The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 25, 2002, Image 11
Sci Tech THE BATTALION 3B Thursday, April 25, 2002 the shade instead kin cancer serious problem in Texas A&M students bathe in the afternoon sun at the Student Recreation Center’s outdoor pool area. irsi lli as e Veitn h col By Mandi Vest THE BATTALION Springtime in Texas means baseball, hot weather and indoor tanning. As the heat increases and laying by the pool becomes more appealing, experts suggest cooling off in the shade instead. “Young people think they cannot get skin cancer. But peo ple can get a melanoma with as little as one sunburn,” said Dr. Carol Rice of the Texas Cooperative Extension and Health Science Center and Texas A&M’s School of Rural and Public Health. Rice said skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and people in Texas should be espe cially careful of UV damage. Those who live in a warm, sunny climate are the most at risk for skin cancer. Texas Cooperative Extension reported one in three Texans will have skin cancer. The American Cancer Society pre dicts that 7,400 people will die tf)is year from melanoma and 2,200 will die from other types of skin cancer. But laying by the pool is not the only concern of cancer experts. Rice said it is a com mon misconception that tanning beds are safer than real sun. “In people’s minds, tanning beds are safer. But research has shown that laying in a tan ning bed can be just as bad,” Rice said. She said that UV-A rays, the type of light used in tanning beds, has been shown to be the most penetrating type of UV light, causing damage at a deeper level. According to the National Cancer Institute Website, over exposure is common in indoor tanning because patrons do not get as hot as they do outside, so it is difficult to gauge how much damage has actually occurred. Rice said she focuses on health education for rural com munities. Last year, her initia tive received a grant from the Texas Cancer Council to bring 30 people in from rural commu nities to educate them about skin cancer. Texas Cooperative nittee. Jtheevr o host int y Kleinecli we had a' able to it ow." ennis cfttt stands i| d special® r wei ’ they «« | th the e# an opF f in CoW, not, theB'i ay to fiai' t their t s group ( , for us, d thou# t a NCA-' Friday ai Nebraska! >y at3 jS ^Mandk'i p.m. ir ride ids l-SiH , O APP Fee! ° to You! mo CA st L 12,3, & 4 Bedrooms Individual leases Washer/Pryer Roommate Matching Fumished/Unfumished Free Fthemet UHtfUN IfliTfltf Tanning Bed Media Center Came Room Fitness Center 2 Sparkling Pools Oversized Jacuzzi On TAMU Shuttle Route 117 Holleman Drive West College Station, Tx 77540 www.stihvillage.coin > m Open Mon-Fri 9am-6pm An SUH Community of *UH.Inc. Sat 10am - 5pm (979)696-5711 TOYOTA Extension has developed several educational Websites available for those interested in cancer prevention. contains information about the risks of sun exposure and facts about skin cancer. A small amount of sun expo sure is healthy. Rice said. Walking across campus every day or being outside for about 30 minutes is a healthy amount of exposure. Those who work outside, such as lifeguards, construction workers or farm workers, should take extra precautions. If being outside is necessary. Rice sug gests wearing sunscreen that is has at least a 15 SPF, reapplying sunscreen every two hours and wearing a hat with a 3-inch brim. Rice explained that one- third of skin cancers are found on people’s noses. She said the most sun damage occurs during childhood, because children play outside and tend to get burned. People with fair skin See Cancer on page 6B ^ A ^ JUST GRADUATED? JUST GETTING STARTED? THE RIDE IS ON US. 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Jalapeno Contest Dunking Booth Games Fun A Cinco de Mayo Celebration Food Live Music April 28, 2002 Rudder Fountain 4pm - 8pm X. \3>v. mac comae -jjl: For more information contact Michelle De La Cruz at 845-1515