campus. 711 Cross, 3bdrm/2ba $1095/mo; 105 Anderson 4bdrm/2ba $1200/mo. Jerry Mays, broker- 571-8300 Avail. May- 1413 Hawktree, 3bdrm/2ba $795/mo; 1427 Hawktree, 2bdrm/1ba $495/mo. Clean. Jerry Mays, broker- 571- 8300 Awesome summer sublease. Ibdrm of 2 available. University Commons, dis counted to $325/mo. Bethany, 764-9600. Brand new 3/3 duplex for May. Ethernet. Summer rent $10O0/mo 777-5477. Cheap summer sublease, 3bdrm/2bath duplex, fenced yard, w/d, bus route, rent negotiable, M/F roommate. 847-2372. GREAT SUMMER JOBS AUSTIN / HOUSTON EARN UP TO $6,000+. WORK PROTECT ING THE ENVIRONMENT. NEED RELI ABLE PERSONS W/GOOD COMMUNI CATION SKILLS. INTERVIEWING C.S. 713-529-9426 / 512474-1903 CAMP COUNSELORS Summer in New England! Have fun. Make A Difference. Camp Greylock & Romaca seek caring, energetic counselors and coaches. Co-ed staffs, competitive salaries + room and board. Internships are available. Located in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, 2.5 hours from Boston and NYC. Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Climbing Wall, Creative Arts, Drama, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Hiking, Inline-Hockey, Lacrosse, Mountain Biking, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Waterskiing, plus nurs ing and administrative positions. Beautiful waterfront campus, outstanding group of people, very rewarding summer. Camp Greylock for Boys: 800-842-5214 Camp Romaca for Girls: 888-2-romaca What are you doing this summer? tat 2bcirm/1 b FOR RENT i. No Pets. 1-108. Brand new 3bdrnV3ba dupte ■ ' • ouurrn joa Ouplei .«i - , TTT Maytag app& w/d. security rll 2 ^ ’ Starling at S950/mc ce t0 ^. Realty. 846-2894/ 764-9021 Ef—__ ^TbdrmTib fetion’s S BRAND NEW NORTHGAtT? PLEXES. CORNER OF ZLjgd p re !eas AND MAPLE. 3BDRM/2BATH !! ’*,000/9" 260-96 ’ 1 OR „S„ iLS www.northgatetourplexes.cor I , 68 o-17 mSn™ 8 ad for a^wecox- MONTH - -hsite at Bryan- 807 E 30th 2- £ areas, fireplace, w/d car. Jfcod Villa $650/mo. S600-depci Environment qulred. No calls after 9pm Cheap Summer Sublease *r ::j(|£ble. $875 future lease. Shuttle bus. coveYj 3bdnr»/2bth duplex $856mo 693-6012. Christian Private Dorm $350' rooms including utilities, luxur] dations. call Micah 229-9403 Vs Make A '"'glilito Apts H|nt cable, College Station Apartmer* H^Bas free e with w d con- #. B ' College Station Fourp'ex 1 H er11 conn on shuttle Available Ma, 7-| 5062. College Station- 4-plex, 2bdr shuttle, water paid. Microni fans. $450/mo., 690-6155. Colony Apartment sublease € ® P ®^ S F ' Parkway. 2bdrnv2bath. large Y;||r piex — pool/hot-tub, can be furnished CaB®°wnhom 1671/219-3859 llkto campus Country house 4bd/2bth, central’ an. fenced yard, room lor 4-5Cond about 10 minutes from campus «l®o campu May 15. St 100/mo. -Kleposit /JM^pround g. —til. ■ $450/mo , no pets, 2410 B!a r ;: :3/ 2/2 cor 8951 jpet. availat CS 4-plex. 2bdrm/1bth. 707 ;i)- 765 3 water paid. W/D in unit, no pets is. Realto 731-8951. CS Duplex. Very nice 3/2. Excee j jate Aug [w/d. $46E , ,. IMLeasing. r t.on On shuttle Tile. ,ire ^“.®ii CrowaV € fans. w/d. lawn service, petsok w$ subd August. 693-1855, 255-1585,2d5- 25-7135. Duplex 2/1.5, $675/mo. 2/1. Scgk Creek Coi f - OOOIfilfi - i LJUpIc:A c. I .vZ, ww w. - Fourplex. 2/1 5. $600/mo. 822167 |jmaker, pool Duplex near ^ available. No pets 846*5/4:4: arkway Apai Duplexes- 3bdrm/2bth. , ® n '' *Xkway. SO-d cunty system, lawncare. Ca Augus Efficiency apartmenrTbiockr5f S ‘ f first me A&M. 300-A West Dexter, $300/mo. 220-0900 availat 4 ~T7CTp oarrri apts. Fall sub-lease 99 5 ' sc l ,,; [ he '. BO-sq.ft. Cal 2bdrm/2bth. full kitchen, law »- ■ free cable & HBO, S550/mo. 84KJe-lease for ! I Duplexes Female Roommate needed lo’ Iris, fenced. 3 sublease. 4bdrm/2bath in SteW — ments. $355/mo. obo. , i Contact Anna aevershaw@hotm^| Classifieds continued on| Females, ages 18 ando are being recruited to f pate in a research sti compare two research ications for the treatment yeast infection ( va 9 11 you are currently expe ing vaginal burning,' irritation call for more tion. Eligible voluntee be compensated up FOR I her schoi ity Place jiroom 361 Facial Acne Study Volunteers, ages older, with facial acne ed to participate m week research study wj c2 ween I investigational cream. Ell 9 lb ' e ated for««' will be compensate time and effort. J&S studies, w 979-774-593^ 3201 University Driv Suite 475 Bryan, TX 778 iihmer s |rm/3bth ; able. 764-82 . ufrmer sub <k>Ugar Trail, -3122. As | ummer su |se, $300/1 1693-5131 lunteers, ages 18 and older, wi ^ y of fever blisters/cold sore ^ h ora' Darticipate in a clinical trial wi ^ dication. Eligible v°l ur| t ee ^ s | ctonn w time and travel hrrter sub Fox Meat 5 0/mo., 68 npensated $200 for time and imer sub lutes from ]C, $800/r ^UriMER S ™ltrns avail P- $190/m 3179. J&S Studies, Inc. 979-774-5933 ^ 3201 University Drive East, Suite |M^neT sut tton-smoker i 00 ™ Call E BpRrner su P^S/person IN old. 979--